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October 31, 2006
Hagerstown, MD 21740
The Commissioners met with the Board of Education at 8:00
a.m. at the Board’s offices on Commonwealth Avenue. The
following Board of Education members were present: Ed
Forrest, Paul Bailey, Russell Williams, Wayne Ridenour,
Bernadette Wagner, Jacqueline Fischer, and Roxanne Ober.
Staff members making presentations were Dr. Elizabeth
Morgan, Superintendent of Schools; Boyd Michael, Assistant
Superintendent for School Operations; and Anthony Trotta,
Chief Legal Counsel.
Developer-Funded School Construction Projects and Proposed
Mitigation Plans
Ms. Fischer stated that the mitigation policy in the
Developer-Funded School Construction Projects Policy (FEC-
R) originally mirrored Frederick County’s policy. The
Board was asked to modify the document to address the
current policy because it does not address small
Anthony Trotta, Chief Legal Counsel, reviewed the working
draft of the policy. He stated that staff recommended new
language to authorize a developer whose development
generates fewer than 100 students to submit a mitigation
plan. Mr. Trotta explained that the plan must satisfy
three requirements: 1) It must not adversely affect the
education of the students. 2) In addition to the excise
tax, the Mitigation Plan must provide financial
compensation (cash, land dedication, existing building
dedication, infrastructure improvements or a combination
thereof) for each new seat generated. The current cost of a
seat is $45,000. and 3) The Plan must comply with the
requirements of the Policy.
Mr. Michael reviewed the working draft of the proposed
changes to the Developer-Funded School Construction
Projects and Proposed Mitigation plans. He explained how
the Committee arrived at the “cost per seat” figure of
$45,000 and what amenities the formula includes. The
meeting was then opened for questions and discussion.
Ms. Fischer proposed that the two groups meet to discuss
the proposal and the cost per seat calculation as presented
to determine what would be enforceable by the County. Dr.
Morgan stated that this plan only considers managing the
impact of growth as it affects schools that are over
capacity. The Commissioners expressed concern about the
per-seat payment and its effects on small developments.
They asked that flexibility be included to allow for
negotiations with the developer. Commissioner Nipps
expressed the concerns of the development community. She
also asked whether a final decision had been made to close
Conococheague Elementary School, as this would change the
enrollment projections for several other elementary
schools. Mr. Michael stated that his staff is currently
working to make a recommendation to the School Board
regarding this issue. Commissioner Kercheval asked that
the Board include lease alternatives to its Policy FEC-E-6.
Mr. Forrest requested the Commissioners to provide any
follow up comments to them in writing. He stated that the
policy would be presented to the Board for first reading
and that the Board may hold a public hearing for additional
The meeting was recessed at 9:25 a.m.
The regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of
Washington County, Maryland, was called to order at 10:05
a.m. by President Gregory I. Snook with the following
members present: John C. Munson and Doris J. Nipps. The
meeting was held at the Department of Water Quality, 16232
Elliott Parkway due to elevator maintenance at the County
Administration Building.
The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner Snook,
followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag by the
full assemblage.
(Vice President William J. Wivell and Commissioner James F.
Kercheval arrived at the meeting at 10:10 a.m.)
OCTOBER 31, 2006
The Commissioners convened a public hearing in order to
consider the priority rankings for properties applying to
sell FY 2007 easements through the Maryland Agricultural
Land Preservation Program (MALPP). Eric Seifarth, Land
Preservation Administrator, and Holly Thibault, Planner,
stated that the Agricultural Land Preservation Advisory
Board ranks properties for the MALPP based on established
criteria. Mr. Seifarth stated that the funding for 2006-07
totals $12.17 million and the County has committed $1.34
million in Agricultural Transfer Tax money for the 60/40
match. He reviewed the changes made by the Advisory Board
in the points for the ranking system and Ms. Thibault
reviewed the categories in the ranking system. Mr.
Seifarth stated that the Advisory Board is recommending
submission of 26 ranked applications to the State. He
indicated that they would purchase as many easements as
possible with the available funding.
The meeting was then opened for public comment. Myron
Martin, Beverly Shriver, and Sam Hunter made comments at
this time. The public hearing was closed at 10:20 a.m.
Motion made by Commissioner Munson, seconded by Nipps, to
approve submitting the following 26 applications as ranked
by the Agricultural Land Preservation Advisory Board for
easement purchase to the Maryland Agricultural Land
Preservation Programfor FY 2007: 1) Harold & Sharon
Carbaugh, 2) Robert Cline, 3) Harold & Sharon Carbaugh, 4)
Andrew Michael, et al, 5) William Price, 6) Andrew Michael,
et al, 7) Samuel Hunter, 8) Scott & Karen Hamilton, 9)
Kathleen Newcomer, 10) Roth Meadowbrook, 11) Ray and A.
Geneva Clark, 12) Myron & Janet Martin, 13) Betty Jane
Oiler, 14) Cline Farm, Inc., 15) Mary Murphy, 16) Leo
Cohill, 17) Tricia Bowman, et al, 18) Maureen Warner, 19)
Beverly Shriver, 20) Phyllis Barr, 21) Constance Thomas,
22) Woodley Farms, LLC, 23) Elsworth Reeder, 24) Bowman
Farms, LLC, 25) Carolyn Ann Barkdoll, and 26) Lane Heimer.
Unanimously approved.
Motion made by Commissioner Wivell, seconded by Munson, to
award the contract for roof replacement at the Williamsport
Memorial Library to Heidler Roofing Services, Inc., which
submitted the low responsible, responsive bid of $67,870,
which includes Alternate Nos. 1, 2 and 3. Unanimously
Marie Byers, President of the Board of Directors of
Discovery Station, provided an update on upcoming exhibits
at the Discovery Station. She thanked the Commissioners
for their past financial help. Ms. Byers asked the
Commissioners to consider providing another contribution of
$20,000. She explained that $10,000 would be used to fund
the weather program exhibit and $10,000 to hire a staff
Lisa Stewart and Joyce Ott, representing the Hagerstown
Community College (HCC) Alumni Association, appeared before
the Commissioners to inform them that the Alumni
Association has repaid its loan to HCC for the
amphitheatre. Ms. Stewart stated that the County
Commissioners loaned the Alumni Association $200,000 for
the amphitheatre project, and in November of 2002 agreed to
allow them to repay the loan to HCC rather than the County.
They thanked the Commissioners for their faith in the
Alumni Association and provided information on their future
Andrew Wilkinson, Assistant County Attorney, reviewed the
multi-family to single-family conversion tax credit program
and the residential rehabilitation tax credit program that
the Commissioners approved on August 29, 2006 pending
drafting of the formal ordinances. Mr. Wilkinson stated
that the programs will provide a tax credit against the
County’s real property tax mirroring a tax credit program
recently adopted by the City of Hagerstown. The tax credit
would apply only to property within
OCTOBER 31, 2006
the City’s Community Legacy Area for owners who
rehabilitate residential property or convert multi-family
dwellings to single-family dwellings.
Motion made by Commissioner Kercheval, seconded by Wivell,
to adopt an Ordinance to Provide Tax Credit for Residential
Rehabilitation within the Community Legacy Area of the City
of Hagerstown (“Residential Rehabilitation Tax Credit
Ordinance”) and to adopt an Ordinance To Provide Tax Credit
for the Conversion of Multi-Family Residential Property to
Single-Family Residential Within the Community Legacy Area
of the City of Hagerstown (“Multi-Family to Single-Family
Conversion Tax Credit Ordinance”). Unanimously approved.
(A copy of Ordinance ORD-06-11 and ORD-06-12 can be found
in the County Commissioners’ office.)
Motion made by Commissioner Kercheval, seconded by Nipps,
to appoint Kimberly Murdaugh to the Advisory Commission to
the Board of Health for a three-year term. Unanimously
Rodney Shoop, County Administrator, reminded the
Commissioners that there would be no meeting held on
Election Day, November 7; however, there will be a half-day
meeting on November 21.
Gary Rohrer, Director of Public Works, provided an update
on repairs to the elevator in the County Administration
Building. He stated that the completion date should be
November 20. Mr. Rohrer also provided an update on the
road overlay program.
Commissioner Kercheval stated that he participated in the
Alsatia Mummers’ Day parade and attended the retirement
party for William Christoffel, former Washington County
Health Officer. He also noted a change in the meeting time
for the next Planning Commission meeting.
Commissioner Munson informed the Commissioners that the
Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting had been cancelled.
He distributed information he received from Sheriff Mades
regarding enforcement of covered (loose) loads at the Forty
West Landfill and the report on other violations that were
discovered during the investigation.
Commissioner Nipps stated that she also attended the
retirement party for William Christoffel and the Mummers’
Day parade.
Commissioner Snook stated that he received a letter from
Brian Kane asking that an alternate be appointed to the
Animal Control Authority due to the large number of cases
that come before this body. It was the consensus of the
Commissioners to approve the request. They agreed to
consider individuals for appointment at their next meeting.
Commissioner Snook distributed information on the “cost per
seat” calculation formulated by the Board of Education
staff. He stated that it seems that the type of project
could skew the results. Commissioner Snook also reported
on the Emergency Services Advisory Council meeting and
stated that a draft of the new Emergency Medical Services
Plan was presented.
Motion made by Commissioner Kercheval, seconded by Nipps,
to approve the minutes of October 24, 2006. Unanimously
John Latimer, IV, Director of Fire and Emergency Services,
informed the Commissioners that Washington County would be
presented with a “StormReady Community” certification from
the National Weather Service for 2006-2009. He stated that
Washington County is one of only six counties in Maryland
that has received the award. Dave Manning, representing
the National Weather Service, explained that the StormReady
Program is a nationwide program that helps communities
develop plans to handle severe weather and flooding threats
and helps them to be better prepared for these situations.
Mr. Latimer thanked Verna Brown,
OCTOBER 31, 2006
Emergency Management Coordinator, for her participation.
Mr. Manning presented the certification to Mr. Latimer and
Stoyan Russell, EMS Planner.
Mr. Latimer introduced Martha Byrd, Director of the Western
Maryland Area Health Education Center, who presented
certificates for Verna Brown and Carl French commending
them for their leadership in the Project Aware initiative.
She stated that the initiative conducted tabletop exercises
and helped to train volunteers to assist in times of
emergency through the Citizens' Emergency Response Team
(CERT) program. Ms. Byrd noted that the project has been
extended through December.
The Commissioners recessed at 11:35 a.m. for lunch and a
tour of the Special Operations facility.
The afternoon session was called to order at 1:55 p.m. by
President Gregory I. Snook, with the following members
present: Vice President William J. Wivell, and
Commissioners James F. Kercheval, John C. Munson, and Doris
J. Nipps.
Sara Henke, Associate, and Michael Thompson, Director of
the Planning Department, reviewed the staff report and
Planning Commission findings for rezoning case RZ-06-014,
as submitted by McC,B, LLC. The applicant requested that
the IM-Industrial Mineral overlay be removed from the
subject property and that an underlying zoning
classification of IG - Industrial General be established
for the subject property. The property is located a short
distance east of Western Maryland Parkway and south of
Enterprise Lane. Ms. Henke stated that the Planning
Commission recommended approval of this map amendment based
on a mistake in the original zoning. She indicated that
the Planning Commission also recommended that an agreement
be reached with the applicant to allow the County and City
a right-of-way for access to water from the quarry for
emergency situations. Mr. Downey informed the
Commissioners that the attorney for the applicant has
informed the County that the applicant only has an easement
over the property and might not be able to provide the
right-of-way requested by the Planning Commission. The
meeting was then opened for questions and discussion by the
Motion made by Commissioner Nipps, seconded by Munson, to
approve the rezoning map amendment RZ-06-014 as submitted
by McC, B, LLC, to adopt and incorporate the findings of
fact, and if possible have the applicant convey an easement
relating to the property for access to water in the quarry
for emergency situations. Unanimously approved.
Michael Thompson, Director of the Planning Department,
reviewed the staff report and Planning Commission findings
for subdivision text amendment SO-06-002, as submitted by
the Planning Department. Mr. Thompson stated that the
Planning Commission recommended approval of this amendment.
He explained that the amendment would update the current
Ordinance in order to bring it into compliance with other
policies that have been adopted over the years by the
Planning Commission and the State of Maryland. The
proposed amendments include adding a definition of
“Remaining Lands” in Section 202 and various other
amendments to Sections 308, 310, and 318.
Motion made by Commissioner Kercheval, seconded by Munson,
to approve Subdivision Ordinance SO-06-002 as presented at
a joint public hearing held September 18, 2006.
Unanimously approved.
Tim Lung, Chief Planner, reviewed the staff report and
Planning Commission findings for the proposed text
amendment to the Water and Sewerage Plan (WS-06-001), as
submitted by the Planning Department. Mr. Lung stated that
the Planning Commission recommended approval of this
amendment. He explained that the amendment would update
all of the text,
OCTOBER 31, 2006
charts, and tables of the current Plan associated with the
Water Quality Department
Motion made by Commissioner Nipps, seconded by Munson, to
approve Subdivision Ordinance WS-06-001 as presented at a
joint public hearing held September 18, 2006. Unanimously
Jason Divelbiss, counsel for AC&T Company, Inc., appeared
before the Commissioners to request a waiver of the excise
tax of $30,000 for its property located at 11532 Hopewell
Road under Section 3B, Subsection D, of the Ordinance.
Michael Thompson, Director of Planning, recommended denial
of the request. Mr. Divelbiss stated that the project is a
“near miss” on two points since the planned expansion is a
separate facility and not connected to the existing one.
He also explained that the subject property was previously
included in the Enterprise Zone. However, this designation
expired in 2001. Mr. Divelbiss noted that House Bill 941
extends the State property tax credits for the properties
that were previously in the Enterprise Zone designation,
but that the designation has expired. Bradley Fulton of
AC&T joined Mr. Divelbiss at this time.
Mr. Thompson stated that the first 5,000 square feet of
non-retail, non-residential construction was exempt from
the excise tax and that this reduced the tax for the
proposed building by $10,000. The Commissioners then
discussed the information. It was the consensus to deny
the request because of the precedent it would set; however
they agreed to take additional time to have the County
Attorney’s Office review House Bill 941 and its effects.
Commissioner Snook informed Mr. Divelbiss and Mr. Fulton
that they would take this information under consideration
and give them an answer to the request in the next several
Carolyn Motz, Airport Manager, and Phil Ridenour, Airport
Fire Chief, met with the Commissioners to present the
proposed Primary Guiding Documents. Ms. Motz stated that
the Primary Guiding Documents are a handbook used by
airports to inform users of the adopted regulations for use
of the Airport in accordance with local, state and federal
laws and regulations. She explained that the document
consists of six sections: 1) General Provisions, 2)
Definitions, 3) Developmental Guidelines, 4) Minimum
Operating Standards, 5) Rules and Regulations, and 6)
Leases, Rates and Charges. Ms. Motz noted that this is a
“living document” that will change with the evolution of
the Airport. She also stated that the Airport Commission
recommends approval of the Primary Guiding Documents. The
Advisory Commission and the Airport Staff have held public
meetings and have been working with various groups,
including individuals and businesses at the Airport for
years. The Primary Guiding Documents would update, revise
and supersede the previous documents approved by the
Commissioners in 1995. The meeting was then opened for
questions and discussion by the Commissioners.
Motion made by Commissioner Munson, seconded by Nipps, to
adopt the Hagerstown Regional Airport Primary Guiding
Documents as presented, effective this date. Motion
carried with Commissioners Munson, Nipps, Kercheval, and
Snook voting “AYE” and Commissioner Wivell “ABSTAINING.”
Reverend Anne Weatherholt, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church;
Kevin Collins, REACH; and David Jordan, Executive Director
of Community Action Council (CAC), asked the Commissioners
to support the activities of the Antietam WorkCamp by
waiving any building permit fees and landfill tipping fees.
Reverend Weatherholt explained that the Group WorkCamp is a
non-profit, non-denominational organization that brings
youth from across the country to a community to perform
minor home repairs for elderly and disabled homeowners. An
activity has been scheduled in Washington County for the
summer of 2007. Mr. Jordan stated that the group would be
working on 60-70 houses during a one-week period in July
and although most of the work would not require building
permits, they are requesting a waiver in case they would
need to acquire them. The Commissioners discussed the
OCTOBER 31, 2006
and agreed to waive up to $3,000 in permit fees and tipping
fees. They stated that the group could request additional
funding if necessary. They reminded the group that they
must go through the proper procedures.
Motion made by Commissioner Munson, seconded by Nipps, to
waive building permit fees and landfill tipping fees for
Antietam WorkCamp in an amount up to $3,000, with funds to
be taken from the Commissioners Contingency Fund, for work
done the week of July 22-28, 2007. Unanimously approved.
Tom Kline, Project Manager for the Washington County
Partnership for Children & Families (WCCP), and Suzi Borg,
Frederick County Hotline, met with the Commissioners to
inform them that the WCCP entered into a contract with the
Mental Health Association of Frederick County to allow
participation of the 2-1-1 pilot by Washington County by
building the necessary infrastructure. Mr. Kline explained
that the 2-1-1 telephone initiative will connect citizens
with information and referral sources and hopefully reduce
the number of inappropriate calls to the 9-1-1 center in
the event of a natural or man-made disaster. Specifically,
he stated that Frederick County has begun updating
Washington County’s community resource guide, entering it
into the State database, and will begin training intake
operators. Ms. Borg explained that the pilot period is one
year with five centers covering the State. She stated that
the Local Management Board would be providing grant funding
for pilot period. Commissioner Snook thanked them for the
presentation and asked for a report on usage following the
pilot period.
Motion made by Commissioner Munson, seconded by Nipps, to
approve filling the Weigh Clerk/Recycling Assistant
position at the Forty West Landfill. Unanimously approved.
Motion made by Commissioner Nipps, seconded by Munson, to
adjourn at 3:55 p.m. Unanimously approved.
County Administrator
County Attorney
County Clerk