HomeMy WebLinkAbout190304 - Mintes, Planning CommissionWASHINGTON COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION
March 4, 2019
The Washington County Planning Commission held its regular monthly meeting on Monday, March 4,
2019 at 7:00 p.m. at the Washington County Administration Building, 100 W. Washington Street, Room
2000, Hagerstown, MD.
Commission members present at the meeting were: Clint Wiley, Andrew Bowen, Jeremiah Weddle, Denny
Reeder, Robert Goetz, Jr., David Kline and Ex-Officio Randall Wagner. Staff members present were:
Washington County Department of Planning & Zoning: Stephen Goodrich, Director; Jill Baker, Deputy
Director; Travis Allen, Comprehensive Planner; and Debra Eckard, Administrative Assistant; Washington
County Department of Plan Review & Permitting: Ashley Holloway, Director; Cody Shaw, Chief of Plan
Review; and Lisa Kelly, Senior Planner.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Motion and Vote: Mr. Bowen made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 4, 2019 meeting as
presented. The motion was seconded by Mr. Weddle and unanimously approved.
Motion and Vote: Mr. Goetz made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 13, 2019 workshop
meeting as presented. The motion was seconded by Mr. Weddle and unanimously approved.
Harper Park [PP-15-001)
Ms. Kelly presented for review and approval a preliminary plat for 73 single-family lots located on the
west side of Paradise Church Road. The property is currently zoned RT (Residential, Transition). The total
area of development is 52.3 acres; 15 acres are remaining. The site will be served by public water and
public sewer. New streets will be constructed with access onto Paradise Church Road and an eventual
interconnection with the Paradise Heights subdivision to the south. In 2016, the Planning Commission
approved a modification to allow the creation of 5 panhandle lots. Final plats will be approved in phases
based on offsite road improvements. In 2016, the developers of Harpers Park agreed to enter into a
Memorandum of Understanding with the County. The MOU is based on several conditions; one of which
states, "The first phase of 10 lots can be approved without any offsite improvements to Longmeadow
Road". This condition has been changed to 14 lots instead of 10 lots; the 15th lot would trigger the required
offsite improvements. Forest Conservation Ordinance requirements will be met by planting new forest
and retaining existing forest on-site in the amount of 13 acres. All reviewing agency approvals have been
Discussion and Comments: Commissioner Wagner asked if a traffic light would be installed at the
intersection of Longmeadow Road and Paradise Church Road. Mr. Goetz noted that the MOU states, "At
the same time as developer widens Longmeadow Road, the County will enter into an agreement with
developer and pay for a traffic signal at intersection with Paradise Church Road".
Mr. Bowen asked if the proposed development is inside the Urban Growth Area. Mr. Schreiber stated it is
in the UGA. He also noted that a reserved access has been requested by the County for the adjacent
property for future access and connectivity. There was a brief discussion regarding the future expansion
of Paradise Church Road at its intersection with Marsh Pike. Mr. Goodrich noted that funds are currently
in the proposed CIP in the year 2025. Mr. Goetz made an inquiry regarding the widening of Longmeadow
Road. Ms. Kelly was not familiar with the plans, which would be handled through the County's Engineering
Department. Mr. Bowen recommended additional information be provided when the final plans are
submitted for review. Ms. Kelly stated that the Planning Commission does not normally review the final
plats which are approved by staff unless there is a problem or issue that needs Planning Commission
consideration and input. Mr. Bowen suggested that when the plat for the 15th lot is submitted, the planner
s.hould remind the Planning Commission about the required offsite improvements that have been agreed
upon between the County and the developer.
Motion and Vote: Mr. Reeder made a motion to approve the preliminary plat as presented. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Goetz and unanimously approved.
Mr. Bowen left the meeting at 7:15 p.m.
Millstone Solar [SP-18-043]
Ms. Kelly presented for review and approval a proposed solar energy generating system on a leased area
of 11.30 acres within a 61.61 acre parcel. The property is located along the north side of Millstone Road
and is currently zoned EC (Environmental Conservation). The system will consist of approximately 7,904
solar modules on a ground mounted system. The entire system will be surrounded with a minimum 8 foot
fence. There will be no employees or customers; visits will be twice a year for repair and maintenance and
mowing on a periodic and as needed basis. Upon termination of the lease, all equipment will be removed
and the property will be returned to its current composition. Access to the site will be from an entrance
on Millstone Road. In October 2018, the Board of Appeals granted a special exception to establish the
proposed system with the condition that the site be limited to 15 acres. Forest Conservation requirements
will be met by retaining existing forest on-site in the amount of 2.04 acres. A separate forest conservation
easement plat has been submitted and is currently under review. All reviewing agency approvals have
been received.
Discussion and comments: Mr. Kline asked if the solar generating system would be visible from the C &
0 Canal. Mr. Gordon Poffenberger of Fox & Associates, Inc. (the consultant), stated there is a row of trees
along the south side of the array along Millstone Road. He believes this would shield the C & O Canal from
the arrays. Ms. Baker expressed her opinion the Canal would be at a lower elevation than the array and
may be visible only when the leaves are not on the trees.
Mr. Weddle asked if the developer has a maintenance plan. It was noted that the developer will be
planting a blend of rye and three different types of clover which will be cut 3 or 4 times per year as needed.
There was a brief discussion regarding the proposed fencing, which will be an agricultural style fencing. It
will be 8 feet high with no barbed wire on top.
Motion and Vote: Mr. Goetz made a motion to approve the site plan as presented with the developer
using an 8 foot fence. The motion was seconded by Mr. Kline and unanimously approved.
North End StorafilW [SP-19-001]
Ms. Kelly presented for review and approval a site plan for the construction of 73 self-storage units on
4.83 acres located along the southwest side of Longmeadow Road. The property is currently zoned BL
(Business Local). The units will be divided into three buildings with permeable paving between. Hours of
operation will be 7 days per week, 24 hours per day. There will be no water or sewer facilities. Four parking
spaces will be required and 5 spaces will be provided. Lighting will be building mounted. A sign will be
located on the left side of the entrance. Landscaping will be located in front of the site. Forest
Conservation requirements will be met by retaining existing forest on site in the amount of .94 acres and
paying the fee in lieu of $7,710.12. A separate forest conservation easement plat has been submitted and
is currently being reviewed. All reviewing agency approvals have been received.
Motion and Vote: Mr. Goetz made a motion to approve the site plan as presented. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Reeder and unanimously approved.
Washington County Safety Training Complex [SP-18-044]
Mr. Shaw presented for review and approval a site plan for a proposed public safety training complex on
49.59 acres located along the west side of Sharpsburg Pike. The property is currently zoned RT (Residential
Transition). Hours of operation will be Monday thru Friday, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday,
8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Total required parking spaces is 169; parking provided will be 176 spaces. The site
will be served by public water from the City of Hagerstown and public sewer from Washington County.
Storm water management for the site will be handled via storm water bio-retention areas. Forest
Conservation requirements are currently being reviewed and discussed. Lighting will be pole and building
mounted. The photometric plan meets all County standards and requirements. No reviewing agency
approvals have been received and staff is requesting that the Planning Commission grant staff the
authority to approve the plan once all agency approvals have been received.
Discussion and Comments: Mr. Reeder asked if the proposed parking requirements will accommodate
future growth. Mr. Shaw stated that parking requirements would be reviewed during future phases of
Motion and Vote: Mr. Reeder made a motion to grant staff the authority to approve the site plan pending
receipt of all agency approvals. The motion was seconded by Mr. Weddle and unanimously approved with
Commissioner Wagner abstaining from the vote.
Washington County Safety Training Complex (FP-19-002]
Mr. Allen presented for review and approval a request to remove two specimen trees on the site of the
proposed Washington County Safety Training Complex located on Sharpsburg Pike. The Forest
Conservation Plan proposes 5.25 acres of forest clearing and the removal of two different specimen trees
(a 35" White Mulberry and a 34" Black Cherry). Specimen trees are described in the Forest Conservation
Ordinance as trees that are greater than 30" in diameter, 4 ½ feet off the ground. Trees of this size are
prioritized for retention under Article 8.2 of the Ordinance. There are 25 specimen trees on the site; 23
trees will be retained. The applicant has tried to minimize forest clearing to the greatest extent possible.
The applicant, in their request, states that due to site conditions and slope, storm water must be drained
to the south of the building which is the current location of these two trees and where it is proposed a
drain would be located. They also noted that the removal of the forest around the specimen trees from
site grading would likely result in their mortality regardless.
Motion and Vote: Mr. Reeder made a motion to approve the variance request to remove two specimen
trees. The motion was seconded by Mr. Kline and unanimously approved with Commissioner Wagner
abstaining from the vote.
Andrew Michael Forest Mitigation Bank [FBK-19-001]
Mr. Allen presented for review and approval a request to establish a 9.62 acre forest mitigation bank along
Cearfoss Pike, just west of the Cearfoss traffic circle. The property is currently zoned A(R) -Agricultural
Rural. The purpose of forest mitigation banks is to provide off-site mitigation for forest conservation when
developers must offset regulated forest clearing. To utilize acreage contained within the forest bank, a
prospective future development project must demonstrate that they cannot reasonably accomplish
other, more preferred techniques. If demonstrated, credits can be purchased from the bank to meet
forest mitigation requirements for the proposed project. Article 20 of the Forest Conservation Ordinance
notes the targeted characteristics for establishing a new forest bank. Specific environmental
characteristics of this site includes: a forest buffer to an intermittent stream; a wetland listed on the
National Wetlands Inventory; a perennial stream and flood plain immediately off the subject site
connected to Toms Run; and a 153 acre MET land conversation easement immediately adjacent. Staff is
seeking approval to establish the forest mitigation bank upon the condition that all other requirements
are successfully met.
Motion and Vote: Mr. Reeder made a motion to approve the forest mitigation bank contingent upon the
applicant meeting all other requirements. The motion was seconded by Mr. Kline and unanimously
approved with Commissioner Wagner abstaining from the vote.
Professional Court Lot 8 fFP-19-003]
Mr. Allen presented for review and approval a request to utilize on-site natural regeneration to satisfy the
remaining 0.14 acre planting requirement for the extension of Professional Boulevard. The property is
owned by the Washington County Mental Health Center and is located within the City of Hagerstown.
There are two different mitigation plats that will accompany the construction of Professional Boulevard.
The second property is immediately adjacent to this site and is owned by Nationwide Health Properties.
The second plat is listed as County file FP-19-004.
Natural regeneration is a less preferred option but still very viable under the right circumstances. Mr. Allen
stated that the overall forest conservation plan would retain a useful forest buffer immediately next to
the Antietam Creek and would provide for the planting of 193, 3" caliper street trees. The natural
regeneration area is being proposed in an area at the Mental Health Center with forest on all sides.
Motion and Vote: Mr. Kline made a motion to approve the request to utilize on-site natural regeneration
for the Professional Boulevard extension project. The motion was seconded by Mr. Weddle and
unanimously approved with Commissioner Wagner abstaining from the vote.
Mr. Doug Wright, MPCA Board member and Chairman of the City of Hagerstown Planning Commission,
gave a brief presentation on the upcoming Regional Planning Commissioners Workshop. This workshop
will be held on Friday, March 29 from 10:0D a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at USMH. This will be a free event and will
include a free luncheon.
Update of Staff Approvals
Mr. Holloway presented the following update for February: 17 permit approvals and 21 Land
Development approvals including 3 simplified plats, 1 forest stand delineation, 3 forest conservation
plans, 1 traffic impact study, storm water concept plans, grading plans; and 1 red line revisions.
Discussion of Proposed Text Amendments
Ms. Baker presented two proposed text amendments that will be heard by the Planning Commission at
its April meeting. The first text amendment is related to alcohol manufacturing uses. Ms. Baker noted
there is currently some interest in farm distilleries but the County does not have any regulations in its
Zoning Ordinance. This would be similar to the wineries which are required to produce a minimum of 2
acres of product on site used as part of the fermenting/distilling/brewing process. State law has recently
added pub breweries and microbreweries which will also be included in this amendment.
The second amendment is related to mineral extraction operations. In the previous Zoning Ordinance,
before the Rural Area rezoning, there were definitions for low, moderate and high mineral extractions.
The low volume extraction was applied to one acre of land or less; the moderate volume extraction was
applied to less than five acres of land; and high density extraction was applied to more than five acres of
land. The definitions were carried forward to the new Ordinance; however, the land uses did not carry
forward to the Land Use Chart. Currently, as the Ordinance is written, an Industrial Mineral Overlay is
required for any mineral extraction. The proposed text amendment would correct this issue.
CIP Recommendation
Mr. Goodrich briefly reviewed new projects proposed as part of the Capital Improvements Plan for the
upcoming fiscal year. He explained that growth supporting projects should be within the Growth Area and
projects in the Rural Area are meant to improve safety and bring facilities up to a minimum standard. The
Planning Commission is charged with determining if these projects are consistent with the County's
Comprehensive Plan. Staff has reviewed the proposed projects and recommends a Planning Commission
position that the CIP is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
Discussion and Comments: Mr. Wiley asked if the Professional Boulevard Bridge is included in the CIP.
Mr. Goodrich stated that the Professional Boulevard Bridge is not in the list of new projects; however, it
is included in the project for the road construction in the CIP. Mr. Wiley stated that the Planning
Commission supported this project in the past and continues to support it. He noted that a recent article
from the US Bureau of Economic Analysis names Washington County as having the fastest growing GDP
(Gross Domestic Product) in the State of Maryland. He expressed his opinion that now is not the time to
pull back on this project which will encourage growth. Other Commission members agreed with Mr. Wiley
and reiterated the importance of this project and the Planning Commission's support.
Motion and Vote: Mr. Kline made a motion to recommend that the Planning Commission finds the
proposed CIP to be consistent with the County's Comprehensive Plan. The motion was seconded by Mr.
Reeder and unanimously approved.
Financial Disclosure Statement
Mr. Goodrich distributed the Financial Disclosure Statements which are required to be completed by each
Planning Commission member on a yearly basis. He asked that Commission members complete the form
and return to staff.
Mr. Weddle made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. The motion was seconded by
Commissioner Wagner and so ordered by the Chairman.
1. Monday, March 18, 2019, 6:30 p.m., Washington County Planning Commission Civility
Training and Workshop meeting, Washington County Administration Building, 100 W.
Washington Street, Room 2001, Hagerstown, MD 21740
2. Monday, April 1, 2019, 7:00 p.m., Washington County Planning Commission regular meeting,
Washington County Administration Building, 100 W. Washington Street, Room 2000,
Hagerstown, MD 21740