HomeMy WebLinkAbout21.12.15 - Minutes, Disabilities Advisory CmteWashington County
Disabilities Advisory Committee
15 December 2021 / 9:30 AM / Google Meet
Angie Auldridge, David Barnhart, Kris Detrow, Lindsay Ridenour, Danielle
Stahl, Diane Lewis, Sarah Thornton, Michael Butler, Anna Burkett
1. Welcome new members!
2. Discussion of officers and meeting time now that new members are part of
the group. The gr oup decided that it was unnecessary to have officers
and to keep the current meeting day and time - 3rd Wednesday of the
month at 9:30 am via Google Meet.
It was also agreed that representation from the county and city would be
an advantageous addition to the committee and efforts would be made to
try to increase meeting attendance.
3. Kris Detrow shared that the Home Show is coming up on March 5th and 6th.
$350 is the rate for a non -profit vendor. We would need to fill out the
registration form in advance and then determine which members would
staff the table. Danielle said she could co mplete it and use grant funds
to cover the cost of the table.
4. Grant funds update. Danielle said that in January of 2022, $5,000 of the
grant would be available for use and that the Washington County Health
Department received an extension for another year with $20,000 of total
grant funds.
5. Kri s Det row shared t hat an i nt ernat i onal news organi zat i on “Voi ces of
Ameri ca” woul d be doi ng an i nt ervi ew wi t h her daught er, speci fi cal l y
focusi ng on access for t he deaf communi t y.
Next meeting - 19 January / 9:30 AM / Google Meet
meet.google.com/eix -vtzr-bkb