HomeMy WebLinkAbout881025 October 25, l988 Hagerstown, Maryland 21740 The Regular Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Washington County was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by the President Ronald L. Bowers with the following members present: Vice President Richard E. Roulette, and Commissioners R. Lee Downey, Linda C. Irvin and Martin L. Snook. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner Snook, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag by the full assemblage. REQUEST TO IMPROVE LANDIS AND DAY ROADS Carrie and Milton Stamper appeared before the Commissioners to request that Landis and Day Roads be improved. The Stampers will be developing land along these roads and have agreed to participate in the cost of needed improvements and also to provide necessary right-of-way. Glenn Dull, County Engineer, stated that the improvements would cost approximately $80,000 for 800'-900' of road construction and utility relocation. Mr. Dull recommended that Milcar Construction pay 25% of the costs. The Commissioners told the Stampers they would let them know when they made a decision later in the day. BOARD/COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Roulette reported on the Ad Hoc Committee formed to study animal husbandry operations and stated that the amendments to the proposed ordinance will go beyond editorial changes and that another public hearing will be readvertised and held after the ordinance is amended; Commissioner Irvin reported on the Transportation Commission meeting; Commissioner Downey reported on the Fire & Rescue Communications Advisory Board meeting and the Alcohol and Druge Abuse Advisory Council; and Commissioner Snook reported on the Transportation Advisory Committee meeting and the Parks Commission meeting. IMPACT FEE STUDY COMMITTEE Keller Nigh, Chairman of the Impact Fee Study Committee, along with Vice-Chairman Chip Snyder, and members Tim Keener, Paul Roth and Marie Lehman, appeared before the Commissioners to further discuss the Impact Fee Study presented at last week's meeting. The Study Committee recommended that the Commissioners name another group to review revenue sources, including impact fees, and also to develop an Adequate Facilities Ordinance and Capital Finance Committee. Mr. Nigh informed the Commisisoners that the Committee would be happy to meet in a joint session with the County Commissioners and the Washington County Delegation to the General Assembly if the Commissioners decide to request enabling legislation. BID OPENING - GASOLINE, DIESEL FUEL AND MOTOR & INDUSTRIAL OILS The bids for gasoline, diesel fuel and motor and industrial oils for the Roads Department were publicly opened. Due to the complexity of the bids, they were not read aloud but were available for inspection in the Purchasing Office. Firms participating in the bidding were as follows: Southern States Co-op; Jackson Oil Corporation; A.C.& T.; Dryden Oil Company; Metallgesellschaft Corporation; Skyline Oil, Inc.; Hardell Corporation; Ewing Oil and Solliday Sales, Inc. The bids will be reviewed by appropriate officials prior to a decision being rendered. BID OPENING - 3/4 TON 4-WHEEL DRIVE PICKUP One bid was received for the 3/4 ton 4-wheel drive pickup truck for the Landfill and was publicly opened and read aloud. The firm participating in the bidding was Martin Truck who submitted a bid of $l4,893. The bid will be reviewed by appropriate officials prior to a decision being rendered. (Decision rendered later in this Session.) BID AWARD - WHEEL TRACTOR SCRAPER Motion made by Commissioner Irvin, seconded by Downey to award the bid for the wheel tractor scraper to be used at the Landfill to Alban Tractor who submitted the low and only bid of $25l,065. Unanimously approved. UPDATE RZ-402 - FLOODPLAIN ORDINANCE Richard Parks, Director of Planning & Review, appeared before the Commissioners to update them on the Floodplain Ordinance and to review changes to be made to the Ordinance. REZONING CASE RZ-345 Tim Lung, Associate Planner, appeared before the Commissioners to update them on Rezoning case RZ-345, a PUD overlay on an existing RU zoning. Mr. Ausherman, the applicant, has submitted an alternate proposal on the access road leading to the planned development. Mr. Lung also informed the Commissioners that County Engineer Glenn Dull feels that the 20' width that Mr. Ausherman will be utilizing for his access road is insufficient. The Commissioners stated that they could not support the concept due to problems associated with access, including drainage, and requested that another plan for access be submitted. OCTOBER 25, l988 MINUTES, CONT'D. BID AWARD - SEWER EXTENSION TO AIRPORT TERMINAL Motion made by Commissioner Snook, seconded by Irvin to award the bid for the sewer extension to the Airport Terminal to Fayetteville Contractors who submitted the low bid of $ll7,l46.l0. Unanimously approved. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING - MARYLAND HISTORICAL TRUST Motion made by Commisssioner Snook, seconded by Roulette to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Maryland Historical Trust on the Herman-Schindel Farm which requires that an archeological survey be conducted, a marketing plan be developed for the farm house for renovation and public use in place or removal and renovation, and if this marketing plan is not successful, to have a recorded demolition. Unanimously approved. APPLICATION - MARYLAND CONSERVATION CORPS Motion made by Commissioner Roulette, seconded by Snook to approve submittal of an application to the Maryland Conservation Corps for a summer crew to perform stabilization of 850' of stream bank and upgrading of l500' of the nature trail at Devil's Backbone Park, with the County to provide transportation and equipment. Unanimously approved. I & A SEWER APPLICATION Motion made by Commissioner Snook, seconded by Roulette to submit an application for an I & A sewer grant for approximately $6250 to install a sand mound system in the Boonsboro area. Unanimously approved. BOND COUNSEL APPOINTMENT Motion made by Commissioner Snook, seconded by Roulette to accept the proposal submitted by Miles & Stockbridge to act as the County's bond counsel for the upcoming bond issue for the fee of $l0,000 plus expenses. Unanimously approved. BID AWARD - 3/4 TON 4-WHEEL DRIVE PICKUP Motion made by Commissioner Roulette, seconded by Snook to award the bid for the 3/4 Ton 4-wheel drive pickup truck for the Landfill to Martins Truck who submitted the low bid of $l4,800. Unanimously approved. MEETING CHANGE The Commissioners decided to meet on Monday, November 7 since November 8 is the Election Day Holiday. SIDEWALKS - NORTHERN AVENUE Motion made by Commissioner Snook, seconded by Roulette to have sidewalks constructed on Northern Avenue from the IBM property to Foutaindale Elementary School for the approximate cost of $25,000 with funds to be taken from the Fund Balance. Unanimously approved. CONVENE IN EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion made by Commissioner Roulette, seconded by Snook to convene in Executive Session at l2:00 noon in regard to personnel, property and potential litigation in accordance with Section l0.508 of the State Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland. Unanimously approved. RECONVENE IN REGULAR SESSION Motion made by Commissioner Roulette, seconded by Irvin to reconvene in Regular Session at l:25 p.m. Unanimously approved. IMPROVEMENT OF LANDIS AND DAY ROADS Motion made by Commissioner Roulette, seconded by Snook to proceed with the improvement of Landis and Day Roads with Milcar Construction to participate by contributing the right-of-way necessary for the project plus 25% of the construction costs, not to exceed $20,000. Unanimously approved. EMPLOY SECRETARY II - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Motion made by Commissioner Downey, seconded by Roulette to employ Kelly Ausherman as Secretary Ii in the Economic Development Commission office. Unanimously approved. TRANSFER - ADMINISTRATIVE ENGINEER - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Motion made by Commissioner Roulette, seconded by Snook to transfer Dean Lowry from the Roads Department to fill the existing vacancy in the Engineering Department as Administrative Engineer. Unanimously approved. OCTOBER 25, l988 MINUTES, CONT'D. EMPLOY PLANNING DRAFTER Motion made by Commissioner Roulette, seconded by Snook to employ Bonnie Lewis as Planning Drafter at Grade 6, Step E in the Planning Department to fill an existing vacancy. Unanimously approved. EMPLOY PART-TIME BUS DRIVERS Motion made by Commissioner Irvin, seconded by Roulette to employ Bobbie Jean Frederick and Albert Mallott as Part-time Bus Drivers to fill existing vacancies. Unanimously approved. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING - WASHINGTON COUNTY REGIONAL PARK Motion made by Commissioner Roulette, seconded by Irvin to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Hagerstown for annexation of the Washington County Regional Park into their corporate limits with the understanding that the Regional Park will be exempt from all City permit and review procedures. Unanimously approved. ACCEPTANCE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY - LAKE FAIRPLAY ESTATES Motion made by Commissioner Roulette, seconded by Snook to accept the dedication of right-of-way from property owners of Lake Fairplay Estates, Section l, Plat Records 583 and 583A, to allow the County to improve the roadway and bring it into the County road system. Unanimously approved. RECESS The Meeting was recessed at l:30 p.m. for lunch. AFTERNOON SESSION The Afternoon Session was convened at 2:l0 p.m. by the President Ronald L. Bowers with the following members present: Vice President Richard E. Roulette and Commissioners R. Lee Downey, Linda C. Irvin and Martin L. Snook. CDBG RESOLUTION Motion made by Commissioner Roulette, seconded by Downey to authorize submitting a Maryland Small Citites CDBG-Economic Development application to the Department of Economic & Employment Development for at least $500,000 for l989 for roads, water and sanitary sewer for an economic development project. Unanimously approved. CONVENE IN EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion made by Commissioner Roulette, seconded by Irvin to convene in Executive Session at 2:l5 p.m. in regard to personnel matters in accordance with Section l0.508 of the State Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland. Unanimously approved. RECONVENE IN REGULAR SESSION AND ADJOURN Motion made by Commissioner Irvin, seconded by Downey to reconvene in Regular Session at 3:40 p.m. and adjourn. Unanimously approved. County Attorney , Clerk