HomeMy WebLinkAboutFFY22_CLGFrom:Google Forms To:Jenkins, Meghan Subject:Certified Local Government FFY22 Annual Report Date:Thursday, December 8, 2022 2:17:58 PM You don't often get email from forms-receipts-noreply@google.com. Learn why this is important WARNING!! This message originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding tothis email. Any claims of being a County official or employee should be disregarded. Thanks for filling out Certified Local Government FFY22 Annual Report Here's what was received. Certified Local Government FFY22 Annual Report As the state historic preservation office, the Maryland Historical Trust (MHT) monitors and evaluates Certified Local Government (CLG) performance. This annual report - a requirement for participation in the CLG Program - provides useful data to help develop training and support for CLGs, while charting the success of the program. In addition to the annual report, MHT conducts in-depth evaluations of each CLG every four years. For this annual report, please report only on activities for the 2022 federal fiscal year (October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022). The FFY22 annual report is due on January 31, 2023. Questions? Contact Nell Ziehl, Chief of MHT's Office of Planning, Education, and Outreach at nell.ziehl@maryland.gov. Email * mjenkins@washco-md.net 1. Certified Local Government Name: * Washington County Historic District Commission 2. Contact First Name: * Meghan 3. Contact Last Name: * Jenkins 4. Contact Telephone: * 240-313-2439 5. Contact Email: * mjenkins@washco-md.net Part 1: Program Changes 6. Has the Commission changed its designation criteria or adopted new criteria for designation? * Yes No 7. If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, please describe the change(s) here. You may cut and paste language directly from the ordinance. 8. Has the Commission limited or expanded its ability to review archaeological sites, cultural landscapes, or other non-architectural features? * Yes No 9. If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, please describe the change(s) here. You may cut and paste language directly from your ordinance. 10. Has the Commission adopted or made substantial revisions to its design guidelines? * Yes No 11. If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, please describe the change(s) here and include a link to your design guidelines. Design Guidelines were adopted June 8, 2022 and can be found here: https://issuu.com/washcomd/docs/adopted_guidelines_june_2022 12. Has the Commission created or made substantial changes to its local tax credit program or other local financial incentives? * Yes No 13. If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, please describe the change(s) here and include a link to your program information. 14. Has the Commission changed its member make-up or qualifications? * Yes No 15. If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, please describe the change(s) to the Commission requirements here. 16. Has the Commission made any other changes to its ordinance, program or procedures? Please describe. Annual letters are now sent to those in Historic Preservation Overlay to relay any updates and inquire about any assistance they may need; Staff provides adopted Design Guideline information to permit and plan applicants; Staff reports are now provided for all agenda items to make review and recommendations more consistent and informed; Washington County moved to Electronic Plan Review for permits and plans Part 2: Summary of Activities/Design and Development Review 17. How many staff does your Commission have? 1 staffperson with 1 admin for meetings 18. Please enter the number of cases approved for 1) alterations, 2) demolitions, and 3) new construction by your Commission. (Please do not include approvals given due to expiration of time.) 1)Alterations: 3 2)demolitions: 4 (for support, not approval) 3)New Construction: 4 19. Please enter the number of cases denied for 1) alterations, 2) demolitions, and 3) new construction denied by your Commission. 0 20. Please enter the number of appeals against decisions on 1) alterations, 2) demolitions, and 3) new construction by your Commission. 0 21. If you conduct reviews for archaeological resources, please list the number of cases that were 1) approved, 2) that required Phase 1 archaeology, and 3) that required Phase 2 archaeology. Not applicable 22. How many alterations, demolitions, or new construction projects were approved at the staff level? 0 23. How many cases were automatically approved through expiration of time for review? None Part 3: Summary of Activities/Survey and Designation 24. How many National Register nominations did your Commission review? None 25. How many new or revised Maryland Inventory of Historic Properties (MIHP) forms did your Commission submit to MHT? None 26. Were all the MIHP forms submitted by your Commission approved by MHT? Yes No N/A 27. How many new or revised Maryland Archaeological Site Survey (MASS) forms did your Commission submit to MHT? None 28. Were all the MASS forms submitted by your Commission approved by MHT? Yes No N/A 29. Please list any new local designations made during this fiscal year. In your answer, please include the name of each designated site, property, or district; the relevant MIHP or MASS number; and the number of resources included in each designation. None 30. Have you conducted survey or inventory work that did not result in MIHP or MASS forms? If so, please describe. No survey/inventory work to report 31. What are your top three priorities for survey and/or designation in the coming year? 1) Expand and update the survey to capture properties at least 50 years or older since last survey date including updated photos of existing survey properties 2) Complete updates to the incentives ordinance (tax credits/grants) 3) Identify and explore implementation of a program for historic rural landscapes Part 4: Summary of Activities/Special Programs 32. How many historic properties were assisted through the local tax credit program? (If you do not have a local tax credit, write "N/A.") * None, no applications submitted 33. How many projects involving historic properties were reviewed as a result of local government undertakings (i.e. a "local Section 106" review)? (If you are not required to review local government undertakings, write "N/A.") * None 34. How many historic properties were assisted through local grant or loan programs? (If you do not have local grant or loan programs, write "N/A.") * None 35. How many historic properties were acquired, in whole or in part, by the local government? * None Part 5: Commission Qualifications and Procedures 36. Please describe your Commission by listing each member (Last Name, First Name) and documented area of interest. If applicable, please also indicate if a member meets the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualifications Standards by noting, for example, "SOI-Historic Architecture" or "SOI-Architectural History." * Smith, Gregory, Chair, AOI: Architectural history; preservation of historic structures including adaptive reuse Degree: Architecture Yavener, Lloyd, Vice Chair, AOI: Preservation of historic structures Profession: Licensed Attorney Aldrich, Ann, AOI: Historic preservation of buildings and landscapes Degree: Masters in Sustainable landscape design Doyle, Vernell, AOI: Historic preservation, including stonewalls/fences and adaptive reuse Profession: Education Lushbaugh, Michael, AOI: Historic preservation of buildings and structures Lowery, Kourtney, AOI: Early American History, historic preservation SOI: Historian Candelaria, Brianna, AOI: Historic Preservation SOI: Architectural History 37. If you have vacancies, please list the type of vacancy (qualified or not) and the duration. None 38. Please list the trainings and/or educational sessions attend by each member (Last Name, First Name) in this fiscal year. * all members - 12/7/21 MAHDC HPC 102: Ethics and Defensive Decision Making all members - 4/28/22 MAHDC HPC 101: Law and Procedures CAMP Training 12/6/21 - Aldrich, Ann, Jenkins, Meghan(staff) Lime Plaster Workshop (Saylor House) - Aldrich, Ann 39. Number of meetings held: * 11 40. How are regular meetings advertised? * County website 41. How are special meetings advertised? * County website and newspaper 42. How are meeting minutes made available to the public? * County website and upon request 43. How are the Commission's rules and procedures made available to the public? * County website and upon request Part 6: General Feedback 44. Please describe any great projects you completed or successes you achieved during this federal fiscal year. 1. Design Guidelines adoption 2. Cemeteries webpage created (https://arcg.is/14myeK1) 3. Preservation month proclamation May 22' and Preservation Month Facebook Outreach 4. Pole Barn staff review policy adopted 45. Please describe any major new projects or plans anticipated for the coming year. 1) Creation of historic properties incentives ordinance which includes traditional tax credit program and the addition of a grant program and possibly yearly credit 2) Expansion and update of the survey to capture properties at least 50 years or older since the last survey date including updated photos of existing survey properties 3) Outreach and collaboration with homebuilders and craftsperson in the County 4) Continue to encourage the retention of historic resources through outreach to the public to reduce demolition without permits 46. Do you have any training or educational needs that are not met by existing offerings from the Maryland Association of Historic District Commissions or the Maryland Historical Trust? 1) Training on the process of Section 106 as it applies in Maryland 2) New Materials 3)Sustainability (landscaping/drainage and new technologies) 4)Additional in depth outreach for social media 4)Demolition Training 47. Please share any concerns, issues, or additional comments you may have about the Certified Local Government Program or preservation in your jurisdiction. No additional comments regarding the CLG Program Thank You! Thank you for completing your Annual Report! Please do not forget to email nell.ziehl@maryland.gov with: - Maps showing newly designated properties - Resumes of new Commission members - Any other material you wish to share! Create your own Google Form Report Abuse