HomeMy WebLinkAbout02.01.2000 MinutesFebruary 1, 2000 Hagerstown, Maryland The regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Washington County, Maryland, was called to order at 8:30 a.m. by President Gregory I. Snook with the following members present: Vice President Paul L. Swartz, and Commissioners Bertrand L. Iseminger, John L. Schnebly and William J. Wivell. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR’S COMMENTS Rodney Shoop, County Administrator, reminded the Commissioners that they would be meeting with the local delegation to the General Assembly tomorrow morning in Annapolis. He stated that the meeting with the Lieutenant Governor has been scheduled for Friday, February 4. Mr. Shoop also informed the Commissioners that the State of the County address has been rescheduled for February 8. He informed the Commissioners that two joint public hearings with the Planning Commission are scheduled for March 13 and March 20 in Court Room #1, due to the large number of rezoning applications filed this quarter. BUDGET WORKSHOP – CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) The Commissioners conducted a budget workshop to discuss the projects submitted for the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) projects for fiscal years 2001-2006. Mr. Shoop commented that the fiscal year 2001 CIP budget would be a challenging one, but that staff is trying to soften the increase expected. Mr. Shoop emphasized that it is a draft document and will require several revisions before it is finalized for consideration at the budget hearing. Mr. Shoop informed the Commissioners that the first draft totals $20.6 million. It shows an increased contribution from the General Fund to the CIP budget and bond borrowing of $13 million. Debra Bastian, Director of Finance, Robert Arch, Director of Planning & Community Development, and Gary Rohrer, Director of Public Works, reviewed each of the projects proposed for funding. Mr. Arch provided a synopsis of trends and the funds proposed for larger projects. Ms. Bastian informed the Commissioners that the debt affordability and policy study being performed by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Consulting Services should be finalized in March. The study will show benchmarks and formalize a financial policy for borrowing. The staff then reviewed the General Government projects and provided an explanation of the scope of each project. The projects in this category include the renovation of the County Office Building as well as Circuit Court renovations needed for a fifth Circuit Court judge. Other projects include the Sheriff’s Department patrol facility expansion, contingency, urban revitalization, and costs associated with general obligation bond funding. Mr. Arch asked for direction from the Commissioners for urban revitalization since no specific projects have been identified. The Commissioners discussed the YMCA’s request for funding for its new facility. Commissioners Wivell and Schnebly expressed concerns about providing capital funding for a non-profit agency and the precedent it would set. After discussion, the Commissioners asked for additional information from the YMCA on its revenues, programs, and funding, before they make a decision on the request. The staff then reviewed the drainage projects and road improvement projects scheduled for funding in the CIP. The Commissioners postponed further discussions in order to hear comments from the public during the scheduled citizens participation session. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION Dr. Thomas Oyster presented a petition and request to provide a permanent facility for aquatic exercise and swimming classes. Dr. Oyster explained that many senior citizens could utilize a heated pool for stress-free joint exercise for those with arthritis, joint replacement, back problems, or other physical impairments. Commissioner Iseminger stated that the YMCA pool holds these classes. Commissioner Snook volunteered to contact the Halfway Lions Club to see if they would be interested in helping with this project, and Commissioner Swartz agreed to bring this item before the Recreation & Parks Board for consideration. Mary Kalin confirmed that the YMCA holds classes in its pool, but commented that it is too cold for those with arthritis. FEBRUARY 1, 2000 PAGE TWO Don Allensworth voiced his opposition to an increase in the hotel rental tax and suggested exempting local businesses from the tax increase. He also discussed the preference given to local bills in the General Assembly. Wayne Lafferty stated that the number of State troopers in the County would be reduced if there were an increase in the number of Sheriff’s deputies on patrol. He also discussed residency requirements and stated that the Permits & Inspections Department should review its policy on issuing permits for unoccupied dwellings. ANNOUNCEMENT – EXPANSION OF SUSQUEHANNA BANCSHARES, INC. William Reuter and Ronald Frey, representing Susquehanna Bancshares, Inc., the parent company of Farmers & Merchants Bank & Trust and Citizens National Bank of Southern Pennsylvania, appeared before the Commissioners to announce plans to locate Susquehanna’s new regional loan operations center in Washington County. Mr. Reuter stated that the new center would be located in the Topflight Airpark at the Hagerstown Regional Airport. The center is projected to employ 150 people now and up to 300 within three years. Mr. Reuter informed the Commissioners that a number of factors contributed to the decision to locate in Washington County, among them site location, access to Interstate 81, availability of the site, adequate parking, and the ability to utilize training programs at Hagerstown Community College. He thanked the State Department of Business & Economic Development and the Economic Development Commission for their assistance. CONTINUATION – CIP BUDGET WORKSHOP The Commissioners continued their first review of the FY 2001 CIP and the road improvement projects outlined. RECESS – LUNCH The Commissioners recessed at 12:04 p.m. for lunch. AFTERNOON SESSION The afternoon session was called to order at 1:01 p.m. by President Gregory I. Snook, with the following members present: Vice President Paul L. Swartz and Commissioners John L. Schnebly, Bertrand L. Iseminger and William J. Wivell. RECOGNITION OF TIMOTHY R. TROXELL AS A CERTIFIED ECONOMIC DEVELOPER Commissioner Snook presented Timothy R. Troxell, Assistant Director of the Economic Development Commission (EDC), with a Certificate of Merit recognizing him for successfully fulfilling all of the requirements to receive the designation of “Certified Economic Developer” from the American Economic Development Council. The Commissioners commended Mr. Troxell on his achievement. Commissioner Snook stated that the certification requires testing of knowledge, proficiency and judgment of the applicant in all areas of economic development. Douglas Wright of the EDC also commended Mr. Troxell for this certification and for his good work with the EDC. CONTRACT AWARD & BUDGET TRANSFER – ORTHOGRAPHIC PHOTOS AND PHOTOGRAMMETRIC DATA Motion made by Commissioner Iseminger, seconded by Schnebly, to award the contract for orthographic photos and photogrammetric data to Sanborn-Lockwood Mapping Company based on its proposal of Plan A (County ownership) in the amount of $164,040 and additional optional deliverable A3 in the amount of $5,405 for a total proposal of $169,445, and to approve the budget transfer request for a $100,000 grant from HUD for the project, and $54,000 (wages), and $16,000 (employee benefits) from the Planning Department budget. Unanimously approved. QUOTATION CONTRACT AWARD – OFFICE FURNISHINGS FOR ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Motion made by Commissioner Schnebly, seconded by Iseminger, to award the contract for office furnishings for the Engineering Department to Office Suppliers, Inc., which submitted the low responsible, responsive bid of $25,668.68. Unanimously approved. BID AWARD FOR TIMBER HARVESTING – 40 WEST LANDFILL SITE Motion made by Commissioner Schnebly, seconded by Swartz, to award the contract for timber harvesting at the 40 West landfill site to James Yost FEBRUARY 1, 2000 PAGE THREE Logging which submitted the high bid of $105,550 for these services. Unanimously approved. APPROVAL OF UPDATED SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT & RECYCLING PLAN Motion made by Commissioner Iseminger, seconded by Schnebly, to adopt the updated Solid Waste Management & Recycling Plan for Washington County as presented at the public hearing held on November 30, 1999. Unanimously approved. DISCUSSION OF HOMEBUILDERS LICENSING/REGISTRATION James Parker, President of the Homebuilders Association of Washington County, and Debi Turpin, Executive Vice- President, appeared before the Commissioners. Mr. Parker explained the Association’s position that the County should adopt a scheme of homebuilder licensing or registration in the County to help protect consumers. He indicated that the County might be exempted from the proposed statewide legislation if a County ordinance is adopted before the State law is passed. The County received enabling legislation in 1999. Mr. Parker further informed the Commissioners that the Association worked with the Department of Permits and Inspections to draft a licensing ordinance for the County that would be fair to the building industry and offer protection to the consumer. David Corey, a member of the Association, explained the differences between the proposed bill submitted by the State and the one proposed by the Association. He stated that they would like to maintain local control instead of having a State agency enforce the regulations. Commissioner Schnebly voiced his concerns about the cost and burden of administering the licensing program. Mr. Corey stated that the Association would agree to act as the testing agent for the County. Paul Prodonovich, Director of Permits & Inspections, voiced his concerns about the requirements. He stated that the administration of the bill would be cumbersome. The Commissioners expressed concerns about performance guidelines and the financial impact to the County if it would require additional staffing. They asked Mr. Prodonovich to provide an estimate of the cost to his department to administer the program and his comments on the proposed bill. Commissioner Snook stated that the Commissioners would discuss it with the local delegation at their meeting with them. The Commissioners agreed to make a decision on this matter by February 15. PUBLIC HEARING – DOT FOODS, INC. The Commissioners convened a public hearing regarding a $380,000 conditional loan from the State Department of Business & Economic Development (DBED) to DOT Foods, Inc. Richard Douglas, County Attorney, stated that the purpose of the hearing is to seek the approval of the Commissioners for the required guaranty of the first 40% of the conditional loan and the Commissioners’ endorsement of the project. He informed the Commissioners that the loan would be made pursuant to the Maryland Industrial and Commercial Redevelopment Fund (MICRF). The proceeds would be used to finance a portion of the cost of a storm water management pond, access road, and secured parking facility on 4.254 acres of land adjacent to its distribution facility, which is to be purchased from the County. Mr. Douglas stated that this construction and acquisition are related to the construction of a 75,000 square foot dry warehouse facility. The hearing was then opened for public comment. There was no one present who wished to comment. Motion made by Commissioner Swartz, seconded by Wivell, to approve the proposed guaranty by the County of the first 40% of a $380,000 MICRF loan from DBED to DOT Foods, Inc. and to endorse the project plan as outlined. Unanimously approved. PUBLIC HEARING – PHOENIX COLOR CORPORATION – MICRF LOAN The Commissioners convened a public hearing to discuss the proposed guaranty of the first 40% of the MICRF loan being provided by DBED to Phoenix Color Corporation and the endorsement of the project plan. Mr. Douglas stated that DBED has offered a $500,000 conditional loan and $250,000 conditional grant to Phoenix. The loan proceeds would be used by Phoenix to finance a portion of the cost of equipment for its manufacturing facility. The grant proceeds would be used to finance 25% of the cost of FEBRUARY 1, 2000 PAGE FOUR constructing a storm water management system on approximately 16.4 acres of land on Airpark Road that is owned by the County. Mr. Douglas stated that, although the Commissioners have already adopted a resolution approving the project plan and the Guaranty Agreement at a previous public hearing, the Assistant Attorney General representing that State suggested that an additional public hearing be conducted pursuant to an advertisement with ten days notice, although neither the Annotated Code nor COMAR specify such a period. The meeting was then opened for public comment. There was no one present who wished to comment. Motion made by Commissioner Swartz, seconded by Schnebly, to approve the project plan and the guaranty of the first 40% of the MICRF loan and grant, as required by Article 83B of the Annotated Code of Maryland. Unanimously approved. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - JANUARY 11 & 18, 2000 Motion made by Commissioner Iseminger, seconded by Swartz, to approve the minutes of January 11 and 18, 2000, as submitted. Unanimously approved. ADOPTION OF WASHINGTON COUNTY’S GOALS FOR 2000 The Commissioners discussed the proposed goals for 2000 that have been revised to include adoption of a long-range development plan for the library. Commissioner Wivell asked that a “right to farm” ordinance be included in the goals. The Commissioners discussed the matter and agreed to include it. They emphasized the need to develop the proposed ordinance in cooperation with the Farm Bureau. Commissioner Iseminger asked that the language “begin development of a marketing plan” be added to the goal of adopting a comprehensive land use plan for the Airport and vicinity. Motion made by Commissioner Schnebly, seconded by Swartz, to adopt the following as Washington County’s goals for 2000: 1) Establish County urban revitalization initiatives. 2) Review citizens’ comments and develop final recommendations for the County Comprehensive Plan. 3) Adopt a plan to transfer wastewater flows west of Hagerstown to the Conococheague Wastewater Treatment Plant with the ultimate goal of an interconnected system. 4) Transfer ownership of water service areas at Martin’s Crossroads and Conococheague to the City of Hagerstown. 5) Adopt and implement a formal debt management policy. 6) Develop and adopt land use and marketing plans for the Airport and vicinity. 7) Resolve County government downtown space needs. 8) Adopt a long-range development plan for the library. 9) Adopt a right to farm ordinance. Unanimously approved. COMMISSIONERS’ REPORTS & COMMENTS Commissioner Schnebly reported on the Airport Commission and Local Management Board meetings. He also stated that he attended the Maugansville Volunteer Fire Company awards banquet. Commissioner Swartz informed the Commissioners that he attended an open house for the local Census Department office and the Community Action Council meeting. He reported on the Commission on Aging meeting and the EDC strategic goal-setting meeting. He also attended the Hagerstown Suns winter banquet. Commissioner Iseminger reported on meetings of the Emergency Services Council, the Public Golf Corporation, and the Agricultural Education Center. He stated that the joint City/County committee on tax setoff issues met last week. Commissioner Wivell informed the Commissioners that he toured farms in Frederick County. He also reported on the meetings of the Social Services Board and the Water & Sewer Advisory Commission. REQUEST FOR USE OF COMMUTER BUS – FRIENDS OF THE WASHINGTON MONUMENT STATE PARK AND CONTINGENCY FUND APPROPRIATION Motion made by Commissioner Schnebly, seconded by Iseminger, to approve the request of the Friends of Washington Monument State Park to utilize a County Commuter bus for a fundraiser for the Park and to approve the transfer of $80 from the Commissioners’ contingency fund to reimburse the Transportation Department for the cost. Unanimously approved. FEBRUARY 1, 2000 PAGE FIVE APPOINTMENT – TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Motion made by Commissioner Iseminger, seconded by Wivell, to appoint Erik Deike, Assistant Director of the Hagerstown Public Works Department, to the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC). Unanimously approved. DISCUSSION OF CHANGE IN PHILOSOPHY FOR WATER & SEWER RATE DESIGN Christopher Diehl, Chairman of the Water & Sewer Advisory Commission, and members Gordon Crabb, Mike Armel, Bonnie Parks, and Steve Klick met with the Commissioners to discuss rate-setting methodology for fiscal year 2001. Mr. Armel requested copies of data tables from the Black and Veatch model, which will determine whether the Advisory Commission recommends an alternate method of allocating costs in the rate-setting financial model. Greg Murray, Director of the Water & Sewer Department, stated that these tables would not give a complete comparative analysis. He stated that alternate methods of allocating costs would change how the rates are allocated within classes of customers, although the total revenue received would remain the same. Debra Bastian, Director of Finance, stated that the model does not set rates but determines the amount of revenue needed to run the system. Mr. Murray stated that the philosophy for rate design should be resolved to allow them to establish long-range rate-setting policies for the Water & Sewer Department. He stated that the rates are now based on a “per account” basis rather than by “equivalent dwelling unit” (EDU) or volume. Mr. Murray indicated that $1.5 million would be reallocated between customer classes by changing the rate design structure. Mr. Crabb indicated that the Advisory Commission would like to review the requested material from the model. After discussion, the Commissioners agreed to make the material available to the Water & Sewer Advisory Commission with the condition that they meet with County staff to verify their calculations and findings. Commissioner Snook asked that the findings not be made public until they are reviewed with the Commissioners. He stated that the discussion on the methodology of calculating rates has been going on for some time now and needs to be resolved. CONVENE IN CLOSED SESSION Motion made by Commissioner Schnebly, seconded by Iseminger, to convene in closed session at 4:03 p.m. to discuss personnel issues, to consult with counsel to obtain legal advice, to discuss the acquisition of real property for a public purpose, and to discuss collective bargaining issues, all in accordance with Section 10-508 of the State Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland. Unanimously approved. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION Motion made by Commissioner Swartz, seconded by Schnebly, to reconvene in open session at 5:36 p.m. Unanimously approved. In closed session, the Commissioners discussed three (3) personnel issues, consulted with counsel to obtain legal advice on three (3) matters, discussed one (1) matter concerning the acquisition of real property for a public purpose, collective bargaining issues, and a matter of pending or potential litigation. Present during closed session were Gregory I. Snook, Paul L. Swartz, Bertrand L. Iseminger, John L. Schnebly, and William J. Wivell. Also present were Rodney Shoop, County Administrator; and Joni Bittner, County Clerk; Alan Davis, Human Resources Director; Richard Douglas, County Attorney; and John Martirano, Assistant County Attorney. ADJOURNMENT Motion made by Commissioner Iseminger, seconded by Swartz, to adjourn at 5:36 p.m. Unanimously approved. , County Administrator , County Attorney , Clerk