HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972 MinutesSchwdy~_ JANUARY 3,1972 DbnO'...L....... The regular meeting of the Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission was held Monday,January 3,1972 at 7:30 P.M.in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present were:Chairman Donald R.Frush,Vice-Chairman Richard J.Walla,Ex-Officio Rome F.Schwagel,John C.Herbst,John F. Tritle,Richard W.Gross,William E.Dorsey,County Planner Leroy R.Burtner,Barry A.Teach,Office Administrator and James A.Rooney of the Department of Health. After some discussion regarding revision of the agenda for Planning and Zoning meetings as set forth in the By-Laws of the Commission,the Chairman appointed Mr.Schwagel,Mr.Walla an Mr.Gross to review the matter and make their recommendations to the Commission at the next meeting. The Commission voted on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to proceed with the revised agenda.Motion carried with Mr.Walla voting "no". The Minutes of the meeting of December 20,1971,were approved as written on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey. So ordered. BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS: The following invoices were approved for payment:Cross Reference Direcbories -$34.40,Federal Statistics Users'Conference news- letter -$25.00,Donaldson's Office Supply -$1.66,Hays -$6.09, Hagerstown Bookbinding -$39.00 and Hagerstwon Bookbinding -$8.00. The motion was made by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey.So ordered. 6LD AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Flood Plain Studies: Remains the same. J~'I4 OLD AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS CONTD: Historic District Commission: On the recommendation of the Chairman,the commission voted to ask the County Commissioners to establish an Historic District Commission and to refer them to Article 66B and Article Bl, Section 12 E of the Annotated Code.The motion was made by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst.So ordered. NEW BUSINESS: Completion of 701 Contract: The Chairman presented a draft program schedule in ten phases for the completion of the 701 project.(copy made 'available to these minutes by reference) A motion was made by Mr.Schwagel,and seconded by Mr.Herbst, that the Commission adopt this program upon receipt of letters from the Consultant and legal counsel stating that the conditions therein can be met.So ordered. WATER AND WASTE WATER PLAN AMENDMENTS: Mr.Burtner stated that his letter regarding the Water and Waste Water Plan Amendments would be forthcoming. The Chairman said that he would like to point out the recom- mendations that were made last May so that they might be cncluded and also the areas in the adopted Plan as it pertains to industrial sites and probable development areas,that the Plan,based upon the soils in these areas,should have priority water and waste water facilities.The Commission members were asked to give their comments to Mr.Burtner to be included in recommendations for consideration at the next meeting and referred to the County Commissioners for their review prior to RMXMXXXRMMXXMXHMMlxM Public Hearing in FEbruary. Point of Discharge -Boonsboro: Motion was made by Mr.Schwagel,seconded by Mr.Walla,that the State Department of Health be notified that more time is required for review of th~s point of Discharge application and to contact the Sanitary Commission regarding their recommendations concerning the project for the meeting on January 17,1972,So ordered. Letter to Delegate Grumbacker -Twenty Year Highway Needs Study: A letter to Delegate Richard Grumbacker from the Chief Engineer of the State Highway Administration regarding modification of the proposed 1973-1992 Twenty Year Needs Study was read. A motion was made by Mr.Dorsey,seconded by Mr.Walla,to give a copy of the letter to the Ex-Officio member,Mr.Schwagel,for the information of the County Commissilloners.So ordered. Annual Report: The Chairman stated that under Article 66B,Section 3.09,it is required to prepare,file and adopt an annual report to the local legislative body,with a copy to the Secretary of State Planning and made available for public inspection. The Commission voted,on a motron by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,that the staff of the Planning Commission be dir- ected to prepare the Annual Report in accordance with the pro- visions in Article 66B.So ordered. 1'95 SUBDIVISillON CONTROL REGULATIONS: PRELIMINARY PLATS: Londontowne,Section B'For Preliminary Approval (60 Day Limit) On a ~otion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to disapprove this plat file because it did not have Health Department approval and Enqineering Department Approval.So ordered. Londtontowne,Section C-For Preliminary Approval (60 Day Limit) The Commission voted,on M~~KX~M a motion by Mr.Walla,seconded by Mr.Dorsey to disapprove the plat file because it did not have HeK~ Department approval and Engineering Department approval.So ordered./ Health Valley Mall -For Preliminary Approval:(60 Day limi t ) t'" ~oo :::<o The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Tritle and seconded py Mr.Dorsey,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Cave Hill Acres -For PrelimJimary Approval On a motion by Mr.Walla,seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Har-Tru Corporation-For Preliminary Approval:(60 Day Limit) J.D.Earl Martin - On a motion by Mr.Schwagel,seconded by Mr.Herbst,the Commis- sion voted to grant Preliminary Appr6valt6 the plat file,So ordered. Sunset Acres -Section B,Lot S-For Preliminary Approval: Following review of the plat file and noting the various discre- pencies,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla,seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to deny Preliminary Approval subject to compliance with the 1964 and 1970 Subdivision Regulations.So ordered. Elbert L.Moser -For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Schwagel,seconded by Mr.Walla,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Huffer H.Emmert -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross,seconded by Mr. Tritle,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Hager J.Hull -For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Walla,seconded by Mr.Herbst,the eommission voted to grant Preliminary Approval 00 the plat file.So ordered. Harry L.Warrenfeltz -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel,seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant Preliminary Approval.So ordered. Sarah Goldie Wyand -For Preliminary Approval: After review of the plat file,a motion was made by Mr.Walla, seconded by Mr.Tritle,to grant Preliminary Approval with KM a copy of a letter from the County Engineer regarding right-of_ way requirement sent to the developer for their information.So ordered. Lots 2 &3 -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file and comments form the State Highway Administration regarding Eden Road and Marsh Pike in relation 1XK~~~X~~ 196 SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS CONTD: TO THE Hagerstown Beltway,the Commission voted,on a motion,by, Mr.Walla,seconded by Mr.Dorsey to further review the plat application in relation to the County Plan.So ordered. Harry D.Hoffman -For Preliminary Approval: Following review of the P;at file and a letter from the Department of Health wh~~h requires the septic system to be installed prior to construction of the house,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Preliminary Approval and asked that the requirements of the Health Department be placed on the Final Plat.So ordered. Mrs.Anna D.Clarm -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla,seconded by Mr. Tritle to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered Dr.and Mrs.Jack Beachley -For Preliminary Approval Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant Preliminary Approual with the stipulation that the driveway information be shown on the Final Plat.So ordered. FINAL PLATS: Marjorie T.Brown -For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwegel,seconded by Mr.Gross,to grant Final Approval to the Plat file.So ordered. Donald C.Muritz -For Final Approval: On a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Walla,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Gristmill Hill -Tract 8 -For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Tritle,seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Final Approval subject to the note regarding the 60'right-of-way being placed on the plat.So ordered. Gristmill Hill -Tract 9 -For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey,seconded by Mr. Gross,to grant Final Approval to the plat file subject to the 60'right-of-way being ex~ended throughout the plat and shown on the final drawing.So ordered. NEXT MEETING DATE: The next regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commisffiion will be Monday,Jan~~~led1972 at 7:00 P.M.Public workshop meetings have been ~for January 10,at 7:00 P.M., January 13"7:00 P.M.,January 17 at 8:00 P.M.and January 19 at 7:00 P.M. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:36 P.M.on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Tritle.So ordered. l)~cJ&(jL{j~ Donald R.Frush,Chairman t'- ~o ,""',,,,.-;j ;::, o MXNM~R:K JANUARY 17,1972 The regular meeting of the Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission was held on Monday,January 17,1972 at 7:00 P.M. in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex. Present were:Chairman Donald R.Frush,Vice-Chairman Richard J.Walia,John C.Herbst,Richard W.Gross,William E.Dorsey, Ex-Officio Rome F.Schwagel,John F.Tritle,Leroy R.Burtner County Planner,Barry A.Teach Office Administrator,James A.Rooney of the Department of Health and Glenn L.Dull, County Engineer. The meeting was called,to order at 7:00 P.M. :':".i rio -~rc.l'~T:" The Minutes of the meeting of January 3,1972 were approved as presented on a motion by Mr.GD~SS,seconded by Mr.Dorsey.So ordered. The Commission voted to approve the following invoices:Hays for office supplies -$113.02,Long's Business Equip"ment for a book case -$47.44,Maugansville Lumber Company for an ease1- $48.98,and County Roads Department for gasoline -$3.91. The motion was made by Mr.Herbst,seconded by Mr.Dorsey.So ordered. OLD AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Flood Plain Studies: A letter was read from Mr.Glenn Dull,County Engineer,re~ garding the Preliminary Draft of the Flood Plain Study prepared by the Coppsof Engineers.The recommendation was made that the Zoning Ordinance and the zoning Maps be prepared in such a manner as to protect the 100 year Flood Plain of the Antietam Creek.He also stated that the above recommendation should apply to the Conococheague Creek,at least in the vicinity of Williamsport. The Chairman asked that copies of this memorandum be made available for the information of the Commission members and that hopefully,the Corps of Engineers would be asked to complete the studies 0)'1 other Creeks and that a final draft be completed for the AntiE{t:am Study.'J ' 701 Contract: The Chairman stated that letters MM had been received f~om the Consultant and Legal Counsel saying that the Program Schedule could be met for completion of the 701 Contract as adopted by the Commission at the last meeting. Water and Waste Water Plan Amendments: The Chairman asked thatllhis item of business be deferred until after the public workship meeting. Point of Discharge -Boonsboro A letter was read from the Washington County Sanitary District in which they approved the Point of Discharge for Boonsboro application and recommended that the contingent point of discharge be shown on the amended Water and Waste Water Plan. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,that the temporary nature of this Point of Discharge and the long range possibility of connecting Boonsboro to Sharpsburg and Keedysville,be approved and brought to the attention of the County Commissioners on February 2nd.So ordered. NEW BUSINESS: Letter from Mr.Kenneth J.Mackley: Mr.Kenneth J.Mackley appeared before the Commission regarding the transfer om a parcel of ~and without the preparation of a more detailed plat. 1"9'1 1~;8 A memorandum from Mr.Burtner waS read in which it was stated that the land,cpnsisting of 4.826 Acres is from a larger parcel and conforms to the.definition of a subdivision on Page 13 of the Sub- division Ordinance. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross,to ask Mr.Mackley's client to prepare a plat in compliance with Paragraph 47 of the Subdivis~on Ordinance.So ordered. Annual Report: The Chairman announced that the Annual Report is being prepared in'accordance with the provisions in Article 66B 'and will be presented to the County Commissioners on February 22,1972. SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS: PRELIMINARY PLATS: Bonnard J.Morgan,Et Ux.(60 Day Limit)-For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,preliminary approval was disapproved on a motion by Mr.Walla,seconded ~y Mr.Gross,because it did not have Health Department approval.So ordered. Talawanda Heights -(60 Day Limit)For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel,seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Paradise Homes Corporation,Section "A",Lots 1-14, For Preliminary ApprovalL (60 Day Limit) After review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst,seconded by Mr.(\ross ,to grant Preliminary Approval. So qr.de,red..,.,,,. . ~,••_•..•_.•..',.,••J " J.D.Earl Martin,et al (60 Day Limit)-For Preliminary Approval: The Commission reviewed the plat file and noted that it was in a one mile wide corridor of the Proposed Hagerstown KR~X Beltway.To this date,however,the exact location for this highway has not been determined.Mr.Schwagel was requested to contact the State Highway Administration and members of the House of Belegates with regard to future detailed studies of the Beltway.On a motion by Mr.Schwagel,seconded by Mr.Herbst,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval.So ordered. Garland Groh -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,after review of the plat file,to grant Preliminary Approval on a motion by Mr.Herbst,seconded by Mr. Tritle.So ordered. FINAL PLATS Sarah Goldie ~Wyand-For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schw~gel,seconded by Mr.Gross,to grant Final Approval. So ordered. Anna D.Clark-,rfor Final Approval:.'-)'. Upon review of the plat file,a motion was made by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Walla,to grant Final Approval.So ordered. t .. ~oo ;~o 1:9'9 SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS-CONTD: Harry D.Hoffman -For Final Approval: The commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Tritle,seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Finaill Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Elbert L.Moser -For Final Approval: After review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla,seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant Final Approval. So ordered. Next Meeting Date: The next regualr meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission will be held Monday,February 7,1972 at 7:30 P.M. Motion was made by Mr.Schwagel,seconded by Mr.Gross,to adjourn the Commission meeting and proceed with the Public Workshop Hearing.So ordered. The Meeting was reconvened at 10:00 P.M.to consider the recom- mendations made regarding the Water and Waste Water Plan Amend- ments. WATER AND WASTE WATER PLAN AMENDMENTS: A memorandum fvom NK¥XXR Mr.Burtner was read in which the following items were presented for discussion and consideration by the Commission: 1.Letter of January 4,1972 from Mr.Potterfield on the Water and NM~K~Sewer Facilities for Industrial Use. 2.The Utilities Policies wn the adopted Plan for the County. 3.The recommendations of June 7,1971,by the Commission on this subject. WATER AND WASTE WATER PLAN AMENDMENTS: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla,seconded by Mr. Herbst,to re=submit the recommended changes regarding the Water and Waste Water Plan Amendments made at the Commission meeting on June 7,1971.So ordered. A motion was made by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst, that the industrial sites submitted by the EDC should be shown on the up-dated Water and Sewer Plan,which will protect and enhance these areas,based upon the time sch~dules,and if it meets with the criteria of the Plan.So ordered. A motion was made by Mr.Schwagel,seconded by Mr.Gross,that the Utility Policies in the adopted Plan be part of the up~ dating of this Report and be a part of the package to be pre- sented to the County Commissioners on February 2.So ordered. These items will be a part of the Minutes by reference. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 P.M.on a motion by Mr. Schwagel,seconded by Mr.Walla.So ordered. ~Of)/KcJc~~"(l(AJ~ Donal;rR.--Prush,Chairman ~uu FEBRUARY 7,1972 The regular meeting of the Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission was held Monday,February 7,1972,at 7:30 P.M.in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present were:Chairman Donald R.Frush,Vice-Chairman Richard J.Walla,EX-Officio Rome F.Schwagel,William E.Dorsey, Richard W.Gross,John C.Herbst,John F.Tritle,County Planner Leroy R.Burtner,Office Administrator Barry A.Teach and James A.Rooney of the Health Department. The Commission voted to approve the Minutes of the meeting of January 17,1972,as presented,on a motion by Mr.Walla, seconded by Mr.Gross.So ordered. BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS: The Commission voted to approve the following bills for payment on a mot'ion by"Mr.'Db'rsey,seconded by Mr.Walla:Tortuga- $9.99,IBM for typewriter ribbon -$16.46,Print-O-Stat-for mailing tubes $9.50,Board of Education -Annual Supplies - $17.64.So ordered.(Md.Assoc.of Counties Registration Fee was formerly approved.) Letter from H.M.Helmig -C&P Telephone Co. A letter was read from H.M.Helmig,Staff Engineer of C&P Telephone Company regarding the undergrounding of all telephone lines to new residential buildings and mobile homes and referring to Parag~a~7.1 of Order Number 59429,Maryland Public Service Commission.It,was requested that a notice to developers be provided coincident with the filing of development plans with the Commission. It was agreed by the Commission to place the statement requested by the Telephone Company in the informational document that will be handed out by the License and Permits Department,also noting that it would pertain to the Potomac Edison Company The chairman brought to the attention of the Commission,a letter from Mr.Burtner to Mr.Joseph J.Murnane,Executive Secretary of the Maryland Association of Counties,in which it was requested that special note be made of the adopted Planning Policies in the Plan for'theCounty,and bring it XKM to the attention of the legislators in considering changes to Article 66B. File on Divided Parcels from Map Department: The ~MMMX~Chairman stated that a file containing 85 possible violations of the Subdivision Ordinance had been delivered to Mr.Kuczynski by Mr.Burtner on February 7. OLD AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Flood Plain Studies: No new Report. 701 Contract: The Chairman stated that the materials under the old contract would have to be reviewed to see that they are complete prior to the payment of 8.7%remaining on the old contract and asked that the staff give this early priority. t'",'t:1'o .~ C~ c::l 2"0:1 OL9 AND UNfLNISHED l3USINESS, 701 Contraqt Contd: The Chairman recommended that priorities be set in the six cate- gories as requested under MMBMKXMXMM«a new 701 Contract in a letter to the State Planning Commission.The following priorities were rec- commended: 1.Cooperative Flood Control,Flood Plain and Drainage Protection Study with the County Engineer. 2.Detailing of Existing Highway Interchange Districts and Corridors Study. 3.Development of Slope Density Regulations. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,to establish these three items as top priority and to request the monies from the State and Federal Governments to im- plement these priorities.So ordered. Water and Waste Water Plan Amendments: On a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Walla,the Commission voted to delete the Water and Waste Water Plan Amendments from the agenda.So ordered. The Chairman read excerpts from a letter dated January 31,1972, from Vladimir A.Wahbe,Secretary of State Planning,to Mr.Lee Pbtterfield,regarding Water and Sewer Extensions -Subdistrict #1,relative to the Plan for the County,and asked that it be made a part of the record: ~'It is our understanding that the SHA proposed to improve u.S. Route 11 north of Hagerstown in the immediate future,MMKKNM~but they have no current plans for improvements to U.S.11 in the vi- cinity of this project.In view of the development proposed for Hagerstown,it would seem appropriate that the priority for high- way improvements be given to the area proposed for immediate development,recognizing that fun ds may mot be available for work in both areas."--------------"We can therefore,recommend approval of this project,subject to the local governing body revising and approving the County Water and Sewer Plan to reflect this project and the related projected development of this immediate area.In addition,the Plan for the County and Zoning considerations should be refined to reflect this projected de- velopment,giving particular consideration to our staff's comments above.II . Planning and Zoning Budget: The Chairman stated that the .county Commissioners had requested that a Budget request be prepared and submitted by March 15,and asked that a preliminary budget be prepared for the consideration of the Commission members by March 1. Capital Improvements Program: The Chairman also stated that a Capital Improvements Budget is needed to prepare a Capital Improvements Program for the County) Commissioners as required.under the provisions of Article 6613, and asked the staff to prepare this by April 15. Phase III,Section 3 of the zoning Informational Program: The Commission voted to include the payment of an additional $750.00 to the consultant for Phase III,Section 3 of the Zoning Informational Program on a motion bYM::".Walla and seconded by Mr.Gross,motion carried,which reads as follows: ~, *"It is our understanding that the SHA proposed to improve U.S. Route 11 north of Hagerstown in the immediate future,but they have no current plans for improvements to U.S.Route 11 in the vicinity of this project.In view of the development proposed for this intersection of U.S.Route 11 and U.S.Route 81 south of Hagerstown,it would seem appropriate that the priority for high- way improvements be given to the area proposed for immediate development,recognizing that funds may not be available for work in bO'th .areas." February 7,1972 ATTEST TRUE COPY: l1J &-4<.oJoI!rK,q rvJ,,- Donald R.Frush,·Chairman 1,·~.t)iZ Phase III,Section 3 of the Zoning Information Program Contd: "3.Consultant to continue process of Zoning Petition Decisions begun on Jan¥ary 26,1972,with the Commission;develop a t~~~and summary with specific recommendations as they relate to the Plans and Policies of the Plan for the County of all decisions; prepare a revised Proposed Zoning Map (acetate reproducible).$750.00." SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS: PRELIMINARY PLATS: Harvest Acres -For Preliminary Approval:,(60 'Day Limit) On a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Tritle,the Com- mission voted to disapprove Preliminary Approval of the plat file because it did not have Health Department Approval.So ordered. Frances A.Otzelberger -For Preliminary Approval:(60 Day Limit) After review of the plat file,the Commission voted to disapprove the preliminary plat file because it did not have County Egnineering approval.The motion was made by Mr.Schwagel,seconded by Mr. Walla.So ordered. Reginald A.Vickers -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel,seconded by Mr.Tritle,to grant Preliminary approval to the plat file.So ordered. Sharpe D.Karper -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the Plat file,th Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel,seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Preliminary Approval.So ordered.The Chairman requested that the first publication of the informational Booklet,So your Going to Build a Home in Washington County,be sent to the Karpers. Ronald Schwartz -Eor Preliminary Approval The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey,seconded by Mr.Tritle,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file. So ordered. Daniel K.Seibert -Ror Preliminary Approval After review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla,seconded by Mr.Gross,to grant Preliminary Approval. So ordered. Clarence V.Witmer -For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Schwagel seconded by Mr.Herbst,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file..So ordereQ. Eugene R.Hornbaker -For Preliminary Approval Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval on a motion by Mr.Walla,seconded by Mr Gross.So ordered. David W.Litton -XX For Preliminary Approval Following review of the plat file and noting that the statement to satisfy the County Engineer was on the plat,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Plat Approval on a motion by Mr.Schwagel, seconded by Mr.Gross.So ordered. Haltman Farms -For Preliminary Approval' Z0'3 ~"'"~o ,~ Clo Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross,seconded ,by Mr.Walla,to grant Preliminary Approval. So ordered. Marjorie T.Brown -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,upon review of the plat file,to grant Preliminary Approval on a motion by Mr.Dorsey,seconded by Mr.Tritle.So ordered. FINAL PLATS: Dr.'and Mrs.Jack Beachley -For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Schwagel seconded by Mr. Herbst.So ordered. Garland Groh -For Final Approval: On a motion by Mr.Dorsey,seconded by Mr.Tritle,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Harry L.Warrenfel·tz -For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel,seconded by Mr.Walla,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Paul Shetrompf -For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Walla,seconded by Mr.Gross. So ordered. Talawanda Heights -For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla,seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to grant Final Approval to the Plat file.So ordered. Hager J.Hull -For Final Approval, The Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file on a motion by Mr.Herbst,seconded by Mr.Tritle.So ordered. Har-Tru Corporation -For Final Approval: On a mot~on by Mr.Gross,seconded by Mr Herbst,tbe Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. J.D.Earl Marti~o~Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Final Approvalon a motion by Mr.Walla,seconded by Mr.Gross.So ordered. OTHER BUSINESS: The Chairman stated for the record,that all zoning requests would be acknowledged by the staff,but not forwarded to the Consultant. Mr.Schwagel requested that the report of the Policies and Procedures Committee be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. ,kU4 NEXT MEETLNGDATE: The next regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission will be on Monday,February 21,1972 at 7:30 P.M.in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 P.M.on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla.So ordered. {)/C>•IUl '"f1 I,'Y'VI.WU{()<!.L-(X /l/uJ'- Donald R.Frush,Chairman FEBRUARY 23,1972 Due to the third Monday,February 21,being a legal holiday and weather conditions,the regular meeting of the Washington County Planning and Zoning commission was held on Wednesday, February 23,1972. Present were:Chairman Donald R.Frush,Ex-Officio Rome F. Schwagel,John C.Herbst,William E.Dorsey,Richard W. Gross,County Planner Leroy R.Burtner and Office Administrator Barry A.Teach. Not present:Vice-Chairman Richard J.Walla and John F.Tritle. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. The minutes of the meeting of February 7,1972,were approved as presented on a motion by Mr.Herbst,seconded by Mr.Dorsey. So ordered. BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS: The following bills were approved for payment by the Commission on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Schwagel: Daily Mail -Yearly Subscription -$21.84,Creative Printing for Annual Report -$60.00,Hays -Office Supplies -$41.17 and County Roads for Gasoline -$8.28.So ordered. Greenbrier Heights: Mrs.Walter Stuller and Mr.Thomas BUi~er appeared before the Commission with a request that the Preliminary Approval granted to Greenbrier Heights on May 5,1969,which expired on May 5, 1971,be granted a one year extension for approval of the one remaining lot. Upon review of the plat file,a motion was made by Mr.Schwagel, and seconded by Mr.Gross,that the request for an extension did not meet with the requirements of Section 2.6 of the 1964 Subdivision Ordinance and the new Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance.It was requested that a Preliminary Plat be sub- mitted for approval under the requirements of the 1970 Sub- division Ordinance and the Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance.So ordered. Letter from K.J.Mackley,President of Bar Association: {;'" ~o C'.::l C1 1-:1 BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS CONTD: Letter from K.J.Mackley,President of Bar Association Contd: The Chairman read a letter from Mr.~J.Mackley,President of the Washington County Bar Association in which the as- sistance of the Association was offered regarding the prq- posed Zoning Ordinance and the application of zoning classificatroons.The Chairman stated that he had contacted Mr. Mackley concerning the resolution submitted at the Planning Association meeting in Easton for changes to Article 66B and informed Mr.Mackley that at this time,there is no need for the appointment of such a committee. OLD AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Flood Plain Studies: No additional information. 701 Contract: The Chairman brought to the attention o1f the Commission,the new non-metropolitan and area-wide planning guidelines for application procedures for the 3 year overall planning program and design and asked that Mr.Burtner proceed with the three priority items based on previous motions.He also asked,in behalf of the Commission,for the County Coord~~~~ing Committee appointed by the County Commissioners,to ~~}ee their recom- mendations with the County Planner and to submit study require- ments for the next five years for a Capital Improvements Progra. Policy and Procedure Committee Report: The Commission adopted the recommendations of the Policy and Procedure Committee with the foliowing amendment to the.final paragraph:"The agenda for all regular Planning and zoning Commission meetings shall be in the hands of all Commission members at least three (3)days before the scheduled meeting and no subdivision plat additions shall be authorized." The motion was made by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross. So ordered. Annual Report: The Chairman stated that the Annual Report of the Planning and' zoning Commission had been submitted to the County Commissioners on Tuesday,February 22,with the previous approval of the Commission. SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS: PRELIMINARY PLATS: 205 ~ ( Hammer Property:(60 Day Limit)For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to disapprove the application because it did not have County Engineering Approval or Soil Conservation District Approval.So ordered. John C.Herbst:For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross,to grant preliminary Approval to the plat file with Mr.Frush voting "Yes",Mr.Herbst abstained.So ordered. ~U6 SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS CONTD: Frank K.Brown:For Preliminary Approval: After review of the plat file,and asking that the plat be checked with reference to the Soils Maps which was shown to be in a G2 area and 500'from the flood plain area,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval on a motion by Mr.Herbst. seconded by Mr.Dorsey,So ordered. Robert K.Kelbaugh:For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval on a motion by Mr.Schwagel;seconded by Mr.Dorsey.So ordered. Roy C.Corwell:For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel,seconded by Mr .Bross,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file with the recommendation that the observations of the County Engineer regarding the proposed swale be shown on the Final Plat.So ordered. After review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross,seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant Preliminary Approval.So ordered. f Marvin J.Duncan: Roy B.Goodhart: For Preliminary Approval: For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file and noting that a portion of the property is in a flood plain area based on the findings of the Soils Maps,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval and asked that the location of the house be shown on the property is in the flood plain area.Motion by Mr.Herbst, seconded py Mr.Schwagel.So ordered. FINAL PLATS: Marjorie T.Brown:For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel,seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Clarence V.Witmer:For Final Approval: On a motion by Mr.Herbst,seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Eugene R.Hornbaker:For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Schwagel,seconded by Mr. Gorss.So ordered. Sharpe D.Karper:For Final Approval: The commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross,seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. NEXT MEETING DATE: The next regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission will be held on Monday,March 6,1972 at 7:30 P.M.in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex. February 7,1972 ROY B.GOODHART:For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file and noting that a portion of the property i§in a flood plain area ,based on the findings of the Soils Maps~the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval and asked that the location of the house be shown on the Final Plat and that the owner be notified that a part of the property is in the flood plain area.Motion by Mr.Herbst, seconded by Mr.Schwagel.So ordered. ATTEST TRUE COPY: ('/UtJHd/K~~L Donald R.Frush,Chairman t""~oo c::. c:::l ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjonrned at 8:30 P.M.on a motion by Mr. Schwagel,seconded by Mr.Dorsey.So ordered. IOwvwll (f2.Gtue-JL/ Donald R.Frush,Chairman EKRRMKR MARCH 6,1972 The Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission held their regular meeting in the Conference Room of the Cour~House Annex on Monday,March 6,1972 at 7:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present were:Chairman Donald R.Frush,Ex-Officio Rome F.Schwagel, John C.Herbst,William E.Dorsey,Richard W.Gross,John F.Tritle, Leroy R.Burtner County Planner,Office Administrator Barry A. Teac,Donald Smith of the Department of Health,and Glenn L.Dull County Engineer. Not present:Vice-Chiarman Richard J.Walla. 23 The Minutes of the meeting of February~,1972 were approved as printed,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Dorsey. So ordered. BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS: A bill in the amountof $6.61 from the Tortuga Restaurant was approved for payment on a motion by Mr.Tritle and seconded by Mr.Gross.So ordered. ®EKM OLD AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Flood Plain Studies: Remains the same. 701 Contract: Mr.Burtner reported that the Commission nearing completion of the 701 Contract. NEW BUSINESB: Expiration Dates on Preliminary Plats; Upon review of Preliminary plat files which were submitted under the 1964 Subdivision Regulations,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to grant a twelve month extension in which to submit a final plat for the Sycamore Heights and Blanche V.Eichelberger Subdivisions.So ordered. The Chairman asked that a letter be sent to all developers who have had Preliminary Approval for one year under the 1964 Regulations and also that the existing Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance requirements be complied with in preparation of the Final plats. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel,seoonded by Mr.Dorsey,that the requirements of the Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance be complied with in preparation of final plats which had been granted Preliminary Approval under the 1964 Sub- division Ordinance.So ordered. ~~~X~MMMX~~XMKXHMK~~XMKXMXMX 2:07, 208 NEW BUSINESS CONTD: The Commission MMK~~¥XMK also voted on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,'to notify Mr.Wilbur E.Deibert that an extension of Preliminary Approval would be considered by the Commission if he would file a request~~thin 15 ~ays,of,notification.So ordered. SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS: PRELIMINARY PLATS: Harvest Acres -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Preliminary Approval with the recommendation that the developer be notified that the 360'contour line is in the 100 year flood plain of the Antietam Creek and should be considered on the final plat. So ordered. FINAL PLATS: Valley Mall -For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross,to grant Final Approval to the Valley Mall Shopping Center.So ordered. Reginald A.Vickers -For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Tritle,to grant Final Approval So ordered. Daniel K.Seibert -For Final Approval: On a motion by MR.Tritle and seconded by Mr.Herbst,the Com- mission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. David W.:L~tton --For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Tritle,to grant Final Approval of the plat file.So ordered. OTHER BUSINESS: Mr.Herbst expressed concern over the status of his subdivision plat and why it was not on the agenda for Final Approval.After some discussion,the Chairman asked that this matter be investi- gated and a chronological order of processing be listed on this particular plat for further Commission review. NEXT MEETING DATE: The next regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission will be Monday,March 20,1972 at 7:30 P.M. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 Schwagel,seconded by Mr.Gross. P.M.on a motion by Mr. So ordered. [)(iYU"Y{1<,(j/()~ Donald C R:;Frllsh,Chairman 2::09 MARCH 20,1972 The reaular meeting of theWashington County Planning and Zoning Commission was.held Monday,March 20,1972 at 7:30P.M.in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex. Present were:Chairman Donald R.Frush,Vice'-ChairmanRichard J. Walla,Ex-Officio Rome F.Schwagel,William E.Dorsey,Richard W. Gross,John C.Herbst,John F.Tritle,County Planner Leroy R. Burtner,Office Administrator Barry A.Teach,and James A. Rooney of the Department of Health. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. The Minutes of the meeting of March 6,1972 were approved as written on a motion by Mr.Tritle and seconded by Mr.Gross. So ordered. BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS: An invoice from Anne Arundel County for a Zoning Ordinance in the ~amount of $5.00 and bill from Hays for office supplies in the ~amount of $26.91 were approved for payment on a motion by Mr. ()Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst.So ordered. ~§S Letter from Mrr William C.McDonnell dated March 3,1972 The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross,to authorize the Chairman to pay to Mr.William C.Mc Donnell the a:~unt of $558.50 over-run for finalization of the first four phases of the separate work program agreement.A letter notifying Mr.McDonnell this payment completes his additional work program with the Commission,is to be forwarded by the Chairman as soon as possibl~. So ordered. Requests for extension on Preliminary Plats: W.G.Bryson -Oaklett Estates: The Commission voted~on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Tritle,to grant a one year extension of Preliminary Approval until June 1.1973 under Section 2.6 of the 1964 Subdivision Ordinance subject to consideration being given to the requirements of the Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance in preparation of the final plat.So ordered. Requests for Extension of Preliminary Plats: On a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Walla,a twelve month extension of Preliminary Approval was granted to the plat for Wilbur E.Deibert until February 15,1973,under Section 2.6 of the 1964 Subdivision Regulations subject to consideration being given to the Erosion and Sediment Control requirements in the preparation fo the Final Plat.So ordered. OLD AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Flood Plain Studies: Remains the same. 701 Contract P-69: The Chairman informed the Commission that were are still some mylars outstanding and that he and Mr.Burtner will fmllow through and have these missing documents in hand,hopefully within the next week.He asked that the P-69 Contract be continued on the agenda for information purposes under Old Business: Capital Improvements Program: 210 Capital Improvements ProgTam Contd: Mr.Burtner reported that letters had been sent to all agencies who had not returned reports requesting that they be submitted by March 22 and that work would begin shortly thereafter to prepare the program. NEW BUSINESS: New State Health Department Regulations G~verning Subdivisions: Mr.James A.Rooney,Director of Environmental Health,gave a brief synopsis of the new State Health Department Regulations which govern subdivisions,copies of which had been TIlade available to the Commission for their information. The Chairman asked that copies of the new State Health Department Regulations be made available to all engineers and developers in the area,any subdividers submitting plats within the next 60 days,all persons who have been granted extensions of Preliminary Approval,all agencies involved in the processing of plats,and the Building Department so that it could be incorporated into the informational brochure being prepared for homebuilders. MEWXB]!IliXMNKliX New 701 Program: The Chairman stated that a letter would be forthcoming from HUD regarding new requirements for additional input necessary in so far as submitting application for 701 monies is concerned, and asked that the new 701 Program be carried on the agenda under Old and Unfinished Business. HB1279,HB1293 and HBl128: Copies of HB1279 regarding planning policies,HB1293 on provisions for open space and HB 1128 concerning limitations of plat approvals, were given to the Commission by the Chairman for their information. Advisory Board to the Planning Commission: The Chairman requested that the Commission members submit names of persons to serve in an advisory capacity to the Planning Commission.The seven member Advisory Board is being established to further involve the public in the planning process. Information Bulletin: The Chairman stated that it is hoped to begin a monthly informational bulletin as the commission proceeds with its planning activities in order to better inform the public. Budget: On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Tritle,the Commis- sion voted to request the County Commissioners to transfer $3,000.00 from Consultant's Fees to Temporary Salaries in the current 1971- 1972 budget in order to up-date the LarD Use Maps and Zoning Maps which will require the services of a Draftsman.So ordered. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Gross,to adopt the Preliminary Budget for Fiscal 1973, effective March 20,1972,for presentation to the County lit Commissioners.So ordered. 2ft SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS: PRELIMINARY PLATS: Richard G.Bloyer -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,to grant Preliminary Ap- proval.So ordered. Richard T.Harris -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla,seconded by Mr. Herbst,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat ,file.So ordered. J.Walter Harshman -For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Tritle,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Tritle,to grant Preliminary Approval So ordered. t-- ~o i~ ~o Leister Higgins -For Preliminary Approval: Florence E.Haney -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the ~MMMX~§XMMHMKMXRMKMa Commission voted on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Tritle,to grant Pre- liminary Approval of Lot 1 only,specifically,Lot No.1,100x200 feet, and that the adjoining 0.38 acres shown,be deleted from the site plan on the final plat.So ordered. June Avenue Heights -For Preliminary Approval (60 Day Limit) On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Commission voted to disapprove the preliminary plat file because it did not have Engineering Approval per section 308 of the 1970 Subdivision Ordinance.So ordered. Welty J.Leatherman -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst seconded by Mr.Walla,to grant Preliminary Approval, with the request that the names of adjoining property owners be shown in the preparation of the final plat.So ordered. J.D.Earl Martin -XR Fror Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Preliminary Approval of the plat file.So ordered. Mt.Aetna Church -For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Walla,and seconded by Mr.Herbst,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Frances A.Otzelberger -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel,and seconded bY Mr.Dorsey,to grant Prel~~ary Approval.So ordered. FINAL PLATS: Frank K.Brown -For Final Approval: On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Herbst,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Zl~ FINAL PLATS CONTS: Ro¥B.Goodhart -For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file and noting thatthe building would be placed outside the flood plain,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file on a motmon by Mr.Tritle and seconded by Mr.Gross.So ordered. Halteman Farms -For Final,Approval: On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Robert K.Kelbaugh -For Final Approval: The Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file On a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Walla.So ordered. John C.Herbst -For Final Approval: On a motion by Mr.Walla,and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to grant Final Approv.al to the plat file.Mr.Herbst abstained. So ordered. Roy C.McCorwell -For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file and noting that theobservation of the County Engineer regarding the proposed swale had been shown on the final plat,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel, seconded py Mr.Tritle,to grant Final Approval.So ordered. Huffer H.Emmert -For Final Approval: The Commission voted,On a motion by Mr.Tritle and seconded by Mr. G~oss,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. OTHER BUSINESS: Processing of Plats: A memorandum was read regarding the status of a subdivision plat for Mr.John C.Herbst.The Chronological processing of this particular plat was prepared by the Commission staff at the request of the Chairman at the Planning Commission meeting on March 6,1972. The Commission discussed KNKK t~e fact that regu~ar meetings were held with all agencies involved in plat approval in order to speed the processing of plats.It was pointed out that the surveyor was able to assist this process by submitting a preliminary plat in final form where there were no anticipated changes to be made. NEXT MEETING DATE: The next reguiar meeting of the Planning and zoning Commission will be held On April 3,1972 at 7:30 P.M.in the Conference Room of the court House Annex. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at ,9:25 P.M.On a motion by Mr.Walla, and seconded by Mr.Schwagel.So ordered. cD fc)~Jc€~-(t;VvJL~ Donald R.Frush,Chairman ~oo ;~o 21'3 APRIL 3,1972 The regular meeting of the Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission was held on Monday,April 3,1972 at 7:30 P.M.in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex. Present were:Chairman Donald R.Fursh,Vice-Chairman Richard J. cWalla,Ex-Officio Rome F.Schwagel,William E.Dorsey,Richard W. Gross,John C.Herbst,John F.Tritle,County Planner Leroy R. Burtner,Office Administrator Barry A.Teach and Glenn L.Dull County Engineer. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. The Minutes of March 20,1972 were approved as pre- sented on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Walla.So ordered. OLD AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Flood RtXHXM Plain Studies: No additmonal information has been received. 701 Contract P-69: The Chairman reported that Baker-Wibberly'had been contacted re- garding arrangements to get the needed mylars for updating,and other materials required to complete the P-69 Contract.Mr.Burtner will meet with Baker-Wibberly representatIve,Bill Kees on April 4. Since the maps now being used for updating are about three years old, the Chairman recommended that the Commission consider the acquisition of new tax maps from the State. On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to purchase the needed maps from the State to be used by the draftsman in updatingKM the Land Use maps,which in turn,will be used to update the Zoning Maps following decisions by the Commission. So ordered. Capital Improvements Program: Mr.Burtner reported that he expects to receive a few more letters regarding the Capital Improvements Program which is schaduled to be presented to the County Commissioners by April 15.Preparation on the program is scheduled to begin this week. New 701 Program: The Chairman brought to the attention of the Commission,a memorandum from the State Planning Department dated March 29,requesting con- firmation of continued interest in the Final Overall Program Design, (~PD)and CPA Application for 1972-73. On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Chairman was ~uthori~g to~preEar~a letter to the State Planning Department re-Il~~-~~~~~t ~d interest XMXKM~XRXMXt of the Rlanning Commission regarding this Program and additonal 701 sutdies required by HUD.So ordered. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to authorize the Chairman to request the Tri-County Council to provide the regional information to develop specific objectives, plans and programs to deal with the greater problems and needs of minority groups which whall be included as separate attachments to studies,proposals and reports required by the applicant.So ordered KXt~KK~KX~X~XNK~H~KXK~XKH~XXKK~MKX~M A letter was brought to the attention of the Commission for their information from Mr.W.McLean Bingley of the State Department of Health,regarding the annual review ·.~14 of the County Eomprehensive Water and Waste Water Plan,with amendments, for Submission to the State Health Department. BUDGET: The Chairman stated that revisions to the Budget would be necessary so that the County Commissioners would know approximately what monies would be available for the next fiscal year and also to delete $150,000 needed for Article 66B (Section 6.01)and put it in letter form to the County Commissioners. The Commission voted to revise the Budget on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Walla.So ordered. On a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Walla,the Chairman was authorized to revise the Budget as it pertains to Phase II activities on a National level and also the length of time of employment so that it is in line with Court House Rolicies.So ordered. Advisory Board to the Planning Commission: The Chairman again requested names of persons from the Commission members who would be willing to serve on an Advisory Board to the Planning Commiss~on.This will be continued on the agenda. Planhing Informational Eulletin: The Chairman stated that an informational bulletin designed to better inform the public of its activities,will be made available at a later date. NEW BUSINESS: Election of Chairman and Viee-Chairman: The Chairman asked for ~ominations for the positions of Chairman and Vice-Chairman,as required by the Commission Bylaws. Mr.Frush was nominated by Mr.Dorsey to continue in the office of Chairman of the Planning and Zoning commission for the next term of office.The nomination was seconded by Mr.Gross.The motion was unanimously passed. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Tritle and seconded by Mr. Gross,that the nominations for Chairman be closed.So ordered. Mr.Walla was nominated by Mr.Gross,seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to serve as Vice-Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission for the next term of office.The motion was passed unanimously. On a motion by Mr.Gross,seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the nominations for Vice-Chairman were closed.So ordered. Pro~pective Homebuilder Booklet: Since it was f~lt that it was essential to inform the public of regulations concerning requirements for building,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Gross,to have the Planning Commission proceed with the preparation of a ~~R~~k~of the required information for public distribution.So ordered.jsynopsis SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS: PRELIMINARY PLATS: Larry Ingram -For Preliminary Approval (60 Day Limit) The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Gorss to disapprove the plat file per Section 612,Paragraph 1 of the Subdivision Ordinance.So ordered. Charles Resh Trailer Court -For Preliminary Approval (60 Day Limit) On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Tritle,the Commission voted to disapprove the plat file per section 611,paragraph 1 of the SubdivisIDon Ordinance.So ordered. :lOO<lX~~X~~~X ~~~~~t<~2IaO~lii~\lOOj:l.O~XJ@;X~~~~~· 215 PRELIMINARY PLATS CONTS: Charles W.Resh -For Preliminary Approval (60 Day Limit) The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Walla,to disapprove the plat file per Section 401,paragraph 1 of the Subdivision Ordinance.So ordered. :)C '.)();';',:,~__f',i,' Mr.and Mrs.John K.Carbaugh -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded By MR.Herbst,,to grant Preliminary Approval. So ordered. Graan Hills Development -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Mr.and Mrs.Carl Poffenqergerc-For Preliminary Approval: On a motion By Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. t'" '<1"o (:::J ;::';lo Price Meadows -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval on a motion by MR.Walla and Seoonded by Mr.Dorsey and asked that the developer be notified of the Health Department requirements regarding the building set back line to be shown in the preparation of the final plat.So ordered. Julietta A.Leroi -For Preliminary Approval~ Upon review of the Plat file,the Commission voted to grant Pre- liminary Approval,on a motion by Mr.Tritle and seconded by Mr. Herbst and asked that the developer be notified of the Engineering condition regarding grading plans in the preparation of a final plat.So ordered. Marshall W.Wesley -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by MR.Gross and seconded by MR. Dorsey,to grnnt Preliminary Approval to the plat file and asked that the notification letter stating that the Washington County Engineering Department reserves the right ot deny entrance permits for any additional points of access to this tract,be sent to the developer.So ordered. Robert Bowers -For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Tritle and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Mrs.Beaulah Martin -For Preliminary Approval: ~MXUpon rev~ew of the plat file,ehe Commission voted to grant Prelim- inary Approval on a motion by MR.Herbst ana seconded by Mr.Walla. So ordered. Londontowne Section D -For Preliminary Approval"lj, The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by MR. Tritle,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Florence E.Haney -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval on a motion'by MR.Wiiilla and seconded by Mr.Gross.So ordered. :&10 SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULA~IONS CONTD: FINAL PLATS: Richard G.Bloyer Lot 5 -For Final Approval:,~'c On a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Walla,the Commiss.;Lon HU~KM~voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Richard T.Harris -For Final Approual: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst,seconded by Mr.walla, to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. J.D.Earl Martin Lots 4 and 5 -For Final ApprQval: On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. MT.Aetna Church -For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by MR.Walla and Herbst,to grant Final Approval to the plat file. seconded by M·r. So ordered. Frances A.Otzelberger -For Final Approval: On a motion by Mr.Herbst,seconded by Mr.Gross,the commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Cave Hill Acres -KK~XXXX FOr Fianl Approval: Final Approval was granted to the plat file on a motion by Mr Walla, seconded by Mr.Herbst.So ordered. Southland Employees Trust -For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Tritle,seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to grant Final Appro~al to the plat file.So ordered. Mr.and Mrs.Marvin Duncan -For Final Approval: On a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Tritle,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Mr.snd Mrs.J.W.Harshman -For Final Approval: The Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Tritle.So ordered. Harvest Acres -For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Herast,to grant FinalApproval to the plat file with the recommendation that consideration MK~regarding Historic Zoning be given to the 20 acres ~of land shown as Lot No.1 on the plat. So ordered.parcel NEXT MEETING DATE: The next regul,~meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commiss~on will be held on Monday,April 17,li72 at 7:30 P.M.in MK the Conference Room of the Court House Annex. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 P.M.on a motion by Mr.Walla, seconded by Mr.Dorsey.So ordered. (C/I!JO~()L j{/ud'-.J Donald R.Frusn,Chairman ~'"~o(~ :.::< Cl APRIL 17,1972 The regular meeting of the Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission was held on Monday,April 17,1972,at 7:30 P.M.in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex. Present were:Chairman Donald R.Frush,Vice-Chairman Richard J. Walla,Ex-Officio Rome F.Schwagel,William E.Dorsey,Richard W. Gross,John C.Herbst,John F.Tritle,County Planner Leroy R. Burtner,Office Administrator Barry A.Teach,James A.Rooney of the Department of Health and County Engineer Glenn L.Dull. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. The Minutes of uhe meeting of April 3,1972 were approved as presented on a motion by Mr.Gross andseconded by Mr.Walla.So ordered. BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS: The Commiss~on voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to pay the following bills:$36.00 for 1971 Supplement and Revised Pages of the Law of Zoning and Blannin~,$35.54 to Hays for,office supplies and $4.37 to the Roads Department ·for gasoline.So ordered. Requests for Extension on Preliminary Plats: Henry H.Barnhart -Hancock: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr".Dorsey,to grant a twelve (12)month extension of Preliminary Approval until February 2,1973,under Section 2.6 of the 1964 Subdivision Ordinance subject to consideration being given to the requirements of the Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance and also the requirements of the Department of Health in the preparatIDon of a Final Plat.So ordered. Request Dor Extension on Preliminary Plats: Paul C.Massey -Massey Tract: On a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,a twelve (12) month extension of Preliminary Approval was granted to the Massey Tract until May 18,1973,under the provis~ons of Section 2.6 of the 1964 Subdivision Ordinance subject to consideration being given to the Erosion and Sediment Control requirements as well as the conditions required by the Health Department.So ordered. Letter -Mrs.Elizabeth Jenkins: Mrs.Elizabeth Jenkins appeared to find out why she could not build a house on a parcel of land deeded to her September 23, 1970,from Mrs.E.Frank Snyder to Mr.and Mrs.Frederick M. Jenkins. Mrs.Jenkins was advised,that since there was no subject plat before the Commission to be considered and that application for a building permit had not been made,that she apply to the Building and Permits Department for a permit to build in accordance with established County procedure. Policy Procedure Regarding Permit Applications: In order to establish a policy procedure regarding permit appli cations from the Building and Permits department with a request for an investigationof plat approval,the Chairman requested that all permit approvals be returned immediately to the Building Department and note made as to whether an approved plat is on file and date of Final Approval. 2i 1:7 £JJ(j Policy Procedure Regarding Permit Applications Contd: The commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr. Walla,to establish the above mentioned procedure regarding permits and asked tha~the Building Department be invited to attend a meeting of the Planning Commission in the near future to discuss operatirr~procedures between the two departments.So ordered. OLD AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Flood Plain Studies: Remains the same. 701 Contract P-69: Mr.Burtner reported that he had been in contact with Mr.Kees of Baker-Wibberly regarding two mylars,one of the Plan Map and the Highway Plan which would have unlimited uses. Mr.Kees has agreed to prepare a Plan Map Mylar and a Highway Plan Mylar at a scale of 1"=4000'in approximately three weeks.. Capital Improvements Program: Mr.Burtner reported that the preparation of the Eapital Improve- ments Program is 75%complete and that he hoped to finalize the Program this week. New 701 Program: The Commission stated that the Tri-County Council is helping with the additional 701 studies required by HUD in the Final Overall Program EM~XM~Design. Mr.Frush informed the Commission that the top priority item would be deleted from the studies as it pertains to drainage because the County Commissioners are proceeding with this urgent study and that he would like the Commission to consider the other studies needed and establish priorities for the 701 request so that it can be submitted to the State. On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Tritle,the Commission voted to go through the Plan for the County and set priorities for additional suudies to be infuluded in the CPA Application for 1972-73.So ordered. The Chairman stated that additional time MM may be required to complete the Program. On a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Chairman was authorized to contact the Secretary of the State Planning Department requesting additional time to prepare this Program which is due May 1,should it become necessary.So ordered. BUDGET: The Chairman reported that the 1972-73 Revised Budget,as out- lined at the previous meeting,had been forwarded to the County Commissioners for their consideration and action. On a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to delete the Budget from the agenda under Old and Unfinished Business.so ordered. Pro~Eective Home Builder Publication: Preparation of this Informational Bulletin,in order to better inform the public of Planning and Zoning activities,is being finalized. 1:'""'<t'oo ;:~ o 219 Advisory Board to the Planning Commission: Mr.Gross stated that he had two names to submit to the Commis- sion for consideration at a later date. NEW BUSINESS: Survey of Projected Needs: A letter from Mr.Burtner regarding a Survey of Projected Needs to Mr.Parsley was discussed by the Commission. On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,the Com- mission voted to consider this survey at a later date in the form of a Workshop Meetmng.So ordered. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Borsey,to ask Mr.Schwagel M to bring to the attention of the County Commissioners the reason for the delay of the anticipated needs of the Commission.So ordered. SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS: PRELIMINARY PLATS: JYlr"amd i\<lrsi Richard Gl Bloyer,Lot #6 -Fl1Jr Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr·.Herbst,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.so ordered. Mr.and Mrs.Robert W.Ziem -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant Preliminary Approval. So ordered. Grover M.Sprecher -For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Tritle,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Rexanna Lee Moser -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission M voted,on a motion by Mr.Tritle and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to ~M grant Preliminary App- roval.So ordered. Bonnard J.Morgan -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Walla,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat XXMX file.So ordered. Mr.and Mrs.Walter J.Stuller -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the .Commission voted to grant Pre- liminary Approval on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr. Dorsey and asked that the developer be notified of the MMM~Xt~ conditions to be shown on the Final Plat as follows: turning The Final Plat shall contain provisions for a XMxtM~flare,per Section 405,paragraph 2c of the Subdivision Ordinance,at the northeast corner of the subject lot in order to provide a proper turning radius from the Boonsboro-Mt.Lena Road to the 50'roadway noted on the plat. The Final plat shall contain a note stating in effect:It is expressly understood and agreed upon that the 50'roadway noted on the plat is not a county roadway and will not be accepted into Julietta A.Leroi - ~~(J SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS,CONTD: the County system unless and until it is built to County standards and specifications."So ordered. Mr.and Mrs.Ezra R.Baker -For preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file. So ordered. FINAL PLATS: For Final Approval: ~N~Upon reviewof the plat file and noting that the conditmon regarding grading plans had been complied with,the Commission voted to grant Final Appro~al on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr. Tritle.So ordered. Mrs.Fl0rence E.Haney,Lot #1 -For Final Approval: The commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Tritle and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Final Approval to the plat file and noted that the condition regarding the deletion of property other than lot #1 from the plat had been KM~resolved.So ordered. Mr.and Mrs.John K.Carbaugh -For Final Approval: On a motion by Mr.~rbst and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Mr.and Mrs.Carl T.Poffenberger -For Final Approval: The Commission voted.on a motion by Mr.Walla,and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Marshall Wesley and Wife -For Final Approval: On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Tritle,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Charlton Acres,Section 1,(Slots)-For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to ~~NX grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Herbst. So ordered. NEXT MEET]NG DATE: The next regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning eommission will be held on Monday,May 1.1972,at 7:30 P.M.in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex. ADJOURNMENT:, The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M.,-, tt'J,Cfc(JuQ (R ,Lj~ Donald R.Frusn;'Chairman MKXXE MAY 1,1972 The regular meeting of the Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission was held on Monday,May 1,1972,at 7:30 P.M.in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex. Present were:Chairman Donald R.Frush,Vice-Chairman Richard J. Walla,Ex-Officio Rome F.Schwagel,William E.Dorsey,Richard W. Gross,John C.Herbst,John F.Tritle,County Planner Leroy R. Burtner,Barry A.Teach Office Administrator,James A.Rooney of the Department of Health and Phil Ebersole and Bernie Hayden for the Herald-Mail. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. The Minutes of the meeting of April 17,1972 were approved as written on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey. So ordered. 221 BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS: Letter -,John A.Latimer -Memo -Glenn L.Dull: ~ ~oo ;~o The Commission voted, Mr.Tritle,to pay an the amount of $24.69. on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and invoice from IBM for typewriter So ordered. seconded by ribbon in A,letter from Mr.John Latimer and Memorandum from Mr.Glenn L. Dull,County Engineer were read to the Commission regarding the use of the wor£!"grant"in relation to the 30'right-of-way on County Roads required on plats. ~~The Chairman stated that the present Subdivision Ordinance amendment with regard to r~ght-of-way would,be followed,and ~urther requested that this correspondence be recognized and placed in a file for future consideration for amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance. OLD AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Flood Plain Studies: The Chairman stated that nothing new has been received from the Corps of Engineers regarding Flood Plain Studies. 701 Contract P-69: Mr.Burtner reported that the base map mylars for the Plan Map apd the Highway Plan Map have been produced and that he will be meeting with Baker-Wibberly in the near future on the final pro- ducts. Capital Improvements Program: ~K~X«M~XKMXXXM~KMM~M~MK~XRKMijKMMX The Capital Improvements Program has been prepared and copies have been made available to the Commission members for review and will be considered at a later date. New 701 Program: The Chairman stated that verbal delay has been granted from Mr. Richard Gucker of the State Planning Department for the new 701 Program to be submitted May 15. Advisory Board to the Planning Commission: Remains the same. Prospective Homebuilder Booklet: ·~2i2 Prospect Homebuilder Booklet Condo The Chairman stated that the Ex-Officio member Mr.Schwagel, would be consul.ted prior to completion of the Prospective Home- builder Booklet. SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS: PRELIMINARY PLATS: Sunset Acres (60 day limit)-For PreliminaryApproval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file. So ordered. Austin H.Bikle (60 day limit)-For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to grant Preliminary Approval to the developer for a storage yard subject to Health Department Approval on the Final plat submission and provided that: A notation be shown on the Final Plat which states:"It is to be expressly understood and agreed upon that the existing ponding of storm drain runoff at the intersection of Greensburg Road and the existing entrance is not now nor will be the res- ponsibility of Washington 'County".So ordered. vic Ditto Tract -Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Tritle and seconded by Mr.Gross,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file. So ordered. Vic Ditto Letter: A letter from Mr.Kenneth J.Mackley,respresenting Mr.Ditto and Mr.Leiter was read,in which it was requested that consideration be given to granting Final Approval under Section 107 (Hardship Clause)of the Washington County Subdivision Ordinance. Considering the Ordinance provisions,the Commission voted on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to grant Final Approval to the plat file under Section 107 (Hardship Clause) of the Subdivision Ordinance and upon receipt of a letter of Final Approval from the Department of Health.The motion carried with Mr.Walla voting "No." George A.Mills to Ingram -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission'voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. George A.Mills to Draper -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Tritle and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Charles W.Resh -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Pre- liminary Approval subject to the following notations being shown on the Final Plat: 1."It is to be expressly understood and agreed upon that Washington County will not assume any responsibility for providing access to Lot No.6 and Lot No.7." 2.The 25 foot right-of-way noted on the plat (between Lot No.5 and 6)is to be considered as a private entrance only and under no circumstances will a public road connection to S?ade Road be allowed at this location." PRELIMINARY PLATS CONTD: Charles W.Resh contd: ~he motion was made by Mr.Tritle and seconded by Mr.Schwagel. ordered. Charles F.Tabler-For Preliminary Approval: So 22:3 On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Mrs.Catherine D.Ruble -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Gross,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. The Martin Company -For preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file with the request that the plat be referred to the Traffic Advisory Committee for comments on potential traffic problems at the inter- section of Maugans Avenue and u.S.Route 11 for Commission review ~at the next meeting.So ordered. ~ ()FINAL PLATS:o§S Londontowne,Section D -For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file and noting that it was in one of three Corridors proposed for the Hagerstown Beltway,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,to grant Final Approval on the basis that no defined corridor has as yet been established by detailed engineering studies and would be unrealistic to deny development on all land involved in three proposed corridors. It was further resolved,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to send a letter to the State Highway Administration asking that the consultant,selected to prepare the proposed detailed corridor studies,be made aware of the Highway Plan in the Plan for the County and that the consultant meet with'the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding these studies.So ordered. Ezra R.Baker -For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr. Walla,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Richard G.Bloyer -For Final Approval: On a motion by Mr.Walla,seconced by Mr.Herbst,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered., Green Hills Development,Section B -For Final Approval: upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Final Approval. So ordered. Florence E.H'a.ney,Lot 2 -For Final Approval : The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr. Gross,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Leister Higgins -For Final Approval: On a motion by Mr.Gross,seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Welty J.Leatherman -For Final Approval: upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst. So ordered. ,~24 Bonnard J.Morgan -F'or Final Approval: On a motion by Mr ..Walla and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Rexanna Lee Moser -For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr. Walla,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Beulah J.Martin -For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted"on a motion by Mr.Tritle and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant Final Approval. So ordered. Paradise Homes,Section A-For Final Approval: The Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Herbst.So ordered. Walter Stuller -For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file and noting that the conditions required by the County Engineer to be shown on the Final Plat had been complied with,the Commissionvoted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst.So ordered. Robert Ziem -For Final Approval: On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. NEXT MEETING DATE: The next regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning commission will be Monday,May 15,1972 at 7:30 P.M.in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex. The Chairman announced that Mr.Bernie Hayden,who reports for the Morning Herald and has regularly been assigned to report on Commission meetings,has resigned his position and will be leaving Washington County. It was resolved,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Walla, to have it be shown in the records of the Planning Commission that sincere appreciation be given for the contribution made by Mr.Hayden in keeping the public informed and aware of Commission activities through the numerous news articles written b¥him.So ordered. ADJOURMENT: This meeting was adjourned at 8:35 P.M. f)~lalJ Ck _{~ilhrA Donald R.Frush~hairman it'" '<:f\oo C<o 22'[) MAY 15,1972 The regular meeting of the Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission was "held on Monday,May 15,1972 at 7:30 P.M.in the Conferen::e Room of the Court House Annex. Present were:Chairman Donald R.Frush,Vice-Chairman Richard J. Walla,Ex-Officio Rome F.Schwagel,Richard W.Gross,John C. Herbst,John F.Tritle,County Planner Leroy R.Burtner,Barry A.Teach Office Administrator,James A.Rooney of the Department of Health and John Barker reporting for the llMXX Herald-Mail. Not present:William E.Dorsey. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. The minutes of the meetinq of May 1,1972,were approved as pre- sented on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Tritle.So ordered. BILLS AJ\D COMMUNICATIONS: An invoice from Hays for Office supplies in the amount of $66.28 was approved for payment on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla.So ordered. Letter form Mr.James W.T.Hose: A letter was read from Mr.James W.T.Hose,regarding an extension to 90 days recording limit for Reginald Vickers Plat which received Final Approval on March 6,1972. The Commission voced,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to place this matter in the hands of the Clerk of the Circuit Courr referring him to Section 314 of the Subdivis~on Or- dinance,and notification to Mr.Hose.So ordered. OLD AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Flood Plain Studies: Remains the same. 701 Contract P-69: Mr.Burtner reported that the base map mylars for the Plan Map and Highway Plan Map have been produced and final products are being prepared. Capital Improvements program: The Chairman stated that the Capital Improvements Program is delayed until such time thatmeet~ngs can be arranged with the various agencies who have submitted reports to the Commission staff. New 701 Brogram: The Chairman reported that the new 701 Program is being completed and that the Housing Element,which the Homebuilder's Foundation helped to prepare is being delivered May 16. Advisory Board to the Planning Commission: Commission members are submitting names for consideration. prospective Homebuilder Booklet: Remains the same. SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS: PRELIMINARY PLATS: Dorine I.Carty (60 day limit)-For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Tritle to disapprove the plat appli- cation because it did not meet the requirements of Section 611, paragraph 2 (Dl)of the Subdivision Ordinance.So ordered. ·~2·6 SUBDIVISIONS CONTROL REGULATIONS CONTD; AgnitaM.Schreiber (60 day limit)-For Preliminary Approval: The Corrunission"voted,ona motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Tritle,to disapprove the plat file because it did not meet the requirements of Section 611,paragraph 2 (B)of.the Subdivision Ordinance.So ordered. Richard T.Harris -For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,the Commission moved to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Albert L.Keyser,Lots 1,2 and 3 -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross,to grant Preliminary Approval and asked that the Final plat contain the notation stating in effect, ...."Lot No.3 shall be graded in such a manner as to insure the continuous flow of surface drainage through said lot".So ordered. Mt.Aetna Volunteer Fire Company -For Preliminary Approval: The corrunission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Gtoss,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Alvey R.Mowen,Et.Ux-parcels 1 and 2 -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Preliminary Approval. So ordered. St.James Village,Section C For Preliminary Approval: The Commiss~on ~oted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr. Tritle,to grant Preliminary Approval and asked that the following statement be placed on the Final Plat: 1.The final roadway construction plans will have to be revised to include a 275 foot stopping distance on vertical curve at Station 3+.00 on Woods~de Drive. 2.The proposed grade on Summerlin will have to be revised to tie into the edge of Woodside Drive. So ordered. Dnaiel W.Blickenstaff,Lots 1 and 2 -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross,to grant Preliminary Approval and asked that the Final Plat contain the following notation: "It is to be expressly understood and agreed upon that the entrance to lot No.1 is a private entrance,and as such,Washington County will not assume any responsibility for same."So ordered. Earl T.Martin -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file and asked that the road names on the Location Map ge correcEed MMB in the preparation of the Final Plat.So ordered. FINAL PLATS, Sycamore Heights,Section D -For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file,and noting that the requested changes have ~ax been made,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Walla.So ordered. George A.Mills to Draper -For FinalApproval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr. Tritle,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. lOOfX~~ 227 SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS CONTD: George A.Mill?to Ingram -For Final Approval: On a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Walla,The Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Sunset Acres,Section C -For Final Approval have Upon review of the plat file and noting that the requested corrections ~been made on the plat,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr. Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Final Approval.So ordered. OTHER BUSINESS: The Chairman reported that the Budget hearing for the Planning Com- mission will not be held as scheduled on May 16,A new date for the hearing has not as yet been set. t'" ~oo ;::':) o The Chairman asked that the Policy Committee consider administrative policy procedures for the signing of one lot final plats when there are no changes following preliminary plat approval by the Commission. The Chairman announced that a Public Hearing on the C and 0 Canal Master Plan would be held at the Williamsport High School on May 31,at 8:00 P.M. NEXT MEETING DATE: The..next regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning commission will be on Monday,June 5,1972 at 7:30 P.M.in the'Confereree Room of the Court House Annex. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was and seconded by June 5,1972 adjourned at 8:00 P.M.on a motion by Mr.Schwagel Mr.Walla.So orde~re.d ./)J.GMJrI /!?7.tuuA-- Donald R.Fpush,Chairman The regular meeting of the Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission was held on Monday,June 5,1972 at 7:30 P.M.in Court HMM~~XXX Room No. 2 of the Washington County Court House. Present were:Chairman Donald R.Frush,Vice-Chairman Richard J. Walla,Ex-Officio Rome F.Schwagel,William E.Dorsey,Richard W. Gross,John C.Herbst,County Planner,Leroy R.Burtner,Barry A. Teach Office Administrator and James A.Rooney of the Department of Health. On a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Minutes of the meeting of May 15,1972 were approved as written.So ordered. BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to approve payment of the following invoices:Gasoline- $4.20,Tortuga Restaurant $3.85,Hagerstown Bookbinding for Envelopes- $35.50,IBM -Typing Element -$18.00,and IBM Maintenance Agreement $12.25.So ordered. A letter was read from Mr.Richard Lauricella,dated May 31,1972, in which it was requested that the Preliminary Approval granted July 13,1970 for Fountain Dale be granted an extension of time by the Planning Commission. 22.8. ®ENXKNNXMNRXNX3HKMXRM3XNES3X ~~X~~NMXMMK~KXH~K~~¥XdKXMXMMKKMKXM~XM~XXWMXXMXMK~XM~MMK~~MXM~XM~X MM~M~~¥XKMXM~~~MH~X~M~M~KKXMXXKN~XXMXXMNXKijXXKHMXM~MXXX~MMMXXK~* The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Gross,to grant an extension of Preliminary Approval of Fountain Dale until July 13,1973 under the provisions of Section 2.6 of the 1964 Subdivision Regulations.So ordered. A letter was read from the John R.Oliver Company dated June 2,1972, in which it was requested that a modification or variance be made to Section 703 of the Subdivision Ordinance regarding the Registered Land Surveyor and/or Engineer's Statement.Mr.Oliver and represen- tatives from his company asked for the modification,under the "hard- ship"clause of Section 107 of the Subdivision Ordinance to permit his firm to submit plats without the provision of a Registered Engineer. He stated that he was unable to cOIaplete sales due to the loss of time needed to have a Registered Engineer prepare subdivision plats. The Chairman stated that Section 107 of the Subdivision Ordinance does not apply to the Oliver Company's request,but that Article 75 of the Annotated Code of Maryland General Laws does apply,and quoted from Article 75~,Section 15,paragraph c. On"a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,the Commission voted that the letter from the John R.Oliver Company be made a part of these Minutes,by reference.So ordered. BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS: Flood Plain Studies: 701 Contract P-69: Remains the same. Additional materials are being prepared to complete the Contract. Capital Imorovements Program: The Chairman-stated that meetings will be scheduled with the various agencies who have MMMMXKK~~~~~M~KM.submitted reports. New 701 Program: The Chairman reported that as a result of many meetings,the new 701 OPD is just about completed and asked for a resolution endorsing the Overall Program Design,as amended. On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to endorse the OPD,as amended,which was read and signed this date for submission to the County Commissioners.So ordered. On a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Walla,the Cpmmission voted to authorize Non-Federal contribution to the Comprehensive Planning Assistance Annual Work Program,signed this date and passed to the County Commissioners.So ordered. Advisory Board to the Planning Commission: The matter will be considered at a later date. Prospective Homebuilders Booklet: The status remains the same. Policy Committee: The Policy concerning staff approval of Final one-lot plats with no changes from Preliminary Approval is under study. t-- .~o ~. ;"""".j ;:~o 2·....(2).~LJ ,;.'" SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS: PRELIMINARY PLATS: Paul R.Corderman,(60 Day Limit)_For Preliminary Appro~al: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Gross,to disapprove the preliminary plat file because it did not have Health~'Department Approval per Section 611 of the Subdivis±on Ordinance.So ordered. Hamby Subdivision,Lots 1 and 2 (60 Day Limit)_For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,the Preliminary Plat File was disapproved by the Commission,because it did not have Health Department Approval per Section 611 of the Subdivision Ordinance. So ordered. Woodmoor,Section C -(60 Day Limit)_For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to disapprove the Preliminary Application on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Schwagel,per Section 611 and Section 604 of the Subdivision Ordinance. So ordered. Cumberland Valley Hatchery,Lots 3-6,11,12 _For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,the Commission v<IJted 'to.approve the plat file and asked that the Final Plat be pre- pared to show the following notations: 1.It is to be expressly understood and agreed upon that Stouffer Avenue is not a County street and will not be accepted into the County System unless and until it is built to County standards XNg and specifications,including provisions for a 50'R/W for the street.right-of-way 2. 3. It is also to be expressly understood and agreed upon that the existing pipe culvert under Stouffer Avenue (in the southwest corner of Lot No.6),is not the property of Washington County, and as such,the County will assume no responsibility for the adequacy or inadequacy of same,nor for any storm drain damage caused by the presence of the pipe. No grading or constr~~tion shall be started on Lots No.3,4,5,6, 11,or 12,until a ~~~grading plan is submitted to the County Engineer for approval.So ordered. Landers to Walls -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Herbst.So ordered. Daniel K.Seibert -For Preliminary Approval: Rancena Heights,Lots 1 and 2 - The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,.to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval and asked that the Final plat be accompained by a site grading plan for grading operations on Lot No.2.So ordered. ~00 SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS CONTD: Daniel A.Secrest,Lots l?and 4 -For Preliminary Approval Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr. Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant Preliminary Approval and that the following conditions be noted on the Final Plat.So ordered. 1.Due to the limited sight distance in the area,the locations of entrances to the subject lots will be confined to the following locations: a.Lot #1:within 30'of the South lot line. b.Lot #2:within 20'of the North lot line. c._Lot #3:wi thin 20'of the South lot line. d.Lot #4~·wi thin 75'of the North lot line. 2.The location of the above mentioned entrances shall be s.hown on the Final plat and the proper notation restricting the entrances to these locations shall be included on the Final ]2lat. So ordered. Calvin Shank -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr. Gross,seconded py Mr.Walla,to grant Preliminary Approval.So ordered. Donald W.Griffith -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr. Herbst,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Raymond Divelbiss -For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. W.L.Sterling -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval tiMX~KMNKXRK~XXMXNMK~to the plat file.The motion was made by MAAA~ ~~MMN~~~~~XMKXXEMK~~~XXXSMXMX~MXM~~Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey. So ordered. Oak Ridge Park Apartments,(121 units)-For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant Preliminary Approval and asked that the following notations be placed on the Final Plat: 1.The connection between the provate roadway noted on the plat and existing Red Oak Drive shall be by means of a private entrance not to exceed 15 feet in width.Final plat shall contain provisions to insure that traffic onto Larch Avenue is discouraged. 2.Under no circumstances shall storm drainage runoff from the proposed development be diverted onto existing Red Oak Drive or on to Lot #6,Block No.9 or Lot No.1,Block No.11,as noted on the plat. 3.Final approval will not be granted to the subject plat unless and until information is submitted to the County Engineer indicating MMKXN~a satisfactory method of discharging the storm drainage runoff from the proposed develppment onto the adjacent property MKXKN~KH~at the northwest corner of the subject property at the nmrth- west corner of the subject plat.The above information shall include the discharging of the runoff directly into the natural drainage course at the property line or the provisions for legal drainage ease- ments conveying the discharge from the property line to theinatural drainage course (s).So ordered. Om(Ridge Towne,(24 units)-For Preliminary Approval: A letter was read from Mr.R.W.Hahne,representing a group of Oak it"" ~oooo 231 SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS CONTD: Oak Ridge Towne,(24 units)contd, Ridge residents,dated June 5,1972,with petition attached,expressing concern over the method of ingress and egress for the proposed Oak Ridge ~MWN Towne Development. Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr. Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to make an on-site inspection; to contact the Traffic Advisory Committee for their recommendations regarding the method of ingress and egress to the development;a complete copy of the plat file to be prepared by the staff for review by the Commission members;and placed on the agenda for the next meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission.So ordered. Lester C.Jenkins -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr. Gross,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. For Preliminary Approval: Martin Paint and Wallpaper,(commercial)- Upon review of the plat file and making note of a ~MX~K~MM petition signed by concerned residents in opposition to the commerical dev~lopment on the Longmeadow Road based upon traffic problems and storm water drainage, the Commission voted to contact the Traffic/Advisory Committee,make copies of the complete file information for the Commission review,to inspect the site with the involved County agencies,and place this development on the agenda for the next Planning Commission meeting. The signed petition is also to be made a part of the file.The motion was made by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla.So ordered. E~KXXHXX~KMMMLloyd Selmer -For Preliminary Approval: (commercial) On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Herbst,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Earl B.Grove -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to grant preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Winding Creek·South,(Lots 1-8,10--13,15-24)-For preliminary Approval upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant Preliminary Approval. So ordered. Mr.and Mrs.J.Walter Harshman,Lots 2,3 and 4 -For Preliminary Approval On a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. FINAL PLATS: Richard T.Harris -For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr. Herbst,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Catherine D.Ruble,Lots 1 and 2 -For Final Approval: upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr. Herbst and seconded by Mr.Gross,to grant Final Approval.So ordered. 232' SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS CONTD: The Martin Company -For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file XN~NMKXN~XKNX and noting that it had been referred to the Traffic Advisory Committee for study,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to dis- approve the plat due to the effect that the proposed development might have on creating a traffic hazard at this location,per Section 401,paragraph 1,and Section 406,paragraph 20f the Subdivision Ordinance.Also included was that the matter be referred back to the Traffic Advisory Committee for further review and study.So ordered. Alvey R.Mowen,Et Ux.Lots 1 and 2 ~or Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Schwagel.So ordered. Earl T.Martin-For Final Approval: On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Charles W.Resh,Lots 1,2,4,5,6 and 7 -For Final Approval: tD fYM Jd!/k Cj~t,uIi The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So orderdd. Mt.Aetna Volunteer Fire Department-For Final Approval: On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. NEXT MEETING DATE: The next meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission will be on Monday,June 19,1972,at 7:30 P.M.in the Conference ,Room of the Court House Annex. ADJOURNIJIENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M.on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross.So ordered. -Donald R.Frush-;-Cnairman JUNE 19,1972 The regular meeting of the Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission was held on Monday,June 19,1972 at 7:30 P.M.in,Court Room No.2 of the Washington County Court House. Present were:Chairman Donald R.Frush,Ex-Officio Rome F.Schwagel, William E.Dorsey,Richard W.Gross,County Planner Leroy R.Burtner, Office Administrator Barry A.Teach,County Engineer Glenn L.Dull and James A.Rooney of the Department of Health. No presen~:Vice-Chairman Richard J.Walla and John C.Herbst. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of June 5,1972 were adopted as written.So ordered. 233 BILLS AND C01~UNICATIONS: The Commission voted to approve payment of the following invoices on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey:National Association of Counties for planning publications -$4.14,Hays for Office Supplies- $14.20,and Hagerstown Bookbinding and Printing for printed envelopes- $23.00.So ordered. Memorandum f~om the County Engineer: A memorandum was read form County Engineer Glenn L.Dull in which he requested legal interpretation of Article VI,Section 602 of the Sub- division Ordinance to clarify provision of required,right of way. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr. Gross,to refer to Mr.Dull's request to legal counsel for legal inter- pretation of Section 602,Article VI of the Subdivision Ordinance. So ordered. ~Letter -Mr.Daniel M.Sheedy: ~ C)A letter was read from Mr.Daniel M.Sheedy,dated June 11,1972,in C:I which it was requested that a one year extension of Preliminary Approval§5 for Londontowne,Section A. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr. Gross,to grant a one year extension of Preliminary Approval to Loridontowne,Section A,which is valid until July 6,1973,under the provisions of the 1964 Subdivision Regulations.So ordered. Letter form Mr.Robert Johnson: A letter was read from Mr.Robert Johnson of Fox and Associates,regarding the applicability of the Washington County Subdivision Ordinance to two proposed land transfers between Valley Mall Associates and Rock'N Spring Corporation. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr. Gross,that if there is a monetary consideration involved in the transfer of the parcels,the definition of the Subdivision Ordinance pertaining to sale or development of land would have to be complied with per Section 202,paragraph 47.So ordered. Letter from Mr.Maurice Martin: A letter was read from Mr.Maurice Martin dated June 16,1972,in which he requested that the Commission reconsider the plat for the Martin Company which had been disapproved on June 5,1972 per section 401, paragraph 1 and 406,paragraph 2 of the Subdivision Ordinance. Mr.Martin stated that this disapproval imposed a severe hardship on him. On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Commission voted to further consider the plat for the Martin Company under the hardship clause of the Subdivision ~K~XKMKMM Regulations.So ordered. On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Commission voted to place the Martin Company plat onth~agenda for this meeting under New Business.So 'ordered. OLD AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Flood Plain Studies: Remains the same. ~34 OLD AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS CONTD; 701 Contact -P-69; Mr.Burtner reported that the mylars and prints of the Plan Map and Master Highway Plan have been delivered and that there were some corrections and additions to be made.He will meet with Mr.Kees of Baker-Wibberly to discuss the additional information and revisions to be made. Capital Improvements Program: The Chairman stated that meetings will be scheduled with the various agencies who have submitt~d material. 1973 Overall Program Design: The Chairman reported that the 1973 Overall Program Design (OPD) is completed and will be mailed to the State Planning Department. Advisory Board to the Planning Commission: This matter will be considered at a later date. Prospective Homebuilders Booklet: Mr.Schwagel reported that the Prospective Homebuilder's Booklet can be finalized and that Mr.Teach can meet with the respective agencies for implementation and distribution. Policy Committee: The administrative policy concerning Final one-lot plats with no changes from Preliminary Approval will be presented for consideration at July 3rd meeting. NEW BUSINESS: The Martin Company The Chairman stated that there are no provisions in the Subdivision Ordinance to permit the consideration of a disapproved plat for Final Approval. On a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Commission voted to consider the plat for the Martin Company for Preliminary plat Approval. So ordered. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant Preliminary Approval to the Martin Company plat hased upon the results of the site inspection by Mr.Schwagel and Mr.Gross and by members of the Traffic Advisory Committee and finding no problems regardmng the potential traffic hazard. Preliminary Approval was §ranted to the section which is shown on the present plat only,and subject to the conditions of the Traffic Advisory Committee regarding the regrading of the road- way bank. Zoning Workshop Meetings: The Chairman was authorized,ona motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to have the draftsman proceed with corrections on the Zoning Maps in regard to the public lands along the Potomac River,the Antietam Battlefield,historic sites which are on the Maryland and Federal Register,people who have requested that they be given historic zoning and the Department of Natural Resources and the State Highway Administration "take area"Maps. So ordered. SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS: PRELIMINARY PLATS: 7. t-- ~oo Cl Cl SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS CONTD: Oak Ridge Towne -(24 units)-For Preliminary Approval: Mr.R.W.Hahne,representing residents of Oak Ridge,presented a number of additional signatures to a petition in objection to the proposed Oak Ridge Towne development and asked that it be made a part of the plat file. After noting additional letters in the plat file regarding Health Department ~nditions,further information.on the Final plat by the Soil Conservation District,the Water Department, comments of the County Engineer and the Potomac Edison Company, a motion was made by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross,tp grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file when all agency con- ditions are met and that another entrance to the property is shown on the plat.The motion did not carry with Mr.Dorsey voting "No". Following further discussion as to the method of ingress and egress to the proposed development,a motion was made by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Schwagel to grant Preliminary Approval subject to the following conditions being shown on the Final Plat, per paragraph 302 (2)and 406(2)of the Subdivision Regulations. 1.Health Department approval contingent upon approval of the extension of water lines and sewer main to serve this area by the Maryland State Department of Health,Divi- sion of Sanitary Engineering. 2.Final plat shall show the necessary utility easements. 3.The following information for erosion and sediment control shall be included on the Final plat or on a separate plan labeled,"Sediment and Erosion Control Data": a.Details of Berm for Sediment retention. b.Seeding specifications for disturbed areas. 4.Detailed plans for proposed construction of Hickory Lane shall be submitted for County Engineer's approval prior to Final Plat approval; 5.Final plat shall contain a notation stating in effect:"It is to be expressly understood and ~~~agreed upon that Washington County will assume no responsibiltiy for the private driveway (entrance) and parking areas noted on the plat. 6.On the Final plat,the word "extended"is not to be used in conjunction with Hickory L~..The name of the street in question is to be referred to as Hickory Lane only. On the Final plat,the right-of-way width specified on note No.4 is to be changed fD~m 38'to 50'. 2 'Y r,::" ..),.."'JJ 8. 9 • Note No.13 on the Final plat is be revised to read •.."In this development the minimum building setback line is to be noted on the plat". A loop connection to Oak Ridge Drive shall be shown on the Final plat.This connection shall be con- structed,paved and ready for use prior to occupancy of the first housing unit,and shall be used for the routing of all construction vehicles to and from the site during the construction process. 2~)6 SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS CONTD: The motion was unanimously carried. Martins Paint and Wallpaper Store (Commercial)For Preliminary Approva After a thorough dicusssion of the plat file information regarding the proposed Martin Paint and Wallpaper Center,the Commission voted, on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to grant Preliminary Approval based on the provisions of Section 303, paragraph 2,of the Subdivision Regulations.Also,that the County Engineer look at the traffic conditions at peak traffic hours and that the Soil Conservation Service review the area as it pertains to drainage,taking into consideration the contents of the petition by the 250 persons and give their comments in writing to the Commission.So ordered. Welty J.Leatherman (60 Day Limit)-For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Gross,to disapprove the plat file because percolation test were not conducted per Section 612 of the Subdivision Ordinance and approval was not granted per Section 611 of the Subdivision Ordinance.So ordered. Mr.and Mrs.A.W.McDonald -Commercial _For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to grant PreliminarY Approval to the plat file with the conditions regarding swales being placed on the Final Plat.So ordered. Mr.and Mrs.Albert Bussard -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Gross,to grant Preliminary Approval,with the conditions regarding grading plans and entrance to the property being placed on the Final plat.So ordered. Mr.H.Pqge Smith,Lots 1-4 -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant Preliminary Approval.So ordered. Luther D.Davis -For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file and asked that the notation regarding grading be placed on the Final plat.So ordered. Sunrise Acres,Lots 1-5 -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Pxeliminary Approval on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded py Mr.Dorsey and asked that the conditions regarding right-of-way for turning flares and the proposed future access road be placed on the Final plat.So ordered. Katrina Poffenberger -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to disapprove the Preliminary Application per Section 303,paragraph 2,and Section 406,paragraph 2,of the SUbdivision Ordinance.So ordered. R,J:;.Buffington -For Preliminary Approval: Gl::Q9.9.The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.~ Mr.£OC&~~ge~,to grant PreliminarY Approval to··Senw age I, and seconded by the plat file and 237 SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS,CONTD: R.C.Buffington Contd: asked that the notation regarding Right-of-way width on Broadfording Road be shown in preparation of the Final plat.So ordered. Paul R.Corderman -(Commercial)-For Preliminary Approval: A motion was made by Mr.Schwagel to grant Preliminary Approval since it contained all the necessary agency approvals.Upon further review of the plat file,the approval of the Engineering Department was withdrawn because the development had been approved for re- sidential purposes.Mr.Schwagel then made a motion to have the plat placed on the agenda of the next meeting after County agencies have reviewed it as to ifts commercial nature.The motion was seconded by Mr.Gross.So ordered. Robinwood Section E -For Preliminary Approval: ~o Cl Cl Cl Upon review of the plat file XM~MMKXM~and noting a letter from the Department of Health which requested that the Commission review each lot for the adequacy for the home site building area and the removal of some lots in Section E be removed from the plat and also con- ditions regarding storm drain plans,the Commission voted on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross,to grant Preliminary Approval and asked that the following information be shown on the Final plat: 1.Prior to submission of the Final plat,a more detailed storm drain plan shall be submitted for review and approved by the County Engineer. 2.With reference to item 1,the County Engineer reserves the right to revise proposed street grades and proposed roadway typical section in order to accomodate the anti- cipated changes in storm drain design. 3.Upon receipt of the aforementioned storm drainage design, the County Engineer reserves the right to modify the size and location of all drainage pipes and ditches. 4 ..The lots indicated as "These lots not included",fronting on Kieffer Funk Road,shall be removed from the Final plat. 5.The Health Department has questioned the adequacy of the building area on some of these lots.This should be corrected on the Final plat based upon the developer's intent. So ordered. FINAL PLATS: Daniel W.Blickenstaff,Lots 1 and·~2-For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file and noting that the requested changes had been made,the commission voted,on a motion by Mr. Gross and seconded by Mr.Schwagel to gEant Final Approval.So ordered. Raymond Divelbiss -For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Earl B.Grove -For FinaFcApproval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to grant Final Approval.So ordered. Landers to Walls -For Final Approval: The Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file on a motion by Mr.Gross and Seconded by Mr.Dorsey.So ordered. 438 SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS CONTD: Daniel K.Seibert -For Final Approval: On a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Donald W.Griffith (commercial)-For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant Final Approval.So ordered. Lester C.Jenkins,Lot 1 -For Final Approval: The Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Gross.So ordered. Calvin Shank -For Final Approval: On a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Lloyd Semler -(Commercial)-~MKX~XMMXX~~~KMMMX For Final Approval: The Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Gross.So ordered. Mr.and Mrs.J.Walter Harshman,Lot 2-4 -For Final Approval: On a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval on the plat file.So ordered. St.James Village,Section C For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant Final Approval. So orldered. Mr.Robert Bowers -For Final Approval: On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Mr.and Mrs.Albert Keyser,Lot 1-3-For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file and noting that the requested changes had been made,the commission voted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,So ordered. Mr.W.L.'Sterling -For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. OTHER BUSINESS: Policy Committee Study: Mr.Schwagel stated that he would meet with the members of the Policy Study Committee and have a report ready for the next meeting. NEXT MEETING DATE: The next regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission will be Monday,July 3,1972 at 7:30 P,'M,'in the Court House Annex. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 P.M.K~.on a,motion by ~!:: Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross.So ordered'C'\',Jbl_DR C~~.U('5f1-li.!.( ".,_,(Iv Donald R.Erus nafrman .t'" ~oooo 239 JULY 3,1972 The regular meeting of the Washington county Planning and Zoning Commission was held Monday,July 3,1972 at 7:30 P.M.in the in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present were:Chairman Donald R.Frush,Ex-Officio Rome F. Schwagel,William E.Dorsey,Richard W.Gross,Leroy R. Burtner County Planner,Office Administrator Barry A.Te.ach and Glenn L.Dull County Engineer. Not present:Vice-Chairman Richard J.Walla and John C.Herbst. At the request of Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross,to amend the Minutes of June 19,1972,page 5,paragraph 9,regarding Oak Ridge Towne, to read,"A loop connection to Oak Ridge Drive or the Downsville Pike,shall be shown on the Final Plat ...••"So ordered. MINUTES: The Minutes of the meeting of June 19,1972 were approved as amended on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross. So ordered. ~he Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.G~oss,to place on the Planning Commission agenda,a plat for Katrina PoffenQerger to be considered for Preliminary Approval. So ordered. BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS: A bill in the amount of $3.11 from the Roads Department was approved for payment on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr. Dorsey.So ordered. Letter from Mr.John Reusing: The Chairman read for nhe Commission record,a letter from Mr. John Reusing to Mr.Lem E.K$rk regarding the Farmer's Home Administratio~'s g~ant program for storm drainage projects, which stated that the Tri-County Council would provide technical assistance Home and Appalachia grant applications at such time that the process of surveying storm drainage requirements is completed.FHMA has a program for communities of 5,500 and under which provides for 50%grants of the total,including engineering costs. Letter from Mr.J.H.Seibert for Mr.Charles M.Strother: A letter was read from Mr.J.H.Seibert in which it was requested that the Preliminary Approval for Mr.Charles M.Strother granted under the provisions of the 1964 Subdivision Ordinance,be given a twelve month extension. On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Com- mission voted to grant a one uear extension of Preliminary Approval to Mr.Charles M.•IStrother under Section 2.6 of the 1964 Subdivision Regulations.So ordered. Letter from Mrs.James McCartney: Letter from Mr.Charles Wagman,Jr: A letter was read from Mrs.James McCartney regarding a transfer of 5.04 acres of land and retaining 7.4 acres for agricultural purposes.The Chairman stated that the transfer was a subdivision of land but asked that the 80mmission consider the commentary in Section 202 of the Subdivision Ordinance since this land is being retained for agricultural purposes only and not for development. "~40 BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS CONTD: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,'to grant approval subject tothe notation being placed on the plat that the subdivision is to be exclusively for agricultural purposes only and not for development,effective this date.So ordered. Letter from Mr.John D.Marshall: A letter was read from Mr.John D.Marshall,dated June 30,1972 in which was requested a 30 day extension period be granted to Mr.Marvin J.Duncan for final plat recordation which received Final Approval on April 3,1972.Section 314 of the subdivision Ordinance states that the final plat must be recorded with the deed within 90 days.The Commipsion voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant a 30 day extension of time for recording of the Final Plat under Section 107 of the Subdivision Regulations.So ordered. OLD AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Flood Plain Studies: Remains the same. 701 Contract -P-69: .The Chairman reported that the mylars and prints of the Plan Map and Highway Plan,have been returned to Baker-Wibber1y and will be corrected and resubmitted at a later date. Capital Improvements Program: There is no new report at this time. Overall Program Rll~ZM¥¥X~Z~ijZM¥Besign Submission (New 701 Program) 'rhe Chairman reported that the O~~~JJhqgram Design had been submitted to the State Planning~on June 22,1972, and that approximately 60 copies were sent to all involved agencies and political subdivisions on June 27,1972. Scope of Work for ~he OPD: The Commission authorized the Chairman,on a motmon by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.DOrsey,to contact consultants to submit the 4 scope of Work regarding 1;;'he seven priority items,as outlined in-'. the OPD,for consideration by the Commission.So ordered. Advisory Board to the Commission: The status of the Advisory Board to the Commission remains unchanged. Homebuilder's Booklet: Mr.Teach reported that the Prospective Homebuilder's Booklet was revised and given to the County Engineer for his review and comments and will be ready for typing within the next few days. Policy Committee Report: ~M Mr.Schwagel reported that he did not have a full Committee for a status report at this time,but that he would have a report prepared for the next MMMKXMij~regular meeting.The Chairman asked that th~s be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. 241 NEW BUSINESS ~... Maryland Historical Trust Report: In 1967,the Commission had requested that the Maryland Historical Trust prepare a complete inventory of Historical sites in the County.This inventory has been delivered with over 700 historical sites,with legends properly coded for State and Federal Register.As the zoning districts are established,these items will be considered and recommendations will be asked as to their major and minor importance from the Maryland Historical ~rust and the Washington County HistDrical Advisory Committee. The Chairman stated that a telephone request had been made from the Town of Sharpsburg that it be placed on the County Register.He said that the request will be made in writing. State Planning Assistance:-~The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and secondedobyMr.Gross,to authorize.the Chairman to request the Tri- L~County Council to seek an additional Regional Planner for ~~Western Maryland to supplement County and Municipal Officials~in preparing plans for towns.So ordered. Flood Plain Survey: On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Commission voted to reaffirm by formal Commission action, a telephone poll made by the Chairman to authorize monies for a survey of flood damage information,and which since has been requested by the Department of Water Resources.So ordered. Change or Mistake Rule~ The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to authorize the Chairman to proceed through the Tri-County Council for support regarding the Change or Mistake Rule Article 66B.So ordered. SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS' pRELIMINARY PLATS~ Robinwood Mews Community -(60 day limit)-For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to disapprove the Preliminary plat file per Section 611 of the Subdivision Ordinance on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross. So ordered. Fortney Mobile Home Park -42 Lots (60 day limiwor Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the Preliminary plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to disapprove the application per Section 611 and Section 604 of the Subdivision Ordinance.So ordered. Ralph McCauley -For Preliminary Approval: The commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Gross,to grant PreliminarY Approval to the plat file. So ordered. Robert L.Younker -For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file. so ordered.. Herbert E.Rowland -For Preliminary Approval: July 3,1972 MARYLANO HISTORICAL TRUST REPORT: In 1967,the Commission had requested that the Maryland Historical Trust prepare a complete inventory of historical sites in the County.This inventory has been delivered with over 700 historical sites,with legends properly coded for State and Federal use.Also listed are the sites on the Maryland Register and the Federal Register.As the zoning districts are established,these items will be considered and recommendations will be asked as to their majbr and minor importance from the Maryland Historical Trust and the Washington County Historical Advisory Committee. Omission in transposing Minutes to permanent Minutes Ledger.(Original transcript retained in Minutes Reference File.) ATTEST TRUE COPY:/7 dJOtAdtC ,If?it4JL Donald R:Frush;-ChaIrman ~44 SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS CONTD: Herbert E.Rowland contd:For Preliminary Approval: Upon review.,of the plat file and making note that this sub- division is in one of the proposed corridors for the Hagerstown Beltway,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to delay consideration of the plat file in order to ask the State Highway Administration for a letter regarding any updating of the proposed corridor.So ordered. Gaylor Subdivision -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file. So ordered. James C.Houser - S~~lMKXSMM~XMX~XMKor Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross,to grant Preliminary Approval and asked for the following notation: The entrance is to join Shaffer Road at the center of the lot and is to shown on the Final Plat.So ordered. Beatrice Grove _For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval subject to the following conditions on a "motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey: Preliminary Approval granted for ~building lot only.Final Plat shall show one building site and one septic area only.The existing contour lines in the northeast corner of the tract appear to be shown incorrectly and if so,should be shown on the Final Plat.So ordered. Katrina Poffenberger -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file based on the verbal approval of the County Engineer whose written recommendations were to follow at a later date.So ordered. FINAL PLATS: Oak Ridge Park Apartments -Section 4 (124 units)For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Oak Ridge Towne -24 units -For Final Approval Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval providing paragraph 9 of the Preliminary Plat Approval be shown on the Final Plat and other provisions shown by the Sanitary commission and the county Engineer as it pertains to Hickory Lane as follows: 1.A 30 foot wide permanent easement (15 feet either side of the sewer)granted to the Sanitary District similar to the easement and note appearing on the Oak Ridge Park Apartments,Section 4,RXKMXRXKM Final Plat. 2.To the note on page :<1 of 2,which re.ads: "Base only to be placed I&MKMMK for construction traffic. Final paving to ee done MXKM after completion of XMX utili ties installation".•.shall be added:"and this paving s AAM shall be completed prior to occupancy of the first housing unit.This connection is to be used for routing of all construction vehicles to and from the site during the construction process,and Hickory Lane at Larch Avenue and/or Oak Ridge Drive will not be opened to any traffic without wri tten pe'rmission of the County Engineer." So ordered ()./',/J()11 rJlof rR·iiU(dt__ Donald R.Frush,Chairman ~oo ~ Cl SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULARIONS CONTD: The Martin Company-For Final Approual: The commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. ~r.and Mrs.A.W.McDonald -For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file and noting that the requested changes had been complied with,the commission voted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Gross. So ordered. Rancena Heights -For FinalK Approval: Upon review of the plat file and noting that the requested changes had been made,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Schwage.l and seconded by Mr.Gross.So ordered. R.C.Buffington -For Final Approval: The Commission,noting that requested changes had been made,voted on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Luther D.Davis -For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file and noting that the conditions X~ for approval had been met,the Commission voted togrant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey. So ordered. Sun Rise Acres,Lots 1-5 -For Final Approval: On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by MR.Gross,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file subject to the following: The plat to be presented for signature and recording shall contain a notation stating I&:M:MXXMMKE in effect:"It is expressly under- stood and agreed upon that Washington County will assume no responsibility for the 60 foot private right-ofwway shown on the plat XXXM unless and until ~MMM such time as the requirements of the Washington County Engineering Department are fulfilled." So ordered. OTHER BUSINESS: The Chairman announced a Zoning Clinic to be held at the Frederick Community College on August 18 and 19,1972.A memorandum XM from ~r.Burtner KM~requested comments XMK from the Commission by July 7,1972,on participating in a cooperatingventure with frederick County and Carroll County Planning Commissions. NEXT MEETING DATE: The next regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission will be Monday,July 17,1972 at 7:30 P.M. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M.on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey.So ordered. 243 t ~44 JULY 17,1972 The regular meeting of the Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission was held Monday,July 17,1972,at 7:30 P.M.in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex. Present were:Chairman Donald R.Fru~h,Vice-Chairman Richard J. Walla,William E.Dorsey,John C.Herbst,Rome F.Schwagel,and H.Don Smith of the Department of Health. Not present:Richard W.GDOSS. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to adopt the minutes of the meeting of July 3,1972 as read.So ordered. At the request of the Chairman,Mr.Dorsey made a motion to in- clude on the agenda,a plat for James Myers to be considered for Preliminary Approval.The motion was seconded by Mr.Herbst. So ordered. BILLS AND COr1MUNICATIONS: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,to pay a bill fIDom Hays in the amount of $30.91.So ordered. Letter from Mr.Mervin W.Myers -Re:Extension Request: A letter was read by the Chairman from Mr.Mervin W.Myers in which it was requested that the Commission grant a twelve month extension of time to the Preliminary plat for Chestnut Heights which received approval on July 20,1970. On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission granted a twelve month extension of Preliminary Approval for Chestnut Heights until July 20,1973 under the provisions of Article 2.6 of the 1964 Subdivision Regulations.So ordered. Letter from Miss Rexanna L.Moser -Re:Extension Request: A letter was read from Miss Rexanna L.Moser in which it was requested that the Commission grant a thirty day extension of time in which to record a Final plat. On a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,the Commission voted to grant a thirty day extension until September 1,1972,in which to record the Final Plat.So ordered. Letter ,from Mr.,~eibertM*NXX£XXNXMxxx~*x MXX Re:Approval of a Parcel to be Conveyed for Agricultural Purposes: A memorandum was read from Mr.J.Harold Seibert regarding the transfer of a parcel of land to be transfe~red from Mr.Glenn L. Eby to Mr.Vincent Hawbecker for agricultural purposes. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to grant plat approval subject 00 the notation being placed on the plat that the subdivision is to be ex- clusively for agricultural purposes only and not for development, effective this date.So ordered. Letter from Mr.Milton E.Yeager -Re:Approval of a Parcel to be conveyed for agricultural purposes: KXX~KK~KX~~OCXK~~~XXX~XMXXXNxxxx~xRxx~KOCK~~~~XK~~«K~k~~xX~~ KKMM~K~KXMKX~~~XMXXMHK*~XXMHKXH~X~~XMfxXHN~XtMXMKXX~K~NKXXNXR. ~MKM~KXKK~X~KHM*XBXXWHXX~NX~KKXfMXXMMNm«K~X~X A letter was read from Mr.Milton of approximately 15 acres of land E.Yeager regarding the transfer for agricUltural purposes. 1:'" <&ioooo 245 BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS CONTD: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant plat approval to the 15.58 acres of land for agricultural purposes and not for development.So ordered. Letter from Mr';William P.Kreykenbohm -Re:Parcel to be conveyed for commercial development: A letter was read from Mr.William P.Kreykembohm regarding the transfer of approximately four acres of ~lmd to Mr. Franklin R.Turner from Grace B.Warren Ott for commercial development. On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to notify the owner that he will be required to submit a plat tb the Commission for approval in compliance with Article 407 of the SubdivisIDon Regulations.£0 ordered. OLD AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Flood Plain Studies: The status remains the same. ~a**~~K~H~H***Ra~~­ 701 Contract -P69 The status remains the same. Capital Improvements Program: The status remains the same. e~e~att-P~egram Design (New 701 Contract): The Chairman reported that consultants have been contacted re- garding the priority items,as outlined in the OPD,for the consideration of the Commission. Advisory Board to the Planning Commission: The status remains unchanged. Prospective Homebuilder's Booklet: Mr.Teach reported that the Homebuilder's Booklet had been typed and that a meeting with the involved agencies will be arranged. Policy Committee Report: Mr.Schwagel reported that the Policy Committee had met pertaining to the review of Final one lot plats by the staff and inv&lving no changes from preliminary ~o final submission.They had decided that while no substantial changes had been noted in the past six months,they would consider recommendations of the staff. The Commission voted,on a resolution by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,that the Chairman or Vice-Chairman be delegated approving authority to sign final one~lot single residential plats when no changes are required on the plat which was granted Preliminary Approval by the Commission and reviewed for Final Approval.This administrative policy is to be on a sixty (60)day trial basis. Flood Plain Survey: A memorandum was read from the County Engineer for the information of the Commission regarding flood plain date in which it was stated that all field surveys had been completed with approximately 175 to 200 high water marks established.This information,when correlated,will be utilized for purposes of establishing flood plains for use in the Zoning Ordinance. NEW BUSINESS ~qO NEW BUSINESS CONTD: Request for an Amendmant to the Plan for the County- Washington International Raceway. A letter was read from Mr.David L.Scull,dated July 12,1972, on behalf of Mr.Edward Merone and William G.Young,the de- velopers of the Washington International Raceway,in which it was requested that MXN an amendment to «N the Plan for the County be made to reflect the planned development of a motor vehicle testing and racing facility. The Chairman quoted from Article 66B,Sections 3.05,paragraph 6,(b),2.06 and 3.09,and from Section 213,paragraph 3,of the Washington County Submivision Ordinance'regarding Final Plats approved by the Commission,and asked for author- ization from the Commission to answer the request. On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Chairman was authorized to reply to the request for an amendment to the County Plan relative to Sections 3.05,paragraph 6,(b), 3.06,3.07 and 3.09,and ~~M From Section 313,paragraph 3 of the Subidivision Regulations.So ordered. SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS: PRELIMINARY PLATS: Mr.and Mrs.Rodney C.Cline-(60 day limit)-Dor Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the Preliminary plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to disapproved the application per Section 611 of the Subdivision Regulations. So ordered. Edgar P:Carroll -Lots 1&2 -For preliminary Approval: The Conmrission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.@orsey,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. J.D.Earl Martin -For Preliminary Approval: XMXMXNXKMXMXM~XN~¥X~MXM~KMXXM~X~MMXM~M~XMKXN~¥XWMXXMX On a motion by Mr.Herbst,and ~~~~~bY Mr.Walla,the commission voted to grant Preliminary Approva 0 the plat file.So ordered. Wilbur M.Martin -Commercial -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file and making note of comments from the State Highway Administration regarding a possible future connection between Routes 58 and 494,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to place this application on the agenda for the next meeting and ask the State Highway Administration for clarification regarding the Twenty Year Needs Study and time scheduling,to inquire if an entrance permit would be granted and to make note of the County Engineer's remarks regarding this subdivision.So ordered. Paul R.Kefauver -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Shcwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Preliminary Approval.So ordered. Sharpe D.Karper -For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Lester Hamby -For Preliminary Approval: Dpon review of the plat file and noting that the road on which this property ~~located is ~H erroneously defined as Maryland R*»x*xftft so 't'-~oooo 241 SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS CONTD: H~MMMKXRK~~MKK~¥X~~~MMMK~K Route 58,the""commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Preliminary Approval and asked that the correct information as it ~K pertains to the ~ad numbering or name be placed on the final plat.So ordered. Hamner Property,(Commercial)-_For Preliminary Approval ~ The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Shcwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Gristmill Hill,Tract A -For Preliminary Approva~~ Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file and asked that the following notation be placed on the Final plat: "The 60 foot Right-of-Way shown hereon is a private Right-Of-Way and Washington County will assume no responsibility for same unless and until the roadway is constructed in accordance with the standards and specifications of the County Engineering Department."So ordered. *Grace E.Warren,(~Qmmercial)-For Preliminary Approval: The ~~MMK~K~Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file. So ordered.(The Chairman sug~ested that further consideration be given to this application because it was submitted by a non-registered engineer.This application is MMK further considered on page 6 of these minutes.) ~.C.Wesley Frederick -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.S~~~M~,Dorsey,to grant Preliminary approval and asked that the following informatiom be contained on the Final plat: 1.The entrance to the subject lot shall be located as close as possible to the west lot line,the Final plat shall indicate this position. 2.The "Restrictions and Conditions"notation on the second sheet of the plat shall be completed to include the name of the roadway along which the 30 foot right-of-way is to be reserved.The final plat shall indicate this provision~ 3'On the Final plat,the building line is to be placed ten (10)feet back from the sewage drain area. So ordered. Mrs.Howard M.Churchey -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file and noting that the information contained therein was not prepared for ~MM submission by a duly registered engineer as defined in Section 202,paragraph 35 of the Subdivision Regulations,the CommissionH~M voted,~'on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to table and plat appLication until MXMX legal interpretation can be obtained as it pertains to MXKijMX the intent of the Subdivision Ordinance regarding the preparation of subdivision plats for preliminary consideration. So ordered. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,to reconaider~~the plat application for Grace E.WXXX Warren which had previously been preliminaryily approved.So ordered. *Grace E.Warren,(Commercial)-For Preliminary Approval RRl1i'l:lX For Preliminary Approval: ,~4lj· SUBBIVISION CONTROL REGULATION CONTD: Grace E.Warren Contd: Upon review of the plat file and noting that the information contained therein was not prepared for submission by a duly registered engineer as defined in Section 202,paragraph 35 of the Subdivision Regulations,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and ~MMMMMg seconded by Mr.Walla,to table the plat application until a legal interpretation can be obtained as it pertains to the intent of the Subdivision Ordinance regarding the preparation of subdivision plats for preliminary consideration. A special meeting will be held to consider any plat falling within this category as they pertain to the 60 day linit.So ordered. Cecil Potter -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file and asked that the following information be placed on the Final plat: l.The entrance to lot No.1 shall be located as close as possible to the north lot line. 2.The entrance to lot No.2 shall be located as close as possible to south lot line. So ordered. David Hamby - Upon review of the plat file,XM ~e Commission voted to grant Pre- liminary Approval on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Herbst. So ordered. Paul A.Coleman -For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Walla and secon~ed by Mr.Schwagel,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file. So ordered. Paul E.Corderman,(Commercial)-For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant Preliminary Approval and asked that the following conditions be observed on the final plat: 1.The final site grading plan shall include provisions for a swale along the west property line from the southern limit of the proposed parking area to plus or minus existing ~KMMKX~~XX contIDur 592. 2.The above swale shall be a minim)jlm of 12"in depth and shall be graded to drain in such,a manner as to direct the surface flow at the outlet end of the swale in a northeasterly direction towards the center of the tract. 3.The 40'tile line is below the premium approvable by the Health Department.The minimum size s¥stem is at least 100'of tilei$~~,3 feet wide and it is recommended that XXX~~XXMX a 75~gallon tank be used. 4.Plumbing plans for the store must be submitted showing all plumbing details including separate toilet facilities. (can be provided on data sheet). So ordered. Edward Martz -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to grant Preliminary Approval and asked that the fOllowing notations be placed on the Final plat: 1."A private right-of-way has been provided for ingress and egress to this lot.It is to be understood and a~~~d upon that Washington County will assume no ~~ For Preliminary Approval: For Preliminary Approval:;; o Cl ~ Q 249 SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS CONTD: Edward Mart~~Contd: responslbi.lity for said private right-of-way or for any road- way located therein." 2.The above referenced right-of-way shall MMX be labeled on the drawing of the lot. So ordered. R?dio Station Site f6r OEA,Incorporated #204 - The Commission vpted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file and asked that the following notation be placed on the Final plat: "Ir is understood and agreed upon thar this tract will include only those improvements indicated on the plat.Any further development of the site shall be submitt~~for approval prior to the start of any construction".So ordered. James Myers - A letter was read from Mr.James E.Myers regarding a parcel of land purchased from the Hancock Leasing Corporation in the 1960's which was not recorded.until May 8,1972,and on which he ~~a had been living for the past six years.A Building Permit had been issued on May 15,1972 f~r t~e replacement of a mobile home. A motion was made by Mr .Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Schwagel to approve the plat information as already recorded and to place a notation on the plat thatt~~~application was for replacement only and not for further development,and also a note stating that the County would not be responsible for ingress and egress to the property.. The motion was not passed,with Mr.Walla vo:tli.i:J$!J'''No'',and Mr. Frush Abstaining. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Walla,to table the plat for additional information and that it be placed on the agenda for the next meeting for consideration by the Commission.So ordered.' ~I8:MWtlMRMXliXX KXRM~MMMXXMliMXMliMMXM~XMR~XRMMMRXX~M~KMMKXliKMXMR~XRXMMliRMXEliMRXMMXXli MKXMMkliXXXMXXMliRXXKMXRliXKXXliKgXWliXX~li~MRXXMXH FINAL PLATS: Martin's Paint and Wallpaper lComme$cial) A request was made by Mr.Robert Johnson and Mr.Richard Lauricella on behalf of Martin's Paint and Wallpaper to waive the thirty day requirement for final approval under the Subdivision Ordinance and that a thirty day extension under the terms of Section 313 of the Subdivision Ordinance be granted so that additional information per the request of the Health Department might be supplied. The commission Mr.Dorsey,to Approval under oraered. voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla,and seconded by grant a thirty (30)day extension of Preliminary Section 313.3 of the Subdivision Ordinance.So Old Orchard Shopping Center -(Commercial)-For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered ~5U SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS CONTD: Old Orchard Sho~ping Center Contd: On a motlon byr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Walla,the Commission voted to have the Chairman contact the County Engineer and ask why the request made on September 20,1971,regarding a drainage problem had not been answered.So ordered. Gaylor Subdivision,Lots 1&2 -For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. James C.Houser -For Final Approval: On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Beatrice Grove -for Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file and noting that the requested changes had been complied with,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst. So ordered. Gladys Bowman to Hastings,(Katrina poffenberger)=For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file and noting that the requested changes had been made,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,to grant Final Approval.So ordered. Cumberland Valley Hatchery -For Final Approval: A motion was made by Mr.Herbst to grant Final Approval to the plat file application.The motion died for lack of a second. On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,the Commission ~KMill:X voted to disapprove the Final plat application, in accordance with Section 4.01 of the 1970 Subdivision Ordinance The motion carried with Mr.Herbst voting "Nd". John M.Kendle -For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,'to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. OTHER BUSINESS: The Chairman announced that a workshop meeting on the Zoning Maps will be held Tuesday at 7:00 P.M. NEXT MEETING DATE: The next regular meeting of the Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission will be August 7,1972 at 7:30 P.M.in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex.So ordered. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 P.M.on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla.So ordered. j)cdA Q-q/IMd!t Donald R.Frush~Chairma~ l'"'~oo:::.o 28,1 July 31,1972 A special meeting of the Washington county Planning and Zoning Com- mission was held on Monday,July 31,1972,at 7:30 P.M.in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex. Present were:Chairman Donald R.Frush,Vice-Chairman Richard J. Walla,Ex-Officio Rome F.Schwagel,William E.Dorsey,Richard W. Gross,Leroy R.Burtner County Planner,Barry A.Teach office Admin- istrator.Also present were:County Commissioner Harold Boyer and John Barker reporting for the Herald-Mail. Not present:John C.Herbst. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. The Minutes of the meeting of July 17,1972,were approved as written on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey.So ordered. The Commission voted to add to the agenda,plats for Wilbur H. Martin and James Myers,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey.So ordered. The Commission also voted to add to the agenda,a request to con- sider a conveyance of a parcel of land by John T.Chambers,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Schwagel.So ordered. Mr.Dorsey introduced to the Commission members,his wife and daughter and their guest Miss Sylvie Jouffret,an exchange student from Bordeaux ,France. BILLS AND CO:'IMUNICATIONS: On amotion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,the Commis- sion voted to approve the following bills for payment: Tortuga Restaurant -$11.34,Roads Department for gasoline -$7.25, and $8.78 for repairs to the County car.So ordered. An invoice from Fox and Associates for determining high water marks and established bench marks at all locations damaged by flooding, in the amount of $1,662.50,had been previously approved by the Commission. Memo from Mr.J.Harold Seibert -Mr.and Mrs.Calvin A.Snyder: A memorandum was read from Mr.J.Harold Seibert in which it was requested that approval be granted to the transfer of land by Mr. and Mrs.Calvin A.Snyder for agricultural purposes. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Gross,to grant plat approval under Section 202,paragraph 47 of the Subdivision Ordinance and asked that a notation be placed on the plat that the subdivision is to be for agricultural purposes and not for development.So ordered. Memorandum from Mr.J.Harold Seibert -Mr.and Mrs.R.Dale Beard: A memorandum was read from Mr.J.Harold Seibert requesting approval of a parcel transfer by Mr.and Mrs.R.Dale Beard for agricultural purposes. On a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to grant approval to the transfer under Section 202,paragraph 47,of the Subdivision Ordinance subject to the notation being placed on the plat that the transfer was for agricultural purposes only and not for development.So ordered. ~S2 COMMUNICATIONS,CONTD: Letter fromcMr.C.William Hetzer -Request for Extension of Pre- liminary Approval for Hopewell Industries,Inc: A letter was read from Mr.C.William Hetzer in which it was re- quested that an extension of the preliminary Approval granted to Hopewell Industries,Inc.,on August 17,1970,be extended for one year. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,to grant an extension of Preliminary Approval for Hope- well Industries,Inc.,valid until August 17,1973,under Section 2.6 of the 1964 Subdivision Regulations.So ord~red. OLD AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Flood Plain Studies: The status remains the same. 701 Contract -P-69: The status remains the same. Capital Improvements Program: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr . .Dorsey,to remove this item of business from the agenda and brought back at the appropriate time next year.So ordered. Overall Program Design: Contract proposals on the priority items are being received and will be considered by the Commission at a later date. Advisory Board to the Planning Commission: The status remains the same. Homebuilder's Booklet: Mr.Teach reported that the Homebuilder's Booklet has been prepared and is awaiting implementation.Mr.Funk of the Building Department is meeting with a representative of the Health Department regarding permits that can be issued by the Building Department. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to remove from the agenda,the Advisory Board to the Com- mission and the Homebuilder's Booklet.So ordered. Flood Plain Survey: On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,this item of business was ordered removed from the agenda.So ordered. NEW BUSINESS: Zoning Clini c: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr. Gross,to authorize payment of registration fees for members of the commission and three staff members,to attend the Zoning Clinic at the Frederick Community College to be held August 18 and 19.So ordered. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Gross,that a request/made in writing to the County Commissioners be for authorization to pay additional salary to the staff since compen- satory time was not feasible at this time.So ordered. t-- ~oooo 25,3 SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS: PRELIMINARY PLATS: James E.Myers: Reference is made to the Minutes of the meeting of July 17,1972, regarding action taken on this plat. The Chairman stated that the deed for this particular lot had been prepared and transmitted to Mr.Myers on July 29,1969,and was the only lot sold (per Section 1.3 of the 1964 Subdivision Ordinance), and asked that the Commission vote that Mr.Myers does not have to comply with the Subdivision Ordinance. On a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Walla,the Commission voted to notify Mr.Myers that he does not have to comply with the provisions of the Subdivision Regulations for this particular lot. Reference is hereby made to the action taken by the Commission at the meeting of July 17,1972.So ordered. Grace E.Warren -For preliminary Approval,(60 Day Limit): The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to reject the Preliminary plat application and asked that it be submitted by a Registered Engineer based upon the precedent set by the Commission regarding plats submitted by Engineers from other states and Section 202,paragraph 35,of the Subdivision Regulations.So ordered. Mrs.Howard Churchey -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Gross,to disapprove the Preliminary plat application and asked that it be submitted by a Registered Engineer,based upon the precedent established by the Commission regarding plats submitted by Engineers from other states,and Section 202,paragraph 35,of the Subdivision Regulations.So ordered. Mid Atlantic Land Corporation,Commercial -For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,the Commis- sion voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Calvin L.Moser -For preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Gross,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file and asked that the following notation be placed on the Final plat: "The entrance for this lot shall be situated on the northern side of the noted sewerage disposal area".So ordered. Rayloc,Commercial -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Pre- liminary Approval on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr. Dorsey.So ordered. Seavolt Subdivision -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Walla,to grant Preliminary Approval and asked that the Final plat contain the follwoing notation: "The entrance to the subject property shall be constructed in such a manner as to insure the continuous unobstructed flow of the stream shown on the plat."So ordered. ,4,,;),q PRELIMINARY PLATS,CONTD: Howard E.Rowland -For Preliminary Approval: The Chairman'read a letter dated July 27,1972,in which information was requested regarding the relationship of the proposed corridor studies for the N.E.Bypass,to the proposed transfer of 16.4 acres of land situated on Paradise Church Road. The Chairman made a statement concerning subdivisions as an amend- ment to the Plan and referred to Article 4,Section 401.2 of the 1970 Subdivision Ordinance. On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to table the plat application for the next meeting,asking that the draftsman or engineer locate on the larger Highway Map, (1"=4,000'scale),the subdivisions located in 'the proposed corridor studies and document how they relate to the adopted High- way Plan.So ordered. Howard P.Stickler,Lots 1,3,4 and 5,-,-For P-relim;Lnary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file and asked that the following notation and deletion be shown on the Final Plat: 1.The Final Plat shall contain the notation stating in effect:"Lot No.4 shall be graded in such a manner as to insure the continuous unobstructed flow of surface water runoff across said lot~ 2.Lot No.2 and all reference to said lot shall not be shown on the Final Plat.So ordered. Herman E.Valentine -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file and noting a condition regarding the location of the driveway,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr. Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,to table the plat for the next agenda and to notify the County Engineer that the driveway location should be shown on the plat to his satisfaction prior to review by the Planning Commission.So ordered. Milton E.Yeager -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Gross,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Wilbur H.Martin,Commercial -For preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the commission voted,on a motion by mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,to grant Preliminary Approval based upon letters received from the State Highway Administration regarding their Twenty Year Needs Study.So ordered. FINAL PLATS: Edward Martz -For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross,to grant Final Approval to the plat file,noting that the conditions for approval had been met.So ordered. Daniel S.Secrest,Section 3 -For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file and noting that the conditions had been met,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey.So ordered. H.Page Smith,Lots 1 through 4 -For Final Approval: t'" ~oooo 25,5 FINAL PLATS,CONTD: H.Page Smith,Lots 1 through 4 -For Final Approval: The Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross.So ordered. Gristmill Hill,Tract 8A -For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file,and noting that the requested no- tation had been placed on the plat,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr. Dorsey.So ordered. David Hamby -For Final Approval: The Chairman pointed out that under the new administrative policy adopted by the Commission on July 17,there were no changes that would materially affect the plat.However,it was noted that the scale had been corrected and a qualification note on the 10,000 square feet for sewerage disposal had been added under Health Department requirements. The Commission agreed that the new administrative policy would not apply and voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. OTHER BUSINESS: John T.Chambers -Approval of a parcel to be conveyed for agri- cultural purposes: A request was made by Mr.Robert Johnson and Mr.John T.Chambers for approval of a parcel of land to be transferred for use as a one family residence for agricultural purposes only and not for devel- opment. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Gross,to grant approval subject to the notation being placed on the plat that the subdivision is to be exclusively for agricultural purposes and not for development.So ordered. Letter from Mr.Vaughn J.Baker: Mr.Teach related to the Commission,the contents of a letter to Mr. Baker requesting recommendations which might be provided to assure that deeds are not recorded until such time that the property owner has ascertained that the property has conformed to the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. A letter was read from Mr.Vaughn Baker,Clerk of Court,in which recommendations were made regarding the recording of deeds which have not had plat approval when required. The Chairman referred to Article 66B,Section 5.06,and asked that Mr.Teach review the matter so that the law is complied with. On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,the Commission voted to have Mr.Teach look at Article 66B and contact all govern- ment agencies involved,including the Clerk of Court,to resolve the problem so that people in the future will be able to obtain a building permit and comply with the law,taking into consideration,any educa- tional process that can be undertaken.So ordered. 256 NEW BUSINESS: The Planning-Commission and staff met with the County Commissioners in a luncheon meeting at 12:00 Noon,on Tuesday,July 25,1972, in order to bring the Commissioners up to date regarding the status of the proposed Zoning Ordinance and District Boundary Maps. NEXT MEETING DATE: The next meeting will be the regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission scheduled for August 7,1972. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M.on a motionpy Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Schwagel.So ordered.. {i (I 11)!lu{tJll (j?JjLAJL?A__~ DonaldR.V Frt1sh,Chairman AUGUST 7,1972 The regular meeting of the Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission was held Monday,August 7,1972,at 7:30 P.M.in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex. Present were:Chairman Donald R.Frush,Vice-Chairman Richard J. Walla,Ex-Officio Rome F.Schwagel,William E.Dorsey,John C. Herbst,Glenn L.Dull County Engineer,James A.Rooney of the Department of Health,County Planner Leroy R.Burtner,Barry A. Teach Office Administrator and John Barker reporting for the Herald-Mail. Not present:Richard W.Gross. MINUTES: Amendments to the Minutes of the special meeting held on July 31, 1972,were made as follows:Page 6.Wilbur H.Martin •..."letters received from the State Highway Administration regarding their Twenty Year Needs Study."and page 7.Letter from Mr.Baker ..... "and contact all government agencies involved .•.." The Minutes of the meeting of July 31,1972,were adopted,as amended, on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla.So ordered. On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,the Commis- sion voted to add to the Minutes of July 31,1972,under New Bus- iness,a notation in reference to a Planning Commission and staff luncheon meeting with the'County Commissioners on July 25,1972, regarding the proposed Zoning Ordinance.So ordered. BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS: A bill from Hays for office supplies in the amount of $40.47,and an invoice from K & E for printing paper in the amount of $6.32, were approved for payment on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Schwagel.So ordered. Memorandum from Mr.J.H.Seibert -Parcel to be conveyed by Mr. and Mrs.John R.Poffenberger: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to grant plat approval to the transfer of a parcel of land to be transferred by Mr.and Mrs.John R.Poffenberger,subject to the notation that the subdivision is to be exclusively for agri- cultural purposes and not for development,effective this date, being placed on the plat.So ordered. 25,7 OLD AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Flood Plain Studies: Mr.Dull reported that he would have some information prepared for the Commission's next regular meeting regarding the Plood Survey being conducted by the U.S.Geological Survey. 701 Contract -p-69: The status remains the same. Overall Program Design: The status remains the same.Material received from consultants will be considered at a later date. Proposed zoning Ordinance and District Boundary Maps: ~o Cl Clo The Commission discussed methods of procedure for mapping of the flood plains since there are no district boundaries for flood plains per se. Upon the recommendation of the Chairman,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla,and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to have the drafts- man proceed to define all waterways and drainage ways in the County by cross-hatching or similar screening on the District Boundary Maps,allowing them to fall within their respective district according to the Soils Limitations Maps and the plood Plain Survey. So ordered. The Commission also discussed the printing of the proposed Zoning Ordinance and Maps ,advertising of public hearings and notifica·tion of absentee land owners. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to proceed with the following arrangements: 1.Arrange to print 1,500 copies of the proposed Zoning Ordinance, when finally approved by the Commission; 2.Arrange to have the advertisement for the Public Hearing placed in the newspaper three (3)times,the first notice to appear twenty (20)days prior to the public meeting,and for two (2) consecutive weeks thereafter. So Hearing temporary by mail. to notify and send Public land owners and utilize a to locate and notify them 3.Authorized the Chairman notices to all absentee employee,if necessary, ordered. The Chairman also asked that a special meeting be held on Thursday, August 10,1972,at 7:00 P.M.,to review the proposed Zoning Or- dinance and District Boundary Maps,and asked the Commission to approve the preparation of maps at 1"=1/2 mile to be made a part of the proposed Zoning Ordinance. On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,the Commission voted to provide map reductions in the proposed Zoning Ordinance, and to give consideration to Hagerstown Bookbinding Corporation for the contract to prepare the map reduction.So ordered. The Chairman also asked that the first portion of the special meeting scheduled for Thursday,August 10,be devoted to the con- sideration of all plats which have been submitted and are ready for review by noon on Wednesday. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to consider any plats that are ready for review by the Commission and are ready for review by noon on Wednesday.So ordered. Z5S NEW BUSINESS: Zoning Clinic: The Chairman reminded the Commission of the Zoning Clinic to be held at the Frederick Community College on August 18 and 19,and asked that the registration forms be returned to the Commission office by Thursday. SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS: PRELIMINARY PLATS: Wesmarco Enterprises,Commercial,(60 Day Limit),For Preliminary Approval: '. Upon review of the plat file and noting letters from the Department of Water Resources and the City of Hagerstown,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval,to notify the developer that his property lies within the flood plain and potential flood dam- age exists,and also,that the following notation be placed on the Final Plat:"Should there be any deviation from proposed water, application for water service will be declared null and void." So ordered. The motion was made by Mr.Schwagel,and seconded by Mr.Herbst.So ordered. Clearview,Section 2,(60 Day Limit),For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla,and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to disapprove the plat application because it does not meet the requirements of Section 405,paragraph 6,of the Subdivision Ordinance,as amended.So ordered. Herbert F.Rowland,(60 Day Limit),For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla,and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to disapprove the plat file because it did not meet the requirements of Section 401,paragraph 2,of the Subdivision Ordinance.So ordered. Mr.Schwagel asked that the corridor proposed for the Hagerstown Beltway,be defined On a larger scale map for the information of the Commission. Clarabelle Ripple,For Preliminary Approval: On amotion by M~.Walla,and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary approval to the plat file.So ordered. Herman Valentine,For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,Xk and noting that the driveway location which had been in question,had been resolved to the satisfaction of the County Engineer,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval on a motion by Mr.Herbst,and seconded by Mr.Dorsey.So ordered. John T.Chambers,For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file and noting that Preliminary and Final Approval had been granted by the Health Department,thus making it elegible to be considered under the new administrative policy, the Commission granted Preliminary Approval on a motion by Mr. Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst.So ordered. l,'" ~o ,,~':l (':'l Cl 259 PRELIMINARY PLATS,CONTD: EXNKEXREK'XS:X Lester Hamby to N.S.Jordan,For Preliminary Approval: The Commission noted that Preliminary and Final Approval had been granted by the Health Department,providing there were no changes shown on the Final Plat,and voted to grant Preliminary Approval on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Walla.So ordered. FINAL PLATS: Final Charles M.Strother,(30 Day Limit),ForxRK~x±m±HaK¥Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voteg to grant Final Approval to Lots 2,5,6 and 7 only,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel, and seconded by Mr.Walla.So ordered. On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,the Com- mission voted that Lot No.4 of this subdivision,be brought to the attention of the County Attorney as being a possible violation of the 1964 Subdivision Regulations.So ordered. Edgar P.Carroll,Lots 1 and 2,For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file and noting that requested changes had been met,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey.So ordered. Hamner Property,(Commercial),For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Martin Paint and Wallpaper,(Commercial),For Final Approval: Upon review of the complete plat file,including petitions against the proposed development,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Herbst.So ordered. OEA Incorporated,For Final Approval: On a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Paul E.Corderman,(Commercial),For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant approval to the Final plat.So ordered. Mid Atlantic Land Corporation,(Commercial),For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. OTHER BUSINESS: The Chairman read a letter from the Ryder Truck Lines,Inc.,dated August 2,1972,signed by Carlton Crenshaw,Jr.,in which it was requested that consideration be given to the granting of Preliminary and Final Approval,on this date,of their proposed Industrial Complex,plans of which were submitted to the Planning Commission and processed by the staff to the approving agencies on August 3, 1972. The Chairman reported that the plat file is not complete and that it is not ready to be considered at this particular time by the Commission. ~tju NEXT MEETING DATE: The next special meeting will be on Thursday,August 10,1972,at 7:00 P.M. The next regular meeting will be on Monday,August 21,1972 at 7:30 P.M... ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 P.M.,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Schwagel.So ordered. j)6~Jd P.()~. ".oonaTdR:·Frush ;-~an AUGUST 10,1972. A special meeting of the Washington County Planning and Zoning Com- mission was held Thursday,August 10,1972,at 7:00 P.M.in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex. Present were:Chairman Donald R.Frush,Vice-Chairman Richard J. Walla,EX-Officio Rome F.Schwagel,Richard W.Gross,John C.Herbst, County Planner Leroy R.Burtner and Barry A.Teach Office Adminis-. -trator. Not present:William E.Dorsey. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. ~UBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS: PRELIMINARY PLATS: Grace E.Warren and Letter,For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,to grant Preliminary Approval. So ordered. The Chairman read a letter from Mr.John R.Oliver,dated August 1,1972,in which it was requested that preliminary and Final Approval be granted at the same time under section 107 of the Subdivision Regulations. On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,the Com- mission voted to consider the plat for Final Approval,based upon the delay because of the precedent set by the commission in considering the plat under Section 202,paragraph 35,of the Subdivision Regulations.So ordered. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,to grant Final Approval to the plat file,provided there were no additional provisions required by the Health Depart- ment.So ordered. FINAL PLATS: Mr.and Mrs.Albert Bussard,For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr. Schwagel,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. :1''',. ~ ':::J::':l ,:~ ;:::4 2'61 FINAL PLATS,CONTD: Seavolt Subdivision,For Final Approval: On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,the Commis- sion voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. ZONING ORDINANCE REVIEW: A memorandum was read from Mr.Burtner regarding recommended changes to the proposed Zoning Ordinance. On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,the Com- mission voted that the cover of the proposed Zoning Ordinance be printed in green and dated so that a distinction can be made from the first and second printings of the document;and,on page 41 under Article 15,Section 15.0,Purpose,to delete the first sentence.So ordered. The Commission,using copies of the revised Ordinance,made minor revisions to the Ordinance and authorized the Chairman to have typographical changes made. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Gross,to proceed with the printing of the document after retyping and corrections have been made,per the former motion of Monday, August 7,1972.So ordered. The Chairman asked that the Commission go over the zoning petitions and transcript requesting changes and make a decision by their numbers, based upon the criteria which was formerly set,and to ask the draftsman to make the necessary changes as related to this criteria, and then brought back to the Commission for review and approval. The Commission voted to meet next Monday night,August 14,1972, at 7:00 P.M.in a public session to consider the petitions in relation to the Zoning Maps,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Schwagel.So ordered. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M.on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla.So ordered. -9 /J.f(-f-hA{Jicff,J.('J /UJ Donald-R.Frush ,r-ChaIr:man= AUGUST 14,1972 A special meeting of the Washington County Planning and Zoning Com- mission was held on Monday,August 14,1972 at 7:00 P.M.in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex.The purpose of the meeting was for Commission review of petitions for zoning changes as they pertain to the Zoning Ordinance and the District Boundary Maps. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. Present were:Chairman Donald R.Frush,Vice-Chairman Richard J. Walla,EX-Officio Rome F.Schwagel,William E.Dorsey,Richard W.Gross and John C.Herbst. MINUTES: The Minutes of the special meeting of August 10,1972,were approved as presented,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Herbst. So ordered. ~:tj~ MINUTES,CONTD: The Minutes of the meeting of August 7,1972,will be acted upon by the Commission at the next regular meeting. OLD AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Proposed Zoning Ordinance and District Boundary Maps: The Chairman stated that the Commission,at the last special meeting, had voted to hold this special meeting in order to review the zoning petitions as they pertain to the proposed Zoning Ordinance and District Boundary Maps.He explained to those present,the cri- teria used by the Consultant,and Staff,to evaluate all requests submitted during the public hearing,after the pUblic hearing and up to the present date. The criteria used were,the proposed and existing water and sewer maps,the highway map,physical features map,land use maps,environ- mental constraints maps,the adopted Plan,spot zoning and adjacent proposed zoning. Zoning letter petitions and transcript petitions were considered and decisions,made by the Commission based upon the criteria utilized,are recorded on a master file copy. The Commission agreed to prepare the form letters to be sent to property owners notifying them of the decisions made by the Commis- sion as they pertain to their petitions. The Chairman stated that the petitions had been reviewed by the staff and consultants using the criteria available to them and recommended that the Commission proceed with the revisions on the proposed Zoning Maps of those that meet the criteria. On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,the Commission voted to review all the letters prior to revising the maps.A meeting to review the petitions will be scheduled at the next regu- lar meeting.So ordered. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla.So ordered. ,Qh/!/dl.&(J;UwY1 J Dona-Ia R.Frush,-Chairman AUGUST 21,1972 The regular meeting of the Washington County Planning and Zoning Com- mission was held on Monday,August 21,2972,at 7:30 P.M.in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex. Present were:Chairman Donald R.Frush,William E.Dorsey,Richard W.Gross,John C.Herbst,County Planner Leroy R.Burtner,Office Administrator Barry A.Teach,County Engineer Glenn L.Dull,and James A.Rooney of the Department of Health. Not present:Vice-Chairman Richard J.Walla and Ex-Officio Rome F. Schwagel. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to approve the Minutes of the meeting of August 7,1972, as presented.So ordered. t-' ..joI oo Cl C..:::J 263 The Minutes of the special meeting held on August 14,1972,will be considered at the next regular meeting. The commissjon voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to add the following plats to the agenda for consider- ation: For Preliminary Approval: Woodmoor,Section C Fortney Mobile Home Park,Section 2 Ryder Truck Lines,Inc. Ernest Deneen Harpers Ferry Farms,Section 1. For Final Approval: Calvin Moser Cecil Potter,Lots 1 and 2 BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to approve the following bills for payment:Tortuga Restaurant -$11.39,Zoning Bulletin -One Year Renewal Subscrip- tion -$18.00,and Howards Art and Frames for Screening Material for zoning Maps -$31.64.So ordered. Letter from Mr.Donald L.Keener.-Re:Disapproval of Preliminary Plat of Clearview,Section 2: A letter was read from Mr.Donald L.Keener,dated August 14, 1972,regarding the disapproval of the Preliminary Plat for Clearview,Section 2,on August 7,1972,and requesting that it be ~gconsidered by the Commission under Section 107 of the Subdivision Regulations. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Gross,to add Clearview,Section 2,to the agneda for Pre- liminary Plat consideration under Section 107 of the Subdivision Regulations,per Mr.Keener's request.So ordered. Letter from Mr.Robert Johnson -Re:Thirty Day Extension Reguest on Price Meadows: A letter was read from Mr.Robert Johnson,regarding a thirty day extension of time for the Approval (Preliminary)granted on April 3,1972,for Price Meadows. On a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Herbst,the Commis- sion voted to grant a thirty day extension of Preliminary Approval to Price Meadows under Section 313 of the Subdivision Regulations. So ordered. Letter from Mr.Melvin Gladhill -Re:Approval requested on a parcel of land to be conveyed by Charles E.Shirk,et ux: Letters were read from Mr.Melvin Gladhill and Mr.and Mrs.Charles E.Shirk,in which it was requested that approval be granted to the conveyance of a parcel of land for agricultural purposes and not for development. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst,and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant approval of the transfer of the parcel of land by Mr.Charles E.Shirk,et ux,under Section 202 of the Subdivision Regulations for agricultural purposes and not for development.So ordered. Z64 COHHUNICATIONS: Letter -Health Planning Council: The Chairman read a letter from F.Perry Smith,Jr.,President of the Health Planning Council of Appalachia Haryland,Inc., regarding the coordination of health services in Allegany,Garrett, and Washington Counties.The Chairman asked the Commission to consider names to be submitted to the Health Planning Council of persons who might be willing to serve on an advisory committee to the Council.. OLD AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Flood Plain Studies: Hr.Dull reported that the Corps of Engineers were able to get bench marks and elevations on the major stream crossings in the County and would have copies of the information available to the Commission at the next meeting. 701 Contract: The status remains the same. Overall Program Design (OPD Contract}: Hr.Burtner reported that replies from consultants regarding the OPD Contract studies are being reviewed. Proposed Zoning Ordinance and District Boundary Haps: The Chairman reported that the inventory of absentee land owners had been completed and that the Data Processing Office is pre- paring to address the labels for mailing the letters of notici- cation of Public Hearing to the property owners. The Chairman stated that the requirements of Article 3.05(d) of Article 66B had been fulfilled by the'Commission,and brought to the attention of the Commission,Section 4.04 of the enabling legislation as it pertains to zoning requirements.The Chairman recommended that Section 4.04 of Article 66B,be directed to the Ex-Officio member for the legislative body to provide for the manner in which the District Boundary Haps and Zoning Ordinance SkGM±~shall be determined,with recommendations of a possible joint hearing of the Commission and the legislative body. The Commission voted,on a motion by Hr.Dorsey and seconded by Hr.Gross,to ask Mr.Schwagel,as Ex-Officio member of the Commission,to bring the requirements of Article 66B,Section 4.04,to the attention of the County Commissioners and also in regard to the possibility of a joint Public meeting.So ordered. Advisory Board to the Planning Commiss~on: The status remains the same.The Chairman noted that this was not on the agenda and asked that it be included on the agenda for the next regular meeting. New Administrative Policy: The Chairman stated that under the new administrative policy for approval of one lot residential plats where there are no changes from Preliminary Approval,the following approvals had been granted on August 9,1972: Lester Hamby John T.Chambers Clarabelle Ripple ~oooo 265 SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS: PRELIMINARY PLATS: Harry Warrenfeltz (60 Day Limit)-For Preliminary Approval: After establishing that this subdivision was well outside the proposed corridor for the Hagerstown Beltway,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval on a motion by Mr.Dorsey, and seconded by Mr.Herbst.So ordered. Cumberland Valley Hatchery,Lot 2,Section D,(60 Day Limit)- For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Gross,to disapprove the plat file because it did not meet the requirements of Section 612 of the Subdivision Ordinance.So ordered. Maurice Martin,(Commercial)-For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file with the provision that the following notation be placed on the Final Plat: "The final site grading plan shall include provisions for inter- cepting the storm drainage runoff from the site and conveying it to the natural outlet shown at the east property line.The above should be accomplished by means of a swale parallel to the east property line.This swale,where possible,should be a minimum of 12"in depth".So ordered. Howard M.Churchey -For preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Gross,to grant Preliminary Approval.So ordered. William Wolfe -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Gross,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. George F.Stotler -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant preliminary Approval and asked that the following information be contained on the Final Plat: 1.The entrance to this lot shall be located on thewest side of the property,and shall be shown on the Final plat. 2.The North Arrow shall be more clearly shown on the Final plat, and preferably shall be placed outside of the dimensions of the lot. So ordered. Ronald E.Keyton,Lots 1 and 2 -For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commis- sion voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file and asked that the Final Plat contain the following notation: "Lot No.2 shall be graded in such a manner as to insure the con- tinuous unobstructed flow of surface runoff along the existing natural water course of said lot."So ordered. ~{)6 PRELIMINARY PLATS: Skipton FarmSA Lots 1,3,4,6,7,Section A -For Preliminary Approval: upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and s~Konded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Preliminary Approval and asked that/tne Final Plat,the notation referring to the right- of-way on Lehmans Mill Road shall be revised to read as follows: ..."A Right-of-Way 30'in width when measured from the centerline of Lehmans Mill Road is reserved for the purpose of the possible future widening of said road."So ordered. Robert H.Shoemaker -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Arthur Litton,Lots 1 through 3 -For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Webster Barnhart -For Preliminary Approval: upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant Preliminary Approval and asked that on the Final Plat,the notation referring to the right-of-way on Orchard Ridge Road shall be revised to read as follows:..."A right-of-way 30'in width when measured from the centerline of Orchard Ridge Road is reserved for the purpose of possible future widening of said road."So ordered. Ivan Martin Subdivision,Lots 1 and 2 -For Preliminary Approval: upon review of the plat file and noting that the subdivision is not within the adopted Plan corridor of the Hagerstown Beltway,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the file on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Gross.So ordered. M~~~m~~x+xSe~tx~Hxgx~xR~xxRxexxmxnax¥X~~~XGRaX% Mr.and Mrs.Richard Werder -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr. Herbst,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Woodmoor,Section C -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Prelimi- nary Approval and asked that the Final Plat fulfill conditions as listed in the County Engineer's memorandum of August 11,1972, (incorporated by reference to the plat fil~)and the Soil Conser- vation District,as follows:"No house shall be constructed with a basement floor at an elevation lower that the lowest point of the property". "All houses built on soils classified as Hx or Dz shall have a foundation drain that outlets,with a positive grade,to the low point of the lot." The motion was made by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Dorsey.So ordered. Fortney's Mobile Home Park,section 2 -For Preliminary Approval: In review of the action taken regarding this project,the following correspondence and documentation was considered and made a part of the Minutes by reference to the plat file: 1.Letter from the State Health Department,dated December 16,1971. 2.Minutes of the County Commissioners on November 9,1971. 3.Letter from the Sanitary Commission,dated December 6,1971. 4.Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission on December 6,1971. 5.Minutes of the County Commissioners on January 4,1972. 6.Letter from the State Department of Health,dated May 10,1972. l"" '<t'o C'::l ;.:~ Cl 261 Fortney's Mobile Home Park,Section 2,Contd: The Commissio~voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to bring the three recommendations of the Planning Com- mission of December 6,1971,to the attention of the State Depart- ment of Health,Department of Water and Sewerage,and that the County Commissioners be asked to consider amending the Master Water and Waste Water plan,at the next amendment period,to accomodate this facility,bearing in mind the recommendations that were pre- sented to the State Department of Health.So ordered. On a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Herbst,the Commission voted to place Fortney's Mobile Home Park,Section 2,on the agenda for the next Commission meeting.So ordered. Clearview,Section 2 -For Preliminary Approval: A letter was read from Mr.Donald L.Keener,dated August 14,1972, regarding the disapproval of the Preliminary Plat for Clearview, Section 2,on August 7,1972,because it did not meet the requirements of Section 405,paragraph 6,of the Subdivision Ordinance,as amended. Mr.Keener asked the Commission to consider this subdivision under the hardship clause. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr. Gross,to grant preliminary Approval to the plat file under Section 107 of the Subdivision Ordinance and asked that on the Final Plat, the areas reserved for easements and utilities be defined.So ordered. Ryder Truck Lines,Inc.,-For Preliminary Approval: UP9n review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Preliminary Approval and asked that the statement in the title block pertaining to owner- ship be removed from the Final Plat.So ordered. On a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to consider a letter in the plat file dated August 1,1972, in which it was requested that both Preliminaryand Final Approval be granted at this time to Ryder Truck Lines,Inc.,under the hardship clause of the Subdivision Ordinance.So ordered. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr. Herbst,to revise the agenda and consider Ryder Truck Lines,Inc., for Final Plat Approval under Section 107 of the subdivision Ordinance. So ordered. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr. Gross,to revise the agenda and consider Final Plat Approval for the County Commissioners since the Health Department was involved,and their representative,Mr.Rooney,was leaving the meeting at this time. So ordered. FINAL PLATS: The County Commissioners of Washington County (Industrial) Golden West Mobile Home~-For Final Approval: A letter was read from the Health Department,dated August 17,1972, regarding percolation tests and a permit for installation of the sewage disposal system to serve the property . ~o8 FINAL PLATS: The County Commissioners of Washington County (Industrial) Golden West Mobile Homes -Continued: The Chairman recommended that the plat file information be deferred for later action until such time that the State Health Department regulations are complied with and also to notify the developer that no construction can be started until such time that Final Plat Approval is granted per Section 601,paragraph 1,of the Subdivision Regulations,and a Building Permit is issued. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to defer action until such time as the above recommendation has been complied with.There being two affirmative votes only,no action was taken on the subject plat. PRELIMINARY PLATS: Ernest Deneen -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Harpers Ferry Farms,Inc.,Section 1 -For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Herbst,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. FINAL PLATS: Cecil Potter,Lots 1 and 2 -For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file and noting that the requested information had been noted on the final plat,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Gross.So ordered. Calvin Moser -For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file and noting that the requested changes had been made,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey.So ordered. Ryder Truck Lines,Inc.,-For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to grant Final Approval to the plat file and asked that the statement in the title block pertaining to the ownership be removed from the final tracing.So ordered. OTHER BUSINESS: The Chairman reported that the Zoning Clinic held at Frederick Com- munity College on August 18 and 19,was informative and interesting and asked the staff to prepare a letter to the Frederick County staff thanking them for the opportunity to attend. Also announced,was a workshop session at the Hagerstown Junior College on August 31 and September 1,pertaining to Community Development and a Board of Public Works Seminar in Baltimore on August 24. NEXT MEETING DATE: The next regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission will be Wednesday,September 6,because of the Holiday on Monday. An open meeting will be held on Thursday,August 24,at 8:00 P.M. to review Zoning Petitions. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at and seconded by Mr.Herbst. 9:30 P.M.on a motion by Mr.Dorsey, So ordr*ed./ .~_-,-!,I II JI;)l.\ccl.!y'(,~.7(t~c.!'-J:.'---, Donald R.Frush,Chairman t'" ~oo;::::,o 269 AUGUST 30,1972 A special meeting of the Washington County Planning and Zoning Com- mission was held Wednesday,August 30,1972,at 7:00 P.M.in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex. Present were:Chairman Donald R.Frush,EX-Officio Rome F.Schwagel, William E.Dorsey,Richard W.Gross,John C.Herbst,County Planner Leroy R.Burtner,Office Administrator Barry A.Teach and John Barker reporting for the Herald-Mail. Not present:Vice Chairman Richard J.Walla. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. The Chairman presented to the Commission,copies of the Opinion and Order of the Court,regarding the Adopted Plan,which found that the Chairman and the Commission,in all instances,did comply with the l~. The Chairman stated that Article 66B,Section 3.05 (d)was fulfilled on November 1,1971,and that the County Commissioners,on August 28,1972,resolved by a motion,to hold a joint Public Hearing with the Planning Commission on the Proposed Zoning Ordinance and District Boundary Maps,as pertains to Article 66B,Section 4.04,of the Annotated Code of Maryland,1970 Edition.The Chairman requested that a copy of the County Commissioner's resolution be made available to each Commission member.Copy Attached.(Copy made a part of these Minutes by reference). Zoning letter petitions and transcript petitions were considered, and decisions,based upon the criteria as directed by the Commission, are recorded in a master file copy. At this point,the Commission,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,resolved to further adopt the criteria,namely, the Plan Map,Water and Sewer Facilities Map,Existing and in the S3 and S4 and W3 and W4 programmed areas,the Land Use Map,the Physical Features Map,the Highway Plan,the Environmental Constraints Map,the review of each of the 88 sheets as it relates to spot zoning,and adjacent zoning,and meeting that criteria,the staff is directed to change the maps from the zoning that was taken to Public Hearing,and further,that these maps be made a part of the proposed Zoning Ordinance for public release for the joint Public Hearing with the legislative body.So ordered. On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission resolved that it be shown in the record,that the transcript of the last Public Hearing was,in all instances,integrated with the petitions and considered at open meetings with individuals concerned.So ordered. Also,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,the Commission voted to reiterate the Minutes of the meeting of August 7, 1972,regarding the flood plain areas,the Minutes of July 3,1972, regarding the historical sites and public lands,and the Minutes of June 9,1972,pertaining to the Antietam Battlefield,and stated that these areas were changed by the staff,utilizing the information available,including the Corps of Engineer's Survey,Soils Limitations Maps,and other documents,completing that information on the Zoning Maps.So ordered. The Staff was further directed,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Schwagel that,based upon the criteria in the Highway Inter- change Districts,the 1/2 Mile radius be utilized in establishing these Districts.So ordered. ~,u Further,upon the recommendations of the Chairman regarding the type of Map to accompany the Zoning Document,the Commission,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Gross,voted to incorporate the Map showing the Election Districts and Planning Sectors,which have been utilized throughout the entire Planning and Zoning activities by the Commission.So ordered. In addition,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and sec- onded by Mr.Gross,to make a part of the Zoning Ordinance,the 88 Zoning Maps,at a reduced size,incorporating the appropriate legend on each,and thus utilizing available equipment,the staff would make copies available to the public at great savings to the tax- payers.So ordered. It was further ordered,that when this work is completed by the staff, the Maps will be delivered to the printers to be prepared and made available for Public Hearing.The motion was made by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Herbst.So ordered. As a matter of record,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr. 5 chwage 1 ,the Commission has adopted the Zoning Ordinance,as revised,incorporating the two comments received from Frederick County, and proof read by the staff,both professional and non-professional. So ordered. The Chairman recommended that the four letters as recommended by the staff,not be utilized to notify petitioners,but be incorporated into one letter. On a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,the staff and the Chairman were directed to prepare such a letter to notify petitioners regarding zoning requests.So ordered. The Chairman reported that the list of absentee land owners being obtained from the tax roles is just about complete and that the list is being prepared by the Data Processing Department and should be completed in about one week. The Commission directed,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross,that any changes found by the staff in reviewing the zoning requests,is to be noted on the master copy and copies given to each Commission member.So ordered. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M.on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Schwagel.So ordered. n SEPTEMBER 6,1972 The regular meeting of the Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission was held September 6,1972,at 7:30 P.M.in the Con- ference Room of the Court House Annex. Present were:Chairman Donald R.Frush,EX-Officio Rome F.Schwagel, William E.Dorsey,Richard W.Gross,John C.Herbst,Office Adminis- trator Barry A.Teach,County Engineer Glenn L.Dull and John Barker reporting for the Herald-Mail. Not present:Vice Chairman Richard J.Walla and County Planner Leroy R.Burtner. ~oooo 271 MINUTES: The Minutes of the meeting of August 14,1972,were approved as written,On a motion by ~1r.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Dorsey. So ordered. The Minutes of the meeting of August 21,1972,were approved as presented,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Herbst. So ordered. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to place the plat file for Kocolene Oil Corporation on the agenda for Preliminary consideration.So ordered. BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to authorize payment of the following invoices: IBM for typewriter maintenence -$17.50,Consolidated Business Forms -PS Labels -$107.70,K & E for helios paper -$6.32,and gasoline,parts and labor on the Planning Commission car -$80.79. So ordered. Land to be Conveyed by D.David Llewellyn for Agricultural Purposes and Not For Development: A letter was read from Mr.Melvin Greenwald in which it was stated that the parcel of land to be conveyed to him by Mr.and Mrs. David Llewellyn was for agricultural purposes and not for develop- ment. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to grant approval to the transfer of the 8.0 acre tract for agricultural purposes only and not for development per Section 202 of the Subdivision Ordinance.So ordered. Airport Control Tower, A letter was read from the Department of State Planning,State Clearinghouse,regarding the construction of an airport control tower at the Hagerstown Municipal Airport. On a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commis- sion voted that recommendation be made to the Washington County Commissioners that favorable attention be given to the project since it is consistent with the policies of the Plan For The County. So ordered. Letter -James F.Strine, The Chairman read,for the record,(Copy attached by reference), a letter to Mr.Strine,dated August 25,1972,regarding the con- veyance of parcels in which a subdivision is involved and for which, the approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission has not been granted.Mr.Strine,as President of the Bar Association,is meeting withthe officers and directors as to the content of the Subdivision Ordinance regarding the requirements to be met by any developer in the County.A mass meeting of all County agencies was held and attended by all five of the County Commissioners and, as a result of the meeting,the Assessment Office is making avail- able,all divisions of land to the Planning and Zoning office before the assessment stamp is placed upon it.Also,attention has been directed to all practicing attorneys by means of a notice when entering the Clerk of Court's office concerning provisions of Article 66B,1970 Edition. Interstate Map: The Chairman also stated,that as a result of information gathered by the Tri-County Council regarding the possibility of an over- night trailer park on one of the Interstate scenic overlook,rest areas,access to Little Pool,and things of this nature,a letter was sent to the Chief of Landscape Architects,State Highway Ad- ministration, ,;.G':t ministration,and he has replied and supplied a map of all the pro- posed sites in Washington County,which is available for inspection by the Commission. Steps For Plat Approval and Obtaining a Building Permit: The Chairman said that he had asked Mr.Teach to prepare a chrono- logical order of steps that need to be taken from the time a client is interested in obtaining a parcel of land until a Building Permit is issued in order to meet the necessary requirements of the existing ordinances.This will be forwarded to the President of the Bar Association,and all County agencies and Commissions,and those who talk to clients prior to the preliminary consultation period as it pertains to commercial and industrial developers. OLD AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Flood Plain Studies: Report by Mr.Dull delayed until latter part of meeting. 701 Contract -P-69: Remains the same. Overall Program Design (OPD Contract) The status remains the same. Proposed Zoning Ordinance and District Boundary Maps: The Chairman reported that the proposed Zoning Ordinance and District Boundary Maps,after completion by the staff,will be delivered to the printers tomorrow,by Commission action taken at the last meeting and that the staff is in the process of answering all petitions. After some discussion regarding the method of preparation of the document by the printers and discussing price estimates,the Com- mission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Dorsey, to have copies of the document prepared using the stapling method since it is to be in preliminary form,at a cost of $3,700.00. So ordered. The Chairman reported that land use map ,and tax map No.82,which had been missing,has now been prepared and inserted in the zoning maps. Also reported,was a conflict in one of the areas involving the Washington County -Frederick County lines.The Chairman asked the EX-Officio member,Mr.Schwagel,to bring this matter to the atten- tion of the legislative bodies for the necessary corrective action and the possible need for the two counties to jointly make a survey of this boundary. Advisory Board to the Planning commission~ The Chairman stated that the Commission now has four names to con- sider for appointment to the Advisory Board to the Planning Commis- sion and requested that additional names of persons who might be willing to serve in this capacity be submitted. Administrative Policy Approvals: The Chairman reported that the following plats had been granted Final Approval under the new Administrative Policy as it pertains to one lot plats: William Wolfe Howard M.Churchey Ralph McCauley Ernest Deneen Paul Coleman Milton Yeager,Parcel A Richard Werder t"" '<:l"oo::::.o 273 NEW BUSINESS, Expiration of.Trial Period of New Administrative Policy: The Administrative Policy,which delegates approving authority to the Chairman or Vice Chairman to sign final one-lot plats for residential subdivision when no changes are required on the plat granted Preliminary Approval,has been successfully utilized during the 60 day trial period. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,that this be adopted as a permanent policy of the Commission,and incorporated into the By-Laws of the Planning Com- mission.So ordered. House Numbers on New Streets and Extension of New Streets: The Chairman reported that the staff has met with members of the Roads Department regarding house numbers on new subdivision streets and the extension of old streets in established subdivisions,and asked that the staff cooperate with the Roads Department regarding this matter. Flood Plain Study: Mr.Glenn L.Dull,County Engineer,presented to the Commission,his report of the high water marks for Tropical Storm A~nes of June 1972.The information contains the United States Coastal and Geodetical Survey bench marks representing the highest elevations reached during the peak flooding and can be used in determining what actually constitutes the 25 year flood plain. Mr.Dull stated that all agencies who had occasion to tie any bench mark contained in the report to any established control station,had been requested to supply the adjusted bench mark elevation. The Commission also agreed,upon the request of Mr.Dull,that the booklet should be made available to any agency requesting it,at a cost which would cover the reproduction of the document to be determined by Mr.Dull.Motion by Mr.Herbst,seconded by Mr.Gross. So ordered. SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS: PRELIMINARY PLATS: Fortney's Mobile Home Park,Section 2 -For Preliminary Approval: Since Preliminary Approval of this plat file is contingent upon State Health Department review and a reply has not been received in response to the request of the Planning and Zoning Commission and the County Health Department,the Commission voted to continue this application for consideration until the next meeting,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey.So ordered. Valley Mall Associates -For Preliminary Approval, The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. The Chairman asked,that since the plat contained the signature of the County Health Officer and no further approvals were required, that the Commission consider the plat for Final Approval at this time. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Rock N'Spring Corporation -For Preliminary Approval: .J:Jdfl PRELIMINARY PLATS: Rock N'Spring Corporation -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Prelimi- nary Approval with the following conditions,on a motion by Mr. Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Herbst: \ 1.The Final plat shall contain a notation stating,in effect,"It is expressly understood that this tract is to be .used for future and not present commercial development.Future development of this tract will be subject to review by the Planning and Zoning commission." 2.The Final Plat shall contain provisions for the un- obstructed flow of surface water drainage across the plot from Halfway Boulevardto Nursery Boulevard.This provision shall be by means of a notation or an easement area delineated on the Final Plat. 3.Final Plat shall show proposed entrances and exits to and from the tract.So ordered. Paramount Feed and Supply Company,(Commercial)-For Preliminary Apvroval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Pre- liminary Approval on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr. Gross.So ordered. Anita Lynne Home -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Pre- liminary Approval on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,subject to the following conditions: 1.On the Final Plat,the entrance shall include provisions for "daylighting"within the cut areas to afford better sight distance for northbound traffic on Broadfording Church Road.This can be accomplished by flattening the cut slopes on the south. 2.If possible,the entrance grade shall be designed in such a manner as to allow surface runoff to flow across the top of the entrance pavement.This can be accom- plished by means of a swale,thus possibly eliminating the necessity of the pipe culvert indicated. 3.The 60'reserved area for a future street will have to include enough right-of-way for roadway turning flares before any street ~~built within this area can be accepted into the County system.So ordered. Hapers Ferry Farms,Section 2,Lots 7 through 28 -For preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Pre- liminary Approval on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr. Gross,subject to the following conditions: 1.The Final Plat shall contain a notation stating in effect:"The streets shown hereon are private streets, and as such,it is expressly understood and agreed upon that Washington County will assume no responsi- bility for same.Said streets will not be accepted into the County system until and unless they are built to County specifications and standards. 2.The Final Plat shall contain the following notation: "All disturbed areas are to be seeded by October 15, 1972.So ordered. t'"' ~oo Qo 215 PRELIMINARY PLATS: Beatrice B.Grove -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Earl J.Faith -For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Herbst,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Guy E.Eichelberger -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Pre- liminary Approval on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr. Dorsey.So ordered. Daniel Seibert,Lot 2 -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr. Gross,to grant preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Kocolene oil Corporation -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Pre- liminary Approval subject to receipt of the written comments of the State Highway Administration which had granted verbal approval and SUbject to the following conditions,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Dorsey: 1.The Final Plat shall contain a notation stating in effect: "Seepage pit will be installed prior to beginning con- struction of the station." 2.The site grading plan indicates encroachment of proposed cut s~op~s on ti].e adj aceJ:l t>property along the northern boundary of the tract.The final grading plan shall include revisions to correct the above situation,or shall include satisfactory proof that such encroachment have the approval of the adjacent property owner. So ordered. FINAL PLATS: Golden West Mobile Homes -(30 Day Limit),Industrial:For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to disapprove the plat file application because it did not meet the requirements of Section 7.2.I(d)of the 1964 Subdivision Ordinance.It was requested that the developer be notified that he may resubmit the Final Subdivision Plat in accordance with the requirements of Section 4.6(b)of the 1964 Subdivision Regulations.So ordered. Wesmarco Enterprises (Commercial)-For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file,and noting that the requested conditions had been met,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Dorsey.So ordered. George F.Stotler -For Final Approval: The Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,noting that the requested conditions had been met.So ordered. ·~'l tj Howard P.S~~ckler -Lots 1,3,4,and 5 -For Final Approval: The Commission,noting that the requested conditions had been met, voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Wilbur H.Martin Grocery Store,(Commercial)-For Final Approval: Upon review Approval to Mr.Gross. of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Final the application on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by So ordered. Ivan Martin -Lots 1 and 2 -For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr. Herbst,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Webster Barnhart -For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file and noting that the requested con- ditions had been met,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Gross.So ordered. NEXT MEETING DATE: The next regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission will be October 18,1972 at 7:30 P.M. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M.on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Herbst.So ordered. j)iYvt~J (H .{]~ Donald"R~-VFrus-h-;Cn airman SEPTEMBER 18,1972. The regular meeting of the Washington County Planning and Zoning Com- mission was held on Monday,September 18,1972 at 7:30 P.M.in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex. Present were:Chairman Donald R.Frush,Ex-Officio Rome F.Schwagel, William E.Dorsey,John C.Herbst,County Planner Leroy R.Burtner, Office Administrator Barry A.Teach and James A.Rooney of the Department of Health. Not present:Vice Chairman Richard J.Walla and Richard W.Gross. The Commission reenacted ,for the purpose of compiling a documen- tary film,the adoption of the Zoning Document,which officially took place on August 30,1972,and reiterated acceptance of the criteria used by the staff in their review of zoning petitions re- ceived prior to the Public Hearing,during the Public Hearing,and up to this date. The meeting was called to order at 7:45 P.M. MINUTES The Minutes 01 the meeting of August 30,1972,were approved by the Commission as written,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey.So ordered. The Minutes of the meeting of September 6,1972,were adopted,as written,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Dorsey.So ordered. On a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to add to the agenda,a plat for Kocolene Corporation for Final Consideration.So ordered. BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS: Invoices from Hays for office supplies in the amount of $64.91,and $35.21 for gasoline and repairs to the County car from the Roads Department,were approved for payment on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey.So ordered. ~The Chairman announced that a Conference on Non-metropolitan Growth C)was to be held in Richmond,Virginia,on October 18,19,and 20, ~at the John Marshall Hotel. ~ ~OLD AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Flood Plain Studies: The status remains the same. 701 Contract P-69: The Chairman requested that the staff review and check all materials received under the P-69 Contract so that this could be concluded, and that this inventory be placed on the agenda for the next meeting for Commission review. Overall Program Design -OPD: The status remains the same. Proposed Zoning Ordinance and District Boundary Maps (Article 66B -Public Hearing): The Chairman reported that the Proposed Zoning Ordinance and Dis- trict Boundary Maps are at the printers. Plats Approved Under the New Administrative Policy: The Chairman reported that the following plats have been granted Final Approval under the new Administrative policy as it pertains to one lot subdivisions requiring no changes: Robert L.Younkers Beatrice Grove Earl J.Fai th GUy E.Eichelberger Daniel Seibert,Lot 2 Advisory Board to the Planning Commission: The Chairman announced that the Commission is still interested in receiving names of persons who might wish to serve in this capacity. 271 ~.'ltj NEW BUSINESS: possible Violations of Subdivision Ordinance: Copies of letters from the Office Administrator to Mr.Vaughn Baker, Clerk of the Circuit Court,regarding possible violations of the Subdivision Ordinance,were given to the Commission. The Chairman stated that a chronological order of steps that need to be taken in order to obtain a Building Permit had been prepared and sent to all County agencies and Commissions involved with clients prior to preliminary consultation as it pertains to commercial,industrial,and residential development.'rhe accom- panying letter is to be signed and returned to the Planning Com- mission office. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to follow through on the County Commissioner's action of a year and a half ago,which states that any person or persons who do not comply with the adopted Ordinances,should be brought to the attention of the legal department,based upon obtaining the signatures from the County agencies and Commissions involved.So ordered. Planning and Zoning Commission Budget for Fiscal 1972-1973: The Budget for the Planning and Zoning commission for Fiscal Year 1972 -1973,has been finalized and is in the hands of the Commis- sion. SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS: PRELIMINARY PLATS: Fortney's Mobile Home Park,Section 2 -(60 Day Limit): Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,that Preliminary Approval be granted with the condition that the area for which approval is requested,be clearly delineated on the Final Plat.So ordered. Mr.Schwagel asked Mr.Teach to check with the County Engineer regarding the status of the request for the enlarged highway map, showing the location of the proposed corridor for the Hagerstown Beltway from the Paradise Church Road to U.S.Route 11,North, which distinctly shows the property lines in this critical area. Eustace Fitzgerald -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr. Schwagel,to grant Preliminary approval to the plat file.So ordered. Richard K.Hershey,Lots 1 through 5 -For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commis- sion voted to grant Preliminary Approval with the following con- ditions: The Final plat shall show proposed entrances to all lots.So ordered. Pierce Alexander,Lots 1 through 4 -For preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant Preliminary Appro- val,based upon the following conditions and that the developer be notified of same: 1.Note under (5)as contained on sheet No.1,shall be revised on the Final Plat to read as follows:"A right-of-way 30'in width when measured from the centerline of Wagaman Road is reserved along the front of Lots I,2,3 and 4,for the purpose of the possible future widening of said road." l'"~oooo 279 PRELIMINARY PLATS: Pierce Alexanper,contd: 2.The Final plat shall contain a notation saying,in effect: "Lot No.2 shall be graded in such a manner as to insure the continuous flow of surface drainage along the natural drainage course across said lot." 3.The Final plat shall contain a notation stating in effect: "It is expressly understood and agreed upon,that the future re- served right-of-way area is not to be used for a street,public or private,until such time that adequate turning flares are provided for the intersection of the right-of-way area wi th Wagaman Road." So ordered. Joseph E.Keefer -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Prelimi- nary Approval on a illotion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Dorsey. So ordered. FINAL PLATS: Austin Bikle -For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to withold action until all agencies have had an oppor- tunity to review the revised plat.So ordered. Price Meadows,Section A,(4 Lots)-For Final Approval: On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,the Commis- sion voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file which had been granted a thirty day extension to the Preliminary Approval granted on April 3,1972.So ordered. Rock N'Spring -For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission,noting that the requested changes had been met,voted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Dorsey.So ordered. Winding Creek South,(IS Lots)-For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Paramount Feed and Supply,(Commercial)-For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Rayloc of Genuine Parts,(Industrial)-For Final Approval: On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,the Commis- sion voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Kocolene Corporation,(Commercial)-For Final Approval: upon review of the plat file and noting that the requested changes had been met,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey.So ordered. NEXT MEETING DATE: The next regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission will be October 2,1972,at 7:30 P.M.in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex. ,~bLJ ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M.on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded'by Mr.Herbst.So ordered. (1 ~.&)fJ1A.Ji rJ?,{jivuJl SEPTEMBER 26,1972 Donald R.Frush'"Chairman-- A special meeting of the Washington County Planning and Zoning Com- mission was held on Tuesday,September 26,1972,at 1:30 P.M..in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex. Present were:Chairman Donald R.Frush,Ex-Officio Rome F.Schwagel, Richard W.Gross,John C.Herbst,County Planner Leroy R.Burtner, Office Administrator Barry A.Teach,County Engineer Glenn L.Dull and James A.Rooney of the Department of Health. Not present:William E.Dorsey and Richard J.Walla. The meeting was called to order at 1:30 P.M. .upon the recommendation of the Chairman,the following plats were added to the agenda for consideration by the Commission,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Gross. Anita Lynne Home for Final consideration. William E.Reams for agricultural purposes. Clearview,Section 2,for Final consideration. Kirk Ford. So ordered. Upon the recommendation of the Chairman,the recommendations of the Planning Commission to the County Commissioners,regarding prepar- ations for the Public Hearing are to be incorporated into these Minutes. The luncheon meeting with the County Commissioners was held Tuesday, September 26,1972,at 12:15 at the Tortuga Restaurant,with the press invited to be present.The Public Relations Program,as pre- pared by the members of the Washington County Board of Education, State Planning Department,Regional Planners and others,was pre- sented to the County Commissioners. The Chairman presented the final report and the District Boundary Maps to the County Commissioners,expressing the hard work of the Commission members and staff to bring this work to fruition in accordance with the law. The Commissioners did,on September 12,1972,motion that according to Article 66B,Section 404,of the Annotated Code,a joint hearing would be held with the Planning Commission and the legislative body. The Planning Commission did,at a subsequent meeting,suggest that the Public Hearing be held 20 days after public release of the Zoning document. Therefore,the Chairman recommended to the legislative body that the Public Hearing be held on Tuesday,October 17,1972,at 7:00 P.M. at South Hagerstown High School. It was also asked of the legislative body,that the document be re- leased to the public and to make the announcement that the said copies would be available,1,500 copies in number,at the Planning and Zoning Office,or where-so-ever it is desired,starting at 8:00 A.M.on September 27,1972. t'- ~oo :.::.<o 281 A suggested agenda was also recommended to the County Commissioners to include attendance slips for those wishing to present oral state- ments and to ~nclude keeping the transcript open for the public to submit written recommendations until October 25,1972. Mr.Kirk instructed the Chairman to proceed with the arrangements for the joint Public Hearing and other logistics. Mr.Schwagel,as EX-Officio member of the Planning Commission,made a motion to proceed with the Public Hearing,as recommended.The County Commissioners agreed to make this a matter of record when their regular meeting was reconvened in the Court House. Public information meetings were suggested by Mr.,Schwagel prior to Public Hearing and the Chairman stated that tentative arrangements had been made with the TV station for a showing of the film and with the Hagerstown High Schools for pUblic information meetings the first week in October.Also,civic clubs have been notified, including the Lions Club and Kiwanis,etc.,professional groups, realtors,engineering associations,homebuilders and others,for further presentations at their next meetings. The County Commissioners agreed to accept the recommendations of the Chairman,and also,it was recommended that the County Commis- sioners and the Planning Commission,commend,in writing,all those individuals and agencies that dedicated themselves for the prepar- ation of the public information film,who spent many hours of their own time to bring this program together. BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS: The Commission voted to approve for payment,a bill for printed envelopes from the Hagerstown Bookbinding Company in the amount of $48.00,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Schwagel.So ordered. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr. Schwagel,to pay an additional $1,000.00 to Hagerstown Bookbinding for reprinting of the zoning maps due to errors made in review and additional information on the Water and Waste Water Plan supplied by the County Commissioners.So ordered. The Chairman noted that the staff was asked to prepare information required for County APJ status and to meet the requirements of Tri-County Council for Western Maryland APO status. The Commission was presented with a master copy of decisions made, based upon the adopted criteria,regarding the zoning petitions. SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS: PRELIMINARY PLATS: §Ering Valley,Section F -For Preliminary Approval: A letter was read from the County Engineer regarding final roadway construction plans. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr. Herbst,that the contents of the letter from Mr.Dull dated September 25,1972,be brought to the attention of the developer and granted Preliminary Approval,subject to the following notations being shown on the Final Plat: 1.No grading shall be started on lot numbers 4,5,10 or 11,until such time as a site grading plan is submitted for approval to the County Engineer. On-street parking will be prohibited on any curbed roadway less than 36 feet in width. There is to be a position foundation drain and no basement on lot No.5.So ordered. ~tj~ PRELIMINARY PLATS: Mr.and Mrs.Clyde Gregg -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr. Gross,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Cumberland Valley Hatchery -For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Commis- sion voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file,based upon additional information supplied by the Health Department.So ordered. William H.Reams -For Agricultural Purposes: On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Commis- sion voted to grant approval to the transfer of the parcel of land to be used for agricultural purposes only and not for develop- ment.So ordered. Kirk Ford -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. On a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Commission voted to consider the plat file letter request for Final consideration. So ordered. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr. Gross,to grant Final Approval to the plat file,subject to the required certificates and State Health Department approval.So ordered. Austin Bikle -For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file and noting that the requested ocnditions had been met,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst.So ordered. Arthur Litton,Lots 1,2 and 3 -For Final Approval: On a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Herbst,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Maurice Martin -For Final Approval: On a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the revised plat for Maurice Martin. So ordered. Clearview,Section 2 -For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr. Schwagel,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Anita Lynne Home -For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file,and noting that the requested changes had been met,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst.So ordered. NEW BUSINESS: The staff was requested to forward the list of possible violations submitted at previous meetings,to the legal department at such time as the routing letter has been returned by the County Commissioners, on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Herbst.So ordered. t""'<t'oo :.::::.o 28a NEXT MEETING DATE: The next meet~ng of the Planning Commission is scheduled for Monday, October 2,1912 at 7:.30 P.M. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 P.M.on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Herbst.So ordered. n (:' L!AY0,Jiet!P ~~ Donald R.Frus,u-;'Chairman OCTOBER 2,1972 The regular meeting of the Washington County Planning and Zoning Com- mission was held Monday,October 2,1972 at 7:30 P.M.in the Confer- ence Room of the Court House Annex. Present were:Chairman Donald R.Frush,Vice-Chairman Richard J. Walla,William E.Dorsey,John C.Herbst,County Planner Leroy R. Burtner,Office Administrator Barry A.Teach,James A.Nelson of the State Planning Department and James A.Rooney of the Department of Health. Not present:Ex-Officio Rome F.Schwagel and Richard W.Gross. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. MINUTES: The Minutes of the meeting of September 18,1972,were approved as presented,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Walla.So ordered. The Minutes of the special meeting held on September 26,1972 at 1:30 P.M.were approved as written,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Walla.So ordered. BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS: Upon the request of the Chairman,a motion was made by Mr.Herbst, seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to include on the agenda,consideration of a plat submission for Dustin Murray and Emmett Abbott.So ordered. Letter From Mr.Thurman Lindsey -Re:Brumbaugh Estate: Letters were read from Mr.Thurman Lindsey and Mrs.Pauline Miller, regarding a transfer of 1.14 acres of land for agricultural purposes and not for development. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to grant approval to the transfer under the provisions of Section 202,paragraph 47 of the Subdivision Ordinance.So ordered. The Chairman brought to the attention of the Commission for their information,possible future legislative action,advocating that State approval be required for certain types of development. The Chairman also announced that a Seminar would take place on the Interstate Commission on the Potomac November 1 -3,at the Holiday Inn,South George Street,Cumberland. Announcement also was made that the Taxpayer's Association did appeal the decision of the Court with regard to the Adopted Plan For The County. LJO'£l: COMMUNICATIONS,CONTD: Also brought 'to the attention of the COllUllission was the Annual Meeting of the Maryland Association of Counties at the Tidewater Inn,S~Hxkx£H~K~HXSXKHHx¥xgHmaexxRRdxin Easton,Maryland on November 29,30 and December 1.Mr.Teach will speak at the meeting of Affiliate Organizations on November 29,in regard to Subdivision Regulations. Baker-Wibberly Invoice: The Chairman asked that upon review of the materials received in the completion of the P-69 Contract,that the COllUllission approve payment of the Baker-Wibberly Invoice,dated September 30,1971,in the amount of $7,873.50. The COllUllission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr. Walla,that the Baker-Wibberly Invoice No.5761,in the amount of $7,873.50,be approved for payment contingent upon the requirements of the ~ntract being fulfilled.So ordered. OLD AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Flood Plain Studies: There is nothing new to report regarding the status of the Flood Plain Studies. P -69 Contract: The COllUllission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr. Walla,to delete this item from the agenda under Old and Unfinished Business.So ordered. Overall Program Design -OPD: On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the COllUllission voted to appoint a study cOllUllittee of three members of the COllUllis- sion to review the various proposals submitted by consultants rela- tive to OPD Studies and bring their selections to the COllUllission. So ordered.The Chairman appointed Mr.Herbst,Mr.Walla and him- self to serve. Proposed Zoning Ordinance and District Boundary Maps (Article 66B Public Hearing): The Chairman stated that the proposed Zoning documents are available in the Planning and Zoning Office,that the Public Hearing scheduled for October 17,has been advertised and a pUblic information meeting is to be held on October 3,at the South Hagerstown High School. He asked the staff and members of the cOllUllission to be present. Also,letters have been sent,including the certified letters noti- fying absentee land owners and letters answering zoning petitions. He also reported that all requirements pertaining to the Public Hearing had been met as requested by the legislative body at the joint meeting on September 26. Plats Approved Under New Administrative policy: The Chairman reported that under the new Administrative Policy,re- garding the approval of one lot plats where no changes from Preliminary plat approval had been made,that the following plats had obtained final signature: Joseph Keefer Eustace Fitzgerald Clyde Gregg <I.'"~oooo 285 OLD AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Advisory Board to the Planning Commission: The Chairman,noting that several names had been submitted for con- sideration,asked that a workshop session be held at 7:00 P.M. October 16,prior to the regular meeting on that date to establish guidelines and consider the appointment of an Advisory Committee. The Chairman also requested that the dictates of the State be fol- lowed to obtain the Area Wide Planning Jurisdiction (APJ)status. SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS: PRELIMINARY PLATS: Lena K.Burtner -(60 Day Limit)-For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to disapprove the preliminary Plat because it did not meet the requirements of Section 611 of the Subdivision Ordinance.So ordered. Londontowne,Section D-l,(60 Day Limit)-For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant Preliminary Approval Subject to the recommendations of the County Engineer contained in a Memorandum to the Commission dated August 11,1972.(Reference- Plat file.)So ordered. Mrs.Lum's Lands,(60 Day Limit)-For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Herbst,to disapprove the Preliminary Plat because it did not meet the requirements of Section 611 of the Subdivision Ordinance.So ordered. Dual Associates,Commercial,(60 Day Limit)-For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to disapprove the plat application because it did not meet the requirements of Section 611 of the Subdivision Ordinance and asked that the surveyor and developer be advised as to why the plat was disapproved.The motion was made by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey.So ordered. On a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Chairman was authorized to contact the Sanitary Commission,Town of Funks- town,City of Hagerstown and the County Commissioners,regarding the tiem scheduling of sewerage facilities in the area.So ordered. Berger King,Commercial -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr. Walla,to refer the application to the Traffic Advisory Committee for review and recommendations as it pertains to future traffic conditions and also the County Engineer pertaining to the drainage runoff location.The plat file will be considered by the Commission at such time that this information is received.So ordered. Harvey Gladhill,(Proposed Church)-For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval and,asked that Mr.Teach ascertain that a bond had been provided to insure the construction of the roadway noted on the plat and that the following notations be placed on the Final Plat: ;&ljtj 1.The notation on the plat pertaining to the 40'x 50'area for a permanent turn-around shall be designated on the Final plat as a right-of-way,instead of a permanent easement. 2.The Final plat shall contain the proper metes and bounds ex- cluding the above right-of-way area from the overall tract. So ordered. Montgomery Ward,Commercial -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat,file.So ordered. It was requested that consideration be given to the granting of Final Approval at this time under Section 107 of the Subdivision Regula- tions.The Commission voted to consider the plat application for Final Approval under section 107,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Herbst.So ordered. The Commission,noting that the plat was signed by the Health Officer, voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file in accordance with section 107 of the Subdivision Regulations on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Walla.So ordered. Keener Subdivision,Lots 1 through 3 -For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Walla,the Commission voted to grant prelimianry Approval to the plat file and asked that the appropriate Pennsylvania agency be contacted regarding entrance permits to the lots,and stating that it will be considered at the next meeting of the commission.So ordered. Ememtt Abbott and Dustin Murray -Approval for Agricultural Purposes: On a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Herbst,the Commission voted to grant approval of a parcel of land for Mr.Abbott and Mr. Murray,to be used for agricultural purposes and not for develop- ment.So ordered. FINAL PLATS: Harpers Ferry Farms,Section 1,6 Lots -For Final Approval: On a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Walla,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Golden West 110bile Homes,(12.5 Acres)-For Final Approval "COun ty Comm~ss~oners,(12.5 acre tract) Upon review of the plat file and noting that the application did receive approval under the 1964 Subdivision Regulations and noting that it does meet all the requirements of Section 4.6(b)of the 1964 Ordinance,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey.So ordered. NEXT MEETING DATE: The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission will be held on Monday,October 16,1972,in the Conference Room at 7:30 P.M.with a workshop session scheduled prior to the regular meeting beginning at 7:00 P.M. ADJOURNMENT~ The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M.on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Herbst.So ordered. (i,)1 /}7 /;/1/ /U I01.{t-~{j\1_)\,..7fzL{)JI./t:~ Donald R.Frush~-Chafrman.~ t· "i'oo :.:~o 281 OCTOBER 16,1972. The regular meeting of the Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission was held Monday,October 16,1972 at 7:30 P.M.in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex. Present were:Chairman Donald R.Frush,EX-Officio Rome F.Schwagel, William E.Dorsey,Richard W.Gross,John C.Herbst,County Planner Leroy R.Burtner,Office Administrator Barry A.Teach,James A.Rooney of the Department of Health and Glenn L.Dull County Engineer. Not present:Vice-Chairman Richard J.Walla. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. MINUTES: The Minutes of the meeting of October 2,1972,were approved as pre- sented by the Commission,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Gross.So ordered. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to add the following plats to the agenda for consider- ation:Glenn Knable,Walter Ridenour and St.Matthews Luthern Church. So ordered. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross,to add to the agenda under New Business,a presentation .by Mr.Howard Gilbert in behalf of Burger King application.So ordered. On a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Commission voted to approve the following invoices for payment: Hays for office supplies -$19.10,K & E for printing paper -$12.15, IBM for typewriter ribbon -$24.69,and Hagerstown Bookbinding and Printing for 1,500 copies of the proposed Zoning Ordinance and District Boundary Maps -$4,587.00.So ordered. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter was read from Mr.Norman I.Broadwater dated October 11,1972, in which it was requested that an extension of time for recording a plat for Coss Welding Supply,Inc.,be granted. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to grant a thirty (30)day extension of time for the recording of the plat for Coss Welding Supply,Inc.,from Roy B.Goodhart,which will expire on November 15,1972.So ordered. Letter from Mr.John L.Lenhardt -Re:Interim Sewerage Service Facilities for Clear Spring High School: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr. Schwagel,to recommend approval of the application for a temporary sewer facility for Clear Spring High School and also recommended that this area be considered by the County Commissioners for amend- ment in the next revision of the Water and Waste Water Plan.A copy of the memorandum from Mr.Burtner and comments from the Wash- ington County Sanitary Commission are to be attached to the letter of notification to Mr.Lenhardt.So ordered. Letter from Mr.Verdine Campbell -Re:Temporary Sewerage Treatment Facility for Paradise Homes: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to recommend approval of this application for a tem- porary facility,to recommend that it be considered by the County Commissioners in the next revision of the Water and Waste Water Plan,and to so notify Mr.Campbell,attaChing comments from the Health Department,Sanitary Commission,County Engineer and County Planner.So ordered. ~tH~ COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from,.Mr.Allen T.Clapp,Re:Placement of .~10bi Ie Home: A letter was read from Mr.Allen T.Clapp,R~xxxR~~x~xa±xx~x Area Director for HUD,dated October 10,1972,concerning the appli- cability of the Subdivision RegUlations for the placement of mobile hones on the property of Mr.Gorman Palmer. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross,to disapprove the request because of insufficient in- formation in regard to flood plains in the area,health provisions and other information,and asked that Mr.Clapp be notified that a plat would have to be provided per Section 202,paragraph 47, of the Subdivision Ordinance.So ordered. Letter from Mr.B.G.Charles,Re:Approval of Plat for Agricul- tural Purposes; The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant approval to the transfer of the parcel of land for Mr.B.G.Charles under section 202 of the Subdivision Regu- lations for agricultural purposes and not for development.So ordered. OLD AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Flood Plain Studies: No new information has been added. 701 Contract -P-69: The Chairman reported that he had contacted Baker-Wibberly regarding a development guide mylar that was missing from the inventory. This map is being prepared by a contractor and will complete the 701 P-69 Contract. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to remove the 701 Contract,P-69,from the agenda under Old and Unfinished Business.So ordered. OPD -Overall Program Design: There is no report from the study Committee. Proposed Zoning Ordinance and District Boundary Maps: The Chairman presented to the Commission,the Assistant Attorney General's opinion as it pertains to waters and islands surrounding Washington County,based upon a study conducted by the State of Maryland in conjunction with the National Park Service.Since the control of these lands can only be established by local zoning, the Chairman asked that a change in the proposed Zoning Ordinance be considered for presentation to the County Commissioners for their consideration. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to change the wording in Section 2.0*(including any submerged lands,watered areas or islands),and Article 5.1 (c)* (but not including marinas,boat rentals,docks,piers,or wharves). and deliver to the County Commissioners at the Public Hearing for their further consideration following Public Hearing.So ordered. *Copy attached by reference to the Minutes file. The Chairman brought to the attention of the Commission,a reso- lution in support of the Proposed Zoning Ordinance,which was presented to the County Commissioners on October 10,1972,by the President of the Hagerstown Board of Realtors. I.:'" ~oo ;:';lo 28H New Administrative Policy: No new plats were presented for signature. Advisory Board to the Planning Commission: Action will be taken by the Commission to select persons to serve on the Advisory Board to the Planning Commission at a later.date. Possible Subdivision Ordinance Violations: Possible violations of the SUbdivision Ordinance will be forwarded to the legal department at such time that the County Commissioners have acted on routing procedures. NEW BUSINESS: Department of Water Resources Presentation: Mr.Wallis Loewer,of the Corps of Engineers,Baltimore District, presented to the Commission,a report on Flood Plain Information along the Antietam Creek in Washington County.It was prepared at the request of the Planning Commission in coordination with the Maryland Department of Water Resources.Mr.Loewer stated that the report would be distributed to all agencies by the Department of Water Resources and that 200 copies would be made available to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their distribution. When asked for a time scheduling on other studies being conducted In the County,Mr.Loewer said that studies on the Conococheague Creek were being worked up,and that three seperate studies would be made on the Potomac,one of which is expected to be started in the next fiscal year.The Chairman asked Mr.Schwagel to provide the County Commissioners with copies of the report at their next meeting. Mr.Dull stated that the document would be an invaluable tool in the undertaking of the Master Storm Drian Plan,and if properly implemented,could save untold time and money.He recommended that the Planning Commission make the profiles contained in the report official. Mr.Frush also reported that with the help of Mr.Dull,Mr.Leroy Metz,Mr.Joseph T.Wolford,Mr.Joseph Widmeyer,and Mr.Barry Teach,an OPD for the Flood Disaster Coordinating Office in Baltimore had been prepared and are requesting planning monies being made available to the State Planning Department for studies,after which, a portion will be requested for construction purposes.The request is in the hands of the State Planning Department for their consider- ation. Mr.Howard Gilbert: Mr.Howard Gilbert appeared before the Commission in behalf of Burger King subdivision which had been referred to the County Engineer and the Traffic Advisory Committee for review at a former meetion of the Commission,and requested that the Commission re- consider the plat for Preliminary Approval. On a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Commission voted to consider the plat application under Preliminary Plats.So ordered. ~~_U SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS: PRELIMINARY PLATS: Antietam Battlefield Lmtd:(60 Day Limit)-For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to disapprove the application because it did not meet the requirements of Section 405,paragraph 8,of the Subdivision Ordinance,on a motion bv Mr. Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey.So ordered.- Mr.Schwagel requested that the staff prepare a listing of all private streets and roads for the information of the Commission. Walter Ridenour -For Preliminary Approval: upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Pre- liminary Approval on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr. Herbst.So ordered. Beatrice B.Grove -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file and noting that the right-of-way width on the private road/to be maintained by ~1rs.Grove,the Com- was mission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr. Gross,to grant Preliminary Approval and to inform the developer that the roadway shown on the plat to be private,does not have to have a right-of-way width of sixty (60)feet.So ordered . .Burger King -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file and noting that the application had been referred to the TAC for review and comment regarding a poten- tial traffic problem,a motion was made by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Gross,to grant Preliminary Approval,and asked that the comments and recommendations of the TAC be considered by the Commission prior to granting Final Approval.Mr.Schwagel cast a favorable vote,Mr.Dorsey voted "No."Mr.Frush cast a "No"vote based upon previous action taken by the Commission. Due to the lack of four affirmative votes,no action was taken on the plat file. Clifton Churchey -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr. Herbst,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Mary L.Mason -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Pre- liminary Approval on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr. Dorsey.So ordered. Bertha R.Resh -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file and asked that the following notation be placed on the Final Plat: "It is expressly understood and agreed upon that the 15'reserved right-of-way noted on the plat is to be used for ingress and egress by the single property owner north of the sUbject lot and is not to be used for development purposes."So ordered. Roy White's Weller Farm -For Preliminary Approval: upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to disapprove the plat file,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,-because it did not meet the requirements of Section 405, paragraph 8,of the Subdivision Ordinance.Additional information on private streets should also be provided concerning widths and grades.So ordered. 1''0~o :::::l :::::lo 291 PRELIMINARY PLATS: David M.Kaetzel -For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commis- sion voted to grant preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Roy Mc.Corwell:For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant Preliminary Approval. So ordered. John R.Horst -For preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr. Herbst,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Baker-Wibberly Corporate Office Building -For Preliminary Approval: upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Pre- liminary Approval on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr. Gross,and asked that the following information be shown on the Final Plat: 1.Final plat shall contain provisions for 10'easements on front property lines and 8'easements on all interior property lines for installing and maintaining underground wires and utilities. 2.Following items should be incorporated into the site plan: a.Seeding specifications for disturbed areas. b.Developer's certification that all alnd clearing and developmept will be done pursuant to the approved plan. c.Time schedule of work. 3.Minor discrepancies concerning the proposed finished grading countours are to be corrected and/or revised on the final site grading plan.So ordered. William Gay,Lots 1 through 3 -For Preliminary Approval: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Pre- liminary Approval on a motion by Mr.Gross .and seconded by Mr. Herbst.So ordered. Harry Keller -Commercial -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant preliminary Approval and asked that the following information be shown on the Final Plat: 1.Final Plat shall contain provisions for 10'easements on front property lines and 8'easements on all interior property lines for installing and maintaining underground wires and utilities. 2.Approval granted to Lot 1 only,and Lot l/shall be shown on the Final Plat.So ordered.only Cumberland Valley Hatchery,Section A -For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,the Commis- sion voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to consider a letter requesting Final Approval contained in the plat file.So ordered. After review of a letter from Mr.Verdine Campbell regarding sub- mittal of a grading plan which received approval of the County Engineer and Soil Conservation District,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Schwagel.So ordered. ~.~~ PRELIMINARY PLATS: Mr.Lewis C.Knable -Plat Approval for Agricultural Purposes: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr. Gross,to grant approval to the plat file for Mr.Lewis C.Knable for agricultural purposes only and not for development,per Section 202,paragraph 47 of the Subdivision Ordinance.So ordered. St.Matthews Church -Plat Approval for Agricultural Purposes: Upon review of the plat file and noting that the parcel transfer to the St.Matthews Church,Beaver Creek Road,from Bessie S. Etheridge,was for the sole purpose of expanding the church grounds,the Commission voted to grant approval'and asked that the plat presented for signature contain a notation to this effect. So ordered. FINAL PLATS: Londontowne,Section D-l,9 Lots -For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file and noting that the conditions which were requested had been complied with,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr. Schwagel.So ordered. Ronald E.Keyton,Lots 1 and 2 -For Final Approval: The Commission,noting that the requested changes had been made, voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file on a motion by Mr. Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross.So ordered. Harry L.Warrenfeltz -For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Gross,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Pierce Alexander -Lots 1 through 4 -For Final Approval: On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Com- mission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. C.Wesley Frederick -For Final A~proval: The Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Herbst.So ordered. Harpers Ferry Farms,Section 2,27 Lots -For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file and noting that the requested changes had been made,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross.So ordered. NEXT MEETING DATE: The next regular meeting of the Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission will be November 6,1972 at 7:30 P.M.in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M.on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross.So ordered. l""~o:::::.;::. t::l 293 NOVEMBER 6,1972 The regular meeting of the Washington County Planning and Zoning Commissionowas held Monday,November 6,1972,at 7:30 P.M.in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present were:Chairman Donald R.Frush,Vice Chairman Richard J. Walla,William E.Dorsey,Richard W.Gross,John C.Herbst,Leroy R.Burtner County Planner,Barry A.Teach Office Administrator,and Glenn L.Dull County Engineer. Not present:EXOfficio Rome F.Schwagel. The Minutes of the meeting of October 16,1972,were accepted as printed,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Walla.So ordered. BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS: A renewal subscription for the Federal Statistics User's Conference Newsletter was discussed by the Commission.Since the newsletter was not used extensively,the Commission did not renew the sub- scription notice. On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Commission voted to approve for payment,an invoice in the amount of $7.50 to South High School for the use of facilities for the Public Information Meeting on October 3.So ordered. Letter from Mr.Joseph S.Brown: A letter was read from Mr.Joseph S.Brown requesting a ruling on the status of Parcel A,Havenwood Hills,Inc.,as it pertains to zoning. The Chairman recommended that the subject letter be placed in the zoning petitions file for appropriate action by the Commission at such time these petitions are considered. Letter from Mr.Edward 1.Heath,Re:APJ Status: A letter was read from Mr.Edward I.Heath,Director of the Tri- County Council for Western Maryland,Inc.,to Mr.Allen Clapp, State Representative regarding the APJ status of the Commission. This has been approved by the Tri-County Council and forwarded to the State. Letter from Mr.Daniel M.Sheedy -Extension of Time for Londontowne,Section A: A letter was read from Mr.Daniel M.Sheedy in which it was re- quested that an extension of time be granted for the consideration of the Final plat of Londontowne,Section A,under the provisions of the 1964 Subdivision Regulations,Section 1.4.5. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to grant a 30 day extension of time for consideration of the plat under the requirements of the 1964 Subdivision Ordinance.The expiration date will be December 12,1972.So ordered. Notice of Public Hearing,Downsville Pike: The Chairman announced that notification had been received regarding a Public Hearing relative to the eliminating of the grade crossing on the Downsville Pike.The Public Hearing is scheduled for November 28,1972 at 7:30 P.M.with an Informational Meeting scheduled two weeks previously on November 14,1972,at 7:30 P.M.,both of which will be held at the South Hagerstown High School. ,~~4! Letter From Mr.Robert L.Evans,Postmaster: A letter was read from Postmaster Robert L.Evans,regarding the assigning of street names and numbers in areas outside the City limits and requesting advisement on numbering in proposed new subdivision developments. On the recommendation of the Chairman,the Commission voted to advise the County Commissioners of this request and ask them to give the Commission the policy as it pertains to assigning street numbers and to ascertain which agencies would be responsible for these duties or if additional staff and monies would be available for the purpose.The motion was.made by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Walla.So ordered. The Chairman requested that additional plats be.added to the agenda for consideration by the Commission. Because of the lack of a motion,the Commission could not con- sider these plats for approval,with the exception of a plat for Clyde Tucker,which should have been placed on the agenda previously. On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.DorSeY,the Commission voted to consider a plat application for Mr.Clyde Tucker.So ordered. A motion was made by Mr.Herbst to consider the other additional plats that were not on the agenda of the Commission for this meeting.The motion died for lack of a second. PLATS FOR AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES: Walden H.and Katherine Burtner: On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Herbst,the Commission voted to grant approval of a transfer of land for Walden H.and Katherine Burtner for agricultural purposes and not for develop- ment under section 202 of the Subdivision Regulations.So ordered. Paul J.Smith,Jr.: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr. Walla,to grant approval to the transfer of land for Paul J.Smith, Jr.,under section 202 of the Subdivision Ordinance.So ordered. Clifford O.Bland: On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to grant approval to the transfer for Clifford O.Bland for agricultural purposes and not for development under Section 202 of the Subdivision Regulations.So ordered. Ralph Fleming,Jr: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr. Walla,to hold this application for the next meeting for additional information and requested that the staff contact the developer to determine the specific use of the property.So ordered. Mr.and Mrs.Roy F.Shenk: On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to investigate the three parcels shown on the plat to de- termine if a possible violation of the Subdivision Ordinance exists.So ordered. Church of the Brethern: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to grant approval to the application to extend the church grounds,but also requested that the following be added to the statement on the plat:..."the purpose of the approval is for the sole purpose of extending the church grounds and not for develop- ment."So ordered. ~'"~o;::::, ;::::, ;::::, 295 PLATS FOR AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES: Edward D.Coss: The Commission voted to approve the transfer of property for Mr. Edward D.Coss for agricultural purposes and not for development per Section 202 of the Subdivision Ordinance,on a motion by Mr. Gross and seconded by Mr.Herbst.So ordered. C.Edwin Kline ~No.1: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Gross,to have the staff investigate the date of the parcel trans- fers to determine if a possible violation of the Subdivision Ordin- ance exists.So ordered. C.Edwin Cline -No.2: On a motion by ,Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to ask the staff to investigate further to determine if a possible violation of the Subdivision Ordinance exists.So ordered. Allen E.Kipe: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to ask the staff to check the records to see when the other tract shown on the plat was sold to determine if a possible violation of the Subdivision Regulations exists.So ordered. ~xx~x~xx~~~x Charles F.Tabler: "The Commlsslon voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr. Gross,to approve the transfer for Charles F.Tabler as a division of land for agricultural purposes and not for development per Section 202 of the Subdivision Regulations.So ordered. X§(Jx~R~'?CX~IO~R2!:Ix~:j[x OLD AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Flood Plain Studies: Mr.Dull reported that he has been receiving requests for the work that was done on the flood survey and that bench marks are being submitted to him.Also,the study being conducted on the Conoco- cheague Creek is well under way. OPD -Overall Program Design: The Chairman reported that the Commission did submit an amended OPD (Overall Program Design),because of the recent flooding,a portion of which will be funded by monies from HUD,other than 701 funds.The Flood Disaster Coordination Office has submitted this to the Federal Regional Council,and when a committment"is made, the details for a long range flood protection program for Wash- ington County will be worked out. Proposed Zoning Ordinance and District Boundary Maps (Article 66B -Public Hearing): At the request of the Chairman,this item of business was removed from the agenda of the Commission on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey.So ordered. Plats Approved Under New Administrative Policy: The Chairman reported that the following plats had received final signature under the new administrative policy of the Commission regarding one-lot residential plats: Mr.and Mrs.John Horst Mr.Roy McCorwel1 Florence Kaetzel Howard Churchey Walter Ridenour Mary Mason ~~o..., " The Chairman also reported that during the last three to four weeks, no suspected violations have been found through the Clerk of Court's office... Advisory Board to the Planning Commission: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr. Walla,to direct the Chairman to set forth a draft of guidelines regarding meetings with the staff in order to coordinate the various programs which would be reviewed and recommendations made to the Commission.So ordered. possible Subdivision Ordinance Violations: The Chairman reported that the routing slips had not been received with the various required signatures. Suggested Statement for Plats with Private Streets: Upon consideration of a suggested statement to be placed on plats with private streets,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to utilize the following statement: "The streets platted hereon are private and shall be maintained by the property owner and/or his assigns through protective covenants. Said covenants shall be,properly prepared,legally sound,incor- porated in the plat,and approved by the Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission.This plat,therefore,shall release,discharge and absolve Washington County,Maryland,from all responsibility with regard to any maintenance of the private streets and rights- of-way so established." The above statement will be considered at such time the Subdivision Regulations are updated and amended.So ordered. NEW BUSINESS: Memorandum from the Chairman to the Staff: A memorandum was read from the Chairman to the staff,regarding requirements necessary to implement the Zoning Ordinance,needed equipment,draft proposal for updating the Subdivision Ordinance, update of the Adopted Plan,Annual Report,recommendations on the OPD proposals,and other office procedures. SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS: PRELIMINARY PLATS: Garden Spot,Section B -(60 Day Limit): Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Preliminary Approval and asked for the following be provided on the Final Plat: 1.Final plat shall include provisions for a 20'wide drainage easement along the proposed routing of the major storm drainage system in the vicinity of lot numbers B-3, B-4,B-14 and B-15. 2.Approval not granted to Lots B-12 and B-23,but will be given consideration if requirements are met on the Final Plat.So ordered. Antietam Battlefield Limited: On a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Walla,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file with the following changes to the Final Plat: 1.The note pertaining to the reservation No.2,contains the worE!"possible"twioe. should be corrected on the Final Plat. of right-of-way on sheet This drafting error t ... ~o ,~ ;'::4o 29'1 Antietam Battlefield LImited,Contd: 2.Lot C-4$hall be deleted from the Final Plat. 3.Right-of-Way statements shall be revised to state in effect: ....."30'when measured from each side of the centerline,for a total Right-of-Way of 60'''.So ordered. Burgerking (Commercial): The Chairman brought to the attention of the Commission,the complete contents of the plat file,and noting that the TAC had taken no of- ficial action,a motion was made by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr. Walla,that copies of plats involving industrial,commercial or multi-family sites be made available to the TAC at the beginning of the regular routing process.So ordered. On a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Walla,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Richard G.Bloyer: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Preliminary Approval with the following conditions shown on the Final Plat: The Final Plat shall contain a notation stating in effect . "Lot No.8 shall be graded in such a manner as to insure the continu- ous unobstructed flow of surface drainage along the natural drainage course across said lot." "The entrance to Lot No.8 should be located within the northern portion of said lot.So ordered. FINAL PLAT: Robinwood,Section E -For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file and noting that the requested changes had been met,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Gross.So ordered. PRELIMINARY PLATS: Clifford and Martha Bland: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Gross,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. W.T.Cooper: Upon teview of the plat file and noting that it was outside the proposed corridor for the Hagerstown Beltway,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Herbst.So ordered. Julia Lum: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Gross,to grant Preliminary Approval and as.ked that the following conditions be placed on the Final Plat: "A right-of-way 25'in width when measured from the centerline of Lums Lane is reserved along the front of Lot No.1 and the 25' private right-of-way for the purpose of the possible future widening of said road."So ordered. D.Richard Martin: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Herbst,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. ;&~t} PRELIMINARY PLATS: Willie Lee Young: On a motion<py Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file and asked that the following notation be placed on the Final Plat: "It is expressly understood and agreed upon that the 50'right-of-way shown on the plat will not be used for pUblic ingress or egress without written approval of the Washington County Engineering Department."So ordered. Western Maryland Company,No.1: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to grant Preliminary Approval to the Plat File.So ordered. Western Maryland Company,No.2: The Commission voted ,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr. Walla,to grant Preliminary Approval.So ordered. The Chairman requested that the two plats for the Western Maryland Company be placed on the agenda for Final consideration. On a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Commission voted to consider the two plats for the Western Maryland Company for Final Approval.So ordered. "Francis Horchner: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Gross.So ordered. Charles F.Tabler: The Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Herbst.So ordered. Robert N.Cline: On a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Walla,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval to Lot No.1,only,and asked that Lot 1 only,be shown on the Final Plat.So ordered. Eastern Products Copporation -(Commercial): On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file subject to the following conditions being met on the Final Plat: Provision for a ten foot easement on all front property lines and eight foot easements on all interior property lines shall be shown on the Final Plat,for the purpose of installing and maintaining underground wires and utilities.So ordered. Clyde Tucker: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Prelimi- nary Approval,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey. So ordered. FINAL PLATS: Beatrice B.Grove: Upon review of the plat file and noting that the requested conditions had been met,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Walla.So ordered. William L.Gay: l'"«:t<o .~ ;~ ~ FINAL PLATS: William L.Gay: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Gross,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Richard K.Hershey: Upon review of the plat file and noting that the requested changes had been met,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Gross.So ordered. Bertha R.Resh: Upon review of the plat file and noting that the requested changes had been made,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey.So ordered. Harry S.Keller -(Commercial): Upon review of the plat file,the Commission,on a motion by Mr. Walla and seconded by Mr.Gross,voted to grant Final Approval.So ordered. Western Maryland Company,No.1: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Herbst,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Western Maryland Company,No.2: On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Herbst,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. NEXT MEETING DATE: The next regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission will be Monday,November 20,1972,at 7:30 P.M.in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M.on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey.So ordered. jDtMdl Q ,y/U~( Donald R.Frush,Chairman NOVEMBER 20,1972 The regular meeting of the Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission was held Monday,November 20,1972 at 7:30 P.M.in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex. Present were:Chairman Donald R.Frush,Vice-Chairman Richard J. Walla,EX-Officio Rome F.Schwagel,William E.Dorsey,Richard W. Gross,John C.Herbst,County Planner Leroy R.Burtner,Office Administrator Barry A.Teach,and James A.Rooney of the Department of Health.Phil Ebersole reporting for the Herald-Mail. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. 2,9H ,jUU MINU'rES The Minutes of the meeting of November 6,1972,were approved as presented,qp a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Gross. So ordered. BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS: An invoice in the amount of $10.44 from Hays for office supplies was approved for payment by the Commission on a motion by Mr. Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey.So ordered. A letter was read from Mr.Woodrow H.Allen,in which it was announced that a Planning Workshop would be held in Columbia, Maryland,November 29 through December 1.The Chairman asked that those interested in attending,contact the secretary so that reservations can be made. The Chairman also brought to the attention of the Commission,a letter from Mr.James W.Stone,regarding the Downtown Hagerstown Improvement Committee (FOURSITE)Presentation which will be held November 20,1972. Mr.Johnson of Fox and Associates,introduced a representative of Eastern Products,Incorporated,who requested that the Com- mission consider their plat application which was granted Pre- liminary Approval on November 6,for Final Approval under the provisions of Section 107 of the Subdivision Ordinance. "On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,the Com- mission voted whether or not to consider five additional plats that had become elegible for consideration by the Commission after the agenda had been mailed on Friday.Mr.Gross and Mr. Dorsey voted "No". The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to place Eastern Products Corporation on the agenda for consideration of Final Approval.So ordered. PLATS FOR AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES AND NOT FOR DEVELOPMENT: Mr.and Mrs.Ray F.Shenk: On a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Commis- sion voted to grant approval to the transfer of land under Section 202 of the Subdivision RegUlations.So ordered. C.Edwin Kline: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to grant approval to the transfer of land for an existing residence and not for development.So ordered. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,that the wording on the plat be changed to state that the transfer was for an existing development and not for purposes of development,excluding agricultural purposes.So ordered. C.Edwin Kline: On a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,the Com- mission voted to grant approval to the transfer of land exclusively for an existing residence and not for development purposes,and asked that the wording on the plat be changed accordingly,ex- cluding agricultural purposes.So ordered. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,that the statement on the plat to be signed for Mr.and Mrs.Ray E.Shenk,be corrected to state that the transfer of land is not for development purposes,excluding agriculture. So ordered. ~ :'.:) '-,--;:::< .::::l PLATS FOR AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES AND NOT FOR DEVELOPMENT: Alan E.Kipe~ On a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to approve the plat application with the statement on the plat to read that the transfer is not for development purposes. So ordered. Ralph Fleming,Jr.: On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Commission voted to deny approval of the transfer of land s~nce it is not in conformance with the provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance and State Health Department Regulations,and asked that a plat be submitted indicating required Health information,etc.,in com- pliance with the Subdivision Regulations.So ordered. Wilbur Martz: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,to grant approval to the transfer of additional land as an addition to an existing structure and not for development. So ordered. Robert L.Morrison and Wife: ~he Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross,to grant approval to the division of land not for development purposes.So ordered. Stanley L.Hull: 301 On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded byMr.Gross,the Commission approved the transfer of land under the requirements of Section 202 of the Subdivision Regulations.So ordered. Garland E.Groh: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant approval of the transfer of land,not to be used for development purposes.So ordered. OLD AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Flood Plain Studies: The status remains the same. Overall Program Design,(OPD): The Chairman reported that no written allocations had been received from the State for monies to be appropriated. Plats Approved Under New Administrative policy: The Chairman reported that the following plats had obtained Final signature under the new Administrative Policy of the Commission: Clifford O.Bland D.Richard Martin Clyde B.Tucker Mr.and Mrs.Francis Horchner Robert Shoemaker Charles Tabler ,(jU~ OLD AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS,CONTD: Advisory Board to the Planning Commission: The Chairman reported that a draft of the Guidelines and General Duties of the Advisory Board to the Planning Commission is being finalized as directed by the Commission at the last meeting.Mr. Schwagel asked that upOn completion of the draft,copies be made available to the Commission for their review and action at the next meeting. possible Subdivision Ordinance Violations: Mr.Teach reported that a daily check is made with the Assessment Office and.that nO suspected violations had been found within the past 3,to 4 weeks.Mr.Schwagel asked that the signed state- ment which had been circulated to the cooperating agencies be brought to the County Commissioners for their review and action. Suggested Statement for Plats With Private Streets: The Commission voted,On a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Walla,to delete this item of business from the agenda since it had been acted Upon and accepted at the last meeting.So ordered. NEW BUSINESS: The Chairman brought to the attention of the Commission,corres- "pondence from the Postmaster,J.C.Penney,Drug Fair,McCrory's and Safeway,regarding numbers for new businesses.This request had been forwarded to the County commissioners for their con- sideration.The County Commissioners requested the Commission to establish policy regarding the numbering of new structures with the advice and guidance of Mr.Teach and a representative of the Roads Department. SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS: The Commission agreed to consider Final Plats prior to consider- ation of Preliminary Plats since several interested parties were in attendance. Eastern Products -For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,to grant Final Approval to the plat file noting that all requested conditions had been met.So ordered. Cumberland Valley Hatchery,Lot 2,Section D,-For Final Approval: On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,the Com- mission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Burger King -For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file,a motion was made by Mr.Walla,to approve the plat application for Burger King based upon agency letters of approval.The motion was seconded by Mr.Herbst, with Mr.Schwagel voting "Yes",and Mr.Gross and Mr.Dorsey voting "No."According to Commission By-Laws,Article VI, Section 2,four votes in the affirmative are required in order to transact business.Therefore,nO formal action was taken On the proposal. FINAL PLATS: Spring Valley,Section F ~For Final Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,to consider Spring Valley,Section F,under the hard- ship clause,Section 107 of the Subdivision Regulations.So ordered. On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,the Com- mission voted to grant Final Approval to Spring Valley,Section F, under the hardship clause,Section 107 of the Subdivision Regula- tions.So ordered. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla,and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to consider the additional plats for Final Approval which had become elegible for consideration after the agenda had been prepared on Friday,and after such action is taken,to re- iterate the former motion of the Commission to adhere to the policy procedure regarding the addition of plats to the agenda. So ordered. ~Robert Cline -For Final App.roval: S2 The Commission,noting that no changes had been required on theC5FinalPlatandthatHealthDepartmentapprovalhadbeenreceived ~on this date,voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file,on a motion by Mr.Herbs t and seconded by D1r.Walla.So ordered . .Harvey Gladhill -For Final Approval: Noting that the required acceptance of the turn-around shown on the plat had been granted,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla. So ordered. Harry Hoffman -For Final Approval: Upon review of the plat file,and noting that the division of land was for the exclusive purpose of acquiring access from property to the road,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Herbst.So ordered. Commission Bylaws,Article IV,Section V: On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to reiterate the By-Laws of the Commission,Article IV, Section V,which states that the agenda shall be mailed three (3) days previous to a regular meeting date and that no additional plats shall be authorized.In the event that this becomes unsa~isfactory procedure,a new Committee is to be appointed for re-study.So ordered. PRELIMINARY PLATS: High's Dairy Store -Commercial -(60 Day Limit): The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to disapprove the plat application because it con- flicts with the Adopted Plan For The County,Development Analysis Plan Map and Policies,pOlicy C-5,Page 200.So ordered. Gale B.Cohill -(60 Day Limit): On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Commission voted to disapprove the plat file because it does not meet the requirements of Section 611 of the Subdivision Ordinance.So ordered. Paradise Homes,Section D -(60 Day Limit), 303" Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to disapprove the application,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Gross, because it does not meet the requirements of Section 611 of the Subdivision Regulations.So ordered. ·ijU4 PRELIMINARY PLATS: Victor Barnhart -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file. So ordered. Luther Davis,Lot No.2 -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file and asked that the correct soil type be shown on the Final Plat.So ordered. William L.Crum -For preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. William L.Crum and Others -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Edgar and Dorothy Keener -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by 'Mr.Gross,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. J.D.Martin,Lot A -For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Florence Kaetzel -For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commis- sion voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. D.A.Bachtell -For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Com- mission voted to grant Preliminary Approval and asked that the following notation be placed on the Final Plat: A right-of-way 30 feet in width when measured from the centerline of the Leitersburg-Smithsburg Road is reserved along the front of this lot for the purpose of the possible future widening of said road.So ordered. Roy White's Weller Farm,9 Lots -For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval and asked that the soil types be shown on the Final Plat.So ordered. Harry L.Warrenfeltz -For preliminary Approval: The Gommission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Mr.and Mrs.Glenn Eby -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. t ... ~o I~ :::::< c:::l PRELIMINARY PLATS: Arboranda Estates,Section B -For Preliminary Approval: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr. Schwagel,to grant Preliminary Approval and asked that the following notations be made on the Final Plat: A right-of-way 30 feet in width when measured from the centerline of Broadfording Road is reserved along the front of all lots for the purpose of the possible future widening of said road. The status of the parcel between lots 7 and 9 shall be clarified on the Final Plat,either by eliminating the heavy line around said parcel or by numbering the lots in sequence.,So ordered. Elmer L.Perkins,Lots 1 and 2 -For Preliminary Approval: On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,the Commis- sion voted to grant Preliminary Approval and asked for the following information to be placed on the Final Plat: The entrance of both lots will have to be by way of the private right-of-way noted on the plat.The location of both entrances should be noted on the Final Plat.So ordered. Tri-State Warehouse (Commercial)-For Preliminary Appro~al: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. NEXT MEETING DATE: The next regular meeting will be held Monday,December 4,1972,at 7:30 P.M.in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:16 P.M.on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Schwagel.So ordered. ·lJ}?(d!LiZ~(~uJ~ v Donala-R-:Frush,Chairman December 4,1972 The regular meeting of the Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission was held Monday,December 4,1972 at 7:30 P.M.in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present were:Chairman Donald R.Frush,Vice-Chairman Richard J. Walla,Ex-Officio Rome F.Schwagel,William E.Dorsey,Richard W. Gross,John C.Herbst,County Planner Leroy R.Burtner,Office Administrator Barry A.Teach,County Engineer Glenn L.Dull,County Attorney James F.Strine,and James A.Rooney of the Department of Health. MINUTES: The Minutes of the meeting of November 20,1972,were approved as presented on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Walla. So ordered. 3·0t;..t.,,\/ .jUt) BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS: On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Commission voted to approve the following invoices for payment:Morning Herald -$26.00,Daily Mail -$26.00 (yearly subscriptions), Roads Department for gasoline -$8.85,K &E for print paper - $8.95,Long's Business Equipment for office supplies -$4.73, Travel expenses for Office Administrator -$4.00,and Hill Donnelly corporation for Cross Reference Directory -$23.64. So ordered. Letter From Mr.Daniel M.Sheedy -Londontowne,Extension of Time: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant a forty-five (45)day extension of time for consideration of Final Approval for Londontowne,Section A, under the provisions of Section 1.4.5 of the 1964 Subdivision Regulations,per Mr.Sheedy's request.So ordered. Letter From Mr.Roger O.Charlton,Chairman TAC Committee: A letter was read from Mr.Roger O.Charlton,Chairman of the Traffic Advisory Committee,dated November 30,1972,regarding the submission of subdivision plats to that agency for review.It was requested that a 'meeting with the Planning Commission be arranged to discuss mutual concerns,and suggested a joint meeting for January 24,at 12:00 noon,at the Venice Restaurant. Letter From Mr.Kenneth J.Mackley,Re:Washington International Raceway: A letter was read from Mr.Kenneth J.Mackley,dated December 1, 1972,requesting a delay for consideration of the Preliminary Plat for the Washington International Raceway. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant the request for a delay until the meeting of December 18,1972,for Washington International Raceway, per Mr.Mackley's request.So ordered. SIMPLIFIED PLATS FOR APPROVAL: Antietam Heights -For Agricultural Purposes,Not For Development: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross,to grant approval to the plat application based upon the following statement being added to paragraph 1 of the Dedi- cation for Individuals:...."and reserve the fee simple title to the beds of the alleys,streets,rights-of-way,open spaces, and areas designated for recreation".So ordered. Charles Potts -Not For Development: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Gross,that the plat file information be passed to legal counsel for appropriate action because it appears to be a pos- sible violation of the Subdivision Regulations.So ordered. OLD AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Flood Plain Studies: The status remains the same. Overall Program Design: The Chairman asked that this subject matter be considered later in the meeting under New Business. It'" ~oooo 3:01 OLD AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS,CONTD: Plats Approved Under New Administrative policy: victor Barnhart William L.Crum William L.Crum and Others Edgar and Dorothy Keener Florence Kaetzel Glenn Eby,Lot 1 J.D.Earl Martin,Lot A Advisory Board to the Planning commission: The Chairman requested that this subject matter be considered as the last item of business on the Commission agenda. Possible Subdivision Ordinance Violations: No new suspected violations of the Subdivision Ordinance have been reported as of this date. NEW BUSINESS: A letter was read from Mr.Edward W.Cooey regarding a Planning Conference to be held December 15,in the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission auditorium in Silver Springs. ~invitation was extended to the members of the Planning Com- mission and staff. The Chairman read a letter from Mr.Richard A.Gucker of the State Planning Department dated November 30,1972,in which it was stated that under the current comprehensive assistance grant, (Md.P-I002),Washington County has been allocated $37,127.00. Twenty-five percent matching funds would have to be matched as the local contribution.The Overall'Program Design would have to be revised to include a housing element.The Committee to recommend consultants for Commission consideration for the various studies will meet in the near future. It was also stated by the Chairman that the National Freeway Con- sultants had requested comments from this Commission and that in behalf of the Commission,a letter was sent to the County Engineer and a memorandum to the Commission staff,requesting comments to be delivered to the Commission for their consideration so that a letter can be forwarded to the consultants. At the meeting of the Washington County Historical Advisory Com- mittee meeting on November 21,it was agreed that Washington County sh .auld become involved in the completion of the historical study for the County.It was recommended that the Planning and Zoning Commission,in cooperation with the Maryland Historical Trust, would select a qualified person or persons to complete the study with funds to be supplied on a matching basis. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Gross,to revise the OPD to include the historical study and brought to the attention of the County Commissioners for their consideration.So ordered. SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS: PRELIMINARY PLATS: Washington International Raceway: Resolved by an earlier motion. ,aU~ PRELIMINARY PLATS: Sun Rise Ac~es,Section B -(60 Day Limit): The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Gross,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file and asked that the following conditions be corrected on the Final Plat: 1.Lot 6 shall be eliminated or compounded with Lot 7 on the Final Plat. 2.Final Plat shall include a notation stating in effect, ...."No grading shall be started on Lot No.7 until a site grading.plan is submitted for approval to the County Engineer." 3.Final Plat shall include a notation stating in effect: "Washington County will assume no responsibility for the roadway located within the private rights-of-way shown on the plat unless and until said roadway is constructed to County standards and specifications." So ordered. June Avenue Heights -(60 Day Limit): On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,the Com- mission voted to grant Preliminary Approval and asked that the following corrections be shown on the Final Plat: 1.The Final Plat shall include a notation stating in effect:"All swales,diversions,etc.,will be installed at the time the road construction work is done and prior to the sale of the lots." 2.Sign developer's certification. So ordered. Fairview Acres,Section C,11 Lots -(60 Day Limit): Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Walla,to disapprove the application because it did not meet the requirements of Section 401,paragraph 1,of the Subdivision Ordinance,specifically, adequate access to and from the development. In addition,the design and engineering comments as presented in the County Engineer's memo,dated November 10,1972,should be considered on plat resubmittal.Plat should also contain the statement regarding private streets.So ordered. Leather's Development,2 Lots: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Preliminary Ap- proval and asked that Note No.5 on the plat referring to the reservation of right-of-way shall be revised on the Final Plat to include the phrase,"along the front of these lots".So ordered..Marlin E.and Eva J.Martln: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file and recommended that the following information be brought to the developer's attention: The southern portion of this lot,adjacent to Grove Creek is mapped as a D2-Dunning and medium silt loam,which is a poorly drained flood plain soil with a severe limitation for building and sewage disposal.Due to the proximinity of the house loca- tion to the flood plain soil,the Soil Conservation District has recommended that there be no basement and the house be built with a foundation drain with a positive outlet.So ordered. PRELIMINARY PLATS: James L.Rowland: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted to grant Pre- liminary Approval on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr. Herbst,and asked that the Final Plat contain a notation stating in effect:"This lot is to be graded in such a manner as'to insure the continuous unobstructed flow of surface drainage along the natural swale across said lot."So ordered. John B.Wolfkill,16 Lots: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to disapprove the application because it did not meet the requirements of Section 401,paragraph 1,of the Subdivision Ordinance,specifically,adequate access to and from the development over the private street proposed.The plat shall also contain the statement concerning private streets. Mr.Herbst voted "No."Motion carried. ~Mr.Schwagel asked the staff to review other subdivision plats C)submitted with regard to right-of-way width of private streets.o :~Arthur Towson,Jr: ~ The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr.Walla,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So 'ordered. Agnita M.Schreiber -(Commercial): On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,the Com- mission voted to grant preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. FINAL PLATS: Burgerking -(Commercial)-(30 Day Limit): Upon review of the plat file,and noting that no formal action had been taken on granting Final Approval to this development,a motion was made by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to dis- approve the plat application because it conflicts with the Adopted Plan For The County,Development Analysis Plan Map and Policies C 1,C 5 and C 6.Mr.Walla voted "No". Mr.France,representing Burgerking,requested a clarification of the Commission By-Laws in regard to the number of affirmative votes required to transact business.* A roll call vote was taken by the Chairman regarding the former motion to disapprove the Final plat for Burgerking development. Mr.Gross and Mr.Dorsey voted in the affirmative,Mr.Schwagel voted "NO",Mr.Walla voted "No",and Mr.Herbst voted "No". On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Com- mission voted to delay consideration of the plat application until the end of the agenda.So ordered. Tri-State Warehouses -(Commercial): 309 The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Richard G.Bloyer,Lot No.8: On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Com- mission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. ,;JlU FINAL PLATS: Julia Lum,Lots 1 and 2: On a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Walla,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Skipton Farms,5 Lots: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Gross,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Luther Davis,Lot 2: On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commis- sion voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Ray White's Weller Farm,9 Lots: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Burgerking,(Commercial)-(30 Day Limit): After further consideration of the plat file,a motion was made by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey to disapprove the appli- cation because it conflicts with the Adopted Plan For The County, Development Analysis,Plan Map and Policies C 1,C 5,and C 6, Page 200,in accordance with Section 401,paragraph 2,of the .Subdivision Ordinance.Mr.Walla and Mr.Herbst voted "No". So ordered. A motion was made by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross,that the criteria sheet used for plat file review,be revised to include compliance with the Adopted Plan For The County.If there is a conflict with the Plan,the matter is to be presented to the Commission for action at the earliest possible date,thus eliminating the need of possible further agency review.So ordered. OTHER BUSINESS: Repairs to County Car: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr. Walla,to authorize the necessary repairs to the County Planning car.So ordered. Advisory Board to the Planning Commission: On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,the Commis- sion voted to accept provisionally,the amended guidelines set forth for the Advisory Board to the Planning Commission.So ordered. The Commission reviewed the many names submitted from the various interests,planning sectors,minority groups,youth,and other professions and selected the following persons to serve on the Planning and Zoning Commission Advisory Board: \ l Thelma Bell Richard Bowers Jeff Downin Vincent Groh Christella Keyes Leonard Lowry Mrs.James Lucas Sydney Machat Varner Paddack James Reeder Margurite Snyder David Sowers Patti Truax Jackie Van Winkle William Wolford 31'].' NEXT MEETING DATE: The next meeting of the Planning and Zoning commission will be held Monday,December 18,1972,in the Conference Room of the Court House Annex at 7:30 P.M. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M.on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Walla.So ordered. fij;'I ;1 .J1 Ie,'{J .I tfUltl Y '*v:....../f;;''/J /.I ..-//\/ Donald R.Frush',ChairIll1'fii December 18,1972 ~ ~The regular meeting of the Washington County Planning Commission was ~held on Monday,December 18,1972,at 7:30 P.M.in the Conference ~Room of the Court House Annex. ~ Present were:Chairman Donald R.Frush,Vice-Chairman Richard J. Walla,Ex-Officio Rome F.Schwagel,William E.Dorsey,Richard W. Bross,John C.Herbst,County Planner Leroy R.Burtner,Office Administrator Barry A.Teach and County Engineer Glenn L.Dull. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr. Schwagel,to approve the ~nutes of the meeting of December 4,1972, as presented.So ordered. BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS: On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,the Commission voted to approve for payment,invoices from Tri-State Printing Co. for letter heads,in the amount of $23.40,and Hays for office supplies in the amount of $39.41.So ordered. Letter from Mr.Kenneth J.Mackley: A letter was read from Mr.Kenneth J.Mackley,dated December 15, 1972,in which it was requested that the plans submitted for Washing- ton International Raceway be returned to the developer for revamping. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to grant Mr.Mackley's request to withdraw from consideration, plans for the Washington International Raceway.So ordered. Letter from Mr.Claude L.Crawford,Re:Fairview Acres,Section "c": A letter was read from Mr.Claude L.Crawford,dated December 13,1972, requesting to be heard by the Commission regarding the construction of the proposed public street leading from Fairview Road to Section "ell of Fairview Acres. The Commission agreed that in lieu of actual construction of the pro- posed pUblic street leading into Section "c"from Fairview Road,an assurance for the construction posted with the County would be satisfactory,details to be worked out with the County Engineer. Mr.Crawford is to be notified of this action.So ordered. 312 CORRESPONDENCE,CONTD: Letter from Mr.Gerald A.Cump,Re:Harry Warrenfeltz,Extension of Time: A letter from Mr.Gerald A.Cump,dated December in which it was requested that a thirty (30)day for consideration of a one lot parcel be granted feltz. 15,1972, extension for Harry was read of time Warren- The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Dorsey,to grant a thirty (30)day extension of time for consideration of the plat for Harry Warrenfeltz under Section 313,paragraph 3 of the Subdivision Ordinance.So ordered. Le·tter from Mr.John B.Wolfkill,Re:Disapproval of Plat: A letter was read from Mr.John B.Wolfkill,dated December 11, 1972,regarding the disapproval of the preliminary application for the John B.Wolfkill subdivision because it did not meet the re- quirements of Section 401,paragraph 1,of the Subdivision Ordinance. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file,noting that the R/W was owned by some one else and to absolve Washington County of any future liability regarding the access to and from the development over the private street proposed.So ordered. Mr.Schwagel requested that other Counties be contacted regarding adequate width of private streets for future updating of the Subdivision Ordinance.So ordered. SI!~LIFIED PLATS FOR APPROVAL: Rock'N Spring to Board of Education,No.1: On a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Walla,the Commission voted to grant approval to the transfer of the parcel of land to the Board of Education from the Rock N'Spring Corporation for conveyance purposes only,with the understanding that any develop- ment of the tract will be submitted to the Planning and Zoning commission for approval in the regular m&nner.So ordered. Rock 'N Spring Corporation to Board of Education,No.2: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant approval of the parcel of land from the Rock N Spring Corporation to the Board of Education for conveyance purposes only,with the understanding that any development of the tract will be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for approval in the regular manner.So ordered. John C.Herbst: Noting that there was a conflict between the statement on the plat and the statement in the letter of transmittal,the Commission voted to grant approval of the transfer of land and asked that Mr. Seibert and the purchaser be notified that the transfer is not approved for future development.The motion was made by Mr.Schwagel, seconded by Mr.Dorsey.So ordered. Pentacostal Assembly of God: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Gross,to grant approval to the transfer of land between the Pentacostal Assembly of God and Mrs.Elizabeth Werth for church use and not for development.So ordered. ~""'<:J'o C< C< c:::< 31:1) SIMPLIFIED PLATS FOR APPROVAL: Mrs.ElizebethH.Werth: On a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to approve the transfer of a parcel of land of 9.0 acres for agricultural purposes and not for development.So ordered. Mrs.Bertha B.Heineman: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Gross,to approve the transfer of a 26.4 acre tract of land which is not for development purposes.So ordered. OLD AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Flood Plain Studies: The status remains the same. Overall Program Design (OPD): The Chairman reported that no monis were available for OPD as a result of the Agnes Flood and the Commission should consider pro- ceeding on the 701 OPD,deleting items funded for Tri-County Council for which 701 monies were requested.He stated however,that the State,under their monies,plan to provide studies for storm water "management. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Walla,to authorize the Chairman to proceed with finding out the exact status as far as these studies are concerned,and at the same time requesting from the State,the computerized information from the high flying and low flying satellites program in cooperation with the University of Maryland,to provide much of the information for land use planning.So ordered. The The Chairman also respectfully requested that the Chairman of the Committee to select Consultants for definitive planning proceed with their recommendations. Plats Approved Under New Administrative Policy: Marlin and Eva Martin Arthur Lee Towsend,Jr. Harold Snively Advisory Board to the Planning Cormnission: The fifteen member Advisory Board to the Planning Commission has been appointed and the Commission will meet with them after the first of the year. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr. Schwagel,to remove this item of business from the agenda.So ordered. Possible Subdivision Ordinance Violations: Mr.Teach reported that no new potential violations to the Subdivision Ordinance had been found in the past two weeks. NEW BUSINESS: Status Report On OPD: There is nothing new to report. .)1:(1: New Business_,Contd: 1972 Annual Report: The Chairman reported that the 1972 Annual Report to the County Commissioners,and the State Planning Department is being prepared. Zoning Materials: Mr.Burtner reported that the draft of the necessary permits and forms for Commission review is about 90%complete,and that two quotes regarding heeded office equipment have be~n received.The Chairman requested that this be carried on the agenda until its completion and that draft copies be submitted for Commission review and input. Subdivision Ordinance Amendments: Mr.Teach reported that the County Engineer has reviewed the Sub- division Ordinance and submitted his comments in regard to engineering type changes.The amendmen-cs,with a few minor changes,are ready to be typed. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to have the staff,after completion of the present up-dating,submit to the Commission on a quarterly basis,any recom- -mended changes to the Subdivision Ordinance.So'-ordered. SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS: PRELIMINARY PLATS: Washington International Raceway,(60 Day Limit) Resolved by earlier motion. Strawbridge Village,(286 Units)-(60 Day Limit): A motion was made by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Preliminary Approval based upon the addition of the required parking spaces.Mr.Walla,Mr.Dorsey and Mr.Gross voted "No". No action was taken. Another motion was introduced by Mr.Schwagel to grant Preliminary Approval based upon the aforementioned conditions.The motion was seconded by Mr.Herbst.Mr.Walla,Mr.Dorsey and Mr.Gross voted "No."No action was taken. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Gross,seconded by Mr.Walla, to disapprove the plat application because it did not meet the re- quirements of Section 401,paragraph 2 of the Subdivision Ordinance, specifically,policies R14, R15,and R19,of the Adopted Plan For The County,Development Analysis Plan Map and Policies.(pp.207 and 208).The motion carried with Mr.Schwagel and Mr.Herbst voting "No." Cumberland Valley Hatchery,Section "E",(60 Day Limit): Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to disapprove the application because it did not meet the requirements of Section 604 of the Subdivision Ordinance.So ordered. t"- ~o Cl c'~o PRELIMINARY PLATS: Raymond D.Divelbliss: The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Dorsey and seconded by Mr. Herbst,to grant-Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Lerch to Holder: On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,the Commission voted to grant preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Alice May Latimore: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Schwagel,to grant ,Preliminary Ap- proval and asked that the following corrections be made on the Final Plat: 1.On the Final Plat,the entrance to the subject lot shall be shown in the vicinity of the south lot line. 2.The existing contour for elevation 982 has been shown as 582, and should be corrected on the Final Plat.So ordered. J.D.Earl Martin: On a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Dorsey,the Commission voted to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Bannard J.Morgan: Upon review of the plat file,the Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Gross,to grant Preliminary Approval. So ordered. Clinton F.and Louise C.Rutherford: On a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Herbst,the Commission voted to grant preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Pauline L.Brook: The Commission voted,on a,motionby Mr.Schwagel,and seconded by Mr.Herbst,to grant Preliminary Approval to the plat file.So ordered. FINAL PLA'rS: Winding Creek South (Replat): The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Gross,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Antietam Battlefield Limited: 315 Upon review of the plat file and noting that the had been made,the Commission voted,on a motion seconded by Mr.Dorsey,to grant Final Approval. D.A.Bachtell: requested changes by Mr.Walla and So ordered. The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr. Herbst,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. W.T.Cooper,Lots 1 and 2: On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Leather's Development: Upon review of the plat file and noting that the requested changes had been met,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval on a motion by Mr.Schwagel and seconded by Mr.Herbst.So ordered. 316 FINAL PLATS: Elmer L.Perkins,Lots I and 2: ""," The Commission voted,on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr. Gross,to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. James L.Rowland: On a motion by Mr.Gross and seconded by Mr.Walla,the Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file.So ordered. Willie Lee Young: The Commission voted to grant Final Approval to the plat file on a motion by Mr.Herbst and seconded by Mr.Schwagel.So ordered. OTHER BUSINESS: The Chairman stated that the State has prepared Phase II of the Outdoor Recreation Plan and that copies will be acquired for the Commission to review.Also Phase III is ready to be sent to the printers.The Chairman requested authority from the Commission to submit comments as the report pertains to the C &0 Canal, Potomac River and also pertaining to hunting. On a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Gross,the Chairman was authorized to prepare comments to be submitted to the State as requested.So ordered. NEXT MEETING DATE: The next regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission will be January 3,1973. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M.on a motion by Mr.Walla and seconded by Mr.Schwagel.So ordered. l')6~MC~Q/)~,-t. B8nald R.Frush,Chair~an .TANTT"A RV :2.