HomeMy WebLinkAbout01.06.1987 January 6, 1987 Hagerstown, Maryland 21740 The Regular Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Washington County was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by the President, Ronald L. Bowers with the following members present: Vice President Richard E. Roulette and Commissioners R. Lee Downey and Linda C. Irvin. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner Bowers followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag by the full Assemblage. At this time Commissioner Snook arrived at the Meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - DECEMBER 11 and 16, 1986 Motion made by Commissioner Downey, seconded by Roulette to approve of the Minutes of the Meetings of December 11 and 16, 1986, as submitted. Unanimously approved. REQUEST TO BE PLACED ON DONOR LIST Motion made by Commissioner Roulette, seconded by Snook to place the Hancock Health Care Corporation on the list of eligible agencies to which the County is authorized to donate funds. Unanimously approved. APPOINTMENT TO THE ANIMAL MATTERS REVIEW BOARD Motion made by Commissioner Snook, seconded by Roulette to appoint Garnet Gehr and Catherine Wantz for two-year terms and Julia Koliopolus and Linda Green for one- year terms to the Animal Matters Review Board. Unanimously approved. PROPOSED AGREEMENT BETWEEN COUNTY AND S.P.C.A. Motion made by Commissioner Roulette, seconded by Downey to authorize Commissioners' President, Ronald L. Bowers, to sign the agreement with the S.P.C.A. making them the agency to enforce the provisions of the Animal Control Ordinance and agreeing that the County will provide funds for the Agency to carry out this Ordinance in such amounts to be determined to be necessary by the Board of County Commissioners; the Agreement will become effective this date. Unanimously approved. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES Glenn Dull, County Engineer, appeared before the Commissioners to request that they increase the amount paid by contractors for liquidated damages to an amount which would cover the inspection expenses incurred by the County caused by their delay and to increase the amount of certain types of surety received for work in County rights-of-way. The Commissioners asked that Mr. Dull check with similar jurisdictions in the area regarding the amounts they charge before they take action. APPROVAL OF BOND - FOR TODD HERSHEY Motion made by Commissioner Snook, seconded by Roulette to approve of the Public Officials Bond in the amount of $100,000 for County Treasurer, Todd L. Hershey, from USF&G Insurance for a four-year period. Unanimously approved. AGRICULTURE TRANSFER TAX Jack Hawbaker, Executive Director, and Stephen Goodrich, Senior Planner appeared before the Commissioners to request that the Commissioners provide the County's 40% local match of $31,915.69 for Agriculture Transfer Tax to assure the County's participation in the Agricultural Land Preservation Program. Motion made by Commissioner Roulette, seconded by Downey to approve of providing the County's 40% match of $31,915.69 for the Agriculture Transfer Tax to the State of Maryland. Unanimously approved. APPROVE OF CHANGE ORDER FOR HALFWAY POOL PROJECT Mike Callas and Harry Reynolds, representing Callas Contractors, and Jack Burrey, architect and the County's representative for the project, appeared before the Commissioners to request that the Commissioners approve of a Change Order submitted on May 29, l986, in the amount of $8,931 for unanticipated work for the removal of unsuitable material encountered in the parking lot area which had to be filled with shale. Motion made by Commissioner Roulette, seconded by Irvin to approve the Change Order from Callas Contractors for unanticipated work on the Halfway Pool Project in the amount of $8,93l from the Capital Contingency Fund. Unanimously approved. JANUARY 6, 1986 MINUTES, CONT'D. S.P.C.A. - FUNDS TO ENFORCE ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCE The Commissioners authorized the funding request made by the S.P.C.A. for additional personnel and equipment necessary to enforce the Animal Control Ordinance subject to the final budget figure to be prepared by the Director of Finance at the County Commissioners meeting on January 13, 1987. REQUEST FOR USE OF REGIONAL AIRPORT - AIR SHOW Motion made by Commissioner Snook, seconded by Irvin to approve of the request made by the Long Meadow Lions Club and the Experimental Aircraft Association to use the Washington County Regional Airport on September l2 and l3, l987 for the Great Hagerstown Air Show. Motion made by Commissioner Roulette, seconded by Snook to amend the aforegoing Motion by requesting that the Lions Club and Experimental Aircraft Association consider holding the Air Show on September l9 and 20, l987, so there will be no conflict with other activities scheduled in the County on September l2 and l3. Unanimously approved. The Question was called and the Original Motion, as amended, was unanimously approved. CHARTER BOARD The Commissioners discussed the appointment of a board to present a proposed charter for home rule to the Board of County Commissioners which would be voted on at the General Election in 1988. The Commissioners requested that the County Administrator provide them with a schedule of the sequence of events needed for this to be on the ballot for this election. BID AWARD - COUNTY COMMUTER Motion made by Commissioner Roulette, seconded by Snook to award the bid for computer equipment for the County Commuter to Entre Computer Center in the amount of $9,796, the low bid meeting specifications. Unanimously approved. REQUEST FOR COPIER - EXTENSION SERVICE The Commissioners discussed the request made by the Extension Service for supplemental funding in the amount of $3,870 for a copier. The Commissioners declined to honor this request at this time but suggested that it be submitted in the regular budget request for fiscal year l988 for their consideration. CONSULTANT SELECTION - AIRPORT SEWER FEASIBILITY & CAPACITY STUDY Motion made by Commissioner Downey, seconded by Snook to approve of the recommendation of the Coordinating Committee and select Associated Engineering Sciences, Inc. as consultant to perform the Airport Sewer Feasibility and Capacity Study for the low proposal of $5,750. Unanimously approved. AUTHORIZATION TO SIGN EMPLOYEES GROUP INSURANCE FUND AND WASHINGTON COUNTY WORKERS COMPENSATION FUND Motion made by Commissioner Roulette, seconded by Snook to authorize Ronald L. Bowers, President; Joni L. Bittner, Clerk; Todd L. Hershey, Treasurer; and Ann Marie Nave, Chief Deputy Treasurer to sign checks drawn on the Employees Group Insurance Fund Account and to authorize Ronald L. Bowers, President; Joni L. Bittner, Clerk; and Todd L. Hershey, Treasurer to sign checks drawn on the Washington County Workers Compensation Fund, accounts of the County Commissioners of Washington County with the First National Bank of Maryland being the depository of said funds. Unanimously approved. ROADS DEPARTMENT SALE The Commissioners gave their approval for the Roads Department to hold a sale on Saturday, February 7, l987 and recommended John Downin be employed as the auctioneer for this sale. They also requested that a list of recent graduates be obtained from the Frederick School of Auctioneering to be used for future sales. JANUARY 6, 1987 MINUTES, CONT'D. REAPPOINTMENT TO SANITARY COMMISSION Motion made by Commissioner Roulette, seconded by Irvin to reappoint Paul Waggoner to the Sanitary Commission for a term of six years, with his consent. Unanimously approved. CONVENE IN EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion made by Commissioner Downey, seconded by Roulette to convene in Executive Session at ll:40 a.m. in regard to personnel matters pursuant to the authority contained in Section l0.508 of the State Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland. Unanimously approved. RECONVENE IN REGULAR SESSION Motion made by Commissioner Snook, seconded by Roulette to reconvene in Regular Session at ll:55 a.m. Unanimously approved. ADVERTISE MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR POSITION - HOUSING Motion made by Commissioner Roulette, seconded by Irvin to advertise for the position of Maintenance Supervisor for the Housing & Community Development Department at Grade 8, Step A. Unanimously approved. EMPLOY PART-TIME BUS DRIVERS Motion made by Commissioner Roulette, seconded by Downey to employ Linda Foltz and Linda Kerns as Part-time Bus Drivers for the County Commuter to fill existing vacancies. Unanimously approved. ADJOURNMENT Motion made by Commissioner Snook, seconded by Roulette to adjourn at l2:00 noon for the annual legislative luncheon with the Farm Bureau, followed by field inspections of the land which will be considered for rezoning at the January l2 joint rezoning hearing. Unanimously approved. County Attorney , Clerk