HomeMy WebLinkAboutH_1975_UseoftheLand? •EMMlY LYAfi1A WASHINGTON COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION u rlr� COURT HOUSE ANNEX, 2'4 SUMMIT AVENUE T«EPx40NF's4 x HA�GERSTOWN, MARYLAND 21740 r � •sGdfi5 'f. � IA HonoaaMe Mart. n L. Snook, PneAident Saan,Jd 06 County Comm.iAsionw o j Wa6iu ngton County Coukt Hoube Annex stag en6 town, MaAytand DecA Comm.izzionen Snook. The W" ngton County PZanning Commitzion iz pteaued .to auhm.c t thi6 P..epoAt entitted The We od Land " a backgrround ,6tu,dy in ptepaxation bon the devetopmerrt o j the wazhington County CompxeAensive Paan. Thi.6 aepo►ct zeAvu to .inverLtoxy and anatyze a.0 aspects ob Viand utiti.zation in Wa6hi,ngton County and to mon ton Land use change6 in the Za6t 6 i.ve to zeven yea& peAtod. S.i.ncenety,. L� �— ul---v . / � Donald R. FAas h, ChaiAman DRF: P -dc Ito W I(e dye~" 14 Thus Study w" pt epahed by the Washington County Ptanning Commission, 1975. Washington Couvrty Board ob County Comm-ussione z Maxon L. Snook, P&e.5.ident W. KeUen Nigl , 111, Vice-Pnes.ident Bunton R. Ho6jman R. Lee Downey G1,c U i,am J. Dw y ex P.QanniM Commuss.c.on Donatd R. Ettwsh, ChaiAman W 2Ziam E. DoAzey, V. ChaiAman John C. Hetcbst Paut W. Ho6jman W. Ketten Nigh, 111, Ex -D j 6.i,c,i.o David W. Soweto, BatcbaAa B. Whitcomb Photo Ctcedtt's Conch ibutoAz Thomas Van Dyke kf-an R. Mwssetman, Ptanning Di e.ctot, Rezeatcch 9 Text Thomas Van Dyke, Azsi6tant PtanneA, PhotogAaphy Robert B. GoAveh, k6sistav►t Pta.nneA, Text Assiztance MaAi,on L. Snyder, OAganizat.ion, CZeAicae Bonnie V. Lewin, Dtcabtswoman, Mapping, DtzaWng Jeanette Kaufmann, Dkabtswoman, Mapping The p,tepaxati,on o6 thin tcepotct was 6inanced .in pato thtwugh a Compt ehemive Ptanning gtcant 6nom the U. S. Depatrtment of Houzing and Unba.n Devetopment as administered by the Matcytand Depatc tment o6 State Ptanning. C"ie woe a/ Yand 3 -axle Q/ wo"le"Id Intoduct on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 The 1968 Land Ube Sutcvey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 The P.ea.n Fon The County, 1970 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Land Use ContAot.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Land Use Activity and Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Inventory and Anatyziz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Ptanwi.ng S ectotc 1, Hag eAz gown Me fto pot tan Anea . . . . . . . . . 78 Ptanning Sector II, Aid -County Atex . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Pta.nn ing S ectotc III , PZe" ant V aZZe y - EZk Ridge . . . . . . . . . . Ptanni,ng Sector IV, Sm.ithzbung - Ringgotd . . . . . . . . . . . P Panning S ecton V, Cteatc S pn i.ng - Indian SpA ing . . . _ . . . . . Pta.nn ng, S ecton V1, Hancock Atcea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To be added Summan.y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eAu2'ha le The purpose of this .study is to provide baekg.cwund, data, injonmati.on and anaty6i.6 on the ude of .land in Wa6hington County in pnepatation bon the devet-opment ob the W"hi.ngton County Compheh.en,6ive Ptan. Much o6 the matefri.aP. heAein .us taken 6nom ta.nd uze data eottect on and anatysiz pen6onmed in. 1968, and i6 updated to 1975 to indicate .hand u6 e changers and trends . The ztu.dy a 6o senvu a3 a checkpoint in the pQ.a.nni.ng pnocus . . . to review the Esta tws o6 eompnehenzive pta.nn i.ng and Land use eontAoU . And Gina Zy, it puv-i.des an area by area dei cAi,pAi.ve ana.2y6.us ob ewusting ta.nd use and ticenA which shah be used in deveeoping the Compnehe"ive Paan. WASHINGTON COUNTY Compnehe.n6tve PRa.n - Hementb - Comptehen4ive Paan A kynop6i6 o6 Goa z and Objecti,vea, Pubtema and OppoAta& tce6, Paticiee, Action Ptax6 and CompoLite: Pian Map& 'Plan. Etements Land Uae Lsw=� nd Tnandpontattion Houai,ng Community Faci�i ie.6 PanFth and Open Social W"te Penn e Ran NMI and SeiLv,i.ce,6 Han Space Han NMI .0 V Sack.atwund S.tudi.ea 1 H.c.Mi.de , Histoni.cat rhe NatauAa,P PopuQation Economic Houbcng Tncuuponta#ion EPde Commwuxy Deve.2opment Peupectfva Environment Baee cFac Uti.ea Env.ihonmentaY � ; °`<t�' ' and SeAviceb AnaCyzis .�—Y---- �- �:�: a �~: A .. __ -. _ a..��-. 7vn �� t, + ti f t• '= •� i Y �_ �F-.. ._ ,. .,�„ /. ` �.... "j °� 7 671-e Woe q Yana �n t��a2tca� 9"WeICA The eWLZy hi,6toxy ab ta.nd use in Washington County was shaped by a pi.oneeAing neti- ante on natunat xesounces ab the vaUey - the A -ch soit and abundant sufftia oA timbex and watex. Thus, the pattexn Ob .hand use was s c.attexed and f-and-ut ant. As agtu.cu,Ptunat pxa ducti.a n. ,i.ncxeased to pehm-it pxoduct expoxt obb the baxm, a demand box goods and senvdces deve?.oped and town-, and v.cttages began to gnaw. Economic inteAdependence Wween banm and village cute .6ti U C�eax Spn,i.ng . aU ob the County's small towns opponent today .c.n. Sm.i-ilv5 6 ung , Ro hnehs v.i,e.2e, . and v.ittages. The .Q.a,ck ab txayvspoxtati.on, duh.%.ng the 19th centuxy kept the out2y-i.ng v.t.?,Eag" xd-ati,veZy izoZated, with on.2y the most n.eces,6ahy ttZps by hone and wagon made to HageAstown, the developing xegionaf- centex. Hagelvstown was deveetoping as the center ob commexce . . hafuseh cou,P.d be shod, a hat ca uQd be bought, baxxef. staves made and wheat made to bxead. The banm mank.et in Hagex6town became an activity centelc in the Town's square. fax- mex6 made tJLi.ps xegu,P.aAty to 6eU thevt pxoductis and buy the goods avai eabZe in Town. The advent and conveAgence ob the xaiVwads and the C 8 D Canat sig,i,ni6cantty tin- ALt.u.enced the gxowth ob the Hag�town area as the seat ob commeAce in the xeg-ion. Import and L * o the County's gxowth and deveiopment � pxov.i,ded in a speatate ptan 1975. A compk.ete h.v�toxy b Washington county V.�.annu-n9 Camm.v�stian, background study en�tLaed H.i.stohicaZ R ewes, 9 expoht with otheA parte of the State and the teg.ion became jea6ibte on a taAge sc.ae.e. As the Indu,6tkiai Revotuti.on approached, the hegionat centeA w" e�stabti6hed and the pattern of Jcv M and vii aga wa3 weft eatabZizhed. Indicative o6 the s etttement pattern near the turn o j the century .us the jac i that thence existed 189 zchooE6 in Washington County . . . unconsoti.dated ane -room .schooth.owse s which served everyone . . . within waeki.ng distance. The automobile changed the isotati,on o6 the 6a�um and viU-agu, cont ibuted to the comoti.dati.on o5 6chootz, and aided the Induisthisi Revotution Zocaeey. Inen.e-osingZy the County',s poputati,on, it',s economy, it',s di&ecti.on, w" oriented to .t ndurtry, newe,y ava,c &bZe goods and s eAvice�s, the automobite . . . utcbanizati.on. But yet, the Lura,- viUage/s maintained the )L identity, urbanization ways .substan- tiaUy con4.ined to Hageutown and agAicuttocat puuuits weAe 6tiU the primary way ob ti4e .in out2yc.ng areas of the County. The two woftd Waajus were A ignijicant .in. advancing .industry and thus, the ge.nvwt economy through de6enze contract and theit spin-o6j. �A The thtcee .eaxgest emptoyeeu, a t manu6actut ing 6iAw . . . Mach Ttut.cks, Fai chi ed and Pangbotcn, have tatcgety .in�tuenced gnowth, .the poputation, occupati.onat matte -up, genenae economy and . . . the .eand use patteAn..in the County. In the .gate 1940'z and the 1950'z subukbanization began to become apparent .in the HageAztown area. The naddae highwayts extending 4&om the City inb.euenced the Zocati,on o4 new -subutcbs sought both by peop.ee et6caping the city envi onment and the .cmm-igAation bt ought on by indurttciat empZoyment. Unplanned tineatc subu b.6 emehged, o4ten without adequate water, zeweta.ge, and s tteet z yzterm because o4 tca p id growth and .each o6 .6ystemat,ic ptann.ing . The County's .6choot syhtem had contsotidated ea}iy in the centu&y and with .cmptcoved toads and ttcan,6poAtation, .6chooZ seAved teatcge attab. In Hageutown, during the 1950',s and 60',6, NoAth and South HageAstown High Schootz wehe bu.i.Pt and contAibuted to a gtow.ing t6oc c.ae schism befteeen "the noAA end" and "the south end" zubw bz, a situation which pnevaie.ed thtwugh the '60z. The t tae atceas ob the County and munic i.paL tieJs duty i.ng th z peAiod did not expeA fence ,s i.gni�icant gtwwth on change. In6tu.enceu6 o6 Hageutown atcea gtcowth te6ueted .in modeAate popu- Zation .incAeases in mot6t o6 the County't6 tow". 3 In the 196014, the con4tAucti,on of Intetu t to 70 and 81 and theit convergence, as major north.-,6outh and east -west co&Ai.dotus near HagvL6town, hays had a Zt ong inituence on growth and devePtopment, the rut t tandscape, and the economy of Washington County. The .immedi.ate ra ,i6icationz o4 the new h.ightaayz way a v"tty ,improved accusibiZi ty to and bnom the Baft more and W"h,ington meth.opot tan anecLs, ,improved acca-6ib.i.P,i ty to tu&at ,land, an expamion o4 the tcu.cking, whoZesaP,ing and waAehou ing secto&6 o4 the economy, and generatZy, a reutab.ii6hment o6 the "Hub City", a tc tee borne .in the ra tAoad eta. Recentey, signijicant .in6tuenca on .hand use .in Wa6h.ington County ,include: - Continuing growth of the manu jactuAing sector of the economy with z g n 6icant enco u tag ement through the ens tabt ins hm ent and devetopment o6 weir designed Indu ttiaE PaLks in the HageAztown met topoUtAn area- - The nationa.Q recession and .ctrl, impact on the bui ding indurtry. - The unavaieabiLity o{ water and zewetage 6ystems nece/sswLy dor .in tense Za.nd deveeopment. - A decUne .in agric.utturat emptoyment, the numbek o6 �avn6, and at the same time, rapid .instea,5e,5 in the pec i.ces o6 6aAnns and agA i.c.ut- tutcai Za.nd and incAeased productivity. M - A moderate .in6Zux o6 metrwpo.P.c an arsea popuPtation, apect..atZy .in the Autcat env vwnment. - Intense commerscca e competition with Hag efus town as the rsegionae centers by the Valley Matt, a new teg.ionat commersci..ae center, and others subutcban shopping centerus. - Revitalization o6 Downtown Hagetustown. - New co ncersn and co ncent4a ,%o n on co ns envat io n .usz ues and act i,vit.Zers by both the prui.vate and pub.ei.c zectorus (.i.e. Estabti�shment o6 C S U Canat Nat io n.ae H.us torr i,cat PaAk, acq u,i zit i.o n o6 South Mountain NaWcae Envusonment Arsea, acquisition and development o6 tocat pa&U and open ,spaces, etc.) . - I ncAeas e .in His to kic Prses eAvat i o n act i.vities . - Continued z akbutsban growth and deveP..opment. - RxuAban grsowth, now, hors the 6usat time, being prwpozed .in the JoAm o� .e &ge-scaee rses.identi.a.2 devetopment .in spite o6 energy shotrtages and costs. - Continuing and heightened concersn with enviuwwnentat prcotecti.on, especia -y as it rsetates to the potent%aZ impact ob concentrated 5 aseptic zyszerms on hydnoZog.icaUy sensitive tanda o f the Hagmtown t mestone vaUey. Pnam The P.ea.n Pon The County adopted in 1970 . . . "Washington County -ins este today, pA matity agA cuLtwLa - .in chanac terc. HoweveA, pnes.durces bot uAban development wd.0 continue to in.cAease .in pnopoAtion to expanding metto- pOLEtan negionz. South. Mountain is no tongeA a phy,6.ccae. baAAieA to the east. It may natheA, be viewed ad a tookout Jon Waah.ington. Counti;ans 6nom which they can view the encxoach in.g spt =Z o6 megapotiz and it's inhabitants who seek to escape a ptessune-cookex way of ti. e. The natuAat baAAi.eAz to Washington County have been oveAcome by the inteAstate %oads system. The County'.6 phy6.ica2 beauty and economic potentii may now have been discovehed." rl wanni"Y "qn 94e Regian The pZa.nning pt oce6z, both on tke tocat and tceg.ionat Zevets, is tcefativety new to Wutetcn MoAy&nd, aouthenn PennsyZvania and West V,itiginia. Potuna,2 ptanning pnocesse6 otiginated in the region pkincipatty at the tatcge munici- pat my and county Zeveb o6 govehnment. In MatLytand, ptanning began in the metAopotitan an.eas in t uponse to xapid subutcbanization and change in the cities. Ass t ad tionaUy tcu,%aZ, static aAea6 began to expeAience gxowth and change, pZanning became a necazaky nespome. Mid-McAytand countie6 and &)geA muncccpati ,i.ez e.6tabZished pZann.ing pxocessu and .in some in.6tance,6, Land uze cont oLs in the 1950',s and '60'.6. We6tetcn Matcytand fwwsdicti.onz weAe Stow ,in e6tabti�sh.ing active ptanning pt ogtcam6 and it wa6 not un it the m.iddZe 1960'.s that ptanning began ass an active and e66ective means o6 guiding growth and deveeopment. Ptann.ing and land use contAot in MoAyZa.nd have traditionaU-y been a ptcov.ince o� tocat govehnment. The need 6or inteAgoveAnmentat cootcdination and ptanning in the mid 60'.6 spa ked the move toward regionae,itm. 3y the eatriy 1970'6, Matcytand, Vitg,inia and West Vi g.inia had .5y,5- tcem,5 o6 mutti- jutwsdict%onat ptanning otcganizati.ons with v=ying %eve.L o6 ptanning and coordinative repspons ibiti tiez and jutri sdiction. 7 The Mongetst negionat bodies exist in the metAopoZita.n aneas - Reg-i.onat Ptanning Councit in the Battimone area and Washington Me Aopotitan Anea Councit ob Govetnments. The Ptanning 1J, ztAi.ct Commission negionat .system is ob .incAea�sing -importance in nunat V.vcgin,i.a wheAe &uuV. counties oAe ne&ti.vety weak. In Westehn Matr.y.eand the Tiri-County Councit bon Wutecn MoAytand is d thAee-county nepxe,senta ive body bon p.eanning coondi.nation and a cteaxinghou.se ob Appaea.chian Reg.i.onat Com- mit,.sion bunds. FnedeAich County .us the only 6ingte-county region .in the State and the Fnede)Li.ck County Councit ob Governments has coordinative and c-eaAinghout6e notes. The West Vitg.in ia. Region 9 P.Qanw%ng Councit i,6 becoming .inctrea6ingty active with ,s-im, LoA totes bon a three county )Legion, consisting ob Jebbeuson, BeAketey and Mongan Counties. RegionaUzm in south, centtat PenrvsyZvawia is not stung. Ob ne.%ghboking Penwsytvani..a Counties, onty Futton County pa4ti,cipates in the SoutheAn AUeghen.i.es Pennsytvani.a Ptanning and Development Commizz ion. N In Matytand, the Depa4tment o6 State P.?,a.nndng is tepte s ented in each o b the tegiows and in accord with recent tegiztative mandate ,us pZaying a mote active tote in the ptanning process through development ob the Matytand Comptehensive Ptan, the estabWhment of Areas o6 Cxiticat State ConceAn and the development of ptoceduna bot "advizoty" inteAvention into tocat tand use decusion6 o6 tegionaP. -impact. P&nndng, tand use conttot and gtowth management ate today the pesovince of tocat govetnment pttinc%pa2ty with negionat and State bodies ptovidi_ng cootdinati.on of ejjo t. In the Legion, ah wett as in Washington County, the ptanning ptocesz continum to expand and .improve at the tocat Zevet o6 government. The 6ottowing chant puvides the .statua o� ptanvu.ng otganiza#,i.on-s in the Legion: �lannina qia Jae Re ion PROFESSIONAL I LAW USc JURISDICTION AGENCV FUNCTION MEMBERS STAFF PLAN CONTROLS Alarytatd Department o6 State State-wide Ptanning 9 Appointed 10 Comprehensive Land Pfanning and Coordination Ude Devetopment 1176 Attegaiy, Garrett, Tri -County Courieit boa Regicnat Economic 21 Appointed 5 CompreJteuive and Washington Weatcrut ALntytand, Inc. Devetopmcnt Ptanning Devetopment Plan Countica and Cocadination Allegany County ALCcgaty Plaining and CompreJtensive Ptaruning 8 Membe/s 3 Comprehensive Pian Zoning 04dintnce, Subdi Zoning ComniAsioll vi646n Qrdinalce Washington County W!lslnintgton County Comprehensive Planning 7 .Members 6 Comprehensive Plan Zoning Cndinn,tce, Suhdi- Ptanrcing Commission "ion Ordintance FaedeA.ick County F.redenick County Regionnt Representation 12 Members I Com}vicehensive Plan Counci.t 06 GovennmentA Coordination FredcAick County Faedex4ck County Comprehensive Pianni.ng 7 Members 8 Comprehen6ive Plan lwnq Ordinance, Subdi- Planning Commission Wok: Ordinance Pe rns uCvantia Franklin County Franktin County Planning Compaehen6ive Ptanning 9 Member6 3 Comprehensive Plan ^.r,bdiui6i+n Oadinanee Commission Under Devetopment Antn.im Township Ant'um Township Ptann(ng Comprehensive Planning 5 Membeu Comprehensive Ptah Zoning Ondintance Commission Subdi ,is:or. Ordinance Greencastte Borough o6 Gaeencastte Compaehen6ive Community 5 Memben6 - Land Use Ptan Zon.iaig Ordinance. Subdiviskon Ordinance Plaluting Commission Planning Montgonety Alon.tgomeAy Township Comprehensive Ptanning 3 Membe&6 Conrrprehensive Ptan Subdivision Ordinance Township Planning Comrnis6ion WaAAen Tolvnhip Warren Township Comprekensive Planning 5 Members - Subdivision Ovtinance PGUtning Commi,66ion Washington Washington Township Comprehensive Ptannin3 5 Members - Comprehemive Ptan Zo)ib-,g Ordinate¢ Subdivision O dinance Township V£alinlUlg Commizaion WayneAboro Borough e6 Waynesboro Compkehen6ive Community 5 Members Land We Plan Zoning O•tiina.tce 11tatning COrml LSSion Mt#o:Gtg 9nbdCVt-0tan Ondtinanct Fatty/t County Futton County Ongoing PtanUning and 9 MembeA6 - - Subdivision Ordinance Water and Sewell. Ptan P£annting Commission Subdivision Review 1 West Virnintia Bcrketey, Je66eh- Eastcvn Panhandle Regiorat Economic and 23 Members Inctuding 3 Devetopment Ptan Being Devetoped ' eon 6 nio. an Re,licnnt P£avu:ng and Devetopment Ptanning 7 Member. Executive Counties D�Ivcf_cpncnct - Councit Countci.t Region 9 Be�nketci y County Bcrketcu County Comprehensive Ptanning 13 Member. - 1 f Compteheneive Ptan Subdivision Ordinance Ptanninng Cormiasinn Rearesentativ¢ From County Count - a Zoning Ordinance _ - Martinsburg Martirsbutg Ptannting En6once�mentt 06 14 MembeAA - f,Zonung ConrtWion Zoning Ordinance Je.66enson Ja66cason County ComprcJtcnt6ive Ptanni.ng 10 Member - 1 1 Comp-teltensive Ptan Subdivisior. Oviinance Zoning Ordinance Cowtty Pt�Uuting Commis4ion Repaesentative Foam Cotuay Court Being De.vetaped S!nepev�lsfacn ShC;nardst n ConnnnLty Planning 7 Members - Lttenim Ptan 7mung Ordinance Being Revised 1'tnnninng Cv;rrnissian Alorgat Cvurty r MarJui Coulity 1 Compiehens M. 11 Mem", CA - 1 Repn.esenntitUve I Po6i.tion Attocated Cont�nchrtsive Ptan Being Vivetoped i'la;ninjl Couunia6ion Planning From County COWd THE REGION In compa i6on with most ofiheA s.imitaftty popuZated jutcizd.ictiom .in MaAye.a.nd, the Comptcehensive planning puce3-6 ani a pubti.c 6uncti.on in Wa6kingfion County is tcetafiivety new. The Washington County Planning and Zonik-.g Commizs.ion wa6 e6fiabLi6hed in 1957 in accotul with Atiti.cte 668 of the Annotated Code o6 Matcy.tand. The e.aAiy yeaAz of the P.tanni.ng Commizsion'.6 ex 6tence wetce chanactex zed by the .tong teAm devetopmenfi o6 backgt ound stud u by a consultant and unsucca sjut attempt6 at etsfiabt i thing .land use contAoa . Between 1957 and 1962, backgtcound ,studies tcelati.ve to the Count ',s economy, poputati.on and land use weAe ptcepatced but were not Jottowed by the ptcepatux tion o6 a .land u6 e plan. The County zoning oA-d nance ptcepatced .in the tate 6i6t u wa6 zfitc.enuouz ty objected to by the pub.t-i.c. With no adopted plan, a zoning otcd.inance wats adopted and wa6 e�6ec ive Jots only ten days; the Boated o� Country Commi6zioneu tcepea,ted the ottdinance. In the eatrty 1960',s, the Commission',s acti.vdt%a t.nctuded the .ussum o6 ptcovdding tan- ,%tatty sewetcage 6aciiitiu 'otz Fountainhead and HaZ6way, coopeAati.ve p&nn.ing with the State Pbac% Comm-itt,.ton .in determining a tcegionaety bene6ici a,Ugnment o6 Inteutatets 70 and 81, ptcepanati.on o6 the Count ',s 6iA6t; p.tan of-ement (Highway Paan) and the ptcepatcatton o6 .6ubdidivision tceguZati.om in tLesponse to an .incAeasing tce/sidenfiia.t gtcowfih. )cote in unincoxpoxated potti.o" o6 the County. IN The Board o� County Comm-izzione z adopted a Subdivision Ondi.nance in 1964. Pon 6eveAa.P. yeau 6o.Zeow.i.ng its adoption, subdivision teview was the pXinctpaZ activity ob the Commission. No ju,ZP. time ptobju,sionae ptanneAz were avai abZe to the Comm.i66.i.on; an Executive SecAetaty and the County Engineet ptov.ided administtation o6 the ptocess. In 1966, the Potomac Basin Ptanning Commis6.ion was .insttumentat .in ptov.iding d Rection to the 6 utuhe o6 County p.eann i.ng . The Potomac Basin Planning RepoAt to the Board ob County Commizsioneu which consisted of suggested otgan%zationaZ, ptocedmat, 6undi.ng and opeAzti.onaQ, te6otm o6 the County pea.nni.rrg process, was adopted and initiated many o6 the Ptann,ing Commis.ion's 6ubsequent actions. In 1967, the County hired its 6iAzt pto6ess.ionat ptannen and sought Department of Housing and Urban Devetopment "701" funds bot comptehens.ive ptanni.ng ass.tstance. P.inaZ-y, compte- hens.ive p.ea.nning was under. way in the County. A consuetant was retained to ptepate The Ptan Pon The County .in cooperation with the County PtanneA. The membeukip of the Comm.usstion was expanded 6tom Give to seven memben6 .in otdelc to be mote teptesentat.ive o6 the broad specttum o� .inte)Luts. P&n ptepatation continued bot sevetae yeah6 and in 1970 The P,ean Pot The County and new subdi- vi,sion tegu&t.Lons weAe adopted by the Board oS County Commiz.6ioneh6. The P.Qan's etement6 include Land use and h,ighwa.ys . 13 At the tame time, a thi&d etement o6 the p.ea.n had been ptcepated . . . the 6ZUt County - wade wateA and SeweAa.ge Ptan, deveeoped by a con6uPtant ion the Washington County Sanitaty Diztt ict Comm,usz ion, and 6ub,6equent2y adopted. Wo,tk began on Zand use contAoa and in Aphit, 1973, the Washington County Zoning Ox- dinance was adopted and is tstiU in e44ect. The Zeve.L of activity ob the Ptan.n.ing Commission dwLing the 1970'ts has inctteased dtca- maticaUy with the admin,Ustt ation o j .land use co nttcotz , pttepatcation o6 wateA and s ewetcag e and bo.P,i.d waste plan annuat teviz ons, the new 6unction o6 a cteattinghoutse bon 6edeAa.Uy funded pno 1 ec tts , paxk pZann i.ng, s peciat studies , ttepoA tts , ptco f ect nevisio n and the annuae pttepahat.io n o' a Capitae Impt ovementz Ptwgtam. Pnepat ati.on 6otc the development o� mafotc ttevizionz to The Plan Pot The County ate undeAway ass a tcesuit o6 its extttemeZy conceptuae nature, and in many tapectz, its imptementatc:on impxacticatity. DuAing 1975, back.gtound studies weAe com'pzeted entitled: Histotcicak Pex6pective.6, PopuZati,on, The NatutaP. Envi)Lonment, Housing, Economic Base Study, Commuiy'ty 1=ac,teitiez and Sehvices, Open Space, Pat k,5 and Rectceati.on, Env.ctc.onmentai A ziz : HiUside Devef-opment, and this study, The Use of Land. 14 Development of the Washington County Compttehenzive Han witt be accomp&6hed on a geogttaphic (P.2ann,ing Sectott) basis dutci.ng 1976. The Ptanning pttocas in the City o6 Hagetvstown began, not with ptanni.ng, but with the adoption o6 a Zoning Ottdinance in 1950. A nein ordinance wars adopted .in 1951 and, without 6ig- wi.6.icant ttevizion, is stc eZ .in e66ec i today. Ptann i.ng in the 19 50'.5 and '60 "s .in Hagetustown wars potiticaUy unpopueatt and theAeby .i.ne6jecti.ve. A p.P_a.n wars developed, recommended and adopted by the Hagetztown Ptan.ning Commi.6z.ion in 1965 - '66. Ptann,ing continued only as a 6u.nction o6 otcdinance adm.iniztkation and .intettdepatttmentai coottdination e6AoAt. Beginning .in the eaAty 1970'ts, City p.eanning pont cvs changed, the P.Qanwing Commizd.ion wars teactivated., aitizen',s adv.usory gttoups were appointed, pta.nn-ing tsta66 hi ted, a planning con- tsueatnt retained . . . the p.eanni.ng pxocu,6 wars undeAway .in deve.Eoping the Hageutown Compttehensive Deve.bopment Ptan. The pt2an was adopted by the Mayon and Counait .in 1975. It's e.Eement6 .include .land ude, tAanzportation, community 6acLeities, houz.ing, eentnae attea plan and gu,idetinu Gott continuing ptanwing. The ta.nd u6e and transportation etementts of the pta.n ttetate to u.nincottport- ated areas adjacent to the mu►tii.c,i.pa,P.ity. The pian sfitceszes the need Cott a .6tttong cenfitcat attea - a tteg.ionat hub. 75 The Washington County muni.ci.paUties o6 Boon�sbotco, Wi.Zi.amtpoxt, Hancock, Fu.nUtown, Smith6butcg, Ueatc Sptri.ng, Keedysvitte and ShcApt5butcg, ati have adopted Town Comptcehen/sive PZans duping 1974 - '75 with the a,6t6,Lstant o6 a pea.nn,ing co►vsuZtant tcetain.ed by the County Ptanni.ng Commi-sts.ion. Two o6 the eight muwicipatitia have adopted Zand use conttoa and othetus ate co ns.idetring ado pti.o n . By 1977 it i -s expected that aU Wa6h,ington County jutcisdicti.on.6 wiU have adopted Comptcehen,6 ive Pta.nts and Za.nd utse contAotz Zu.6 than th) ee yeatus oZd. 16 d'Ae 1968 -Wand OWie 9,(udv The jotPtowing map is the geneAaei,zed nedutt of the 1968 Land Ude SuAvey. The survey is neconde.d at a d cage o i I" = 600' ( much greaten detai t than ,shown) and wad accomp.e id hed thhough the review o$ vaxiou,6 Jonmd ob Washington County mapping, aeA aL photography, and ji.e,ed dunvey. 17 MApYt.AN4 ALLEGANY - c n t Y �•'J• ;j`' n l�`i rx ' '�,kv F 1-x.5 'Vr i' f 44.srC I �° f i' t. � � )� .�h• •fy♦. y ��. � ��{� R^a}y r a 5�. '6r .. "l�,r. if ,:�, �i`i v COUNT; 'A A yr• ¢ 5 sib' '?' I � w F' .� „p. f � i. ;� ,B-D uX- `'; rr� �•` ��I +ry a ' � •?S.y a � S! , r`dy�..I ���' V - '; � '• S r+ t 'r'�'� d,3`^,"` s5 �'r�,;r. euS'•, f lL ,[ '!i'CE`-.`�-. r r M', S "`7'¢ r�,yY •`� J k S,."5,+ Ur jar R. t tl r A r 141 40 l• p � . , � '� t. i'y` � xx r y Jig ` �� �-" 'n t , r. F'ir. f � � .rr .ti•r y x x ti ` _ '� � ��•�� - a 5't'~ a �'. y .T ,y. _kr e '1 1y°ti`t}ssiss x5h 5 PSTOWN si W E 5 x T °{r yx. �s4s5 y ;4�y g �y�S AGE i � L � • � _ t�* r a. � � � i� :�'4 '�,�i k�t�s '.ALJ ���' . ;,'�`m WILLIAMSPORT 7rf l� S g I'.? T WA SH ING �.. ON COUNTY �F A� V 1 ' R G I N I A 1 r.. 1 y J MARYLAND I f e .,� Y� .�:.: t ;• 4a E rsLl���y' i i`,.r ' r '� � GENERAL LAND USE LEGEND AND INDEX _-•u t ! t .'� 1,`��.r ,st,�...-7-�r '� __.,G.. o s?xr r s Induslrlal Area pSlole Lands/fly MReeidential Area S-I Sideling Hill Wildlife Management Area � ' 1 qy tti�}p, Woodlands S-2 Tonoloway State Park ` N i _Municipal and County-Owned Lands S-3 Indian Springs Wildlife Management ( . s F !!! / i A. Town of Hancock-Future Use Unknown S-4 Fort Frederick Park ? L'. I^ ,w. • i3. Townof Hancock-Land Fill 8 Sewage Treatment Plant S-5 Maryland Stale Penal Farm C. Town of Clear Spring-Watershed S-6 Greenbrier Stole Pork u D. Town of Williamsport -Land FIII S-7 Washington Monument Slate Pork E, City of Hagerslown Water Treatment Plant S-B Galhland Stale Park F. City of Hagerstown-Land Fill S-9 Trout Hatchery G: County Land Fill Unnumbered Parcels- Future Watershed Land rte? Prys�l -j y� f' i 'lam !' t1 lyy t FL City of Hagerstown-Airport I, City of Hagerstown-Industrial Park ®Federal Government Lands } 7 - b L City of Hagerstown Watershed F I Far] Ritchie r K, City of Hagerstown Watershed F-2 Fort Ritchie Site "B" t RPSBLM •,%' ,.� Y ��J e H'Ai{• r f `y f Y L, Washington County Sanitary District-Sewage Treatment Plant Site F-3Anlielam Battlefield 9 Cemetery F',j M Town of Funkstown -Sewage Treatment Plant F-4 Harper's Ferry Nallonal Park N. Town of Boonebora -Future Use Unknown F-5 C B 0 Canal ( Parallels Polomao River a Y7 k rr + P. Town of Boonsboro - Reservoir Site on Maryland Side,) •� 5 Ck R s �,o J Q. Town of Boonsboro -Watershed's ] R, Washington County Sanitary District-Waler Treatment Plant Site �r ]�� rc�1 f f S Town of Smithburg Sewage Treatment Plant A !i ,/ Nolen All land not listed above is primarily agricultural and rural.. s•�/•`� } 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 }Sr }. o {f SCALE MILES w I;r a 1 2 jOr s i •'�•.� * _ T. ' _ __ -7r WIWI Ar IL qr �k 4.710 r ip ♦ Llee—�� -�' ��A14 s ow s• A •, 3'A' C9,1la" A,t i(Ae �PduPPly Five yewus have eeapsed since the adoption o� The Han Pon The County. The �oUowing Pta.n Map, wkite having been a wsebue., genenat guide -us oveA-conceptu.at and in some nespec#-s, unxea i6tic. The concepts oA pxe- .seAving ag& cuLtunaUy pnoducti.ve Land, o6 containing ine66ic%ent and co s tt y s ub mban .s pn.aw.- thxough New Co rimun ty and Runat Vittag e encounag e- ment, o6 e6tabLi.6hing ptotective R.iveA Disthict6, cute not wotii.ng. A Compxehens.ive Pta.n, must be accompanied by .6y6tematic and corus.ustent .tmptementati.on poti.cie/s and ptognama. 20 LLLL E COUNTY _ PENN5YLVA IIA i'�_ e 's¢N e T b •rr8ak4AKp �� r ^,5� r :J :?4'.4 � �� r' ';>wt r:,� -^+}-+•� '•T 1 ''ii' � J ., '•y r�r � f ,,r ' • ,^ ' - �� ,�� � ��4w'. r ! � �f`+ '' i Via'. lye. ` •` T �1 .- .I•�P � t: awl # ./ / � 'h r.r� I+� 5 l.R r� . y �y _i . • � • ~'' r r -- •� J(.� I / %}•. rl'. .: "� o �, . , ,.. � - fit`` - - — - ,, � S'y' c i'" f `�� +w19V r J. 4 �,� _" ,`fin•.:. , ^ � � - t.:,. -" ;' �,� '°*-tip- /, . ' r• s... �. � f, /" + Y-•�%• 5 '1�, 1 •• , i Iii.), ` / f WILLIAErSi•(, WASHINGTON COUNTY V 1 R O 1 N I A MARYLAND 14 0 r W 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 SCALE MILES 15 PLAN MAP LEGEND ■ELEM. 4 scNaoLs�*MIDDLE NEW COMMUNITIES RIVER DISTRICTS 1�R L♦SENIOR •�- COMMERCIAL CENTER RECREATIONAL COMMUNITIES EXISTING TOWNS RECREATIONAL (TOURIST- GROWTH AREAS COMMERCIAU COMMUNITIES r-� INDUSTRIAL RESERVE l i 1 COLLEGE COMMUNITY �,- CAMPUS FACILITIES #( VILLAGE AGRICULTURAL PRESERVES PROPOSED IMPOUNDMENT MAJOR PUBLIC BI INSTITUTIONAL WET LANDS EXISTING PROPOSED EXPANSION HIGHWAY INTERCHANGE CORRIDORS FOOTNOTE: LIGHT GREEN AREAS TO BE DETERMINED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE DEVELOPMENT GUIDE MAP ON PLATE 13. 14 0 r W 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 SCALE MILES 15 Yana Wde Wanlivid Zoning Ordinance Washington County, Maryland SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE WASHINGTON COUNTY MARYLAND 1970 Mand 'Me WonhoI4 The W"hington County Zoning Otrdi.nance, adopted in 1972, in accotcd with Anti.aee 668 of the Annotated Code of Ma&ytand, i6 netati,.veey typdca.e tocae ,eared u6e conttcote teg.cstation to Marcytand, though it has some unique cha&ac ien Usti cz . In a 6 ynop6i.6, the pwcpos es o f the Ondi.nance ate: - to protect and promote the hea th, zajety and geneAae weejane - to heep guide Sutu,%e growth, and devetopment - to 6acititate the adequate p&ov.ust on of pubti.c .i.mpnovement6 - to in.6 u&e adequate tight, a,it and pre i.vacy - to prevent conge6ti.on, ovactcowding and undue concentration of poputa.,i.on - to ptces etcve agn,i c.utttvwt ta.nd - to ptcov tale a guide bon economic activity ty and the e6 j i.c ient pnovizion o f putt i.c bac.c Zitiez and .6exv.ices The Zoning OAdi.nance dLsttr is t6 provide jon .the wide range of Land u.6" jon which there .cis a demand: 23 CONSERVATION The "C" Consenvati.on Dizt.i.ct is genenaUy i m.cted to areas o6 steep stope, the Pteasant VaUey and mountainous and some 6a mtand areas in the westetcn poxti.on ob the County which compAisez 310 of the County's .hand area. It pehmit6 nesidentia2 uses at a maximum den - ,s ty o6 .3 un,c t,6/acne and othex uses which ate compati.bZe with, mountainous on izotated tuvcat envitonments . This d&sttt i.ct 6unctions .ine66ectivety in two ways: 1. Envt onmentaUy sensitive tands ane not adequately ptLotected in accotLd with the purpose o� the d sttL.ict and, 2. land in the vicinity o6 some kuAaQ. communities is tLestn icted to a 3 acne minimum .hoz size where the natunat env i)Lonment .iz not a s-i.yniscant wantca.nti.ng 6actotc. AGRICULTURE The "A" Agxicut,tutce Dizti,i.ct comptL6es 470 of the .land area in the County on 138,700 actr.e3 . White one o6 the pwnpos es o6 the ftdinance is the ptLes etcvati.an o6 Zands most suitabZe 6otL agtcicuP,tute; and "Agxi.cuttutcaZ PtLaenve" is a pxincipae cLassd.6.ication o� the adopted Land Use Pta.n, this zoning disttrict permits tcesidentiai development at a density o6 l unit/acne tivwughout the distA i.ct otl 2 units /acne, w/putt i.c uti. iez .in addition to permitting agtui cut- tutLat and associated uses. Much o6 the subdivision and tcesidenti.aE development activity .in the 24 a t 1 . `� 'lam""\ ^.- ll'! � •y t,.� . 1 f_ s r Tf 771 oll � '„gyp Ilk l in { 'T C r ! ♦ Irl ..� �., :^• � � '.f ♦ - I .� J /; �.�� J r s' r 1a e� . �J . � Sj _ � y r F .� r � � '-� �. ��, � ti � �' �'� �� � �� �.� �„ .•,, „� _� ` tom' ri YpTf r , •f "I�' ' E ♦ a 1.4 k .4k- 25 The "A" Agni.cuttuAaf- zoning disti.ct has been pnescxibed 6ot most o6 the .ea.nd area o6 wabh.-ngton County. The D.ust4i.ct, peAm t ing tesidenti.at devetopment at a den-6ity o6 one unit pen acAe, is not ne�sponsive to tke physicat poten iaez and t.imi ati;on/s o6 widety van.ying .Pa.nd 6otm, orL pubti.c 6aciZitie/s ayatems, non .us it an e6jecti.ve ta.nd u,6e toot with which to guide g,-Lowth and development. 5 26 County .us incnea6ingty taxiing place within this di6ti.ct. In addition, mobcte home patkz cute peAmitted within the "A" DistA i.ct at a density o j nine units pen acne, .6ub j ec t to the ava i &- bit ty o6 arateA and s ewenag e $ac tit i.ets . RESIDENTIAL The "RR" Raidenti.ae, RuAae D.ustA,i.ct inctudets mote than 6,500 acAets oA 2.20 ob the County',s .land att.ea. S.i,ngte-6amity tetsidentiat udels ane peAm.itted at a maximum devus.cty of two un c t6 pen acne. Ptt inci.patt y, the "RR" D bstt i.ctts ate Located in on nea& exi6ting .how density tutcaQ towns and viitages and provide bot modeAate growth at the pnetsc&ibed density (i.e. H.Lgh6ie.2d-Cats code, Maugavus v,c tee, Cavetown, LeiteAz buAg, etc.) . ThZ6 d i sttict inatudu mote land atea than aU otheA "tt.e.6ident.iat" d. 6tt-Lctts combined. The "RS" Resident cV-, SubuAban Diztkict compttisets 3,400 actu of 1.2% o6 the County'.s .hand area. Most o6 the .eand witkin th.its cPusi6icati,on is in the zubmban Hagetustown anea and comizt6 of tetati,vety new Zocatti.ons o6 cnA,i.doA development. S,i,ngZe-6amiZy tuidentiaZ insets aAe pu unfitted at a maximum density o6 6ouA un,itt5 pelt, acne, again, subject to utit.ity avai abi ty. 27 The "RU" Res.idenfii.ae, Urban D"tni.ct azo te,6titi.cts uses to .s,ingte-jamity types. It .us ptr i.nci.patty tocated .in the otdetc subuhban coAAi.don neighborhoods along Penaytvan i.a. Avenue, JejJeAzon Boutevand, Route 40 both east and west, and Virginia. Avenue - Hat6way. Maximum dent ty peAmitted .us 5.7 uwit,6 pet acte. Townhouse and apaAtment development -us pt%ovided jon in the "RM" Res.identiae, Mutti.- Family DiztAi.ct at a maximum density o6 20 units peh ache. Development at the maximum density .cam uv%Q, kety because o6 height nest icti.ons and 6ite %equitement6. The extent o6 the "RM" D.us- ttzict tis Zea,6t o6 any o� the nesidenti.at d.i�stn i.cts comptc i 6 ing only .2 % o6 the tand area on 466 ache. Five situ in the County ane zoned in th. manneA, three ob which wehe pneviourty devei,oped on axe developing. Site Ptan review and appuvat pnocua have necentty been adopted ass a tev-i�sion to the Ot d finance bon this d bstn ict. The "PR" P.eanned Ra identi.at DiztAict is da gned to provide 4on a wide range o4 mixed housing type at vanytng denziti.e 6tcom 6 ive units pet% ache up to th ihty-eight uvut6 pec ache and include ptwvizionls 6otc sma t commeAciat ube within the planned community. The impact ob this zoning ctas,5.i�icati.on utabLlzhment hays been inzigni6icant. A° 2..ea.nd zoned "PR" ,us un- devetoped. The district inctudu 1,140 acne at three tocat-io". One in the vicinity o� 28 Hageutown Juni.on CoUege pia.nned "New Community", one on both sides of U. S. Rowe 40 east, and one ea6t of Fountainhead. Rest i.cti.ve pxovizionts o6 the Gtcdinance and the unava- tabit,i ty o6 watetc and zewehage 6acctitiez have joxesta22ed development pta.ws in tsevenaP. instances . HIGHWAY INTERCHANGE The "HI" Highway InteAchange D.usthict was estabtished as an .intehim measure a3 a tcesutt o6 deveZopment potentiat occasioned by the toc.afiion of seventeen Intestate highway intenchanges most o6 which ate cP.ozeey tcetaied to the HageAztown area. The Diztni.ct pxov.i.des 6otc a wide range o6 commenccat, .indutsttr i.ae and tces.idenrtiat utsez, and white site pZa.n. appttovak. .in accot d with peA6otcmance standands ate &equ ted, thexe ate no &e6tt cti.ve density, height on intensity o f use Z rm:tatZonz ptcov.ided 6otc by otcdinance. It is within this Distkict that majo& deveeopmentis o6 t?-g.Zonat beaAi.ng and .impact have begun to emeAge: a tceg.conat commenci.at matt, Zatge-scat-e mobile home pa&k, ttcucking 6acct tia, .indutstkiat paAhz, etc. The Di/stAi.ct comptc i segs 11,200 acres o f 3.8% ob the .band area, most o f which is tocated in Ptanni,ng Sector I to the west and Mouth o6 Hagelrstown. The Dizttri.ct &equiAez tsub6tant,iat .i,n6otrmati.on .in otcdetc to both ptcov,i,de Jots continued economic deve.2opment potenti,aQ, and tsenve as an ej6ecti.ve guide jon growth and development in the County. 29 L L LBUSINESS: L The "BL" Businas, Local. Dust i.ct -cis daigned pAimattity Gott 4ttee-.6tanding commencc.a2 i ,S tets and in Washington County cute geneutty .located wwhene busineisse/s exist aeong .subuttban cott- L tt.%dotus and in a bcatteAed ttuhat patteAn. The Ptan Eott The County (speciscatty tAe ta.nd use pe.an Lmap) doa not pnov.i.de .Locati.anat guidance jot Suture commeAciae activity. The totae Land area zoned BLrr is 550 acnes on .2% o6 the .land area, uses ate nutkicted to tight ttetait bu6ine/sh ens Land site plan appttovaP, pttovisionz atte in e66ec i. LH eaviett and tz ttg eA commena%at uses ane pito vided Sott in the "BG" Busine s s , Genenat D-ustn i.ct which accounts Son ont y 436 acAe/s compttsing .14% os the Za.nd attea. Locations ane dLs- pe zed in the Hag etLstown s ubuAban a tea. The "PB" Ptanned Businetss D-ustnict has been ines6ectuae. It is designed ass a con - ,sot i.dated shopping centeA di sttci,ct but existing "PB" zoned ane .Located whetce shopping centetus existed on were designed ptuon to the adoption o6 the OnuUnance. "PB" Distttict zoning hats not been sought since the adoption o6 the Ondi.nance po/ssibZy because o6 tte6t icti.ve devetopment L timing mechanisms pttovided Son. and ZZs stttuctutai design iStandatd,6 in the "BG" Di�st ict. R M INDUSTRY The Indudttc,iat, M.inexat "IM" Disttcict .us de,6igned to accomodate xeaouxce xecovexy and a6,socucted opeAati.ons. The thtcee ma1ox xe6ouxca ob the County's sub.6txata axe timestone, .shale and siti.ca sand. "IM" D"ttc ict6 exist at Secuxity, Benevo.ea, P.ine�sbuxg, and Tonotowa.y Ridge and inc tu.de 5,164 acAe,6 ob 1.75% ob the County'.6tand area. Disttc i.cfii.ng .cis .in accoxd with exizting use and/ox ownetush,ip with the exception that quaAAie.6 at GIiUi.am6po)tt and the Route 66 inteAchange in addition to zubatantia.t coxponate ownetwhip ob tand .intended box minexa.t xecoveny between Boonisboxo and KeedydviUe axe zoned "A" Agxicuttuxe .in which minexat xecovexy .us pehmitted. Recently the "IM" D.ustn,i.ct Section ob the Uxd.i.nance wa6 amended to .inctude xequiAe- mentis box qua.,tc.y site xec2amati.on/xestoxati.on and site pZan appxova,t. The "IG" IndtL6tni,ae, GenekzV- Dizt;-L ct pxov.ides box the bxoadut xange ob .indurtAiat activities .including heavy manubactuA.ing indu5txy, waxehouzing, txucking opexati.oa and xesea&ch and deve,topment. '►IG'► Dbsttcict6 axe scatteAed .in Ptann.ing Sectox I and neat municipatiti.es in otu.tytng axeats ob the County. The DZ6ttict i,6 .6ub1ect to petcboxmance contAoa and .6 to plan appxovat and compAi6es oveA 2,000 acxe,6 ox .7% ob the land area. 31 Mone netstAi.cti.ve .in the natutLe o.b industAi.ae uses and petcboAmance contAoa .ct, the Industtciae, RetstAicted "IR" D.ustAict which accou.nt6 bon onty 124 actce�s; levet aZ smaU sites in the Hagetustown area and one neat Smithsbung. Itis pnopoAtion to Land area .v, in6igwi6ieant. The Di.6t i.ct Z6 designed bon tight pnocezzing and aszembty Fund,, ob businezz. The "PI" Ptanned Industtui.ae DistAict -us daigned to accomodate and eneouAage toAge planned indu6ttiae pa&k6 . Thetce ate now oveA 1,000 aetcets within th" D,c st ict which hat, been ebbec ive in helping to attAact new indu6tAy to the County. The PI D.ustAi.etts ane toeated genetcaUy in the I-81 cmAi.dott. The "HP" H.ustoxic PneseAvati,on DiztAict is a concept unique to Welste&n Manyeand. It is designed to ",5a6egua,, d the hetu Cage ob the County by pne/sexvin.g d,ivstltictts which ne6teet eeementz ob tins euttutuae, sociol, economic and potiticat on at chiteetuut hi-6tony." Cu4Aentey, move than 500 acnes have been -i.nceuded in the "HP" Dizttt.i.ct and the potentia,, bots tax ineentiva bon ptcets envatio n o4 .5 ttr.uetunets indi a tet a tend towa&d incAea3 eta .in the numb eA o b .6tAuetuAe/s and the Land area within the D"tAict. The Wa6hington County Histotcic D.usttu:ct Commi.6t6ion .c6 in the pnocezz ob developing guideti.ne/s bon tst uetuma, change within and admini,6tnat.%on ob the Dil6 t'L i cIt's. 32 The "AP" Ai&pw t Dt6tkict is an "oveAtappdng" zoning dist i.ct tocated adjacent to the Hageutown Aitpoxt onty and was e-stabZished to "pnevent the cAeati.on of uses on stAuctuJces neaA on adjacent to any commenci.at aihpo)ct which would nezuU .in a hazard to aixctabt operations. The Zegaeity of such ovextapping zones is questionabZe, apeci.aUy a6 there ane no guideUne.s on development nestc,%ct%onz pnov.ided by ordinance. Wkite the .intent o4 the Dist4i.ci is wcu=nted, it nequi,%u nev-cstion to be �unctionat. The Di6tn i,ct comprises 418 acnes. The ►►P►► Pubti.c Owned Lands DiztAict is stAictly an "owneukip" Distktct. AU pubti.caP.ey owned Za.nd at the time o� ordinance adoption was .inc.euded .in the D,istkict with the exception ob Nation,. Pa&k SeAvi ce .eand associated with the CSO Canal Nationae. H-ustoni.c Pa&k, which cs exempt 6nom the tenms og the Oxdinance. TheAe ane no guide Ines on nestorictive pnov,c ions provided and zoning map amendments have not been made to add newly acquired pub.f i.c lands since ondi.nance adoption. In 1972 and cw&entey, the DistAict consisted of appnoximatety 20,000 acAes. l l 33 1 Consistency With The P.Qa.n Pon The County The Washington County Zoning Ond.inance, .in many ttespects, is incon,6istent with The Ptan Pott The County. The most gtati.ing inconsi.6tency i6 agtu.cuUuttae ptteseAvati,on. The land use pea.n ceas- s.ii.ies much o6 the Hag etustown Va-.ley as an "Agtui.cuetuttae Ptte/settve" . Land' use con tAoa Jots agtu.cuttiutae pttuettvation wette not adopted as th.e oAtd.inance petrmi s, thttoughout the pea.nned attea., tte.6identi.ae subdivision at a density o� l U/A. AgtiudtuAai Land ptuices have Ayttacheted in the last � ive yeatus . , To what extent "A" DistA i.c t zoning has a6 jected t'h iz .inctteas e is unknown. In any event, the deveecpment potentiat and pt oceduAez /ott such tands have been "de6.ined" and may have an adv e us e impact on the pttev.wus.ey exc2us.iv e agx i.cu tjAat use o{ the ta.nd . In ottdeA to e66ecti.veey guide gtwwth and deveeopment to Zocati.ons which would ttesuP,t .in m.inimat envitonmentae impact and gtteate.,st e66ici.ency in the pttov-it,.ion ob pubtic bac, titia and settv.icu, the Ptan pwttpot ted the concepts o{ new communities and ttu&ae vittages. Impetmentation measuttes (pot -icier, pnogttams, action pZans) weAe not deveeoped as patct o� this Zoning Ond.inance and have been substantiaUy exctu.ded 6,tom the Cap-itae Imptwvement PttogAtam since plan adoption. 34 These conceptis, in the Jew shoni yeau z nce p.ea.n adoption have Sateen by the waya.c.de and a zubutban and nunat .s pnawt ed, ine66ic i.ent devetopment tAend continues. The RiveA D,ustticts daignated by the pea.n ate neZated by Cndinance on.Ey tktough 6tood- ptain protection provisions. Dezignated "ghowth anea6" of the pta.n have not been 6ottowed by imptementation meuune,s. The Jew dL6 ceAnabte e6 jon is to implement the Ptan Map have been the nes eAvati.on o b Land ctcrssi6ied industAiat pne6e/,cve and capi #',ae. improvement pnogAamming and zoning ctaszijicationa necuzany to begin New Community concept imptementation in the vicinity o6 Hageutown Juni.on Cotiege. 35 The Washington County Subdivi6ion Ordinance was adopted in 1970 and has undergone amendment6 in 1971 and 1973. The purpose of the otcdina.nce ,is basica -y to provide �ot the onde ty cvv=gement ob new .ea.nd deveeopment, to reduce county expend.itwces, to ptovide bot adequate sttceetz and storm drainage systems, to provide licit ,a e equ.i tabte dustAi.bution o6 casts and bene6-i tis o6 pubtic wo&k6 and 6acc,2it.%es and to promote the hea,eth, safety and genetc.at wet6ate o6 the present and 6ututce poputati.on o6 Washington County. The ordinance a6sut u adequate daign o� nav development in terms o� function and safety and provides guanawteez that necessary pubt is 6ac i P.i ties (i.e. sttceet-6 and storm dncun.- age 6aci iti.es) atce provided. 36 Readenlial genday Pnovided Fan In Land Uze Cont oa Zoning D.ustAi.ct Den,6 ty Pexm,i tted (Uwit6 Pen Acne) C Cores enva tion .3 U/Ac. A AghucuttuAe 1 U/Ac. w/UtLe ities 2 U/Ac. w/Utititiez 9 U/Ac. Mob cte Home PaAhz RR Residenti.ae., Runat 2 U/Ac. RS Residentiae, Suburban 4 U/Ac. RU Ruident%at, Urban 5.7 U/Ac. RM Residenti.ae., Muth.-Fam ty 20 U/Ac. PR P.eanned Residenti.at 5 U/Ac. Minimum 38.4 U/Ac. Maximum HI Highway I r►teAchang e No Density C Lim,i tat i.on 37 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. WASHINGTON COUNTY ZONING (ADOPTED 1972) ZONING CUmehvation AgAicut tune Reizdenti.ae, Run.aE Residenti.at, Suburban Ruiden iat, Urban Raidenti.a2, Mutt i.- Finait y Buzinuz, Locae Bu6inuz, Genera. A,iApatc t Indu�t,ci,at, Rutticted Indu6ti i.at, GeneAae Indwst,t at, Mi.ne�cae. Ptanned, Re sidenti.a e. Ptanned, Bu.6ine�ss Ptanned, I ndu.6tv:at Highway Interchange Hi,stasc.i_c Preservation Pubt i.c Owned Land,6 County Munici.paLLtLez Hagetustawn ACREAGE PERCENT OF LAND AREA ZONED 92,838 31.35 138,773 46.80 6,629 2.20 3,441 1.20 2,422 .80 466 .20 554 .20 436 .14 418 .16 124 .04 2,044 .70 5,164 1.75 1,139 .40 181 .06 880 .30 11,188 3.80 477 .20 19,981 6.80 2,927 1.00 5,508 1.90 gAe t1palle2" d/ yard Wde '°�, �. ' - ,fir •S �_�ayy,�Cli;�,� i T- - `.- - ` -� !'`. •_�' "• y _ •gam, fr ��� �� ` -OL_ r � _ IF IWO mod- �. +�- w �`F=e �� ; • r_- 1. jar .. `r.. 94e Mallein a/ Mand 'Wile The pattelcn. ob .ea.nd use .in Washington County was inn uenced .in .ct'a ean.Ue,6t deveZopmemi ptuincipaUy by natutLat phy4 icae chatcactekisticts. The agtui.cu,ttuAat impotrtance, ob the vatteys and the development ob towns and viUages tetiant on the ta.nd, the tuiveUus and cAeeks; the d.ibb.icu ty ob ttc,a.vetus.ing the mountains; the Nati.onat Pike and basun accesb tcaad6 att a.igntib.icantty .inituenced the patteAn ob eaAty gnowth, and devetopment. Rad,i.ae tcoads and highways devetoped and with the automobile new acces.s.ib.c,P.ity, growth and deve.P..opment began ztowty to move away btcom the centeA ob Hageutown, bottou;ing ce.oseZy the AadiaQ patteAn ob highwayts. P.vust, the Pnedetick Stn.eet coAAidon between Hageutown and Punk.6- town, and the ViAg.in.i.a Avenue cotuuidotc between Hagetustown and GliU-iamspotut Deve-opment began to occutc along Jebbetuson Bou2evoAd to the east, Penvusytvani.a. Avenue to the nottth, and Route 40 we.6t. The duatizatc.on ob U. S. Route 40 to the east .spat ked coA&i.dotc commetcciai and &estidenti.aZ development. Road -bunting &eus.identi..at devee.opment occukAed along the Sha&ptsbutcg Pike south ob the city and most &ecentEy, mixed use devetopment along some ob the m.inon tcadi.ai,6 .in the Hagetus- town atcea. This pattexcn ob Aadlat gtu7wth has been .in6tuenced and, to .some extent, guided by na Ztoad atignmentd and indurttuiat activity ceozety associated with the Aa.L oads. This .inbZu- ence is mobt evident in the patteAn ob tand deveeopment .in noAt west Hagetustown (Penn CentAat), 39 I The Rouse 40 (Duuae. Highway) coAAi_don .cooking southeast. Gkowth continues to jottow the covUdon pattelrn on Hageutown'6 pehipheny. By-paming twge tAacta of vacant urban Land between coAAi_do us, this Land use pattexn xuuttb in the .cnei6.i.aient and costly pnov.ision of pu.btic jac,c,fities and s eAvice5 . 40 Southwat HageA town and Hatiway (Penn Centtcae and we�steAn Manytand), Down,5V,iUe Pike (NottJoZk and we stetcn) , and Bait Hag etrt5town (B S U) . In th a e oAeas the tca it&oads and ats,so dated .hand uhe,s have ei thele. �otuned community growth boundatc.ia on have negativety .i.n6Zuenced %esiden iat gtowth, potent%at, inctceazing the demand 6otc deveY-opabte wand in the subutcban co,,,A dou . lite devee.opment o6 the InteAztate high.wayz in W"hington County hath begun to have sign.i.j- ica.nt in6tuence on the .hand uze pattetcn. . . . the 6ixst tcegdonat commetcci,at maet, the County's .Qwcgezt mobite home patk, majotc motets, Intetu3tate otiented highway zetcvice bwsinaza, the InteUtate Industtiat Patch., and ttcucFti.ng/watcehouzing indu�stAia have aU been devee.oped in the decade 'ottowing Inteutate highway con,5ttucti.on. The Intnztate .6y.6tem has sigvi: icantty improved both intetcnegionat and in -county acce/s- TsibnX.i ty. Wltii,te highway acce/s,s conttcot and newly adopted Zand use conttcoU pnoh.i.b.it coAAi.dotc development in the iotun ptev.ioutsZy expeAi.enced, the imptcoved accasibit ty between nunaZ and utcban env.itconmentts hat, a numbetc o6 in6Zuencet5 inctudi.ng Ailing /,tmaZ .eand co�st6, and a ttcend towaAd Zatcge 5caZe tcwuae subdivision devetopment and art oci,ated .P_and /specutation nevetc be6otce experienced in Wat51,zi.ngton County. White the ttcend towatcd targe acate ruU deve,eopment .ins beginning to emetcge, much ob the County hat, ttetained .it',s tcutcaZ chatactetc. RezidentiaR_ growth hat, occu ufted in an unplanned, M MAN" _r ILIAT ' n LI t. i ..• O. r: F _ F r 3s 43 The avaitabitity o6 sewetage tAeat-ment capacity, the capability 6ot cottection ,sy.5tem extensims and the natuAe oj allocationai poticiu jonunutated wiU zigni6icantP-y inQuence Wa6hineton County',s 6utuAe Zand use patteAn. u di s pe ts ed, .how denz.r ty pattern. At the same time, the County'.5 t6matt mun.icipatitlez and un in- co,t- hated vitta.ge�s have abzonbed a vexy 4maU ptwponti.on o6 nunae tres.identiat gtwwth. The pattern o6 trezidenti.ae taand use in 1875 and two geneA tions Zaieh, in 1975, cute hep Lez eiite.d on the 6otPtowing maps. To took ahead two moue generations to 2075 is unquat.i.on- a.bZy di�6icuZt to perceive. Witt Washington County have maintained some o6 itis nuAat, ag,ticuLtutat chaha.cter? . . . As indicated by current trends in the use o J t mat .ea.nd, it Witt nct. Witt Washington County have used .c is tand ej6icieztty and have p%ovdded a Jutt range c-,' hcuzing types and costs and at the same time have putected it's natuxctt env.vwnment? . . . As indicated by cuA&ent trends, .it may weU not. Today, inituencu on the emerging ta.nd use pattetrn acre diverse and complex and Witt become move so. The extension ob pubtic water 6acctities, the avaiZab.rPity ob sewerage service, the -LeZati.onships beveen Land costs and housing needs, pubti.c attitudes towatrd gtrowth, phys.ica2 ci ,stations, new highways . . . etc., aU must be apptwach.ed .in a systematic manner. The section c*' thiz study entit.ed Land Use Detenminani6, sperm out 6actons bot objective consideration. ANG'OCK S RING HAG rOWN xsrOWN . WILLIAA S 0 r r BO NSBORO 4 0 4 l f KEE SV LE S 'ARPS�, WASH/NGTON COUNTY LAND USE PA T T ERN 1875 SH/NGTON COUNTY L AND USE PA T TERN Mand Wie gele2minanij What jac to us ini u.ence the nafiune and extent ob gADwfih and deve.Eopmenfi in. Waahingfion Count? . . . The gene=t economy, the avaita6.i.P.ity o6 bui ding maiehi,ats, pub.ei.c a titudu fiowand gnowfih., tabors 6once, hou.6ing needs? . . . The 6oUowi.ng Wt o6 tand use defienminant6 L6 an attempt to cons i.den aU o6 such in6tuences . A compnehenzive pean and the pea.nning puceas can diAecty a66ect these 6actou . . . interurneeationahipa ane impo&tant.. j -� 48 LAND USE DETERMINANTS GENERAL LAND USE DETERMINANTS - Industt iat and Commenccae - Iwst tutionat EmpZoyment Base -- Urban - Suburban - Runat - Remote Envi,%onment BaZa.nce - Land We Pattern - Convenience and ava i Zab- City o6 paths and open space, a chooZ6 and cut twwt baci,Uti u - Re,ea do ns 6r i.p4 between nez identiat ups ens and ma f on tka.n s poor to do n coAA i.dofus , s t, ip com- mehci.at deve.eopment, heavy indwsttciat uses. - Impact o6 nest.denti.aiiy .incompatibte Land w6a - .i.e. quwftying, high-vot?.tage eeectAi.c power diz ttr ib ut i,o n tines, 9 unk yards , oven- commeAcc,a.W m, high usage Aa Ltoad t ines , atcew o6 intense no.ice. - AgAicuttuAai production - Detexionati.on o� exerting nei.ghbonhoods - housing, pub.ei.c space and otheA ztAuctuAu. - Convenience, avaitab-iX ty and costs 66 goodh and seAv.ice�s. - Res identiae. den.6ities and housing type mix. - Community amenity - tAees, shrubs, ticeatment o6 pubii.c spaces, pedestki.an bac Zities, urban design, open space, bikeways, safety 6aciou, p.ea.ygnound,6, tevet o� mass tta"it s eh.v-ice, adequacy o� paA ing 6aciti is , etc. - Pelc pe tuat, committed tand ws ens , i.e. eemeteA iu , pvunanent paAkts and open is pacez , majoA highway coAAidotus, estabtished, stabte ne.ignboAhoods and communit%es.. peApetuat eaz ements (,scenic, agtui.cu.etuAat) , ai&potrt bacct ty, quaAA i.es not subject to Aeceamation tcequiAementis, .speei.at phys.icat 6eatuAe.6 where deve.2opment " pAoh.ib.cted, chuAchu - Convenience and accests.ibiity to emptoyment eenteu. - HistoAic, eu?tut at, atcchi tectuAat community/.ind.ividuat vatua . - Impact of majoA goveAnment insZaUati.ons . PHYSICAL -ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINANTS - SZope; No development on .6topa .in excas o� 250, devetopment t.i nitation3 on stope-s .in excess o J 15%; As a JaetoA .in .indwsx}..iaZ p.ea.nt siting and density o6 )Luide nti.a2 development; As a baetotc in agt icuttwLat capabi ity. - Soil Type; Agttieuttivc l capabit ty, 6uitabi.P_ity botz aseptic .system, toad beaAing capa- city and tstabiZity, twekinezz, as a JactoA .in deve.Lopment costs - e6jectivenezz 6otc ztAeets, undengAoand utititiu, eonstAuction o5 �oundat%ons and bu.itd.ingt6. - FZoodpZaint6; Development of pe-tma.nent zttuctuAe ptcohi.b-ited, in6Zuenee on Zoeati.on o6 tw ad,s and s ttc.eet aP ig nments. - watuisheds; Natu Le o6 zut 6ace and gtoundwatelc hydnotogy and the abit ty ob hydtotog.ie condit,.onts to accomodate the coveA,ing o6 peAviows zuA6aee, .inneazed vot me of veeociiy 4A kt 57 ��te �iydia��,Qic Me Jaye/ialda¢n 1all(ey in a AiYA ylioundwalelt &A(e in many localidna ... a yuidiny land rcae dele4minanl o6 statim wateA nunabj; impact o6 devetopment on gtcound and su&6ace wateA quat ty. - CUmatic DeteAminant6; speci.at ciimatic ttequitcementd ban specia,Uzed agAicuttaxae ptoduction; tt.eeati.onsh.ip and otrientation o6 .hand to natuwt eeements, .i.e. wind and )sun (noxth stopee undesita.bte Sot t aidenti.a2 devetopment), vettticat tempett.atutce vattiati.ons. - Vegetative DeteAminants; ptesetwatticn vis. densttuccti.on vd. e,6tab.?"hment v6 witdti6e hab.ctat6, as a bactott..in ttta identiaP. u,6e dezitab.c.P,ity, as a commodity - 6o&e.6t puduct6, a6 a 6actoh in s o.it tce tent io n, .6pec{.a e. vegetative asps o aiatio nz . - GeoZog-i.c - Hydtttotogic Detettmtnantt6; ma;ott: Uck outcAopt6, sink-hoZe/s, cave, spttings, depth to b edtw ck, natutt e o6 b edea ck, z eas o nae, gt o undwateA tab. e etevat i.a n, .,Subzttrata. a,s a tcecovenabZe tt.eounte (timetone, shate, tsiti.ca sand) - Speci.at Natt=t Phyt6.ic.ae Eeatu e/s DeteAm nants; Scenic vi6ta�s, mountain v.iew,5 Sum the vaUey, unusual. geoZogic 6otunati.o", eroded .hand, etc. SOCIO-ECONOMIC DETERMINANTS - Land CoAtz; inAZuence oA mettcopot tan atea popuXation tin-m,igxatian, tevet oS ZocaZ ,income and tspendabYe income, in�Zuence o6 tceg-ionak/nati.onat economy, popuY.attion gtt.owth, .in6tuence o6 Zand use ptanning and .hand use conttt.oa, .in6tuence o6 utcPity avaiZabiZ ty, k. e. wateA, 5ewetc, CATV, Gatti) , di,5tance �jtwm t eg.ionak center, .in6&ence o f ztttteet 52 con,sttuuction/,s to ptcepahation on tes.identiae .dot coasts, teZationsh.ip between .location and ga6oZine cort�s, -in6Zuence on tax tate, .in�Zuence o6 existing chatcacteA o6 neighbot- hood and diAect tcetoti.onsh.ips with incompat%bZe .?lend uses, .in6tuencu o6 phys.icat Jeatuh.es and devetopmentaQ ZirvLtations o6 Zand, .in6tuencez o� the avaitabitity o6 putt i.c SacZ aa and s eAv.icu (i.e. paxU , s chooa, etc.) , va.eue o6 adjacent and ne.anby .eand, deed t atAicti.ng condition o6 adjacent and neoAby AtAu.ctuAa, enviton- mentaZ .in6Zuence�s (i.e. a-iA, wateA, noise po.t2ution impacts), .location in tc tati.on to ma j otc pubt is 6ac,r fit ie/s (i.e. highway -i.nteAchang ens , a-inpotrt, poweA p lant6 , poAk.6 , in,st r tut i.o n/s , etc.) , extent o f tand speculation, coxpoAate/ab-s entee ownuus h.ip, . . . Location, Location and Location. - Devetopment and Con.6ttucction Cotsts; -cn6Zuencu of Land cort6, 6.luctuation o6 mateAial avaieabit ty and cost3, avaitabit ty o6 and cost3 �otc skitted consttuucti.on .2abotc, .land uze conttcoa and building code tcequ ument6, site devetopment design nequi&ement3, (i.e. stvan drainage, utLtitia, .6tAeet6, paAking an.ea.6, amenities, etc.) , quatity o � mateAiaL and cAa&stmans h.ip, z tatu s o6 motutgag e J.inanaing and heaQth o J J.inanc i.at .lending in6tituti.on.6, avaiZabit ty o6 and co,5t-competition bum pre-cut, �actoxy-bu<.Qt moduiatc/mobile ptoducts, .inventotcy .6tatud o6 6.inanciaZ health o6 .beat bui eding/devetop- meat mateAiae�s 6uppZi.eu (both tures mateAi,aez and manu�aetuAed), phyts,icat site devetopment Zirni tation.6 (i.e. t6tt Bets, boundationts, etc.) , tax zttuctu>r.e, ptco6 t Zevet . 53 f-- �odsainf coma can ie lig"Oeanlly 4edaced mAen de4iy~d and conalsaeled at AigAes denaily. 54 55 a �i�inci'ial aee�e�minani`. Mack HAGER T W f. c k 6PF9 �f '% •y y'Y.'f F �• � t t f !i r Sociae; cWa, occupationat, .income Levet covsai,onsnus, aesthetics, housing type pnebetcences and biases, bamity size and ti.bestyte p,%ebenence tceZati.ve of Espace &equixe- mentis and tocati.on, xacZsm - seg&eation, dnb2uence ob pni..vate ctubA and bactUtiez, need and ptcopens.i.ty to take advantage ob pubti,c baciUti.es and setcv.ices, community and neighbotchood stigmas and tstyZets, incidence ob mime, tcesustance to change, .levet ob citizen pa ticipat%on .in the ptann.ing pnocesz, accessibiity to necessary and tuxUAy goods and services, d.ivetus.cty ob housing types and ne.ighboAkood environment, xeg.con.aP. cost ob t.iving, zetcv.ice Levet xequ,irements ob zeniotc citizens and tow .income bamif-i.ez, bamity sttuxctune, speci.ae needs ob handicapped and other speciat bamity needs (i.e. nei.ghbonhood, Location). Economic - GeneAat; Famity .income, dependency Aat i.o, bam ty size, poveAty Levet status, standard ob ti,vinng .indices, unemptoyment trate, vatue ob baAms and bang products 6otd, value ob manubactuned goods ptcoduced, vatue ob whotesaZe and tcetait ttcade, natute ob tabor bocce, tabotc botcce paxticipat.ion turte.. Levet ob governmentaP, economic development enco uAag ement through tax incentives and toes eAvat.io n o6 Rand, extent o6 tout i'6 m and touAi,sm neiated .industtc.y, extent to which outside (State, Reg.ion.a2, FedeAat) , bunds are avaitabte and obtained to pt ov.ide in6Aa6ttcuctune nequiAements bon economic devetopment. 56 ��- • tis y�� - � '�' , e ,I: - - -� f A.R4 - - '� �• y� `�'' F��6.-,..k '}a - _i`F�.. � �1�'Y� _ . • M�,•% _ ` `` GOVERNMENTAL/POLITICAL DETERMINANTS - Levet oS geogtaph.ic nepnezentation o6 e,2tected ta.nd use deciz.ion makeAz (1w isd.iction- wide nepnes en iatio n vs. community/ nag hb onho o d nepnes entat io n ) - Levet o6 expeA tiz e and objectivity o6 decision maheu and adv" oxy expent,%s e avaitab& both within and outside the govennmentat sttuc lune. - Natute and extent o6 technicat data and in6mnati.on neadiey avai&bte to decision makeAz . - Locat goveument capability and t)tack-necotd Joh secuAi.ng non-tocaZ Jund6- - Vaeua, attitude, undeutanding and pubtic taponziveness of .indiv.idu.at decision makeu and bodies o6 deciz.ion maheAz with negand to majors Land use -us.5ue (.i.e. economic devetopment, agAicuZtwwt pxesenvation, conze)cvati.on o6 natuAaQ env townent, tAa"pot- dation, env.vwnmentat management o6 wateA, sewerage, .6oti.d waste and stoAm drrainage .syrstem,s, gnowth policy, community bac Uties and seAv.ice, etc.) . - Levet, ptepakednUs and quat ty o� citizen participation in the Land u.6e decision-making pho ce,5 . - Levei of otgavtizati.on and involvement ob community/neighborhood civic otgan.izati..onz. - Levet o4 orcgawization, .involvement and expentize among various zpec.iat .intetest grwup,6, onganiza ionz and .indiv-i.duatz. (i.e. peuonal 6 nanci.ae..intetcets, conpotate/tend.ing 58 institution jinancc.ae .inteAe%t6, genenat .industu,at/commence .inteAe�stis, neat estate inteAatis, building .industry, m.invLaQ, nezounce tecoveAy .intevst6, Jarcm ongani.za#,ionz, con6eAvation/env.uconmentat ongan.izations, iabon, h.i�stoAic pnesen.vati.on .inteAe,6t6, toun,usm, necneationat ce.ubs and organization's, ne ighbonh.00d/community gnoup6 , pno- jus-i.onaQ. onganizat.%on6, vested intexe,st otgani.zati,ons .in tAanspoAtation, energy and commun.ication6; zpoxt6mens c2ubs, jonestAy .intene,dts, taxpa.yeu onganization3, tow- modenate .income housing ,i.ntene�st6, neti.g,iou.5 .intenuta, mini,oxity group -i.ntenestb, educati.onat .inteAe�stb, speciat cuZtu�cae .intene,sts) . 59 �' . �.,.,� _. _ � ��,�, .� » .�; `>' as ?a •� �_ � i - � �K4FR•- - �- Y and Olde 'e-dclivily and wAange The joMw.ing graph nepne6ent6 the recent histotuy of the subdivision ob tand and buied.ing activity .in Washington County: Washington County cons.u6t6 of 295,680 acnes of Land. - 26% on 121, 200 acnes ob our tand atcea is phys.icatty uwsu.i tabZe bon deveeopment because ob ti,mitati.ons o6 btoodptai.ns, exce/ss.iveZy steep .6Zopes, eAoded tand and othetc natunat 6eatute6. - 12% o& 35,500 acne6 ane cuAAentty used nesidentiaUy, commencc.atey, -i.ndudttia°2y and jot government instaUCAti.ons. - The use o6 .eand box new ne6.identi.at punposeb is averaging 1643 acAe6 every yeah, on 3% o6 the Iota e tand atcea every 6.ive yeaAs . - I j the tate o b using tand bon A.e s identi.a.e. purposes .in the past b.iv e years continues . . . within vivo genet ation6 aEe devetopabte tand in Washington County wilt have been subdivided jot ne6.identiae puapose6. The County would be chanactehized by mountain to mountain subunban,ization. - As the Ate o6 growth and the size ob tceis.identiat tots continue to grow and as gt owth decenttat izes; 1. Agtui.cuttuna.- use and pxoductiv.c ty decline 2. The coat to taxpayers jots community bac cines and s eAvices incneas e dhamat icatky and taxes .incAeats e 3. Toutism .induistAy capab.i.2itie6 decline 4. Ttcayspottati.on costs increase 5. Fuel and energy costs .incnea6e . . . The Casts of SpAzwt . . . .N•31 Planning Sector I - Metro Hagerstown r__________ ----------- --------------- ----- �3 ■ I F FJ Zoning Districts C Conservation A Agriculture RR Residential, Rural RS Residential, Surburban RU Residential, Urban RM Residential, Multi -Family OL Business Local BG Business General AP Airport I R Industrial , Restricted I G Industrial, General M Industrial, Mineral PR Planned Residential PB Planned Business PI Planned Industrial HI Highway Interchange HP Historic Preservation P Public Owned Lands LEGEND FloorpinIns I �oLJ P H ly 1\ II ',-' -�`y� A /./'/ % A Ia JJ 4 -_u, m .. ' .� •.._ ...-..... I I I a��\ Rs / 9 .0 J i\�' i., r . r• ps" aw �._ k / / `�� I �19 r A '4 PIR ' \ Lq _ \ S1 1 RR❑o- 1``hs /.___, Ru, �. f RM I G A� , K / J ti , v �7 0.5 \\ L/ -'j 1 I- j`RR 1 Y / i a� SUly{Ai1pN/ ! q / H I / PR A /! /\ DO �i / i'U '�-./ RU / rR - /1 \acs\\ . L ; vR \\ jn ✓ I \ L 1 .\ 1RU P \ /• IG �_�. F.4 .\I PI R. / I RS .\ i_J RU / �RM \� 1\ ., -' R5 % s' A R \ IR/S / / 1 �\ ..®./// IM �. 1 �\ 7 \fG P i \\ `� \ PR n _ \ I i % IG / RS I 1 -q / i - / / Ho `.J/�M RR >`y P l p / P1 / 1PI\ o .. I �j A / ' !• W / 1 I / ✓_� / -_. �.\ /, IIF}�, ._. /.al L AND USE amerciai Residential (High Density) Schools, Colleges, 'Correcflon � Irtstitutions 2 uii en��ial(Low and "PR6P0S er ment Offices Parks and Recreat �;v ; ,; general Wooded Areas (25 acres (Federal, State, L®cal ParLkland) ; y�x T' ��. Private Conservati®n%Recreatoo�al LandM SpoiCsman Clubs, Golf Courses, ® Race Tracks, Drag Strips) / / I / / / / / / Railroads Transmission Line --------------- Hospitals Sanitariums Nursing Homes r Post Offices 6� Health Clinics offum Fire alum Ambulance 1111MM Police Libraries Museums Washington County Planning Commission Planning Sector I = Metro Hagerstown L f+ryu uDt Prime Agricultural Soils Washington County Planning Commissiol XCA-Z9,79i Slopes In Excess Of 15% Land Unsuitable For Septic Systems & Shallow Soils Planning Sector I -Metro Hagerstown ash ington County Planning Commission Wa.6hington County gnowth and deveeopment i,6 decen tha ei.z.cng . The nu qaZ non- banm popuZa.- tion i, incAe"ing tapidZy white the urban popu&tion is dechea6ing a,6 a pnopontt.6n o6 the total. EnviAonmentatty and economics Zy, Washington County cannot abjond a continuation o6 this tAend. 63 Q URBAN --RURAL TRENDS URBAN 70 RURAL NON-FARM PERCENT tna■■pra■u� aaryarr � AM■q■ . 50 - h OF I URBAN a'h aay��a TOTAL ~h•Maaaa�0 I POPULtT10N RURAL NON-FARM 1 RURAL FARM 1930 1947 1950 1960 970 N 1RYLAP D Mmn WASHINGTON CnU17 / CHART V-1 Q 0� tna■■pra■u� aaryarr � AM■q■ . h I a'h aay��a Y ~h•Maaaa�0 I 65 Wazkungton, Fnednic-k and FnanFz.e n Countim ane gn.owing at 'Simitan nates . In -migration, both {)Lom the me ttopoZi- ta.n anetz and AppaZack, a . . . the tunai envitLonmevit, cheapen hocusting, and jobs ane, nLupectivety, the atttcac- tio)ih to tke n.egion. l l 1 1 120 t h 100 O u 80 S a 60 n d 40 POPULATION TRENDS bordering counties WASHINGTON FRANKLIN FREDERICK ALLEGANY BERKELCY JEFFFRSON FULTON MORGAN 1910 193L 1950 1970 CHART IV -1 Commen.ciat confit uct on boomed with the advent o� the County',s �V t n.egdonaP. commelcc i.at bac i� . . . the VaUey Ma,2,e.. Since, -i t',s manh.e t competi tivene,6,s tis evident. 67 4 WQmmeicial gevekhmeni -1965 - 1975 �Q. Wammeicial 6u11aVIIii mewh / •�a�a� annual I/a/ue &n4huclian 196,5 1966 r _.1967 1968 i' y�rZ�s�i ral - 1969 s 1970 1971 197p• 1973 11974 197 M *'Commercial' includes Retail, Wholesale 'S -And �� Industrial D&velopment. 6 8 COMMERCIAL LAND USES PLANNING SECTOR I HAGERSTOWN METROPOLITAN NwnbeA o EZecti.on Di tAict Gen. £ Locat Bus. O S.iee £ Banks Inten6.tve Hage,mtown E.D.'S 3, 17, 21, 22, 25 1051 18 188 HatSway E. D. 26 152 3 34 Fowtta.inhead E. D. 27 131 3 45 Fwtk6tocun E. D. 10 110 0 37 WiUi.awpo,tct E. D. 2 79 1 21 Cheu6v.i to E. D. 18 40 1 28 Conococheague E. D. 13 34 0 35 Cedant Lawn E. D. 24 0 10 Totaiz-Sectors Without Hagen6.town 570 k 2 00 Tcta.Z6-Sectors Inctuding Hageutown 1621 26 398 PLANNING SECTOR 11 Boonsbo to E. D. 6 55 1 16 Shanp66wtg E. D. 1 13 1 4 T.i.Zg hmanto n E. D. 12 8 0 9 Dowr,zviZZe E. D. 20 5 0 6 Keedy6v.ii e E. D. 19 4 1 1 To.tcLU 85 3 36 PLANNING SECTOR III PLEASANT VALLEY - ELK RIDGE Etec tion D.i.stiict Gen. £ Loeat Bus. 066ice £ Banka In.ten6.ive RohuA4v.iZZe E. D. 8 11 0 5 Sandy Hook E. D. 11 3 0 1 Tota & 14 0 6 PLANNING SECTOR IV SMITHSBURG - RINGGOLD CaveZown (Smith6bung) E. D. 7 41 1 26 R.i.nggoZd E. D. 14 7 1 4 To.ta.Z6 48 2 30 PLANNING SECTOR V CLEAR SPRING - INDIAN SPRING CCean Sphi.ng E. D. 4 22 1 8 [it6 on E. D. 23 13 0 6 Inditut Sp4i.ng E. D. 15 7 0 1 To.tatz 42 1 73— PLANNING SECTOR VI HANCOCK Hancock E. D. 5 93 2 45 69 Tot i,6 93 2 45 ,,vaning !-Iffafi -1972 — 19755 Or,Lg.inae DistAi.at New D"t i.ct AcAeage Ptanning Sector D-ustu.ct Industc,iae, GeneAae Buzinesz, GeneAae G I Hat4way Indust,t.%ae, MineAa.e Agri.cuP.ture 3.1 I Cedar Lawn Agri.cuP.ture Bu.6inezz, Loco .4 I Fountainhead Co"eAvati,on Ht6toki.c Pre/seA. 1.8 II Shotpsburg Residenti,ae, Urban BuLinezz, GeneAae .5 I Funk�stown Unzoned Ruidenti.ae, Suburban N/A I Funkstown Ruidenti.ae, Suburban Buy inuz, Genehae 1.2 I Fountainhead Ag,ti.cuQ,tuAe Raidentiae, Rurat 91 I Hat4way Conti e vaf ion Agr icuZtuAe 83 II BeaveA Creek Pubti.c Agtr icut tuAe .7 I I BeaveA Creek Industtu.at, Genvwl Res.ident,i. , Rur.aP. 1.4 I GJitt amsport IndustAiae, Genes. B" inesz, GeneAae 1.9 1 Hat4way Buzinesz, Locat Bu inezz, GeneAat 10.5 1 Fountainhead Co"eAvati.on Historic Ptum 1.9 11 ShaAp.Sburg Agr.icuttuAe Hiztor.ic PreseA. 30.5 III ShaAp,6buAg Rm ident-iae, Ruse Buz inaz , Lo cat 8 IV Ringg otd AgticuituAe Indu6tr.iat, M,i.neAae 10 V Gitzon Bu,6ines,s, Locae Ra identi.ae, Suburban 1.6 I LeiteubuAg Highway I wteA chang e Ptan.ned I ndu s tt i.a e 128 I wiZUams pots i Agtc,i.cueture Buzinesz, GeneAae. 21.9 I Fountainhead Highway InteAchange Buzinuz, Genekat 47 1 Hat4way Highway Interchange Re�s.iden iat, M -F 42 I Hat4way Agr icuttuAe Hiztor i,c Pta m 4.3 I LeiteubuAg Re sident.iat, Suburban Buy inaz , GeneAae 6.2 1 Funk stown * Through RZ-90 70 71 Composite on Zon.ina Map Reclasz.i6.ication6 1972 - 1975 "C" Con6en.vation - 86.7 ache6 13 ea6e6) "A"- Ager icue tune - 71.3 acAe6 (8 cae e6 ) "RR" Res identiae, Rusk + 84.4 acAe.6 (4 cab es ) "RS" Re siden ti.at, Suburban + 1.0 aCAeh (4 ca6 e,6) "RU" Re6.identi.ae, Urban - .5 acrea (1 ca6e) "RMII Re6.identiat, P1 -F + 42 acres (1 ease) "PR" P.Panned Re6.identiat no change .20 "HP" H.us.ton i.e Pres eA. + 38.5 ac4e6 (4 ecus e6 } "$L" Bu6.ine66, Locat - 3.7 acres (4 ca6e.6) "BG" Bu6.ine66; Genes. + 95.2 aclte6 (8 ca6e6) "PB" Ptanned Bu6.ine,66 no change P.i o_nned, Rm ideNt, a "HI" Highway Intenehange -215 acres (2 cabe6) "IR" IndustAi.at Relit,, icted no change 1,008 "IG" Indu64)ii.at Genese. - 9.3 acres (3 ca6e6 ) "IM" Indu6tti.at Mines. + 6.9 acres (3 =e.6) "PT" Ptan.ned Indu6tki.at +128 acxe.6 (] case) *Adoption Through RZ-90 Hag ens town 5, 50 8 Zoning C.Za6zi6ieatio"-Land Area 1975 Totai o6 County Zoning V.c tk i.et Aeneag e 1975 Land Area Conservation 92,751 31.3 Agn icue tuAe 738,702 46.8 Re6.identi.ae, Rush 6,713 2.2 Res.identiat, Suburban 3,442 1.20 Residentiat, Urban 2,422 .80 Re,s identiat, Mums-Fam. 508 .20 Bu6ine66, LocaQ 550 .20 Bm ine66, Genese. 531 .14 Aii'cpo%Lt 418 .16 Indust4i.at, Re6t,%i.cted 124 .04 Indurtki.at, Genvut 2,035 .70 Indu6tiu:.at, hfi.nes2 5,171 1.75 P.i o_nned, Rm ideNt, a 1,139 .40 Ptmined, Bus.ine66 181 .06 P..anned, IndubtrLia,2 1,008 .30 H%ghc.,ay Interchange 10,973 3.80 Hi.6toric Preservation 515 .20 Pubtie Owned Land6 19,981 6.8 County Muni.cipaeitie6 2,927 1.0 Hag ens town 5, 50 8 1.9 V N ZONING C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A RU RLI RU RU RU RR RR RR RR RR RS BL BL USE Con6thucti,on S.toAage Mu.W-Fcunie.y Residence Gi6.t and Cand Shop Genehae Retait Sehv.ice Garage GerienaC Stone S.toIL e Boat Docks Boat Dock Boat Dock Boat Dock Boat Dock Restafftant and BAIL EEeetAi.c Mo.toA Shor Cue.tomi.zed Mus icae. I n6 tlL umen t6 Radio Sa.Ces Rec)Le.a tion Cen teA Uphoes.teA.y and An- tique Shop Handwa)Le WoAehouse Cehami.cs Shop Sod and Landscaping BuAinms Auction Beauty Shop Mausake.um Commmci.ae_ Cave. and Snack Ban. Mcr e tE- Fami ty Rnidence CeAana.0 Shop Convenience Stone Maeltine and Weeding Shop EVzA Club lfanidcna 6.t Shop Lodge Home GAoevLy Stone Cna6t Shop Atumijtwn Siding Saeee SpoAti.ng Goods Shop Memoft i.at Gaxden Antique Shop Mus ewn JeweDty Shop 2wv[)Ly Sate and Manu6actme o6 OAnamente Re6LLse CoUecti.on Manu6ac.tu)Le o6 So oA FulLnacez TiLe S.tonage Dog Kenne" Medi.cae Ceinic Ex.pa -ion Medx.cat Cf-inic MedicaC 066icm DentaC Ce,i.ni_c Home bon GiuL.ts Antique Shop Beauty Shop Te.nni,s Ctub Beauty Shop CAa6.t I o tAuctc:on Antique Shop TluLek SeAvice Gamge Newspaper. Pub izhing 1972 - -1975 DESCRIPTION New StAuctune and Use New S.tAtictuAe and We New Stuictun.e and We New We Expansion Now ConSonun.ing Conttinuati.on o6 Use New S.tnuctme and Me New We and S.tAuctcuce New Use and S.tAuctLLlLe New Use. and Sthuctune New Use. and S.tnuctme New Use and St)utctUne Change and Continuation Change .in Use New We and Stn.uetune Home Occupation Continuation o6 We Change .in We New StAuctu) e and We New Uee and StAuetvAe Change .in We Continuation o6 Use Home Occupation New Stn.uctutte and Use New We and S.tnuctu,c PA,inei.pat PeAmi tted We Home Occupation New We and S.tA uetwi e New We and StAUCfLuce. New Use and S.tAuctul• e Home Occupation New We aid S.tn(.LctulLe New Use and S.t�Luctun e Change in Me Expansion Non-Con6minin Home Occupation New Use and S.tnuctuAe Home Occupation Addition and Change in Home Occupation Expan.s.ion o6 Use New Ub e Expansion o6 Use Change in Me Me 06 Ube We We Change .in Ube Repe.acemen,t o6 Ube New Sttnuct.LLAe and Use Expansion Non-Con6ontming We New We and StAuctme New Use and S.tAuctuAe New Use. and S.t)LuctuAe Change in Use Home Occupation New S.VtuctLuLe and Use New - Home Occupation in We No Speciale Exception Requin.ed Home Occupation Change iki Ube New Stnuetme and Ube *Appe.at. Denied Rets.identi.at Buitd.ing Between 1972 and 1975, 3000 buitding peAmit6 wette ,c6aued .in Wa6h.ington County, exceud.ing a.0 muni.c ipae tiers . vb this totaf- the vast majoxity have been .located .in P.?.ann.ing Secto us I and II . In the joust.-yeoA peAi.od s.ingte-jamity home cowstAuct on pnedom.inated - 1652 uni6 on 560 of the totaY.. Mobile home ptacementd totatted 815 oh 28% and townhouse and apahtment con6tnuetion Zagged behind at just oven. 400 unit.6 on only 15% of the total. Raident-i.ae. BuiZd.ing PeA itts (Housing Types) 1972 - 1975 Res.identia2 building penm.it issuance has been consi6tent and doe,6 not ne6&ct the necent necu.6ionatt.y in6tuences on the national housing maAket. 73 �s y yam+ '„*`�I " '/�f'A✓ _ - •y1 ^.a'.. i#r �?R. � ' ^�`.L... �' d.^M •. X .ryy_ ..ems. v ` f '�.. "'r. ... .. � � -. -.. Townhouse and apaxbnent conztttu.c#,i.on ha,6 .gagged behind the con,6tkucti.on and pta.cement ob oth.eh. housing types. 74 M, ess Y y IncAea6ingty and ineiJici,entf-y, tke ptcoducti,ve, &Utwi envilLonment ehangu �aee , We w.iit continue to 6ubu&ban.ize, but, how much tu&cV- .Pa.nd wilt be used in the pnocas? IncAea6ingty and ineiJici,entf-y, tke ptcoducti,ve, &Utwi envilLonment ehangu �aee , We w.iit continue to 6ubu&ban.ize, but, how much tu&cV- .Pa.nd wilt be used in the pnocas? 3die11(anntn,q 99ecicia Pott. the punpozels of aU peanning acti.vitia, Wazhi_ngton County hays been divided .into .6.ix Pianwing Sectou. The P.eanning Sectotus ane comptcized ob vatiows, .hong-utabWhed Etecti.on D.v6t ices Gott which demogttaphic data .vs ttea.dity avaita.bte. The Compttehens.ive Ptan wilt be devetoped succuts.ivety by Ptann,ing Secto>t. I HagVL6town Mettopotitan Ntea II Mid -County III Ptea�sant Va,P.e.ey - Etk Ridge IV Sm thzbung - Ringgotd V Clean S pA i.ng A✓t.ea VI Hancock A,ttea 76 H ANCOCK 5 lip pp -- INDIAN SPRING 15 WASHINGTON COUNTY MARYLAND PLANNING SECTORS CLEAR SPRING 4 WILSON 23 CONOCOCHEAGUE FOUNTAIN 13 HEAD/ 27 z 3 CEDAR LAWN 24 c; HA26WAY r 1 FUNKSTO WN \ 2 10-21 10-1 WILLIAMSPORT 1 1 DOWNSVILLE TILGHMANTON 20 12 LEITERSBURG 9 18-2 j CHEWSVILLE r-� 18-1 16 BEAVER CREEK I 1 BOONSBORO 6 KEEDYSVILLE 1 Is � r r SHARPSBURG _ I 8 W J J col i 1 ia WI ►� ir II 7SANDY// HOOK II -2 I r / RINGGOLD ,' 14-1 (14 - 14- / CAVETOWN 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Li-L-F-L-ri SCALE MILES r.- _ i y �`�►"'` 7„ � �,1�!"i �! � .fir' '� ' A; L *..wr 7 •S ' � 7 -- .,.__�, i�r yip. ... �, r+► � Aw -fir ..-����. �/.c" � �s'�' j�'`+�i[" r.- _ i y �`�►"'` 7„ � �,1�!"i �! � .fir' '� ' A; L *..wr and W'4encs��Qt6 1. IncZude6 onchatd6 and 6pecia.Z ag2LcuZtu-ce. ExcZL223 )o entry. 2. Exclude6 non-5� n.e idertiti.a,Z .lots .Zn exeea6 04, 10 aches. Exc.Zude6 .land he6ddenti.a ty 6ubdi.wided and not . n nu.i,denti.aZ ude. 3. Inc.Zude6 eommenei,a.l ube6 %equ.ixing ZwLge pance" (.i.e., junkyand6, auto nnci..ng, etc.) 4. Allay not .include aU C 6 O CanaZ Nati.ona.Z H-iztonicn.Z Panh acqui.6-itionz. SOURCES, 1968 Land Use S wtvey 1975 Land Ube Survey Subdiv.izion, BuiZding Permit and Land Thaw wen Reeond6 . 79 CONSERVATION PLANNING SECTOR ACREAGE AGRICULTURE RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL COWfERCIAL INSTITUTIONAL PUBLIC/GOVT. RECREATION NO LLSE 1. 2. 3. 4. VACANT I Hagerstown -Me )Lo- 701595 54,000 Acy 7,100 Ac, 1,700 Ac. 1,500 Ac.( 900 Ac. 750 Ac. 925 Ac 3,700 Ac pozitan 76.5%- l 10% 2.4% 2.2% 1 1.3% .8% 1.3% 4% 11 AZd-County 75,589 54,700 5,803 > 300 450 840 4,500 1,250 7,500 72.3% 7.7% .4% .6% 1.1% 6% 1.7% 9.9% III PZea,6a,,t VaZZey 23,889 13,280 1,525 0 23 I 18 1,500 1,300 6,330 E.Z. Ridge 55.6% 6.4% 0% > .1% > .1% I 6.3% 5.4% 26.50. IV Sr -'i&! bLvLg 21,864 13,200 2,344 70 100 150 500 705 4,800 Ri,iggcZd 60.4% 10.7% .3% .5% .7% 2.3% 3.2% 21.9% V C.Zea.'c Sptiq 64,637 38,400 2,909 100 601 90 2,300 9,650 4,580 1 ndi.ar. SptLiag 59.4% 4.5% .1% .9% .7% 3.6 % 14.9.% 7.2% VI Hail ccCJz 33,598 17,100 1,461 > 100 713 259 2,656 4,418 6,794 50.8% 4.3% .1% 2.1% .8% 7.9% 13% 20.2% TOTALS 290,172 190,680 pp I 21,142 2,270 3,387 2,257 12,206 18,248 33,204 Doe6 NotIne.Zude 65.7% j 7.3% .8% 1.2% .8% 4.2% 6.3% 11.4% City o� Hagen4town 1. IncZude6 onchatd6 and 6pecia.Z ag2LcuZtu-ce. ExcZL223 )o entry. 2. Exclude6 non-5� n.e idertiti.a,Z .lots .Zn exeea6 04, 10 aches. Exc.Zude6 .land he6ddenti.a ty 6ubdi.wided and not . n nu.i,denti.aZ ude. 3. Inc.Zude6 eommenei,a.l ube6 %equ.ixing ZwLge pance" (.i.e., junkyand6, auto nnci..ng, etc.) 4. Allay not .include aU C 6 O CanaZ Nati.ona.Z H-iztonicn.Z Panh acqui.6-itionz. SOURCES, 1968 Land Use S wtvey 1975 Land Ube Survey Subdiv.izion, BuiZding Permit and Land Thaw wen Reeond6 . 79 Ptanning Sedan I HageAztown Met.apa.P.c ian Axea I. LAND USE INVENTORY MAP II. LAND CAPABILITY MAPS III. HAGERSTOWN, HALFWAY, WILLIAMSPORT, CEDAR LAWN, CONOCOCHEAGUE, FOUNTAINHEAD, LEITERSBURG, CHEWSVILLE, FUNKSTOWN 80 dua ye,iAown of 41. Fort comptete anaty6 ,a of Hage town and env.0 m, ne6en to: Hageru town Comp&ehen,6ive Ptan Studie s, 1975. 1. Hageutown Planning Pnoce,6,5 4. Houd.ing 2. Cuccutati.on 5. Community Fac U #Zez 3. Land We 6. Cent) at Area and to: The Hagelu town Compnehen6ive Devetopment Ptan, 1975 HageAztown Ptanning Commizzion City Ham. Hag esus town, MaA y Band 21740 84 . •d+m surutda�m^eP 9 Wt���{PJ ..aq.an t3u�apt-ussa _ __ a.,,oy[iny �m8my ya Rap o.ya .ma a da d - - - i iq BONN �El � ! �qnd-iwas/o!lgnd leiJ3snpw �/ leiarawwoa OF �e13uspisaJ r _ , r Y013e9JOaJ/S)lJed papoom/weoen/lean3inoiJ6e — + !'`35x1 ONV-1 JNIISIX3 X -m yway &Z A/to 8276 Genetat Descaipt.i.on The Hallway D.usttt,ict was the area o6 h,ighetst gtwwth nate in Washington County between 1950 and 1970, the popuZation having .inctt.eased 1650 4&om 2,322 to 7,346. Population inctt.e"e between 1970 and 1975 i/s etstimated to be neatrty 1,000 people. Hal4way i6 an expanding subutban Aadi,at cotttt,idon community which has gtcown litcom V.ittg.c.nia Avenue (Route 11) tstAip development. Unnt- tt.ecentey, the land use pattetn hays been completely ott,i,ented to the Vi t.g.inia Avenue axe. The coAti.don of Route 11 development iz neattty conti.nuouls nom the Pennzylvania State tine to the Potomac at G1iLei.armspoxt. The Hatjway pottti.on of the cotttt,idotc covvsist-s pAimaAiZy of maxed nes.identiae, commett.ciae and institutional udeta. The tcecent contttt.ucti,on o6 Ha away Boutevand and a tcegionae commeAcial center, the Vaiiey Ma i, have had ts.igni 6icant .impact on the community. Physicae. Peatunes The Hot6way area i6 undettta.in by Zi.mutone and zoiZ6 ane geneAatZy wett developed, 6eAtite and /suitabte jot development. The Disttii.ct .vs divided between the Conococheague and St. Jamets watetushedts and is a tt.e/sutt of tcapid uncoott.d.inated growth and development dutt,i.ng the'50'ts and '66'b. Natutat ztoxm wateA dt a i.nag e z yrs temp ane inadequate and the co n/s ttcuct i,o n o6 s tott m wate>L management 6aci Z tiers has not kept pace. HoweveA, as the majottity o6 development hats occutttt.ed .in the headwatettts o4 both wateAzheds, down6ttceam Jloodplaints have not been as advetusely a4�ected ars the tt.a i.dential ne.ighbotthoods therm e e.vets . Land expected and planned to be netai.ned in agtt,i.cutt tnae U/se ,vs .inzigni6ica.nt ars the urbanizing trend is planned to continue. H,itstottic Featunets White thetce ane /sevetc.aE s.ita on which 6ttu.rctuttu oU hitstottic and anchitecttttt.ae vaZu.e alte located outside the utbanized area, HaZ{way its .insign.i6icant to teams o6 h/stottic pnetsett.vat,i.on pctent-iaZ. 86 87 A - '), Socio-Economicls Median houtsehotd income tn Hat6way .in 1970 was $10,472, an income eeveZ exceeded oney by notth Hageutown, FotuLta ahead, and the LeLtenabung anea,5, and 80 4amit i" ate bef-ow poveirty Levet. The poputat on gt owth trate in the. HaZ6way area ,ins expected to tstightty to deco ne, but the total to .incnease apptwx,i.matety 75% .in the next twenty yeatc peAiod. Poputati,on den,6 ty .i6 gteateh .than any other 6ubuAban Hageutown area. Major emptoyents in the area acre the VaUey MaU, tcetait zate�s estabZP zhments on the Vi,tg.in.ia. Avenue cotrni.dotr, the DanzeA Metat Company, Hatrpen and Rous Pubtizheu, Horten Manubae- tutc i.ng Company and nearby -indw5ttc.%at park employment in the Gliitiaw pottt Dizttc i.e t and divetus-iiied employment .in HageAstown. Ttraws ontati_on The Inten.atate highway 6 ystem hays had tstgni jicant impact on the Hai6way Di6tAict, imptcovtng accezzibit ty to other employment eenteu in the )region and 6poAking the devetopment o� the new tcegionat commene i.a.P. 6acZUty, Hat4way Bou2evand and the tztc.gat mobile home park in the County. V,inginia Avenue iz not designed to accomodate existing tra66.i.c demand. Ftequent in.d.i- viduat site access points tcezuet in dangetwus tunn.ing movementz on the two-tan.e highway. The Hat6way Boutevand extenzion to Downzv.iUe Pike wiU �ugthen imptcove accessib,it,ity and spank add.iti.onat devet-opment in the Hat6way ahea. Mast, ttcans t cuA&entP-y detrvez the Virgin a. Avenue cot Ai,dbtc and the Va tey Mati on a t egutah bas a but has not t6 iqn i. tcantey tzet i.eved ViAgin i,a. Avenue congestion. Oaten and S ewena e Fac,., i t ie/s Pubtie water and sewerage 6aeZtitiez exist otc ane ptrogAammed 6o& aU of the developed and devetoping aneaz o� the Di,5t4i t. The HaZjway and WiZ iamtspotrt atceatz ane cutvicente.y the only tsubunban gtrowth anea,s whetce adequate bac Eitie/s ane avai able. 88 89 A Pubt i.c Facc.e iti.e s and S eAvice,6 Rapid inc/-Lea6e/s in popukati.on dutt,i.ng the past .two decade% have nequ ted zubstant at pubti:.c invutment in new bac suites. Cuh,'LentZy, the►ce ante .two etementati:y zchooE'6, L,i.ncoZn.6hiAe and Hichony, and a new Witii.ampottt M.t.dae Schoot wiU boon be undeti. constAuction, the need bon which -ivy pn,imatc i e. y a neb uC.t o6 gaowth..i n the Ha.#' {sway 17iz to i c t. The area is b eAved by the Gl i.2 U aw - pont High Schoot and South Hagmtown High SehooQ, both o6 which ante oven capacity but with entto.2 ement decneas e6 expected. The Hat6way Votu.riteen Fite Company, Inc., pnovida b.vie zenvice. Equipment need,, and co,st,s o6 the utcban i.zing community ane incheais.i.ng . Pof-ice pnotecti.on -i6 provided by t'h.e hianytand State Poti.ce and Wa6h,i.ngton County Shett,i 6",s Department. Park& d ha,, necen ty been acquvt.ed and the 73 actce Hat6way Community Pak wiZZ be developed oven.. the next sevetat yeau. Housing Theti.e ane appnoximatety 2,400 housing units in Hat6way of which 46 units on 1.9% tack plumbing and/on heating ,syztem (the Zowest pettce.ntage ob any Di6ttti.ct in the County.) It ,is pro jetted that oven. the next twenty yeat peri i.od, there w.itt be 7,530 new housing units, pta,6 nece saAy nehabititation and nepZacement. To accomodate this demand, den.6iti.es must inctcea,s e and mane mu.P.ti-jam,ity units provided. CutiAentZy, 5ub.6id%zed houzing is provided by Hat6way Manors and neatcby Motand V,i.ttage. New hou6ing deveP.opment Zs expected on the 6ti.ngu o6 the con,ii.don and in the vicinity o{ the neg-i.onaQ. centett. M Tnend,6 The HaP--way DistAict 16 incn.ea,6ingty becoming urban in chanacteA. Pteanning got exi.stZng development was negtigibte. The area now need3 speci.at attention to coordinated urban systems planning and dezign. Ptans The .eand arcea no& h o5 the Va tey MaU.us u.ndeve2oped and .us pta.nned indU6tAiCV- nesenve by both City and County Land We Ham. It -us the toAgest atcea so designated in the County and eouZd have sign 6icant impact on the growth of the community. 91 The VaUea MaU . acce zibte, region.. L z 92 wil( am6lidltl J`dli . 4212 Genetae Deisctuivti.on The W-iUiarnspoAt D.csttri.ct has expeni.enced /S igni. scant change overt the past decade. Thttee Intetustate interchanges ate tocated .in the attea and have spa ked deve.eopment o� highway o)ti.ented seAvice business, and the Inteutate Indwstttiae Pan(2. The Town o6 W,iU,iamspott, .in which mote than hae6 the population o6 the Di6tt ict tLm i.du, Z6 histoti.c in -ct'.s architecture and ,ct',s tet at%o n s h.ip with the C S 0 Canae NGt i.o nat Hi,5 to k is PGrfz . The chatacteA o f the Town is enhanced by an active centra.e businas area and a JuU range o6 pubZic �actiti.es and zet- vica , inctial i.ng 6ixe and emeA.g ency s eAv.ice, a Town .P.i,bta4y, three Town parks . . . Potomac Pa k, W. D. Byxon, and Water Tower Pcutiz, and a na schoot campus comptex. Wi is opoAt -us .6eAved pni.nc,i.patty by U. S. Route II and xeg-i.onaEey by Intetustate &I, and to the east and west by Mx. Routes 68 and 63. 02deA indurttiu, i. e. Cushwa Bt,ick, the W. D. Byton Tannetc.y, and the B. PauZ Smith poweA plant have sign icant impact on the Town and .it's env-itton6. PhcLsicat I=eatuttez The Wi iamspoAt area is undetc Bain by shote to the weft ( both east and west o6 the Conococheague Creek) and . imestone south o� the Town. The MaAtin�sbung shaee is the pA,i.ncipae tesouAce .in the manu6acture o6 bAick and .ins quaAAied extensiveey west o6 the Conococheague. AnotheA signi6icant 5eatutte o6 the shaft is .i t',s peAmeabitity and to alive unsui tabitity 6ax .6epti.c system .uvsta.2eation. The Conococheague Cteek, .in the noAthern pato o f the Diztt i.ct ,its deeply ,incised with broad meander, and 6Zows south to it's conAZuence with the Potomac. Water qua sty ob the Potomac and .tower Conococheague ,ins poor, substantia ty as a xesutt o6 industt i.at wasters. Land dezig- nated as 62oodptai.n ,ins extensive .in the D,i�stt i.ct. White the 6Zoodptai" o� the Rivett and Cxeeh ane substantiaUy undeveloped, 6Zoodi.ng doers adveuei-y a�6ect the C 9 0 Cana. Towpath, Aqueduct, and associated h ilstoA,ic sttutctuAe/s and Potomac Pattiz. A smae intuwa-hent ttuibutary to the noAtheast o u Town teguZa,, ey 6toods the W. D. Byton Pa/,Lk. 93 y r� Al All rD � `�ti may- ♦O\}, L� �J ••�': AA � moi' � ''A..� , ��/r a •. ,+�lD i it � �-•_, P .� 'r Ak \ . f .:�• r, f r� 1nr"1^ — >� ''' :+� � • � rte: / Lv er r. i C y Apo p� / 94 l .r' P&ime agAi.ciPtuAaP- Zand is not extensive .in the D.ust&i.ct. NoA h o� Town, steep ,stopes, scatteAed development, the a ignment o6 the Crteek, minimize agnonom.ic potentiaP. To the south, good agrci.cuttu&aZ soitz exist and arse .in prtoducti,on but ane -influenced by highway .intetchangeh, the Induhttci.a.i Pa)Lk and HI DistAict zoning. Special physical jeatuxes .in the axea incP.ude the Potomac and Conococheague and v.istcvs 6rtom the Town and others vantage points and the natuuct env,ctc.onment o6 the C 6 0 Canat and Towpath. Hi,storc i.c Eeatunets W.iUi,am6portt is one of the otdat deveP.oped communities .in Warshington County and has maintained much o j it'.5 Wtortic chanactex. The Spx ng 6.ield Fa,%m and Rose H.i.P.P. Manor have been .inceuded on the Nati.onae Regi.6te& oA Histotic Placa. The C 8 0 Canal, the Conococheague Aqueduct and a numb est o� .indu s t4 i.aP. s ttcu.ctute s cute hi s toxica Zy s ig nij icant. Socio- Eco nom.ict6 Poputation grtowth has been modettate, .inctteas.ing 220 .in twenty yeax6, white the County grtew 310 .in the same petu.od. In 1970, the median househotd income in the Di,6ttci.ct was $82245., ,somewhat towett than the county -wide median, and 229 �amizies wette betow the povettty levet. Majors emptoyvL6 in the DiztAict incl de Holland Woven Label, Inc., G. P. Mittett Lumbett Company, RuAt-OQeum Cortportation, Witdenneas EntertpAirsa o� Manyt-and, Inc., Macca�ekxi. Gabion6, Inc., Certain -Teed Pxoductt6 Conportati.on, V.ictort Cushwa and Sons, Inc. Employment o ppoAtunit ies axe expanding as a nets u -Pt o� es tabt ins hment o6 the I nteu tate I ndusttiat Pa tk, Taylort I ndus ttc.iai Patk, and highway o tiented businesses . Ttans porcta t io n The Town and the Route 1 1 coxti.dort axe s exved by mabb tnans-c t on a rteguP_ax bas". The Intehstate highways pnov.ide rsubstanti,aUy .improved rtegion.at accus. Md. Route 68, north ob Town 95 .us s cheduted San Aeco ays t Luct%a n. Radiae., p)i ma Ly highways s eh v e the WiLUvjmpow D -i s tx c t in ati d tection6. Resit svLvice .cd pnovided by the we6tenn MoAy&nd Raiftoad with a spuA to the Town, and the Penn CentAat whicli seAves the Indw6tkiaQ. Pa&k. Much o6 the Aa -it SAontage in the Dist i.ct is zoned Son indwsttr.y. W atetc and S ewetca e The Town o6 WiZZ iam,5 poA t and the immediate env.itc m ane served with both pubt i.c wateA and .6ewekage Sac Uti a . Pta.ns Son extension Witt tend to petcpetuate and broaden the Rowe 71 co Ar idoA growth pattern. AAeas o6 the Distticlt to the noA M and south aAe not pna- poaed to be .avtved. Ho uts.ing Thetce ane 1,211 hows.ing unitA in the W Q Q,iam3poAt, most o6 which cute singt e- Samit y homer, (85%) with apaAtment unitz in town and at Mitutone GoAdens compA.ising apptox.imatety 15% o6 the total. Singte-Samiey homet6 ane genenaUy .located on vetcy smaU town and subuAban .dots. 321 homing unitz in the DZstA.i.ct .ia.ck heating and/ot pZumbing Saci.Qit u. 8.8% os the SamiP,ie�s in the D.i stAi,ct ane oveAextended .in paying Sot theit homing. Ptojectionz os population indicate the need Sot apptoximatety 260 new homing unit:6 oven the next twenty yea tz .in addition to the Aep&cement oA Aehabititation o6 300 units. GtowtA and Devee.opment TAends The population o6 the WiUiam6pont Disttict is expected to increase SAom 4,200 to 5,000 in the next twenty yeau . . . A A.ate os gtowtlti cons Lstent with incneaze/s .in the past two decade. Devetopment in the area is Likeey to continue to be dominated by indwsttz.i.ae and com- menci,at gAowth. PZans and Tnende Ob most .6 ign.ib.ieant impact on the cvicea, is the Ptan bon the C 9 U Canat Nationae H.izt Ai.c PoAk. GIitUamepont is ceazzibied as a "Nati.onaZ InteApnetive Zone" and as .6uch, Witt become an area ob eent.at attAaetion to the Paxk. Both pubtie and pxivate deveeopment a�saoci.- ated with bi iz .6taiws au t i ke2y to .shape the anea's butune. With Pak NeadquaAteu toeated .in W iZi aw po c t, to"m may have eo n,s.idehabt e .in 6t uenee on the cha tacten and economy o6 the area .in addition to planned economy ob the area .in to pta.nned expamion ob the two .induottiat paAks. . L • �_ a '. if 's -. : 97 �R -- - _ -—.Now 4 INArwi�l ` s EXISTING LAND USE WILLIAMSPORT washington county, maryland v �1� ZZ i f: - I L-� - single - family residential . multi - family residential - commercial industrial ® public 6 semi - public parks 6 recreation �i vacant ILLUSTRATION O �e 1k E:f i ''-�� 9 0 reda'i Yawn 6Q/. J061. goo Genenat DucAi.ption Poputation in the CedaA Lawn Di6tt .ct .mss concent4ated in the Route 40 coAAidoiL. The nemaindeA ob the .hand area west ob 1-81 " ,in agA-icuttunat and geneaotty very pnvductive use. Rels.identiat., 6 ingte-6amit-y home devet°opment ex-iz� between Route 40 and Md. 144 and is the only ztgnib.icant poputation concentnati.on in the D"ttrict. Mixed devetopment adjacent to Hagmtown city ti.� and commenciat devetopment at Huyet-t'.s Cnob.snoadb add to the connidon development trend. The 1950 poputati.on ways 259 . moAt ob the ex.i.,tt.ng development haO6 occu,�Aed .in the past two decades. Ph ys.iea2 Featunu The aAea is extteme.ey understain by timestone. Soitz, espeeia ty north ob Route 40, ace pn.ime bon agn.i.cuUunaz wse8. South ob Route 40 phy-s.ieae beatunes votey, with, the .inb.2uenee ob nock outcnopd and modenatety productive Zand. Appnoxi,matety 40% ob the Land area .in the Disttrict .ice urusuc tabte bon aseptic system .in,staitation .in a 6cattetced patie&n. The entice DZ6tnict i6 within the Conoeoeheague wateuhed and 6Zoodpka,in�s ane not wets developed on the Stat vae.L'ey i .nd. Hi,stotii c PeatuAes Macy&nd 144 and Route 40 ane a portion ob the Nat:iondt Pike aeong which sttuctunez nepnetsentative ob the 19th century arch tectuAe ane .located .in addition to a number ob barn dwe.eeingz in the area, upeci.a ty along Hopewe,et Road. Socio - Eco nom,ics Median houtehotd .income .in 1970 was $9,448., above the County median ob $8,822. Eteven bamit i,e., were betow poveAty Levet status. Popu.eati.on is expected to double oven the next twenty year pen.iod as the growth continues at its pneviowsty modetcate nate. No majotc emptoyetus ane Located in the Cedar Lawn Di6xtict, however, access to emptoy- mevit cewtetu, is very good v.i,a. I-81 and U. S. Route 40. White much o4 the land in the eastietcn poAtion og the Di/sttict ,us zoned "HI" Highway InteAchange, the unava &bii ty of pubti.c tsewenage 6acie iti.e/5 and natunat deve eopment tim.itatc.ons ane t i.mitati.onz to economic devetopment potentia,. Ttucm potttat ion In addition to 1-81 in the eattenn path o� the DiztAi.ct, pAimany htighwayz ,i.nceude U. S. Rowe 40 and Md. Rowe 63, Gtteencahtte Pike. No ma5t5 ttran,6 t tseAvice is pnovtided in the area. Water and Sewerage Fac titia The wateA matin ptcov.idi.ng tnan/smizstion between the Wilson Ttceatment pta.nt on the Poto- mac 6oaowz Md. 63 and U. S. 40 through the D"t,rLict. The main seAve/s exizting development. HoweveA, the planned z ettvtice area .vs Z m.ited and .ea tetcat exten,6iows aAe not pZa.nned. No pubZic aewenage seAv.ice tis available and is not planned. Pubtic Faci ilia and Settvtices No pubti.c �aci.eitia exizt in the Distti,ct. Schoo.2.6 seAving the atLea ane Conococheague Elementary, Watshington Middle School and both NoAth Hagex6town and Witti.amnspont High Schootz. F tce /seAvtice i/s ptcov.ided by the Hae way, W U_.iamspout and Maugan6v,i.P.e.e VotunteetL Com- panies. The ceosat pcAk is Het ane .in Wat Hageutown. HOU-6.in There ane apptcox imatety 300 hou,5 ing units in the Cedar Lawn area o6 which 24 tack the cA,iticai tLequ,iAemen;L5 o6 centhtat heating otL plumbing .6yztew. The number o6 new housing un.it/s tcequi/ted overt the next twenty yeah period iz apptcoxtimatety 325. 100 WeaCaii dawn 101 Gu,wtll and Development Ttcend/6 Existing zoning in the Route 40 coAAidot ptovide�s Cott expansion to the south o6 the CedoA Lawn Zow density community. The Huyett',s Ctosstvads section o6. Route 40 is .incAeas.ingty becoming a commetci.a.e stti,p and a mobile home pa k o� s ign.i�icant size Gott the ahea is ptto- po-6ed on the watettn �t ng e o� the Dis tJc i.ct, 6tto nting on Md. Route 63. The absence and .inadequac a ob other toads .in the attea and the unavaitabitity o� utiY,i ties to,sttict deveeopment potentiaP.. The Highway InteAchange atteos shoutd expeAience cat y Zuni ted development. . •, The P.Pan Fott The County designates the mid-6outhettn section o� the Dizttci.ct and nc, ieuunotat pottt i.cn o6 th.e WiiZiampo-i t D-i.tsttt.i.ct as a "Neto Community" and the Highway Plan de,6 i.gnatea the extension o f HaZ6way Sou.levatd to Gteenca�stte Pike. The Zack o6 6ac Zitia tin- ciuding zewvwge t voice ptohibit implementation ob thi,6 concept .in the neat �ututte. HoweveA, the tong Aange need Gott such a new gnowth axea is evidenced by the necessity o6 guiding the gttowth demands o6 the Ha Tway Dist Act. Cedatt Lawn should substantiaUy ttetain its agticuttutcae chattacteA ,in the next two 702 wdndcdcAeayue (fal. Ya/t. 45O5 GeneAae Desctui, tion The Conococheague Dxsttt.ict .is one o6 seveAae o6 the most capable and pttoduc'ti.ve agtui.cuttuxat areata .in 01ashi.ngton Cowsty. The un-i,ncottpottated communities o6 MaugamviUe.and Cea&Sots.s, Route 58 -(Ceatt6o.6.6 Pike) coAA dote deve.topment neoA Hagettstown, and scatteAed ttets.iden- tiat deve.topment neatt the Conococheague C&eek dominate the developed Land use pattettn. Popu,tdtion has .inctteased 85% overt the past tventy yeatus, mobt o� the .inctteatse occutt- tting between 1950 and 1960. Popu alio n density -vs vetty tow as most o b the .land area iz .in active agtui.cutttmat use. I nteA,s tate 81 has � o uA intettchang ens on the eats term b oundaAy o6 the D.t s ttt i.ct. Impact o6 the .inetteaz u ,in dev e eo pment potentia e a/s a nets tttt o b .ince, change .to cati.o n and imptto v ed acces s.t -c Pity iz evidenced .in the gttowth o6 the Maugans v.c et.e community, highway S etcv.ice otuiented bu,s.iness es and new manu�actm ing industti.es . . The Hagetvstown Reg.ionat AiApottt is .tocated on the nottthea6t boundatty o� the D.ustAict and acts ars both an attttactio n to .indu,6 tk i.a e expansion and a .t.i.mitatio n to ttes.identiae gttowth . The Concocheague Ctceek meandeAz s.towty 6ttom noAth to south thttough the attea and is a ma1ott scenic and ttecttea ,%onae. ttesouttce. Phyts.icat Featuttes The D.usttuict us undeAta n by both .t.imestone (to the eatst) and .shate (to the west). Soitz developed ittom the .ti,mestonets, genettae,ty between Gtteencatstee Pike and I-81, ate ptuime Cott agtt,icuLtuttae. use. 05 this potttion o6 the DiztAi.et, 900 o� the .land attea conziztis of ptt.i,me agAicu tuAca e is o,it s and is .in active 6attm&g use. The attea •vs totatty within the Conococheague watetushed. Maugawsv.ctee ,us .tocated in the 6.tat, .tow .tying headwateAz o6 the wateAshed whette the gttoundwatett tab.te .us high and the .land is not weU dttained. Thus, the community exput i,ences weU watett quality, 6Zooding, and wet basements and baiting septic isyztem pttobtemts on a iseasonce bas.t,6. Much ob this section o6 the valley dttaim to the 6.toodp.tai.n 06 Rush Run. 103 Soils on both sides o6 the Conococheague ane deAived jxom .shai.e and ate xe2ativety .cmpouneabte and thus, of pooh tsuctabiPity fox aseptic system .in6taelation. Hiztotii.c Peatutu Many Gahm sttuctwtez tepxets enta�i,ve o6 .late 18th and ewzt y 19th cent&V atchi tec- tuxe exist in the Diztt ict, especc.aely along Bxoad6otding Road and Gneencatstle Pike, two o6 the eattei.est roads .in the County. Sevetcat examples o6 t6tone arch btudge�s o� the peJii.od can be Sound on the Bnoad6oxding Road. The Salem Chutcch and Masson -Dixon Lane ma kex6 axe out - ,standing histoAic 6eatulzu o6 the atcea. Socio - Bco nomicts The median howsehotd .income, in 1970, was $8,543., betow the County -wide median o� $8,822. OS 1,068 6am.it is tesiding .in the Nsttr i,ct, 119 �am-iiies, ox mote than 100, weAe below the povetcty .levee.. FmpZoymelt oppotctunitiez in the tutal area ate t imi ted. Majot emptoyehs ate .located on the eatsteAn petc.i.meteA o6 the Dizttct.ct and .include Angst&om Pnec cion, Inc., and Maugansv.cUe Hevator and LumbeA Company. Ttanh potttatio n Ptcincipat highways serving the aAea ate I-81, Md. Route 58 (Ceax�ozz Pike), Md. Route 63 (Gteenca6te.e Pike), Md. Route 494 (Paitw.iew Road), Maugans Avenue, ShowaP,teA Road, and Maugam- vd e le Road. Oj teszet ,importance but extending thtough the Disttc ict i,6 Btoad�otding Road. The ma.1ot xadfat axis atom HageAstown (Md. 58) has expetri.enced to z development pta.6 uxe than other suburban tadia z . Mass ttca.nzit s ervez ont y the Mauga" v,i Ue community. iy. 104 Water and S ewetc. ee Pubtic uti?.it,i.ez ane planned on avaiZabZe only to Maugansvitte. water senvice exusta and sewerage setcvice is pnognammed ion the next Give to six yea& period. Pubti.c Facititi.ez and Senvica Schoo& 6e&ving the Conococheague DiztAict include MauganaviUe and Conococheague Etementa&y, Cteax SpAi.ng, and Washington Mi,ddte SchooZ6, and C.etea& Spiting and North Hageutown Highsrh,00,U, and in addition, the pt.i.vate &coadsotdi.ng Christian. Academy i.6 tocated in the Diztnict. Fine 5envice -vs provided by the MaugaaviUe Goodwin Vot nteen Company. The centut County ta.nd4U i.6 tocated within the District on Resh Road. Hou6ing Thehe ane cuA entty 1,200 housing unit,6 in the Conococheague Dint ict 06 which 170 on 14% ane zubzta.ndand. Requited new and nehabit fated housing unites oven the next twenty yeah peki,od cute pnofected to be 800. Growth and Devetopment Tnend6 The Ma.ugan,6vi to area Ls the only zigni�icant growth area in the D.i6ttict. However, Auxat, .scattered dev etopment continues west o b Cea,%Aosz . The impact o � higlway inrtenchang e oriented ta.nd deve.2opment potentia i5 dependent upon the avaitabiUty of pubti.c uti.F,tt.r'.ea. A Route 58 co&kidon pafitetn .cis beginning to develop 6nom Hagetustown. 105 a y •.. \. .1137 _x+ -ate — - �••• L4 •_ _ .- O �dnacac�iea�ue 706 faunIai"Aead 6,4ZAfi. 5875 Genexat DescAipti.on The. Fountainhead Disttui.ct is an econom-icaty divex6iiied nonth.efcn subuxb o� Hageu- Town. Median. jami,ty .income .iz highe" than any othex Dis t�Ltct tin the County a� axe housing vatues, the peA capita a,s,&essabXe base and at -place empZoyment. Suburban development is chanactetu.zed by si.ngte-6am.ity xes.i.denti.at communitim whexe houS ng pxiees ane modeAate to vent' high and .6t ip commercial devetopment which has grown along PennsyZvan.ia Avenue (U.S. Route 11 ). The Mack Truck and WAclr i td l ndu4 tk ies p&nt5 empZo y o v eA 5J.100 peo pZe, move than 12% of total empZoyment in the County. Suburban subd.ivizionz developed since Woxed wan 11 are not seAved with pub.eic sewex- age �acititie/s and septic system 6aituxet6 axe a negulax oecuAenee. Pta.wz bon utc,P.ity seAv.iee have yet to be implemented. Phys.ieal Featuxe s Limestone bedAock undexti" the entitcety oS the D.ustn,ict and noxth.-south ox%ented outeAopping,s axe appaxent throughout the axea, upeciat.Qy in the noxth.eAn section. So.itZ de- n,i.ved �xom the timestone vary eomideAabty in depth and are genexaUy veAy 6etutite. The D.ustkiet is ent xe.ly within the Antietam watex5hed and dxa m to the flami Qton Run and Maxsh Run ttc ibutatr ies . Advance pZann.ing bon storm watett management systems has been .inadequate, xesu t ng .in nei.ghboxhood storm wateh. pxobtems and dowvstxeam itoodptain expansion. White most dev e.lo ped area 6 axe served with pubtic wate x, gxo and water is abundant but o6 .low quest ty as a result o4 septic ebbZuent saturation. The nontheazteAn poxtion o6 the Di6tx.ict is dominated by agx.ieuttuxal usez and the Land area consist6 o6 sow prime box pnoduct%.v.cty. The area .us subject to .ineAea6.ing devetop- ment pressure. 107 —_ Aa_ tf•-. �'• :�,'��.t�3 ,,,��' i � *cam - .# low- s SWIM-- vo. - 41f r. 41 e- Ale Sk Hiu6totic Features S ev ett at Gahm dwe t ngs , a.Q,e. north o b Lang Meadow Road arse tepta entat.iv e a b .gate 18th and eattey 19yh century atchitectune. The .6autheAn and watenn pants ab the Disttt.i,ct have titt,ee a b h.it tatic s i.g n 6 icance. Socio-Fconomic,s Median household .income .in 1970 w" $13,744., 6ub,6tantiaUy higher than the County median ob $8,822. and the highest .in the County. Popueation gtowth since 1950 has been .steady, .incteas.ing 53% between 1950 and 1960 and 63% between 1960 and 1970. Majat emp.evyetus in addition to Mack and Fa.inchif-d .include Atnotd GAaph.ic/s Indwstt.iez Inc., Gitberct Indu,6ttti.eis Inc., Hageutown K.ctch.e" Inc.., and Ro,6.& Garrment Company, Inc., em- peaying mote than 5,600 peop.ee .in addition to zign,i6.icant netaiz, whoZesaZe and tt.etated emptoyment. Eighty bamiti.es ane below povetity Zevet status. TAa.n6 po tat io n The only major highway in the Di6tAict is Penntsytvan.ia Avenue (U.S. Route 11) . I-81 to the west hats ptovided some teZieb to ovet congested, peak hour ttt.a{jic. Matt, tAans t zett.ve/s the Pennz y.evan.ia Avenue coAti.dot and the Longmeadow Shopping CenteA. Transit use bot emptoyment ttLips i/s ,insign.ib.icant. At, subdivision deve.eopment continuets, Marsh Pike, Longmeadow Road, and Patadi6e Church Road ttab.ic votumets and ariteAi.at ,impattance incnea/se. watett. and Sewetta. e Pubac eaten beAvice hay bottowed devetopment .in the DZ5tttict and seAve6 aU .intense .eand u/se s . Pubtic ,3 ewettage d etw.ice ,ins curinentf-y ptovd ded only to Mack Ttuchs, Inc., and Fa,itt.chied has a pttivate treatment syztem. Fountainhead i/s the top ptti.ot.ity bat .6eweAage 709 WALT'S D PIZ I FWIIMWN IT I Mi I Italian Food &C A&F I ILI S6, 110 r - i.�• t .s t �•�] � �; ` �\. - -:tis ;i• � •'� � ;• t • \ ` x.1'1 S'ri+t ' s St 1 4 ••.ti 4 � .tom •L�Nti ti'1 '�� � ` • 1 � •t � ��y- •''� � til 4 X41 :it•r � � ' ��i/ •. �?S� y�. _� 3•.. �.st� '§�i` Sty` 4 t • � i � ' vs } t :ti R•'i y3yS t 1 J �„ •t OA ye qL 'tA silk IN wt v 167in mead 111 system expansion to be 6ot,towed by the Okchand Hitta, Ma.ugansviite and Reg.iona.t AiApotrt aneats. The patteAn and .tow density nature of development wiU teautt in cons.ideAab.te ex- pense to aenve the cvicea. System extension tequiAes maximum coopenati.on between the County and City J utri 6 dict i o ns . Pubti.c Facitities and Services The area iz Nerved by the Founta.inda,te, Maugansvitte and Patcamount E.tementatcy 6chootz, North Potomac M.iddZe School and Noxth Hagelustown High Sch.00.t. Fite seAvice is ptcovided by the Long Meadow and Maugansv.rett Vo.tunteeA Fite Companies. TheAe ane no pubt i.c paths .in the atcea, though tS evetca t pAivate ctub,5 ptcov.ide tectea- tio na l 6ac,i,Uties . Housing TheAe ane a totat ob 1,700 housing units in the D-csttrict of which on.ty 36 units .tack cxticat tequixement6. Median vatue o6 housing in the area is the highest in the County. Grote to 10 0 % o6 ae t dwel P,ingz ane z ing.te- � oytii .y units with the exception o b s evenat s matt co nv eAted units and mobite home paths neat Route 11 noir th. It is pno1ected that 950 new dweUi,ng units w.itt be consttcucted .in the DiztAi.et oven. the next twenty yeah peAi,od. Gtowth and Deve.t�o newt The scattetced, ".leap -6 og" pattehn o6 .tow density subdivision devetopment is con- tinuing. on- t i.nu i.ng. It's tta u is ane an .ineb 6ic ient u/6 e o6 .land and an o v eA to ad ing o6 capacities o � tocat to a.dt, . 112 Economic deveeopment, .in tems ob new .indu6t.y and commetcce is expanding xapidZy, ens peci.a ty in the vicinity o j the a tJr pon t. The pnovizion of public zewexage 6etv.ice wit undoubteky spaS addi ti.on.ae. nez.i- denti.at, and commuciat development and tend to .in-6itt the mattexed zubuxban chaxaciex. `l'7>, Hans and .Mand use contfr tz wilt tend to perpetuate. the .tow density z ubuxban chakac- At of the DistAct. Without adequate contuts, the noxtheu prime agnicuttaxat. Lands axe iike.ey to zubuxban.ize oven the next twenty yeaxa. 113 Tei & idhay &a,(. JAofa . 2425 GeneAaZ Desni.p�, on The Le,i teAz bung D.c sfiluc t is nunat and agtr i,cutuuit in na:tune. Fanms ane Zo ge and productive, producing exceptionally high Gahm income%. Lange .tot kux.gt development is be- coming incAeas ingZy poputan and threatens to tceduce agtr i.cuf_tukat Za.nd use and pnoducti v.c ty. The Vita.ge o� Lei telusbung .r6 centna2 to the Di,5tx :.ct and has not expeJr i.enced is i.gniiicant change on growfih in recent decades. The southwest section o6 the Di.6tA .ct is beginning to 6ubuAban ze . Sprung Valley, MwL6h Pike and Long Meadow .in a pattern s-c.nu,Qt= to the adjacent Fountainhead Dizttict. Fxpan,6ive 4anm6, h.i stoxic zttuctunes, the Antietam and Lc ttQ.e Antietam Ctceehs make the Dizttict a vaP-uabZe scenic resouAce. Phys.icae Features Soitz deAi.ved 6tcom t mestone .in the area ane deep, wet deveeoped and exceptionaUy 6ehti,-e. Appnowimateey 750 og tke Land area is ceazzi. .ed plume dor agtricuttutcaP_ use. The District is enfi xety within the Antietam wateuhed. Limestone outcrops ane in6nequent and ane notuth-south otri.ented. H -i 5 totuc Features H-cs tmtr,i.c 6 eatuAes o� the L e leu b ung area ane many and d.iv ens e, -i nc Zuding stone arch b.t .dg es , eaxZy manotr i,aP. mans.io ns , s ev enact. eatr 4 m-i.M and Btr,i.g htwoo d, which has been included on fine Nationae. Regizten o6 H-rsfiortic Peaces. Socio -Economics PopuP.ation gtrowth in the Leite7sbung D.cstAict has been modeA.ate, having .incnea3ed 21% and 35% tcespectc.veey the teasfi two decades. Incomes in the area ane extfcemety high re alive Lto the rest o� the County, xanFii.ng behind onty Fountainhead and NoAth Hagerstown. 114 Hou.S.in There ane cwrhenty 678 dwePUng uveitis ,in the 'D.ustki,ct o� which. 84 on 12.4% ane ubs tandaxd. Pnojeeted housing demand oven the next twenty yeau -us appnox.imatety 200 unitz, how - even, c mAent t Lend6 .in .tang e .dot z ub d i.vi6.io n .indicate that thus pro l ec ied big une may be cons envat ive. Gnowth. and Development Tnend6 Growth .in the D.usthi.ct is okiented to the expanding suburban Hagelustown area and ,scattered toAge .lot development. P.QMvs The Lei tmsbung area is da ighated by Paan ass an ag i.cuttuxaZ pte/senve. Tnconis.us- tent .eand use con ttotz permit uz identiaZ deveeopmewt at a density o f 1 unit pen. ache. 117 WAewaviile X64 Mogi . 5714 Genetat De/scAirati.on The Chew.6viUe D-istiu.et Land use patte/tn is dominated by the Jej4etuson Boutevatcd .6ubuA- ban cotuui.dotr in which mobt o6 the population o6 the atce.a .is concenttratAl. Outside the coxtZdotr both to the noAth and south Land u.5e.6 ane maxed but dominated by agAicu-P.tute. Land zoned "In- duus tt :.at Minetrae" pt ectudes 5 ubuAban expansion to the noAthec ,6 t o � Hag elu3town and agtc i eu.tiu Lat p-�oduction, pooh Aa4.at tcoadh, and the tack o6 utiiiti,ets have contained development to the eotuuidotr. The Hagetwtown Jun.iotr Cottege vicinity, .located south o� the eavu.don, is pta.nned 6ox -Lec.atively high density tce�s.identi.ae. growth . . . a New Community concept. Pit /sicai Featutres The Chew6v,itle atrea iz entineey within the Antietam wate shed. The Antietam Mows bum :theast to southwest thh.ough the Disttict. The ut ing tmuLin is undeA ain by time/stone and .soil capabit try 6otr agtui.euetutre i,5 vatuiabte. Histotuie Featutrez S.imitatc to the Leitex6butcg D.ivstuict, the Chewsv.iUe anea's histotry was ehatraeteAized by .Za e 6atcros. Many examptets o6 tog and /stone bttructutres and mitts o{j the .late 18th and eatuty 19th ceiitutr.y can Le found, e�speciatly in the welstetrn pard o f the Dizttiet which ince.udets a patut o6 the Seavetr Ctceek Va tey. SttcuetuAe/s on the National Regiztetr .ince.ude the Ttcov.ingeh Mie., The W ee.ows, wnd The Mapte/s . Sccio-Fconom,i n The trate o6 poputation gn.owth in the Chewsviite DZ5ttuict has been moderate . . . 420, '50 - '60 and 30%, '60 - '70, to a euturent popuea tion o � 5,714. In 1970, the median hows ehoZd neome wars $9,672., above the County median. The majotui ty o6 the -eabotr 6otree is of iented to manu6actutuing industry. Ma9ot emptoye z ..n the Dist4ict inc.eu.de the A4axquette Cement Manu6actutuing Company, Banks Btrotheu Coup., and neahby the Catrbotrundum Cotrpotrati.on in Hagetu5town. 6% o6 the Gam tic,6 in the area cure below pevetuty .levet status. 718 119 Txavus poxtatio n Acee,6,s.ibi. ity to emptoyment eentvus is xe ativety pooh. Jej6etuson BouP.evaxd (Md. Route 64), the axis of the xa.identi..at eoAA dot, 6enves onty Hageutown and Smithzbuxg we2.Q., at e,c.#h.et end of the coAAidox. With the exception o� the Rob.inwood DAive connection to the .6outh, access to the Inteutate highways and the axea's .industtiat pa k6 is .inadequate. Ma,s.a tAan�sit .6eh.ves Hagetustown JunLi.ox Cottege and the Je4beAzon Boutevaxd eoAAidox to Smithz boAg . Watex and S evenag_e When pub.ei.e wateA wa-s �ctust .inttodueed .in Hagetustown in the tate 18001.6, it wa6 bxought �om sptc,ings and xeselwoiAz on South Mountain and piped via the SmithzbuAg Pike to the community. The tong -tehm ava ia.biU ty o6 pub -e is watex .6eAv.ice ha6 been an eneo uxag ement to the coAA idox devee.opment pattexn. Sewexage seAv.ice is not avai bte but iz ptanned within the dive to six yeah peAi.od. Pubtic Facititia and Sexv.ices SehooZ6 .seAv.ing the ah.ea .inceude the Otd Foxge, Pangboxn and Potomac Hei.ght,6 Ftementany Sehootz; Sm.c th6buxg, Boonsboro, North Potomac and F. Russet H.iefu Mdddte Sehooa and Noxth Hag- eutown, South Hagex6town and Smit sbuxg High Schootz. HageAztown Juw%ox CoUege tib centhaQ,Y.y toeated .in the DiztAiet. Fite z e kv iee -its provided by the Long Meadow, Leiteu burg, Smit) is burg, Funhstown, and Mt. Aetna V otunteex Companies . 120 The onty timestone, qua"y in the imediate Hageutown area . . . Land area zoned Jot expan6ion i6 con6ideAabte, signi6icantty a6jecting the Hageutown glwwth pattern. .,k. - � . , st 121 The tcecentty acqui tied 315 ache Ditto F=ns Reg.iona2 Pakk site iz toca ied on Mt. Aetna Road and w,i.Q.Y. be developed oven. the next 6.ive yeasts. In addition, a site has been acquihed 6otc tie planned East jkfiddte and High Schooa . Nein Community implementation in the next ten .to 6.i6teen yewts w.i.Q.Q. necessitate /z.cte acqu,i,sition 6otc an etementany 6chooX. and 6i t.e station. With tt.egatd .to a.0 pubtic �ac.ititi.ez, the New Community Area is Located at the junction o6 muttipte 6etv.ice dib tLict boundatt,ies. Hou/sin It is within this Disthict that a s.igni6icant ptopoAti.on o6 the p&ojected poputati.on growth o6 the metkopotitan ahe:a is expected to be accomodated thkough tize New Community concept, designed to pttov.ide a wide ttange o6 modetrate to high density housing types and ptti.ces. Poputation .is pto fected to .inccttease 6&om 5,774 to 75,246 by tie yeast. 2,000, nea Zy a 3000 incneaae. Today, of some 1,700 housing units in the Dizt&i.ct, overt. 10% ane substandard. New bolus ing units oven tke izext aventy year peAiod, contingent upon ,succes-6 jut ,imptementation o6 ,the New Community concept, ahou,-d total. aQmost 3,000. Gtt.owth and Deveeopment Ttcend6 Res.identi.ai gtowth in the cotttt,i.do,tL pattern is continuing and nesuLting .in .inei6ici.ent sheet hyt6tems and advens,e envitonmentae !impact as a agesuP,t 06 septic system concenthati-on. P. ars The Hag etstown Juni.otc Cott eg e area New Community . . . new pubt i.c 6aciZiti.ets , pub.e is ,sewettage seAv.ice, toad aP,ignments . . . P,eam an pnogtttam3 ane beginning to dovetiae. toward .i.mptementat io n. 122 02' un 410fen 46,41. Ali. 4952 Genenat Dac�c�Uon The tand uz e pattern o � the Funkstown Dist Act i.6 dominated by the mixed commeAc.i.a2 and nesidentiat coAAi,don deveeopment os U. S. Route 40 Fast (Duat Highway) , the Town ob Funks - town, the St. James Vit age area and two deveeoping industh.i.at parks on Fast Oak Ridge Dtri,ve and Shanpsbung Pike. South. o� I-70, both east and west of the Antietam, the .hand is in agxi.cuttutat use with .6catteAed tuaat nesidenti.at devetopment. To the noA h., subuhban expansion is 6.it2.ing in undeveeoped poxtionz of the Duat Highway coAA dote and HageAztown .service% ane being extended to meet the demand. Majora motet chains, seAvice .statZon/s and nestaunants have been attracted to the con- .i.don as it is Hagenstonw',s enhance atom the east. The Town o6 Funkstown ha/s not expehi.enced ,s gni6icant change as it is physicatZy bounded by the Antietam and the Conponate Limits o6 HageAztown. To the we3t of Funkstown, tnucFii.ng and wanehoud.ing gets witi boon dominate the Oak Ridge DAive cot(Aidon to ShanpzbuAg Pike. Phys.icai Features The ent iAe D-cs ttr ict -cs undetcta in by Zi.m es to ne and a oit s ane g ene wily productive. Land ,south o J 1-70 adjacent to Mten.nate U. S. Route 40 is .in agtc i.cuZtuxat use and /subject to dev e.Lo p- ment pressures. The Antietam Creek 6tows J om notcth to south through the area. HageAztown and Funkstown sewerage treatment p.ea.nts ane Zocated within a seveAat mite sthetch o J the cAeek and .incompZete waste treatment adveAzety a66ect6 water quat ty. A mobile home park. located .in the creek.'z JZoodpiai.n .in Funkstown is .inundated and damaged in every .intense .6torm. AU o6 the D-ust�,cct i.6 within the Antietam wateuhed. 723 ry - A �un9TcQ�du�n 124 H-ustot.ic Featunet5 Stone aAch btd dg n o v etc the Antietam, Funh�s town'.6 atc.c h tecutAe and cha tm, and hip - tottic dwe.2P,ing6 .located along the Nati.onat Pike heap to shape the chaAacten of the atea. Vatenc,ia, a beauti6ut 6atm with stone sttcuctuAets, has been included on the Nationae. Reg-istet. Socio - Eco nomic,s Income .in the Diztn.i.ct .v, teZativety high. In 1970, median houzehotd .income was $10,388, one o6 only Give ditsttuctt, .in .the County .in which the med.ia.n. exceeded $10,000. Oj mote than 550 bam,i 2i.ets, 6eweA than 50 axe below povetcty .revet statut6. Fmptoyment oppo&tu.niti m ate many and vatr i,ed. Though theAe atce no ma1ot .industtc i.at empto yews .in the Dizttict, accezzibi ity to Hagetustown and the s eveAare .indutstn.i,ae pa&U .in the mettr.opot tan area ane good. Ttanz pottatio n I ntetus tate .inteAchang els (U. S. 40 and S harps b ung Pike) have had z.ig n i6.icant impact on tand u/se .in the DistAi.ct, encoutcag.ing the coAAidot pattern and concenttcationts at the .inteAchangez. Oak Ridge Dti,i.ve w.c t .incneas e in .cmpottanct ass mote tAucki.ng otuiented indu6ttu:es tequit e it'.5 use and a by-pazz o� Funkstown witt be o6 incAeats.ing ptiox ty bot new covusttucti.on. Con- necti.onts with Route 40 to the New Community Atea to the north ate .inadequate to accomodate ptojected tta�jic inctcea�sets. Maes ttt.ansit servers only a pottion of the Route 40 cotti.dot and Fun(vstown. WateA and S elveh.ag e WateA and sewerage seAv.ice ,us e.ithet cuwctcevtiy avaiiabte of planned .in the neat butune to most o6 the .eand anew north o6 InteAstate 70. South, setv,ice is not p.eanned and with the exception o j expanded water s eAvice atceas along the Shanpsb ung Pike cost idot 125 ,qW9=�.';.. .; , r � �` •,.�, •ice *a 7C + _ ,_ . y t rep s a' Pubt i s Facc.P,i t ie/s and S etcvice s The atcea is senved by South. Nagetastown Nigh Schoot, E. Ru61sel. Ntich M.iddZe Schoot, and Funhtstown and Emma K. Doub EZementatuy SchooZs - F.ctce seAv.ice is ptov.i,ded by the Fu.nh�stown VotunteetL Company. The necentey acqu.itced Ditto Fahm Regionaf- Patck bondetus the DiztA.ict neoA the I-70 - 40 .inteAchange .in addition to the Funk6town Community Pak and ceose by, Doub',s Woody Pa k. Nousi!nq There ate cwvicent.y 1,600 hows.ing unite .in the Funhtsxown D.ustq i.ct o f which 120 on 70 Zack the cxiticae tequiAementts ob pZumbin.g and/o& centuV— heating systems. Pno1ected houaing demand i.6 .in tke range o� 1,300 unit6 ovetc the next twenty yeah petci.od. Gtcowth and Deve o ment Ttcencts Poputati..on .vs expected to .inctceaae by az many ass 4,000 by the yeatc 2000 with concen- ttationz .in the Route 40 contci.dox arcea. Growth.. n induatty and bu6.iness is expected to be ,s ig n ij.ica.nt. It .us pu j ected that the Funk a town and ea s ten.n pant o b the Chews v.i2,2.e D.us to i.ct6 wilt be the anea.6 o� gte.a.t"t growth and change ,in. wa6hington County ovetc the next twenty yeah paiod. PZant6 Both. Nageutown and Funha.town have tecentty adopted comptehens ive ptan6 .in addition to The Pta.n Fon. The County. A compoz.ite o6 .the ptanb and extiati..ng .land "e contADZ6 u6&ct the encoutca.gement o6 t.nten.6e gtowth at teZati.ve y high densitiez nox h o6 I-70, eapeciaU-y in the New Community Atea and the t outhetcn end o6 the Route 40 covtidon. 127 L L L L L L PRESENT LAND USE 3 0 3 6 9 A29.4,: D-A�Tx— ol 128 19";o� DATED FtDh 1�7� S D.A 128 PZanni ng Sec ton II Mid -County Area 1. LAND USE INVENTORY MAP II. LAND CAPABILITY MAPS III. BEAVER CREEK, BOONSBORO, SHARPSBURG, KEEDYSVILLE, TILGHMANTON, DOWNSVILLE 129 Planning Sector II HF LEGEND Floodue. w� Wooded Areas Power Transmission Lines Railroads - Zoning Districts Washington County Planning Commission Commercial Planning Sector III Washington County Planning Commission teave4 W2eepc Yolk. 2365 GeneAat Desi The Beaver Creek D.ustAi.ct -us of a Awtat, agnic.uttuAal and histotri.c natutce. The BeaveA Ueek VaUey .i.b ag&icuZtuAv24 one o j .the moat pxoductive axeas .in the County and most of the .land west o6 .the South Mountain Rooth Us is .in Aanm w6e. The D.czttic t extends to .the east to the cAest o j South Mountain. The ex,i,6ti.n.g Mt. Lena, Mt. Aetna, San Matt, and Beavex Cneeh. com- mun.i ti.ea axe the onty areas with a sembi nce o6 poputati.on concenthation and these at acattened, v etcy .low densities. Ph a.icat Featuxeh The Beaver. C%eek Valley -cis undex a in by Z mutone and doZom.i to on which deep, d e e ao.i& have. developed. The South Mountain area consiA.ta o j &eh.iatant quahtzd tes, steep, in - Set e .aoitz and mountain wash ovexta.ying the 600thi.M. The entiAe District is within the Beave)L Oteeh wateuhed, ttri.buta y o� the Antietam. Wate& quality o6 Seaveft Cheek ia excepti.ona Zy good and su6bunjace wateA i..s abundant in the VaUey. The I-70 coAAi.don though the D.ustAi.ct -cis espec aUy scenic with the .5taAk conttcrst o6 the natuna.l mountain and vattey envi onment6. H.vstatic Featukea Res,i.dentiat, fi=n and m.i U stituc tutu o6 s,ign,i6 ican t arch i tec www and Gu.6tot.icat value dominate the A scat .lands cape o6 the Dis tc ict . Socio -Economics Median househo.ed income was 1u/5t below the County median in 1970 at $8,741. 11.7 % o f the 6amiZi.es .in the Di6tnict have incomes below the poveAty ,level. Few employment oppoAtuniti.ea exist in the D.csttict; employment centeAz .in the HageAztown atcea ane very acce�szibte via .intetc.- s tate Gig hwa yes . 133 �A f ' f ' 4d1 �•` i _ - ice- . � 'r !' _ — - _ - ., �' • .�� Economic deve,eopment and tuidenti.at gtcowth to date have been .s.eow and the an.ea today mainta i -c t'.6 xutcae and d cen i.c natutce. The P.Pan Pon The County dezignatez mobt of the vattey AgAic.uttuAaE Pnezen.vati,on. Ag& cu tunaU-y ptoducti.ve, env.vconmenta.-y zensttive . The. BeaveA Cheek Va,P..Q.ey. 137 Qdna�a�a Ofa,t. J%/s. 3524 Genywt De,6chiption The Boon6bono Dint ict exte.nd.6 brom the Antietam Creek through a most productive agAicuXtutLat vaZtey, to the booth U-6 community ob Boonsboro to the wooded crest ob South Mountain. Poputation ob the D.ustAict -us concentrated .in the Town ob Boomboro but devetopment is spread Zi.neahty a.tong Attennate Route 40, both to the north and .6outh. and Route 66 to the north. Boonsboro iz the hub ob activity and 6eAv.icez .in the Distn.ict. Ph �s.icat Features Geo.tog y and z o.it s o6 the area vary maxkedty. From the nes.i 6tant Harpe&'s Phyt to and thin, .inbe tate so.i& ob South Mountain to the soZub.te and cavexnou-6 ti.me�stone and do.eom,ite ob the vattey, .timitation,6 on the use ob the env tonment are mani.6e6ted .in sensitive characteA- i'stics . The D.usth is i .res .tocated entixe,ty within the Antietam wate�ushed. Numelcows caves and productive spAing,6 ane bound in the vaP.,tey. H,iztoAi.c Featune�s Farm stnuctuxes nepre6entative ob .tate 18th and 19th century architectuxe, the Wash- ington Monument, and South Mountain Inn at Turnen',s Gap ane the pni,nci,pae. Wtokic beature6 ob the area. Socio -Economics Median hou.6ehoZd .income .in the DiztAict wa6 sti.ghtZy h,ighen than the County median .in 1970 at $8,955. A retativety .tow but 4t U signi6icant 9.20 ob the pope anon wa6 in an income bracket below poverty .teve,t. Fmptoyment oppontunitiez are pnov.ided by .tocatty oriented buaine66es and seAvice�s, Londontown Corponati.on and the Mahon. Marietta quaAAy at BenevoZa.. Mo,st Zoca.t emp.toyment iz in the Hagex6town Metropot tan area. 138 139 iS .. ' ' ally: ' �Ilt` 'n4 �. i;' k� � �' :• t i{ 4 � �I,; � a ! is � !•' ! -p `, S'rt. _'+ I, I,. �S ,� t+ t 11• i•• Itr. ' • tf, �� ��' 4.+ irk ! l,u i •'. k • iii 11 `I k m�.Qq• , S � �, `[}« � ,p �; / lam, ' �, J i . , S It,� °n, 14 rw� I 11'• I,. 139 PRESENT LAND USE Ak' 742 single - family residential . multi - family residential . commercial industrial public & semi -public BOONSBORO Washington county, maryland 3 G 3 Growth and DeveP.00ment Tnendis Boonsboro continues to grow at a moderate and steady nate and bon the 6i)L6t time, talrge scale nunat subdivizions ane being proposed in the A.Ptennate Route 40 coAAi.don. U. S. Steet ConpoAzWon ta.nd owneuhip .in the Diztkict iz s.igni6icant. The nature o6 cotponate speculation .vs otiented to the eventual necoveAy o6 the dolomite and ti.me�stone nesou ces ob the substAffta. The potentiat envitonmentat and .land use impact .us considenabte. Pians The Town o6 Boonsboro has %ecentty adopted a Comptehensive Ptan and ta.nd use contic. tz. The Pta.n Fon The County de6.ignatu much o6 the valley .eand as an Agnicu,2tunat Pne,Senve. 743 95kaodix",ky 1fa/. ,J0,0,4. 2095' Genywt. DescAipti.an The Shanpebutcg Dust t i.et iz chaAacte+c i.zed by the Antietam Nati.onaZ Battte4 i.e.ed, the hi,6ton is Town o6 Shanp,5 bung, the Potomac R.iveA and C 8 0 Canat Nationae. Hi6ton ic. Pcvrk, utPt i.ng open 6ahmtand, Antietam V.i,efage and Anti.em Cneek',s 6 ina.b trek to -c t',s eanizuence with the Potomac. Phy.6.ieaZ Features Appnox imateP.y 50% of the .ea.nd wxea .in the D.ustk i.et is unzw tabZe bon the eoncentk ted inistaUation of septic systems became o6 shattow .soils over toying t me,6tone, steep 6topes, 6toodptain,s and nock outen.oppings. The Za.nd mo -6t conducive to agnieuttuAa2 pnoduct%on ties immediatee.y to the nanth and south ob the Town a6 Shaxpsbuxg and in the vicinity o6 the Battee6.ietd. The .southeast ponti.an o6 the Dust ict .us geneAat y steep and wooded east of HanpeA',s FeAxy Road. H.c,6ton.ie Featutes The Shatpsbutcg area is a pnin.cipa2 h-istoxic attraction in the region. The attAaction nevoZves axound the Nationae Batt,2e6ietd and inceude,6 histokie sttuctuAa, the Bux" i,de Bxidge, Antietam Village, C 9 0 Canat, the Town o6 Sha psbung, and the Atv 1, scenic nature ob the area. Socio - Fco nomic.6 In 1970, the median houoehotd .income in the Shav6buAg atea was $81,153, beeow the County median. 9% o6 the tocat poputation was below prove ty tevet ,statues. Local empZoyment oppantunitie�s arse 4:im ted to .Grace. and to"m as,5ociated busineaz and 3etv.iees. Thexe a&e no majox .indu.stAiat empZoyeu in the area. r f& z -.I.- A 146 `- 1 ; CJ `lar/O�Veerly x.. •IT' f-. t L'.Y A 1 fV•1 �• is A R fr �� '' . nk, 1 ti'• a 146 `- Tt<an,spottatio n The atcea iz .setwed pn.imaAiiy by Shanpzbutcg Pike (Md. Rowe 65) and Md. Rouse 34. Othelt Woad,, ate .eocat in natutce and do not seAve xegionat acce,6,s 4unc tions . Maes tAan6 t eAves the community oney on a week,&y ba6is. W ateA and SeweAage The Town o4 Shattps butcg and the immediate env.ctwns hays pubti.c water .s eAvd ce. Sew- ett.age .service is punned 4on the community. The nemaindeA o4 the Diztttict -tis not planned bon zenvice. PubZi.c Facititie/s The Disttti.ct is ,served by the Shanp,,buAg EZementan.y School. and Boonsboro M-i.ddte and High Schools. Fixe service i6 provided by the ShaApsbutcg VotunteeA Company. Open space and outdoor necAeati.onat oppontunitim ate abundant with the Antietam Nati.ona- Batae�iee.d and C 6 O Canat Nationae H,tstoAic Pa,%k. Housin 410 o6 the housing uvuts in 1970 tacked the colica. %equi)Lement6 o6 ptu.mbing and/ot cent,tat heating systema. Pnojected demand bot new and teh.ab-c.Pit ted units overt the next toenty yearn total 250 unit6 . Growth and Deveeopment Trends Sevexai compaAati,veZy tattge-scaee tte6identiae 6ubdivisions have tecente.y been pno- posed .in the immediate Sharpsbutcg vicinity which wilt have the e�4ect, upon comp.-eti.on and 147 occupancy, o S vi tua tt y doubting the poputa #,i o n o j the Town and immediate to env i &ons . New petcmanent and .secondary homes occupy .targe Zot6 o n deve.top i.ng nuAa t Land in the D.i�st i.c i. The Shanpsburg and Keedyzvitte Dist .%cts cute increabing in poputa4ity as an area of n.uAzV- netAeat. PZans The Town oS Shanp.5buAg has tecentty adopted a Comprehensive P.tan which xecommends Limited .tow density growtk in the Town's vicinity. The P.tan. Fon The County des.cgnates much o b the .tared area in the Dizt i.c t as Agni.cu.ttuna t Pees eue. 148 EXISTING LAND USE SHE PREPARATION OF THIS MAP WAS FIRAN(YD IN PART SNRODGS A LVfPRFJteNSIVE P _IAG GAAN'r FRM INP DEPARTY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENP AS ADMINISTERED By THE "ARTWR] D®imE1T Or SEA= TIANNIe SOLRCE: WASeIAGION COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING QklQSS10N, EXISTING LAND USE MAPS, u. 1968: UPDATED FROM 1970 U'S. A. ABIAL PHOTOS AND FIELD CHEM 1973 5MARP50URU washington county, maryland 3 0 3 6 9 NOR hundreds of feeler 149 single - family residential Mmulti - family residential - commercial public & semi -public n vacant LAND USE SHE PREPARATION OF THIS MAP WAS FIRAN(YD IN PART SNRODGS A LVfPRFJteNSIVE P _IAG GAAN'r FRM INP DEPARTY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENP AS ADMINISTERED By THE "ARTWR] D®imE1T Or SEA= TIANNIe SOLRCE: WASeIAGION COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING QklQSS10N, EXISTING LAND USE MAPS, u. 1968: UPDATED FROM 1970 U'S. A. ABIAL PHOTOS AND FIELD CHEM 1973 5MARP50URU washington county, maryland 3 0 3 6 9 NOR hundreds of feeler 149 ,wyAMan10" (f6l. delt. 8689 G enelca e Dee SJ tion The T i tg hmanto n Dts ter i.c i is s ubs to nt i att y nunat in nature and .us chanactetr i.zed by the otden communities ob Lappana, T.itghmanton and Fainptay which ane on.iented to the Shanps- bung Pike. Faam.ing; i.6 the paineipat use ab the .Cand, though many ob the exiating banms ane o my mang.ina.Uy pnoduc ti v e, ea pec.caUy west 06 S harps b ung Pike. Phys.ieat Featunea Appnowimate2y 50% ab the Land area is pn.ime bon agnicuUu&at pnoducti.on. The area is undeAtai,n by timestone. The depth ob so..P6 van.ia eona.idenabty and abbeets agnicu,etutat capabiZity and su.itab-c,P,ity bon septic system .instaZtati,on. (Appnoximatety 400 ob the .hand area is not a u.i tabte) . The D.ustAict dna i nes to too waters heda , Mans h Run and Antietam Creek. Genera ty, Shanpsbung Pike .us the divide between the two wate&sheds. Soc i.o-Fconomic.5 Median household .income, .in 1970, was highest ob any Sectan II Di.6t ici at $9,123, and the peAcentag e o6 bamit i.es b e ow po v en iy tev et income lowest .in the Seaton at 8.7%. Mast employment .is in the Hageutown metxopotitan area, aceess.i.bte by Shanpsbung Pike. Employment oppontuni is pnov-i.ded by the Maryland CoA&ectional Institution, toeated .in the northern pant ob the D.sstn.iet, ane s.ign,ib.%ea.nt. Trans porta tion Majora highways seAv.ing the DthtAi.et .include Md. 65 (Shanpsbung P.ike), Md. 68, Md. 63, and BakensviUe Road. The g1ii.d pattern o' major highways has nesutted .in the scattered deveZcpment patteAn ob sma t nunae. communities. The Ddsttcict ,is not served by mass tna".it. 154 wate>c and Selvet=e The onty pubtic utiei is exizting .in the D.czttict .6enve the Maxytand CoiAectionaZ In.6t tuti.on. CentAae wateA sy6term axe punned on.ey 6on .5evetat .eand paxceU bon which deve2op- ment .vs pnopoz ed. Pubt is Facit t i u and S en.vicu Schooiz .6eh.v.ing the T.itghmanton Di6tA .ct .inceude Fountain Rock Etementaxy, and wit- tiampont M,iddte and High Schootz. Fite .senv.ice .us pnov.ided by the Fain tea.y VoZunteen Company, and paxhs .include the D.usttict 12 Community Paxk and a ponti,on of the C 6 0 Cana.2 Nation, H.ustonic Park. Hou6 ng 250 of the ho" ing units in the Diztni.ct tack the cxiticaZ nequ,ixementa o4 pZumbing and/o,% centnat heating sy6tem.6. Ptu, jecti.on,s 6orc nein and tehab,i Z,i tated hows.ing demand oven a twenty yeah peA iod totae move than 600 units. Gnowth and Deve.2opment Tnend,6 New r,.unat z ubd.ivizio nz o6 poxent%.aZtEy s ig ni6 icant impact axe b B ing pno pops ed in the Diztni.ct. Because ob tkeix pnox.cm.ity to Hagexatown area employment centetcs, incnea.6ing banm .ea.nd pnica and the dui&ab.c Uty o6 the nuna2 environment, it .ia expected tkat deveeopment pne,6.6uxe witt continue at a high .bevel .in both the T.itghmanton and Downv.itte D"txict,s. Future ptanz Son the bedena ty owned Font Ritchie Site B Zocated .in the .5outheAn pant o6 the DistAict may .injZuence gtowth and development o6 the axea. PtMvs The Ptan Fon The County designates much o6 the Zand axea Agnicu,PtuxaZ Pnese)Lve. 755 • i �}tom �_ ll i ` � ii �, r . � . _ - � � _ ,�"' �� ; `, _ ` � tit r : - _ • �[..1jY,}� . ` �' �a ` � .10 110, 1,`` �� �� �'"}r •A. 1'j� }� � ••,.. ��h1 iii. .,j+11 fL` S,, �, " 0 :• s eo i� D �1. w 156 r� J !7acvnQvilie 1 6411 (. JPdl. 1477 Genetcae Desc�,i.pti.on The Downsv-iUe D-csttcict is totaUy tutcaZ in natutce. AU mads in the atcea except JatyZand 63 lead to and tetcm-i.nate at the Potomac R,i.veA and CSO Canat Path. The Dizttri,ct iz substanti,aUy in agticuPtu/tat use and the only popu&,i.on concent4ati.on is the uwincotpotated v,i Q &g e o6 Downs v.i Ue . Sevvwt s pottsmen's ceubs and campgtounds ate .located neat the t ive)L, including the Potomac Fish and Game Ctub. Physicat Peatunes Substrata in the D-csttc,i.ct con,6 sts of tP.imelstones and shale neoA the x veA. Soitz developed on ti,mestone ate gene&a.Uy veAy ptcoducti.ve and soiU on sha,,-'e ate geneAaUy wooded and agt,%cu.?tutcaUy unptroducti.ve. The atea is substantiaUy within the Potomac RiveA wateAshed, with the exception o4 an cAea ,in the southeaste/,n palm of the D.rstkict which is in the Marsh Run watetcshed. The natutre o� the geo&gic subst ato te/suLts in envi/ onmentai senzitivity to devetop- ment with septic systems in much o� the at ea. Hi,stot is 1=eatunes H-cstoticaU-y and a Lchitect AaU-y vae L b2.e Oat m s;U uctuAe,6, and the CSO Canat ate outstanding �eatuAes o� the D,isttiict. 157 Soc i.o-Economicls Median househotd income was, in 1970, signi6icantf-y ZoweA than the County median . . . $7068 compared to $8800. Eteve t peAcent oU the D.ustki.ct's 6amiti.ez were below poverty .levee s Latus . Emp.toyment is ontiented to the Hage utown a tea and agn i,cuZtune. Trans portat io n Pn,imany highways se&v.ing the oAea .inctude on.ey MoAyZand 632-Down6viUe Pike and Marytand 63. Mass ttcan6 t does not seAve the nun.at D.ustAi.ct. platen and Sewerage No putt i.c water on s eweAag e bac ZitZes s enve, on cute p.ea.nned to s enve the area. Pub.e i.c Fac c,2,ifii,es and Se vices S cho otz s e)Lv.ing the Dii to ict .inctude Fountain Rock and W ittiams port Etementaxy b cho ot,6 , and WiLUamspant M.iddZe and High Schoo.es. FiAe seAv.ice is pnov.ided by the p1itti.am6port Votunteen Company and paAks include the to cad. Downs vit to Community Pak and the C90 Cana.2 Natio nal. Hiz to tic Pa&k . Housing This D.cstxict has the highest percentage o f housing units tacking cA tic.ae requ ihe- ments . . . more than hatj . . . 520. Growth and Deve.topment Trends Popuiati.on .in Down.6vi to has neax4 doubted since 1950, and today the growth rate appeau to be .incneas.ing . 158 L P&n's The Plan bon the County daignatu New Community devetopment newt the existing Down6- v.iPie community. No in�Aast.uctune ha,, been hubsequentZy pXanned ion it,6 -imptementati.on. L L L 759 160 i A z'2j� 1 • � 7 4TP a3� 2103! 71A4 — — 2104 ` O 2105 e 24 10 zosa r I _ • OG, 2012 r 2 _ 4